Rocked in the Light (2 page)

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Authors: Clara Bayard

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

BOOK: Rocked in the Light
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One I closed the door of my room my shoulders finally relaxed for real. I’d been so nervous about running into anyone, being caught fleeing. Now I was safe. I dropped my clothes on the floor and went in to run a bath. The silence was wonderful, even though my whole body was still on edge from the endorphins that had been rushing through me during the show.

By the time I washed my face and pulled my hair back, the sunken tub was full and I climbed into the steaming mass of fragrant bubbles with a sigh.

I stretched out my limbs and rested my head against the cool, tiled wall. But instead of peace and serenity, I felt…empty. I’d wanted to get away from everyone and everything, but now that I was utterly alone, it was kind of horrible. I lay there for a long time, staring at the ceiling and trying to calm down and enjoy the soothing water, but I couldn’t.

I should have been out celebrating. Living it up, enjoying my success and the knowledge than years of hard work had paid off, big time.

“So why are you sitting in a bathroom moping like you got stood up by your prom date,” I asked the empty room. It didn’t have an answer, and neither did I, really. Was I just being a brat? Pouting about the camera crew for no good reason? No one else seemed to be that bothered, and I couldn’t help but wonder if I was the problem. As much as it filled me with dread to think about a bunch of strangers following me around all the time and taping everything I did, was it really such a high price to pay? Was it worth being miserable over? No. After everything I’ve given up to get here, a little privacy was nothing.

I sighed deeply at sat up, brushing suds from my arms and shoulders. Through the window I could see the Strip, and imagined I could almost pick out the lights of the arena in the distance. Dream Defiled would be done their set by now. After a quick few minutes backstage to rehydrate and change out of sweaty clothes they’d be meeting VIP members of the audience, drinking and chatting and generally feeling like kings.

And I was by myself.

“This is bullshit.”

I jumped out of the tub and climbed into the shower stall. Scrubbed myself clean and washed my hair fast. No way was I going to miss the party. My fucking party. I earned it. And I’d be damned if I let any of the people who’d let me down know that they got to me.

After toweling off and squeezing most of the moisture out of my long, red locks I threw on something sexy and shoved anything I could think of into a purse, cursing myself all the time.

Finally I was ready. After a last quick glance in the mirror I opened the door, ready to face the world. Or so I thought.

But what I saw in the hallway made me want to run back into the bathroom and hide. Rick stood there, scowling, hand curled into a fist and raised to knock.

We stood there gaping at each other for a moment, surprised. And before my brain could process anything important, I was dumbfounded by his appearance. Shirt molded to every rippling muscle, dripping with sweat, his face red and stubbled. Like a sculpture of masculine perfection. Except for the expression.

“Fuck, Julia,” he said, glaring.

That made everything come rushing back, tamping down my libido long enough to let my brain remind me I hated him. “Get the hell out of here, Rick. I told you, I never want to speak to you again.”

He shoved past me into my room. “I don’t give a shit.”

“Of course you don’t, you selfish prick,” I shouted, slamming the door, ready to do battle. “You don’t care about anything.”

He spun around and stomped back over to me, backing me against the door. “If that were true, I wouldn’t be here, sweetheart.”

“Don’t you dare come in here acting like you’re the injured party, asshole. You betrayed me.”

“I…” he paused, looking baffled. “I what?”

“You heard me. You did. All of you did. Acted like my friends, like we’re all cool. And then just lie, never say a word.”

He shook his head slowly. “I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about.”

“Liar. Maybe I can’t do anything about the reality show but I sure as hell don’t have to pretend to like the people who set me up.”

“Julia, stop. I don’t know what you mean. What reality show?”

“The camera crew. The ones filming everything for the whole tour.”

“You mean the concert film guys?”

“No! It’s more than that and you know it. They’re gonna be making a TV show or a web series or some shit, I don’t even…” Some of the anger drained out of me as I realized I didn’t even know for sure what the footage was going to be used for. I’d been so busy screaming at my mother for agreeing to it that I had forgotten to find out what exactly she’d signed me up for.

“I don’t know anything about that,” Rick said, his voice softer now.

“You don’t?”


“But then why didn’t you say anything when I yelled at you?”

He arched an eyebrow. “Which time?”

A hint of a smile made my lip twitch. “When I said I never wanted to speak to you again.”

He shrugged and stepped back. “I figured it was just your excuse for doing what you said weeks ago.”

“Huh?” I crossed my arms in front of me, confused.

“You said we’d be together until the tour started and now it’s started, so I figured we were over.”

Things clicked into place. “That’s why you were so short with me when I came to your dressing room.”

Rick nodded.

“Well, shit.” I looked into his eyes and saw nothing that suggested he was lying. “Then what are you doing here?”

“When we came offstage Matthew told me you left. I…I wanted to see if you’re okay.”


He walked over to the window and looked out. “No, not really. I mean, yeah, partially. But really I just needed to tell you something and it couldn’t wait.”

“Couldn’t wait? You look like you ran over here right from the show.”

“I did. The guys are going to fucking kill me. But I had to be here as soon as possible. If I’d known before our set I would have skipped out.”

That shocked me so much I sagged back against the wall. “What? I don’t understand. What could possibly be that important?”

He approached me again, limbs tight and eyes full of intensity. When he reached me he wrapped his hand around the back of my neck and made me meet his gaze. “Listen to me, I want to make myself very clear.”

I swallowed hard. “Okay.”

He leaned in close enough that I could feel the heat radiating off of him and smell that unique scent he gave off.

“You’re the most infuriating woman I’ve ever met, Julia Clark. If I was the kind of cowardly shithead to hit a woman I would have decked you a dozen times by now. Every time I see you I don’t know if we’re going to fight or fuck or both.

“And goddamn me if I don’t love that. Live for it. You hate me one minute, you want me the next, and I don’t even care. You could break every window in my car tomorrow and then curl up in my lap and I wouldn’t be surprised. So I don’t care if you’re mad, or why. Because you make me crazy. In the best way ever and I am not letting you go.”

My mouth dropped open and a squeaky, “What?” is all that came out.

“You’re mine, Jules. Every sexy crazy inch of you. And as long as we’re in the same place you’re gonna be in my arms and in my bed. So you might as well just get used to it.”

In the back of my mind my common-sense was screaming objections and reasons. But I ignored it. Because the rest of me. Brain, heart and burning core all knew the truth. That Rick was right. Somehow in between being unable to decide if I wanted to kiss or strangle him, I’d gotten hooked. It wasn’t romantic or like anything I’d ever dreamed of, but it was right. It was us. And so I kissed him. Hard and deep and rough. Shoving every thought in my head away and telling the truth in ways my words never could.


After a kiss that left us both breathless, I took Rick’s hand and pulled him over toward my bed.

“I’m sweaty and stinky,” he muttered while unzipping my pants.

“I noticed. Don’t care.” I climbed up onto the bed and wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Kind of tired, too. Just finished a show.” He grinned and reached up under the back of my shirt to unhook my bra.

“Ditto. Very sleepy.” I leaned down and licked along the stubbled line of his jaw.

Rick groaned and pulled away long enough to help me twist out of my shirt and bra. Still fully clothed, he set me down on my back in the middle of the bed and stood over me. “Best view in town.”

I smiled. “You’re such a romantic, Rick.”

“Shut up, Julia.” He bent over and ran a finger down over my mouth, chin and neck. Then slid it down between my breasts and over my belly button. Grazing the swell of my stomach he kept going, dancing over my mound. His touch was light, but affected me deeply, even through the fabric of my jeans and panties. He lingered along the seam of my pants, over my core for a while before reversing direction and heading back toward bare skin. That single digit made every nerve-ending in my body sing as it traced back up, veering to one side to circle the soft roundness of one breast, spiraling inward to reach the pebbled tip.

He circled still, teasing the sensitive skin until my back arched. “Just relax. Let me take you.”

I shook my head and sat up, smiling. “Not this time. I’m too keyed up.”

Rick’s hand cupped a breast. “Then, what do you want?”

I shifted and turned, pushing his chest to make him lay back. “You relax.”

“All right.”

I grinned wickedly and straddled him, loving the way his eyes scanned from my face down to my chest and back again as if he couldn’t decide which he liked better. There’s nothing hotter than a man who adores your body, and behind his gaze I could see burning desire. My mind was still reeling from the last few days. Going from happy to angry to sad to aroused, it left me jittery and I knew just how to discharge it.

Tossing my head to move my hair behind my shoulders, I ran my hands down the sides of my body and then up again, cupping my breasts the way he had, feeling their plump, soft weight. Rick’s eyes went wide and his hands gripped my thighs.

I licked my lips and slipped from his grasp, sliding backwards on the bed. I unzipped my jeans and raised a leg. He took the hint and pulled off my shoe and then tugged my pants down. After repeating the maneuver on the other side I was clad only in a pair of tiny panties.

Resettling again on Rick’s thighs, I spread my legs and ran my hands up over my ankles and around my calves, over my knees and up my thighs.

He groaned and reached for me, but I slapped his hands away. “Be good.”

Rick smirked. “I always am, sweetheart.”

Cocky bastard. But I couldn’t disagree. “Fine. Be patient.”

He shrugged and rolled his fingers in a gesture for me to continue. I arched an eyebrow and slid my hand down inside my panties. As my fingers raked through the damp curls Rick tensed under me. I caressed my sex lightly, barely grazing, and let out a low moan.

Faster than I could really process, he was in motion. “Enough.” Rick grabbed me and pulled me up close. His arousal strained the confines of his pants and his lips crashed into mine. His mouth devoured me, lips and teeth and tongue sucking and nipping and tasting. I dragged his shirt off over his head and ran my hands across the wide expanse of his back.

Nestled in his lap I rubbed against him, enjoying the rasp of soft satin against denim. I rocked my hips over and over again as we kissed, driving myself wild.

Rick pushed a finger inside me, and finding me moist and ready, he groaned.

I chuckled and shoved him back again. But before he could protest I tugged his jeans down over his hips, freeing his erection.

“Now what?” he asked, voice husky.

“Now this.” I fumbled for a condom and opened the packet quickly before rolling it down over his length. Hot and hard, his flesh jumped at my touch. I placed him at my entrance and slid down smoothly, slowly, enjoying the stretch and slide. He groaned as my walls gripped him. With my hands on his shoulders I sighed, letting him in deeper and deeper. Our gazes locked together and in the intense silence the only thing I heard was breathing and the soft sound of skin gliding over skin.

After taking a long moment to enjoy the feeling, I shifted my hips and began to rock back and forth. The motion made my insides coil tightly. I tucked my face into Rick’s neck and bit down lightly right between where his pulse pounded and the first swirl of the tattoos that covered his strong back.

“Jesus,” he swore with a hiss of pain and pleasure. It seemed to electrify him and suddenly it wasn’t about me taking control anymore. Rick’s hands held my hips tight. His chest pushed hard against mine and my nipples were tickled by the soft down covering him.

I bit my lower lip as he bucked against me. Our bodies warred with each other, teeth scraping and fingers digging in. It was a delicious battle with no loser.

The coil of desire deep inside me wound tighter and tighter as we rocked together and then exploded. I screamed something unintelligible and dug my nails into Rick’s shoulders where there were still tiny half-moon scars from another intense session.

He growled and drove in me again and again, harder. His lips found my neck and he sucked. I knew there’d be a hickey there and I didn’t care. As we climaxed together in a tangle of limbs and skin and heat, marking each other ferociously, I wondered why I’d wasted a single second before making this happen. How I could have ever thought of denying myself this man. His voice and his touch. His strength and intensity. They were everything I never knew I wanted and I couldn’t get enough.

As our sweat-slicked skin cooled in the hotel air I shivered. Rick disentangled us and we collapsed on our backs. He tugged a sheet over us and rolled onto his side to look at me silently for a while. I shut my eyes and breathed deeply, content, but not entirely sated.

“You know,” Rick said as he ran a finger over my bare shoulder, “We’re supposed to be at a party right now.”

“Mm-hmm. We can get dressed and go, if you want.”

“It would be the sociable and professional thing to do.”

I nodded and ran my hand over the ridges of muscles covering his stomach and then further down to wrap around him. “Up to you…”

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