Rogue (Bad Blooded Rebel Series) (10 page)

BOOK: Rogue (Bad Blooded Rebel Series)
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Kris interrupted my thoughts. “Well,
speaking of a good time, where are the other two lovers? Aren’t they here yet?”

I shook my head. “No, you three are the
first ones to get here.”

Jessie grinned. “They should have been
here first since they left the hotel before we did,” she said, smiling at Kris.

Ryder looked at me and smiled. “See? I
told you,” he said, and I grinned. Despite everyone’s light mood, I was still
worried about Danni. I don’t care what she or anyone else said it was obvious
that she was already falling hard for Beau and I prayed he wasn’t going to
break her heart.

After everyone took their coats off and
I hung them in the closet by the door we went into the living room and sat
down. Jude was in the middle of telling a story about taking shots off a girl’s
stomach when I heard the front door open.

“Hey, we’re here!” I heard Danni shout.

I scooted away from my spot next to
Ryder on the couch and tried to stand. He grabbed my arm and tried to pull me
back next to him. “Hey, where are you going?” he asked.

“I was just going to greet Danni and
Beau. I’ll be right back,” I said, attempting to stand again but he tugged
harder and I fell into his chest.

Smiling that damn sexy smile at me, he
called out, “We’re in here!” and I giggled. “I’m sure they can find us,” he
said, and kissed my nose and making me giggle. “I love when you do that.”

“Do what?” I asked, looking into his
blue eyes and feeling like I was getting lost.

“Giggle,” he said, running his fingers
up and down my spine. “It’s nice to see you smile, gorgeous.”

I sighed. “It feels good to smile,” I
said, and then I leaned in and kissed his perfect lips. We spend the rest of
the afternoon hanging out together in my living room and I had a blast getting
to know all the guys and Jessie, who was already becoming a girl I knew I would
love forever. Kris was obviously the moral compass of the group and seemed to
have his shit together despite being raised by his abusive alcoholic father.
Jessie had her own demons from growing up in different foster homes but she’d
seemed to rise above it and now was happily engaged to the man she’d loved
since childhood. They made a perfect couple.

Despite my worries, Beau was actually a
very sweet and charming guy. If women didn’t fall for him on looks alone his
personality had them eating out of his hands. What I think I loved about him
most was the way he looked when he talked about his younger sister, Sadie. She
was only fourteen when the band hit it big and she’d stayed behind in
Cincinnati with their mother. Beau’s father was a drug addict that was never
around so it had always been up to him to care for Sadie when their mom was out
at a bar or wrapped around some man.

Beau was so proud of her…Sadie was already
in her senior year of college and was majoring in music production. She’d hoped
to eventually be a record producer and maybe produce one of Bad Blooded Rebels
albums but I was pretty sure she would have been able to do that without a
degree. Beau, however, wasn’t about to let her miss out on getting an education
so he told her to apply to her first choice college. When she was accepted (I
had a suspicion that he made sure she got in no matter what), he paid for all
four years up front and even her living expenses so she wouldn’t need to worry
about anything. He may be a total player, but as a brother, Beau Cavanaugh was

Jude was obviously the clown/party
animal of the group and any town they ended up in he found the nearest bar or
club looking for a good time. Being a famous bass player in one of the biggest bands
in the world made finding a good time an easy thing for him. He wouldn’t have
needed his fame to get girls because he was actually a very gorgeous guy.

He had that total bad boy look down with
his mohawk, multiple tattoos, and big muscles but what I think got to me was
his eyes. His eyes were a light hazel and would change depending on his mood or
even what he was wearing. They were very intoxicating and it was easy to see
how a girl could be hypnotized by them. Despite his wild personality and
addiction to women and partying, deep down he was a very sweet guy and a fierce
protector of those he loved. This really was a family and I was honored to have
been taken in by these guys with no question.


Chapter 7








It was amazing to see how Everleigh had
fit so seamlessly into my life…especially after only one week. The guys in the
band loved her like a sister and Jessie already had taken a liking to her and
Danni as well. If there was any girl in the world someone needed to impress in
order to get an in with one of us it was her.

Before we’d all realized it the sun was
setting and it was getting dark out. I know I had lost track of time just
getting to hang out in a regular house with my friends like a normal person.
Ever since I’d met her, Everleigh had given me a sense of normalcy that I was
desperately craving. She was so humble and grounded and I loved her so much for
that. I hope that being in such a public relationship with me would never
change that.

“Dude, we should go out tonight,” Jude
said, patting his full stomach. We’d all just finished a big dinner that
Everleigh insisted on cooking for us with Danni and Jessie. She’d made
meatloaf, homemade mashed potatoes, sweet corn, and buttered rolls. The girl I
was going to end up needing to hit the gym hard if she kept cooking like this.

I shook my head at him and he groaned.
“No fucking way, man. Everleigh wanted the day to be quiet and the last thing
she needs is to be at some sweaty club.”

Everleigh walked across the kitchen
toward me and slid a hand around my shoulder. “Hold on, Ryder. That might not
be a bad idea,” she said, and I whipped my head around.

“Yes! Awesome! Let’s do this shit!” Jude
said loudly, slapping the table with both hands.

“Jude, shut up,” I said to him. I tugged
on Everleigh’s arm until she was sitting on my lap. “Evie, I thought you wanted
to stay in and hide away from the world for the day,” I said, rubbing her back.

She shrugged. “I know that, but I guess
I am starting to get a case of cabin fever myself. Yesterday was one of the few
times I left my house all week and I suddenly feel the need to let off some

I furrowed my brows. “I don’t know,” I
said. “It’s only been one day since-”

Everleigh placed a finger to my lips.
“Ryder, I promise I’m fine. I want to get out of the house with everyone…maybe
not at a busy club but somewhere.”

“We could go to the Red Dog,” Danni

“Red Dog?” Jude asked.

“It’s a bar that serves food and stuff,”
she answered.

Everleigh shook her head. “No, I don’t
want to go there.”

“Well, then, what about 7-6-5?” Danni
asked. “It’s a fairly new club that opened up on the north end of town and I’ve
been dying to go.”

“That place is always busy,” she said,
biting her lip, “but I’d actually love to check it out too. Do you think John
and his guys can protect us from anyone that wants to mess with you?” Everleigh
asked me.

“I’m sure he could, but-”

“Ryder, it’s okay. Really. I haven’t
been able to go out in such a long time. Please?” she asked, slightly pouting.

Despite my reservations, I looked into
those breathtaking brown eyes and relented. “Okay. Anything you want,
gorgeous,” I said, and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

Pulling me into a hug, she whispered
into my ear, “Thank you rock star.”

When she pulled back and lightly kissed
her lips. “You’re welcome. Love you, gorgeous.”

“Love you too,” she whispered to me and
out of the corner of my eye I could see Beau and Jude exchanging amused looks.

“Okay, let’s get ready,” Danni said,
smiling and taking Everleigh by the hand. “Since it’s the first time we’ve been
out together in forever we need to look hot.”

“Not too hot, baby. Remember, you’re
taken,” Beau said, walking to Danni and giving her a light tap on her ass.

She giggled and kissed him on the cheek.
“I am, am I? What, are you jealous?”

He cocked an eyebrow at her and pulled
her into a full hard tongue swapping kiss. When he pulled away, he said, “I
don’t need to be jealous baby.” He swatted her ass one more time before she
fell away from him, lips swollen and a love drunk look on her face.

“Come on, ladies, let’s get sexified,”
Jessie said, and the three of them walked out of the kitchen toward Everleigh’s

I stood up from my chair and got a beer
out of the refrigerator. I could feel the guy’s eyes on me as I took a long
drink. “What?” I asked, turning to face them.

“So, you dropped the L-word already,
huh?” Beau asked. “Was the sex

“Knock it off, shit head. I know it
seems fast but it’s true. I love her, man,” I said, taking another sip of my

“Believe me, Ryder, it’s not been fast.
You have
mentioned her every single fucking day since the show
in Cincy,” Jude said, smiling. “I’m just surprised because that’s something I
never thought I’d hear coming from you.”

I shrugged my shoulders. “What can I
say? She’s just incredible. She’s not only beautiful on the outside-”

“Oh yeah,” Beau said.

hot, dude,” Jude followed.

I rolled my eyes and continued. “She’s
amazing inside too. I haven’t known any woman that didn’t want something from
me in my life. Even in high school girls were trying to get into my pants.”

“And you totally let them,” Kris said,

“Well of course I did. What horny
teenage boy wouldn’t fuck a girl that begged for it?” I said, shaking my head.
“I can’t help how I feel for her. I just hope I don’t fuck this up because I
don’t know how I’d get past it if I did. She’s it for me.”

“You won’t. We’ve all seen the change in
you since you met her so I think it’s pretty clear that you’re in this for the
long haul,” Kris said.

“She’s pretty awesome, man. I’m happy
for you,” Jude said, standing up and slapping me on the arm. “Now that you are
off the market that means there’s just more pussy for me to plow through.”

I shook my head. “Jesus, was I ever this

All the guys nodded and Kris said, “Oh
yeah, you were way worse.”

I cringed and laughed. “Damn, you could
have told me.”

“At the time you probably wouldn’t have
listened. Whatever, it doesn’t matter anymore. You’ve got a really sweet and
totally fucking hot girl now so that’s what important,” Beau said.

“Yeah, and so do you. Remember that,
man, because I don’t want to have to break your legs. Not only do I like Danni
but she’s Everleigh’s best friend so if you hurt her I will have to hate you by
association. That’s how this girl code shit works,” I said with a laugh.

Beau shook his head and smiled. “I’m not
stupid, man. Danni and I are just having a good time right now…no strings sex.
If it goes somewhere then that’s great but I’m not going to go out and buy a
fucking diamond ring yet.”

“Well it doesn’t seem like ‘no strings
sex’ to me man. You two are together as much as Ryder and Everleigh are and
judging by the noises coming from your hotel room every night I’m surprised that
girl can fucking walk the next day,” Jude said and Kris snorted.

“Look, we all know you Beau. This is the
longest you have ever been with anyone ever but eventually the newness is going
to wear off. Danni’s a good girl and doesn’t deserve it so if you aren’t really
thinking of giving this some kind of a chance you need to break it off now,” I

He rolled his eyes. “You guys are making
a big deal out of nothing. Believe me Danni feels the same way I do. We are
both having a good time and just seeing where it goes. Let it go, okay? I don’t
need this shit on my mind especially if I plan on getting laid tonight.”

“Me too. All this Dr. Phil talk is
bringing me down. I want to get tore the fuck
tonight,” Jude said.
“I’m the only single guy in this bunch now so I plan on hitting that club

“Well for once can you remember that we
are in the girls’ hometown and that there are people with camera phones ready
and waiting to take pictures of us? You know that The Twin Dickheads are still
pissed off that we came back here to record so we are under a microscope big
time right now. They could be pricks if they wanted to and force us back there
to record if there are any unflattering pictures of us out there,” I told Jude.
“I don’t want to be pulled away from Everleigh right now when she needs me.”

He twirled his finger around his head in
the shape of a halo and said, “Don’t worry, Dad, I’ll behave.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Jude, I’m

He nudged me with his arm. “I am too. I
just want to get drunk and get my dick wet. I won’t cause any trouble, okay?”

BOOK: Rogue (Bad Blooded Rebel Series)
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