Rogue (Bad Blooded Rebel Series) (9 page)

BOOK: Rogue (Bad Blooded Rebel Series)
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“I-I’m making F-French toast,” I
stammered as his tongue lightly grazed the vein on my neck.

“I’d rather taste you instead,” he said,
licking and lightly sucking the spot under my ear.

“C-come on, Ryder, the food is going to
burn,” I said. “Behave yourself.”

He laughed against my hypersensitive
skin causing me goose bumps. With a quick nip at my ear lobe he backed away
from me. “I’ll be a good boy for now. I can’t promise I will be after we eat
though. I might misbehave so bad that you will have to spank me,” he said, and
I nudged him in the stomach.

I giggled and said, “Keep it up and I might,
rock star.”

He chuckled and playfully tugged at my
ear. “Is there anything I can help you with?” Ryder asked, placing his hand on
the small of my back.

“No, I have it all under control. This
is my way of thanking you for everything you’ve done so you just sit down at
the table and don’t do anything but eat what I put in front of you,” I said.

Ryder placed his hand under my chin and
turned my face to his. “Okay then, I want you naked on my plate covered in
whipped cream,” he said, smiling a wicked smile. “I’ll eat that up all day

“Ryder!” I exclaimed, redness flushing
my cheeks. “You are so bad. Go sit down.”

He laughed at my expression and said,
“Whatever you say,” before kissing my lips quickly and walking over to the
kitchen table. “So, what else did you want to do today after we have

I took the sausage out of the skillet
and placed it onto a waiting plate. “I don’t know. I just thought I’d get
through this first and then decide. Why? Did you have something in mind?” I
asked, and then I laughed. I knew what Ryder would have in mind and it would
involve us being naked and sweaty all day.

“Well, I’m pretty sure you can guess how
I would want to spend the day but I was actually asking for the guys.”

I took off the last two pieces of French
toast out of the frying pan and added them to the stack. “The guys? Why?” I
asked, bringing the food over to the kitchen table and setting it down. “Did
they call you or something?”

“Uh, yeah, right after I got out of the
shower. It’s getting harder to go around town without a hundred people
bothering all of us and they are going stir crazy being cooped up in the hotel.
Last night was the first time they all had been able to get out of the hotel
other than going to the funeral the whole time they’ve been here. They were
wondering if they could come over here and hang. John and the guys have a
pretty tight perimeter set up around your house so no one should be bothering
anyone here.”

At that moment it registered in my mind
that I hadn’t really been bothered by cameras since Ryder got back…at least not
up close anyway. I smiled at the thought that John was busy taking care of me
just as much as Ryder was. “Um, yeah, I guess that would be okay. I haven’t
really had time to get to know them like I want to. This is good,” I said,
picking up a bowl of fresh strawberry sauce I made and a bowl of whipped cream
and setting them on the table. “Do you drink coffee?”

He nodded. “Of course,” he said, and I
grabbed two mugs from the cabinet above the sink. “Are you sure you don’t need

I shook my head. “Nope. I’ve got this,
rock star,” I said. “This is what I do for a living.” I placed the mugs on the
table and quickly got the cream and sugar for the coffee, the powdered sugar
and syrup for the French toast, and the pot of fresh coffee. Once everything
was at the table, I took my seat across from Ryder and nodded at him. “Start
eating,” I said, taking a piece of French toast and putting it on my plate.

Ryder smiled at me, his blue eyes
sparkling. “You don’t have to tell me twice, baby,” he said, winking at me. He
helped himself to a little bit of everything I made and when he took his first
bite of toast, his eyes rolled back and he moaned loudly. “Shit, Evie, is there
anything you can’t do? This is fucking incredible,” he said before shoving
another big bite into his mouth and moaning again.

I blushed and smiled. “You are just
saying that. It can’t be that good, rock star,” I said and then instantly
regretted it. I promised I wouldn’t second guess his compliments. I met his
eyes which had narrowed playfully. “Sorry, force of habit.”

“We need to break that habit, gorgeous,”
he said, pointing his fork at me before he took another big bite of French
toast covered in powered sugar and strawberries. “Oh my God, Evie. This is
seriously the best French toast I have ever had. If you cook like this all the
time I might have to marry you before you can escape,” he blurted out and my
eyes went wide. Noticing the panicked expression on my face, he barked out a
laugh and said, “I’m kidding. Relax. Eat.”

I breathed a sigh of relief and took a
bite of my food. I had made huge strides in my relationship with Ryder so far
but I knew for sure that marriage was the furthest thing from my mind.

We ate breakfast together and chatted
about everything that wouldn’t remind me of Dad or bring him up in any way. I
was thankful that he wasn’t treating me like a breakable doll anymore and that he
talked to me like I was just a normal person without a care in the world. After
we ate he insisted on helping me clean everything up which I had to admit I
appreciated. I loved to cook but cleaning? No thank you.

After everything was all clean and put
away, Ryder got his cell phone out of his pocket and he said, “I’m going to
call Kris and let him know the guys can chill here. Jessie will probably be
with them…is that cool?”

I nodded and smiled. “Of course it is.
She seems really nice.”

Ryder smiled. “Yeah, Jessie’s great.
She’s been like a sister to all of us for a long time and I know she’s got to
be stoked that she has you and Danni to have ‘girl talk’ with now.”

“Well, I can’t wait to get to know her.
I assume Danni is coming too if Beau is. They are about as attached at the hip
as we seem to be these days,” I said.

“Yeah,” he said, his brows furrowed.

“What is it?” I asked him, a sudden wave
of nervousness taking over me.

He shrugged his shoulders. “I just hope
that Beau doesn’t do his usual shit and run away once he’s gotten his fill,”
Ryder said. “I like Danni.”

My brows furrowed. “Do you really think
he will do that to her? I don’t want to hate him, Ryder. He’s like your brother.”

Ryder shook his head. “Beau isn’t really
known to be a one woman man but it should say something that he’s been with
Danni for over a week in person and they have been flirting and chatting for
over three months and he’s still interested. The longest relationship he’s ever
had has been long enough for him to put his dick back in his pants and zip up. Don’t
hate on him yet, gorgeous.”

I nodded my head, still uncertain. “I
won’t…I just worry about her. She says she’s fine with them just having fun
together, but I have known Danni since I was four years old. She’s going to
want more down the road whether she wants to admit it or not.”

“They all usually do when it comes to
Beau. Why I don’t know because I am way hotter than he is,” he joked, trying to
lighten the mood.

I walked to him and wrapped my arms
around his waist. “I guess that makes me lucky then, doesn’t it?” I asked,
looking up into his blue eyes.

Smiling down at me, he said, “Lucky,
huh? How so?”

“I didn’t get the womanizing asshole for
once. I got the inked up prince.”

He laughed and hugged me tight. “I
wasn’t always a prince, Evie. Trust me, I was more a ‘love them and leave them’
kind of a guy than anyone in the band. Meeting you changed that.”

In spite of the sadness I felt at the
loss of my dad, my heart swelled in that moment. “I really hope so, rock star.”

He gave me a quick kiss. “Trust me,
Evie, you’re it for me. I love you,” he said, seeming completely sincere. I
really hoped he was…I knew my heart couldn’t take another crack before it
completely shattered.

“I love you too,” I replied and he
smiled at me. He kissed my lips and wasted no time in slipping his tongue into
my mouth. I felt electricity down to my fingertips and I moved my arms from
around his waist to his neck.

Just as the kiss was getting good
Ryder’s phone rang. He groaned and quickly looked at the caller ID. “That’s
Kris,” he said, playfully pouting.

I smiled and said, “It’s okay, take your
time. I’m going to call Danni and then maybe we can make out until they get

Ryder groaned and shifted his growing
erection in his free hand. He placed the phone up to his ear and said, “Hey
man, it’s cool if you all come over. Got to go,” and he quickly hung up the
phone and lunged at me, making me squeal. “You can talk to Danni when she gets
here. I have to get you naked. Now.”

“Do we have enough time?” I said,

He picked me up and I wrapped my legs
around his waist. “Trust me, gorgeous, there will always be enough time for me
to bury myself in you,” he said, and his mouth captured mine as he carried me
down the hall to my bedroom.




“Shit, where the hell is my shirt?”
Ryder asked, his head moving back and forth. He was true to his word…we really
did have time to sneak in some totally hot sex. My head was spinning from how
fast he was able to get me off…damn it he was talented.

Pulling my leggings back up, I spotted
his tee shirt lying on top of my dresser and I tossed it to him. “Hurry up.
They should be here any minute.”

With a sexy smile, he quickly slid into
his shirt and crossed my room in two long steps. “You’re fidgeting, gorgeous.
What’s wrong? Are you nervous?” he said, wrapping me into his arms and kissing
my hair (that was now messed up so I had given up and taken it down) as I
smoothed my sweater dress down.

“Well, I don’t want your friends to know
we just totally had sex right before they came over to my house,” I said,
feeling myself start to blush.

Ryder laughed. “Evie, what do you think
Beau and Danni are doing right now?” I smiled a knowing smile at him and he winked
at me. “Exactly. Knowing Beau as well as I do he’s probably finger fucking her
in the back of the SUV right now,” he said, and I suppressed a smile.

I was about to say something else but
before I could I heard someone knocking on the front door. “Okay, it’s show
time,” I said and I kissed Ryder’s lips quickly and stepping into a pair of
flats before walking out of my room and down the hall. Once I reached the front
door I smoothed my sweater dress one more time and opened it.

I smiled as I saw Kris, Jessie, and Jude
all standing on my front porch. “Hey everyone,” I said, and motioned for them
to come inside. “Come in, it’s cold out there.”

Kris and Jessie both gave me quick
kisses on the cheek as they stepped inside. “It’s nice to see you again, Everleigh.
Thanks for having us,” Jessie said to me, smiling sympathetically, and I nodded
at her.

“Yeah, thanks for letting us chill today.
I couldn’t stand another day in that hotel playing ‘Call of Duty’ with this
shit head,” Kris said, nodding at Jude.

Jude scoffed. “Whatever dude, you’re
just pissed off that we couldn’t play ‘strip Call of Duty’ because Jess showed
up. All of this,” he said, sliding his hand playfully down his abs, “is off
limits to you now, Big Daddy. Hey Everleigh,” he said, wrapping his big,
muscular arm around my shoulders as Kris shook his head and Jessie laughed. “How
are you doing today?”

I wound my arm around his waist and gave
him a hug. “I’m doing okay, I guess. It’s only been a day.”

“We’ll get you through it, sis,” he
said, dropping a kiss to my forehead and giving me a squeeze around the
shoulders before releasing me. “It’s too bad you two didn’t come out to the bar
last night. That party was fucking killer, dude,” Jude said, bumping fists with

“Yeah?” Ryder asked, pulling me close to
him. I placed my hand on his abs and lightly gripped his shirt with my fingers.
He was so damn sexy. “So how many poor unsuspecting college girls did you nail
this time? Did you at least beat your record?” he asked, smirking at him.

“No, the record is still intact but I
did have a fucking good time,” he said, wearing a satisfied grin on his face. “It
wasn’t the same without my wingman there but I know you’ve got a good girl now
so it was just more for me.” Jude smiled at me and ruffled my hair with his

“Record?” I asked, looking at Jude. “Do
I even want to know?”

Jude winked at me. “Probably not, but
nailing six chicks in the span of four hours isn’t something I can keep to

My eyes went wide. “
Are you

“I never joke about pussy, baby,” he
said, smiling, and Jessie smacked the back of his head.

“Jude! I swear to God I’d die of shock
if you ever learn to shut that mouth of yours,” she said, glaring at him like
an annoyed sister. “Sorry, Everleigh.”

“It’s okay, Jessie,” I said, smiling at
her but still a bit in shock. I knew that Jude was a bit of a slut but that
surprised me. Including Ryder my list of sexual partners
in my life was now at two. Jude probably had two last night alone…maybe more.
“At least he had a good time, right?”

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