Read ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) Online

Authors: Lyra Daniels

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ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) (108 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories)
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Irina looked down as Reina pulled her up and undressed her, draping the colored silk over her body instead. She tied it intricately, running her fingers along it to smooth it out. Irina had the sudden thought that she was a present being wrapped and it brought a bit of a smile to her face.

When Reina pulled back she nodded and put her hands on Irina’s shoulders. “Perfect...You’re ready. Is this your first time?”

Irina nodded slowly and as mean as Reina wanted to be she felt compassion for the poor girl in front of her. At the end of the day, Irina was right. She was just as much a pawn in this game as anyone else. She hadn’t asked for this and she certainly hadn’t asked for Reina’s wrath. This one time, Reina felt like she should go easy on her.

“He’s gentle. He’ll be good to you,” She assured, stroking Irina’s cheek. “Now, let’s go. We don’t want to keep him waiting.”


Reina didn't walk Irina to the door the led into the master suite. Irina hadn’t really expected her to. She was led to the hallway where she could see the large oak door that she'd pressed her ear against the night before. The image of Reina and Michael was still etched in her mind, though now she could see herself where Reina had been.

She took a deep breath and made her way down the hallway, enjoying the smell of sandalwood and rose that got stronger the closer she got to the room. She stopped at the door and for a moment she considered knocking but decided against announcing herself and just wandered into the room, the bright silks fluttering in the wind behind her.

Michael was in the room already, wrapped in a silk robe. His hair was wet from the shower he'd just taken and he was pouring a mixture of oils into a bowl of water. He looked up at Irina as she entered the room and smiled softly. He seemed calm and excited at the same time. His eyes wanted Irina’s beautiful body and he sighed, opening his arms to her.

"You're awake." He mused, walking over to her and cupping her cheek gently. "Are you alright?"

Irina nodded and leaned into his strong hand, cheeks red with embarrassment. She was covered by the silks but they were sheer and everything underneath them was visible. There wasn’t much left to the imagination.

She looked up at Michael a moment and then looked at the bowl that was sitting beside the bed.

"What is that?"

"Just something to make our experience more enjoyable."

He'd lit candles around the room and soft jazz was playing. It was like something out of a movie and the romantic atmosphere almost made her forget about her conversation with Reina. Almost.

"Reina told me everything." Irina whispered.

Michael's eyes darted over to her and he settled on the bed.

"Did she?" He paused a moment and looked up at Irina. "Are you scared?" He asked.

She sniffled and nodded a little. He frowned and put a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Irina."

"I'm not worried about you hurting me. I'm worried that...I'm only here to pump out babies" she whispered, her eyes wet with unshed tears.

Michael frowned and wrapped his arm around her gently, kissing her temple. "Irina...that is so wrong," He whispered, pulling her close. “I knew from the moment I saw you that I was going to fall in love with you.” He admitted a smile on his face.

“You mean the moment you smelled me?” She asked with a weak smile.

He laughed and kissed the top of her head. “Exactly. We are not in love yet, darling, but believe me, soon we will be over the moon.”

“And what...About Reina?”

“I will always love her. We need to show her that there is room in our hearts for more than one person, Irina. I need you to help me with that. Do you think you can do that?”

Irina nodded and smiled a little. “I think so…”

“Do you believe that I can love you both?”

“Yes..I do…” She whispered, looking up at him, smiling.

If anyone had a big enough heart to love more than one person, it was Michael. She could sense it in him. Michael kissed her forehead gently and pulled away to stroke her cheek.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m...accepting everything.” She said softly. “It won’t happen overnight but I think…I think I could be happy here...With you and Reina.” She said, offering him a smile.

That smile always made his heart melt. He pulled her close and stroked a few stray hairs from her face. He leaned down so that their lips were nearly touching and smiled.

“You’re so beautiful, Irina.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down, closing the space between them easily. Their lips met and electricity surged through Irina. She’d never kissed anyone, let alone made love. She’d been told what to expect but it had been very clinical and matter-of-fact. She hadn’t expected him to light her up the way he did.

As they kissed he pushed her back into the bed, crawling over her body and letting the silk robe fall away. Her body sank into the soft sheets and she moaned into the kiss as every nerve in her body awakened and begged for more.

His fingers ran over her silk clad body, pulling the fabric away impatiently. Now that he was so close to her, kissing and touching her he couldn’t resist her scent or his own desire to take her as his own. Michael moaned into the kisses, treating the silk and throwing it to the floor until only shreds of it hung from her.

              Irina felt something firm and hot against her inner thigh and when she looked down she discovered that it was his erect member. She squeaked in embarrassment but he just caught her lips again, distracting her once more. She couldn’t say that she minded, either.

              He pulled away enough to reach for the bowl of oils, dipping his fingers into it and letting the sweet smelling water drip onto her skin. She gasped when it hit her skin and slid along her belly and thighs. It was cool at first but eventually warmed and when he ran his fingers over it and spread it all over her body it made the intimate place between her legs ache with need.

              Irina moaned his name, pleading for him to take her. She didn’t want to wait anymore and every second that he wasn’t inside of her felt wasted. Her body was trembling with need and her back was arching to try and encourage him to give her more.

              He finally settled between her legs and slipped inside of her, moving slowly so as not to hurt her. Irina gasped and arched her back, her fingers digging into his shoulders as she took more and more of him. He was stretching her open and filling her until she couldn’t take anymore. There was a little bit of pain in the beginning but it soon faded to pleasure and she knew she wanted more.

              When he pulled back and gave a shallow thrust her breath caught in her throat as a brief, sharp pain shot through her. He had taken her. He’d taken her most intimate gift and she was glad it was Michael. She wanted everything he’d give her.

              She offered him a shaky smile and he touched her cheek for a moment, waiting for her to tell him to move. It killed him to wait. Her velvet cavern was so inviting and her scent was driving him crazy. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity she whispered softly in his ear, a breathy moan.


              The words fell from her lips like a prayer and he was happy to oblige. Once he started thrusting in and out of her Irina’s world began to spin her body began to vibrate with the promise of an orgasm. Her legs began to shake and her vision became a pinhole as he wrapped his strong arms around her, moving against her with such a deliberate intent on making sure that she felt just as good as he did.

              She was moaning his name and whispering in Russian as the ability to speak English got lost in the pleasure that was building inside of her. By the time she was finally tumbling into the abyss of pleasure she was screaming his name, her legs wrapped around his slim waist.

              Irina was vaguely aware of Michael finishing inside of her. The hot, thick liquid that filled her until it leaked out onto the sheets was proof that she’d been just as good as he. She was proud that she’d managed to bring him such pleasure. It was that pride that allowed her to slip into a deep sleep almost immediately, her body overwhelmed with the pleasure.


That night had been the first of many that they would spend together. Irina made sure that Michael and Reina had plenty of time together, but even though she was very cautious not to capitalize all of Michael’s time, Reina still did not like her.

              When they passed each other in the halls she would sneer at Irina and avoid her entirely. She never actually did anything to hurt Irina but she avoided her at all costs. All of that anger came to a head, however, when Michael’s sister moved out to live with a human lover in Seattle. When she left she took her son with her and it became too much for Reina.

              The small boy had meant the world to Reina and as the weeks turned to months and they didn’t return, Reina fell into a deep depression. The anger that she’d once felt for Irina just turned into a hatred of herself. Reina felt like a failure because she couldn’t have the children that she so desperately wanted.

              Even with Reina’s crippling depression, Michael and Irina managed to find love in each other. They would spend evenings in the woods, curled up together, discussing their future, which always included Reina.

              Irina was in love, and she knew it. She loved her little family. Michael and Reina were everything to her, even if Reina didn’t love her back. Irina had always been taught to show love to all people and creatures, even if they were cruel to you. She knew that she would break down Reina’s wall eventually. She just had to be patient.

              That break would come a few months after Irina found out she was pregnant and about six months after she’d come to America. The pregnancy was a happy surprise and everyone in the house seemed excited, with the exception of Reina, who seemed all but devastated.

When Irina announced her pregnancy, Reina became even more reclusive. She would spend hours alone in a guest room that she had deemed ‘her’ room. Reina had never had her own room before because she always shared it with Michael. Now that this new woman was in the picture she felt the need to have her own space to retreat to.

Irina was bringing Reina dinner to her room, as the woman had stopped eating with them entirely. Irina’s baby bump was just beginning to show and she could see the desperate sadness in Reina’s eyes every time she saw it.

She pushed the door open and wasn’t surprised to find Reina, draped over the bed in a long t-shirt, reading a book of poetry. Irina set the tray down, saying nothing before turning to leave the room. She stopped in the doorway and looked back at Reina for a moment before returning and sitting on the bed.

“Reina...I...You should come down and spend time with us. We miss you terribly.”

“Nobody misses me. You just feel sorry for me.” She murmured, not setting the book down.

Irina frowned and reached out, gently taking the book and setting it on the nightstand. “That’s not true, Reina...You are a part of this family.”

“There's no place in this house for a useless person like me.” She whispered.

Irina slid to the floor, kneeling in front of Reina and taking the woman’s hands gently. “Reina...You are not useless.” She whispered softly. “We need you to help raise these cubs. Whether they are yours or not, we need you there. You are such a strong woman and you have such a big heart. I know you could give them so much love.”

Reina’s eyes filled with tears and she shook her head. “They...They aren’t mine...They’ll never call me mommy…”

“Yes they will, because you are, Reina! I don’t know why you can’t believe it but you are worth so much more than your ability to have cubs. Michael loves you just the way you are and so do I. The only person in this house who doesn’t love you, is you.” She said, trying desperately to make Reina understand.

Tears started to pour down Reina’s face and she shook her head, dropping her gaze and whimpering, “That’s not...No...I don’t deserve...To be loved.” She sobbed. “All he ever wanted was cubs...All he ever wanted was babies and I couldn’t even...I couldn’t give him that.”

“But he’s stayed with you all this time, Reina,” She said, stroking hair out of her face. “He’s stayed with you because he loves you and I do too. I want you to help raise these cubs, Reina. I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m terrified of being a mother...I’m excited but I’m terrified and I need someone like you to help me get through it and I want to know that someone is going to love these babies just as much as Michael and I do. Please, Reina. We want you to be part of this family.” She pleaded.

Reina let out a choked sob and fell to her knees in front of Irina, wrapping her arms around the women and holding her tight. She cried into Irina’s hair, soaking the girl’s jet black locks with tears.

“I’m so sorry.” She whispered. “I’m so, so sorry. I’ve been so...I’ve been so caught up in this...In my depression I haven’t been able to see how much you cared. I want...I want to feel like a part of this clan again. I want to feel like a part of this family.” She whispered, stroking Irina’s hair as she hid in the woman’s neck.

Irina smiled and turned her head to kiss Reina’s hair.

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories)
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