ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories) (139 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories)
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Gus was excited; he had little family but plenty of friends and acquaintances to invite and wanted to throw a large party after the ceremony by way of celebration. He had received a letter from an old friend who was travelling all the way from Chicago and would be staying at the Lakeside Park Hotel on the nearby Lake Tahoe on business and would extend his visit for the forthcoming marriage. They had been childhood pals but hadn’t seen each other since Gus had set off for the West in search of gold; that was over 10 years ago. He had come into a little money and invited them both to dine with him one evening a couple of weeks before the wedding.

Lucy was excited and nervous at the same time. She had never eaten in a fancy restaurant before and wasn’t sure what to wear. Gus calmed her and bought her a new dress and as she looked in the mirror she couldn’t believe that she was the same girl from a few months ago; she had certainly come a long way.

Looking handsome in his suit, Gus led her into the bright lights of the hotel. She had never seen anything so fancy before in her life. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling and were lit by what seemed to be hundreds and hundreds of candles.  The tables were set with white linen and the glasses dazzled in the candlelight. A tall dark man with a moustache stood at the bar and Gus waved eagerly over to him; it was his old pal Jed Farwell. The two men greeted each other heartily and it was some moments before Gus stepped aside to introduce his bride to be.

Jed took her hand firmly, looking her boldly in the face. His eyes seemed to flicker with some small recognition and his brows furrowed in puzzlement. The look only lasted a few seconds and soon he was smiling and wishing them both well.

The food was delicious; they made small talk over the soup and while they waited for the main course to arrive Jed proposed a toast to Millie and Gus. She had never drank champagne before and the bubbles seemed to float up and pop inside her head; giving her a strange, light headed feeling.

“To you Gus and your beautiful young bride Millie; I wish you all the happiness in the world”

Their glasses came together with a satisfactory ‘chink’.

Turning to Lucy he looked at her intently.

“So now Millie, you must tell me a little bit about yourself. I want to know all about you and why you have chosen this old man for a husband?” He joked but all the time he watched her intently, and she felt nervous under his gaze.

“Leave the poor girl be Jed, you don’t want to put her off”

Jed smiled but turned to Lucy and spoke slowly and deliberately.

“So, where are you from Millie, I don’t think Gus found you here in the mountains?”

Gus imagined that her silence was due to her embarrassment at being a mail order bride.

“Now, now Jed, you know how we met, I told you all about that in my letter.”

“A good thing it was too my friend, but I am wondering where this lovely creature hails from, I have the strangest feeling that we have met before.”

Lucy could feel the blush start in her face as her heart began to race. She tried to stop Gus from speaking, but it was too late.

“Why she has travelled all the way from Denver Jed, she’s a long way from home”

Jed frowned for a few moments as he tried to remember her face. Hs eyes widened and Lucy saw the recognition in his face. Only Gus remained ignorant.

Jed eventually found his voice.

“Yes. I know Denver well. I have been living there for the last year myself, business took me there you see.”

At that moment the steaks arrived and Lucy was relieved that something had stopped them talking. She prayed that she was wrong, but Jed seemed to have recognised her. Perhaps she was over thinking things, perhaps he thought she was someone else? The chances of him having seen her in Denver were slim.

Still, Lucy had lost her appetite all the same. The magnificence of the evening had lost its lustre and she felt sick with fear and just wanted to get home; away from this place and this man’s watchful gaze. She prayed for the evening to end.

The conversation picked back up with Gus doing most of the talking, the wine having loosened his tongue. He did not notice the change in Jed; his sudden coolness towards Lucy and the stilted conversation.

Towards the close of the evening Gus rose from the table; he needed to visit the Men’s room and excused himself. Lucy started to stand herself, she did not want to be left alone with Jed and would visit the powder room and wait for Gus.

Jed grabbed at her hand, pulling her back to the table. She wasn’t going anywhere.

When Jed was sure that Gus was out of sight he leaned across to Lucy.

“Well Millie Jane, if that is your name? You won’t remember me but I recognise you now. I didn’t at first, in all your fine clothes but at the mention of Denver I knew immediately. You worked in
Belle Birdard's Parlour 
House didn’t you; you were one of her whores.”

Lucy started to shake her head furiously but she couldn’t keep up the pretence.

He drew his face closer to hers. “I remember you because you were the youngest and prettiest. I would have had you myself but you were always otherwise engaged.”

He spat out the words in contempt at her as she remained frozen to the spot, unable to move or to speak.

“Listen. I will not let my good friend here be made a fool of. You will leave town tomorrow on the first express. Leave Gus a note; tell him that you don’t love him, that you can’t marry him. Tell him anything but the truth. Don’t make a fool of him –he will soon get over it. If you haven’t gone by tomorrow I will tell him myself – all about your sordid past, you will leave me but little choice. There are plenty of GOOD women out there for him to marry. You should be ashamed of yourself, fooling a good Christian man like Gus, and to think of the good money I have just spent on a woman like you tonight. It could have paid for a dozen whores! Here, take this, for the journey home.”

He squeezed a bundle of notes into her hand just as Gus was heading back.

Jed sat back in his chair and smiled.

“Looks like you little lady here is tired Gus, I think we better be calling it a night”.

Her face was as white as a sheet and Gus looked concerned.

“Are you alright Millie?”

She nodded slowly.

“I think it’s just the champagne Gus, I’m not used to it.”

They gathered their coats and made to leave. The men embraced as warmly as before and Jed put on a great show of kissing Lucy by the hand.

“Now don’t forget what I have been telling you.”

Gus laughed “Not marriage guidance from an old bachelor like you Jed I hope?”

And with that they smiled and parted ways.

Lucy felt numb with grief. She was devastated that Jed had recognised her; the one fear she had faced all along, the only thing that could destroy her happiness.

She sat silently beside Gus on the way home, pretending to be dozing as he whistled happily into the cold night air, blissfully unaware of what was unfolding.

By the time they arrived back at the cabin Lucy was agitated. In her mind she had been playing through every scenario possible. She didn’t want to leave Gus but she had no option. Jed would tell Gus all about her and then he would despise her. It would be better to go quietly without any fuss. Gus would be going out to work early tomorrow. A delivery wagon passed the cabin every morning about 9. She would flag it down-Gus was friendly with the driver and he was sure to give her a lift with no questions asked. She could say she was going to see a relative for a few days before the wedding.

Just as she was about to step into the bedroom she turned back towards Gus, who after a good few glasses of wine was ready for sleep.


He walked over to where she stood; an easy smile on his face. She wasn’t sure what to say to him. It was probably the last time that she would see him and the words failed her.

“What is it Millie –are you feeling ill?” She was still pale and he reached out for her.

“No, it’s not that Gus, I just wanted to thank you, that’s all.” Her voice broke as the tears started to well in her eyes.

“Thank me, but for what Millie?”

Reaching up she kissed him tenderly on the cheek. “For everything.”


Lucy had been awake for hours when she finally heard Gus leave the cabin. As soon as the door closed she was up and dressed. She would not take any of the fine clothes that he had bought her. She would leave them behind and return back to Denver in the same dress as when she had arrived here. Maybe she wouldn’t go to Denver, perhaps somewhere different but it didn’t really matter, all that mattered was the leaving. 

She sat for a long time at the table thinking what words to write. In the end she had just written two words ‘I’m Sorry’ in a bold script and left it lying on the table for Gus to find.

A little before 9 she picked up her bag to head for the road. She had prayed all night for a miracle but nothing had happened to change her course. Maybe God had abandoned her after all?

As she headed for the door, it opened and in walked Gus; as surprised to see her as she was to see him.

He took in the picture before him. Millie stood in her coat and hat, a packed bag in her hand and eyes red with tears.

Dropping his work bag onto the floor he rushed over to her and held her tightly in his arms.

“Millie, what on earth has happened, tell me, where are you going, what has happened?”

She stood crying in his arms until she could cry no more. Gus had spotted the note on the table and released her to pick it up. His hand trembled as he read the words, his face as ashen as hers.


Turning to face him she took in a deep breath. It was going to be the hardest thing she had ever done.

“I’m sorry Gus, but I can’t marry you,” the tears came again between the words.

He stood facing her in amazement “But why Millie, aren’t you happy here?”

She nodded her head to affirm that she was happy.

“Have I done anything to upset you?”

She shook her head.

“Then why are you leaving, why can’t you marry me?”

Lucy looked him directly in the eye, her blue eyes almost green with grief.

“Because I’m not Millie Jane.”

Lucy told her story from start to finish whilst Gus sat silently and listened. At the end he did not speak, he did not make a comment but stood up and left the cabin. She did not see him again that day.

All the day she fretted, not knowing whether or not to stay or leave. She would have missed the daily Pony Express out of town and there was nothing she could do now except to wait. It was Sunday tomorrow and there would be no coach but she could get a seat on the express the first thing on Monday. If Gus returned and wanted her out of the house she could board at a cheap hotel in town for a night or two.

She stayed in her room for the most of the day. Once her tears had dried up she sat silently on the bed, and when she was tired of sitting she lay on the bed and slept.

The banging of the cabin door woke her up. It was the middle of the night and from the sound of it Gus had been drinking heavily. Tiptoeing out of bed she turned the key in her door, afraid of what Gus might do. She did not need to worry; the door knob rattled once but he did not speak. Instead she heard his heavy tread walk over to the couch where he stayed all night.

The next day she woke and all was quiet. Dressing quickly she stepped into the main room, all was still and Gus was nowhere to be seen.  She started to make some coffee when Gus entered; he had only been out to collect the daily eggs and the two stopped in their tracks as they looked at each other warily.

“I’ve got the eggs for breakfast –do you want some?”

His voice was flat and without emotion. She looked at his face, eager to find some sign of forgiveness but she saw none and nodded to his request before turning away.

They ate in silence, he could hardly look at her and kept his eyes down, staring at his plate.

“We will be late for church.”

She looked at him open mouthed, not sure of his meaning.

“If you are not at church people will talk and I do not want to have to lie on your behalf. You will come to church with me.”

His voice was harsh and she did not recognise it. She could tell that he was suffering inside and couldn’t find the words to comfort him, there were none.

They travelled in silence to church and sat together on the wooden pew, though they might as well have been miles apart for the coolness that crept between them.

The visiting Minister looked a kindly man; the exact opposite of the man who had stood in the pulpit on her first visit. He eyed the congregation in the same way a father looks on his family at Thanksgiving; his arms spread wide as he welcomed all to the service.

His sermon was all about forgiveness and love and as he started to read a passage from the New Testament; the Gospel of Luke, Lucy started to listen.

‘Now one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him, so he went to the Pharisee's house and reclined at the table When a woman who had lived a sinful life in that town learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee's house, she brought an alabaster jar of perfume, and as she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them.

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