Romance: Close Encounters Boxed Set Books 1 thru 6 ( New Adult and College Series Books 1 thru 6) (15 page)

BOOK: Romance: Close Encounters Boxed Set Books 1 thru 6 ( New Adult and College Series Books 1 thru 6)
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Hopefully Luke will stop calling and texting me now that I have told him in person that we are over. Now I can focus on my studies. I want to become a teacher. My family is from Argentina and education is very important to us.  I want to make my parents proud.

“Hi Lexi,” Kara says, walking into our room.

“Hey roomie, how was your weekend?”

“Really perfect, I finally lost it,” Kara says with a big smile on her face.

“No way, with Jake from upstairs?”

“Yes, finally. I was beginning to think something was wrong with me. Like why wouldn’t he sleep with me?”

“Girl, there’s nothing wrong with you. He was being sweet and wanted to take it slow with you.”

“I guess you’re right and it was perfect.”

“Woohoo, that’s great!”

“How did your weekend go with Luke?”

“I was hoping to have a
Close Encounter
with him, but it didn’t work out that way.”

“What? Why not?”

“I couldn’t go through with it. He wanted to get back together, and if I slept with him he would have thought he had a chance. Didn’t want to muddy the waters and send him mixed signals.”

“Well, that makes sense.” My phone buzzes. I have a text.

Troy: Hi Lexi, do you want to go out Friday night?

“Now here’s the reason I wasn’t getting back together with Luke. Troy just texted me for a date this Friday and I’m a free woman to say yes and do whatever I want with him,” I squeal to Kara. She raises her hand and gives me a high five.

“Which one was Troy?”

“The cute blondie I met at the Sigma Chi frat party,” I say.

“Oh yeah, I remember him. He was very
Close Encounter
worthy. Heck every guy in that frat is!” Kara says, and we both burst out laughing.

“Hey girls, what’s so funny?” Clarissa asks, sticking her head in our room.

“Just raving about how all the Sigma Chi guys are
Close Encounter
worthy,” Kara says.

“Ah yes, so true, so true,” Clarissa says in agreement.

“Troy just asked Lexi out on a date,” Kara tells Clarissa.

“How awesome, he is hot and definitely
Close Encounter
worthy. He’s friends with Jason,” Clarissa says.

“What’s going on with you guys anyway?” Kara asks.

“Nothing at the moment,” Clarissa answers and then wanders into her room.

“Hey not so fast,” Kara calls out to Clarissa, following into her room and I follow.

“Look, there’s nothing to tell,” Clarissa says.

“Yes we know, you aren’t the kiss and tell type, but we’re dying to know,” Kara continues to try and get some little morsel out of Clarissa.

“Jason approached me at lunch today and told me to end it with my mystery man. He said we belong together. I don’t know what I’m going to do,” Clarissa volunteers this juicy tidbit and crashes down on her bed.

“You have some difficult choices here, hot guy number one or hot guy number two. We feel so sorry for you don’t we, Lexi?” Kara teases Clarissa with a smile and a light-hearted laugh.

“Why did I bother telling you guys anyway?” Clarissa says, rolling her eyes at us.

“Maybe if you share more details we can help you decide,” Kara says.

“Well, my mystery man is amazing in the sack, number one. But he can also be so tender, caring and very romantic too. He really is a dream. I just can’t give him up,” Clarissa admits. Clearly she’s emotionally invested in this guy, you can see it on her face and hear it in her voice.

“He sounds dreamy,” Kara says.

“He is, but then Jason has been relentless and oh so tempting in his Jason Bancroft way, you know what I’m talking about right ladies?” Clarissa says half joking, half serious.

“Yes, we know all too well,” I say in agreement.

“Enough of this, I’m hungry. Let’s get some dinner and then I have to hit the books tonight,” Clarissa says, getting up from her bed and heading into the living room.



Tonight I have my first date with Troy. I’m nervous because this is the first date I’ve had since Luke and I broke up. My first date as an independent adult, it feels liberating and scary at the same time. Kara helps me get dressed to kill. She’s trying to convince me to go for a
Close Encounter
tonight so she tells me to wear some sexy lingerie. Boy, listen to her, coming from the girl who just lost her virginity. Deena has really done a number on all of us hasn’t she?

I wear some tight skinny jeans, and a jewel toned silk blouse that drapes nicely over my curves. I leave an extra button unbuttoned to show off my ample cleavage. I find some sky-high wedges and spritz on my favorite fragrance. I have long, wavy brown hair and have gone a little heavy on the make-up tonight, I want to look fabulous for Troy. 

“How do I look?” I ask the girls when I walk out into the living room. Deena lets out a whistle.

“Hot stuff girl, you are definitely getting some tonight,” Deena says, so typical Deena, but it does boost my ego.

“I like how you did your make-up, you look so pretty,” Clarissa chimes in.

“Thanks, I hope it’s not too much,” I say.

“You look perfect,” Clarissa says reassuringly.

There’s a knock on the door and Troy is right on time.

“Here goes nothing,” I breathe out and grab my purse. “Don’t wait up for me,” I say with a wink as I go to answer the door.

I open the door to see Troy standing there, all six feet of him towering over little me, even in my high wedges.

“Hi Lexi, you ready to go,” he says with a killer smile. My heart starts beating faster.

“Yes, let’s go,” I walk out of my apartment closing the door behind me.

“You look nice,” he compliments me.

“Thank you,” he’s walking close behind me down the hall and I can feel his appraisal of my behind, so I offer an extra sway of my hips.

Once we walk out of my building his car is double parked with his hazards on. He opens the door of his Audi for me to get in. Hmm, a gentleman, I like that.

“I thought we would go into Marina Del Rey for dinner, are you in the mood for steak?”

“Mmm, that sounds great,” I reply. On the drive over we make idle chit chat about classes and such. I’m nervous and I need to relax.

We drive up to the valet at Morton’s Steakhouse, which is right on the water in Marina Del Rey. Once we’re seated at a nice table by the window I take in our surroundings.

“This is nice,” I say, admiring the view of the ocean.

“I’m glad you like it. I was in the mood for a big juicy steak, I’m getting tired of campus food,” he says with a warm smile. I steal glances of him while I peruse my menu. Damn, he is so good looking, that’s what makes me nervous.

“What do you recommend?”

“I love the fried calamari appetizer,” he says, he must come here quite a bit.

“Do you come here often?”

“Yeah, my family has a house not too far from here. I thought we could go there afterwards and watch a movie,” he says, looking at me expectantly.  He’s going to be making his move on me later tonight. I’m his prey tonight; I smile to myself.

“Oh, okay,” I answer, trying to sound nonchalant although I’m feeling anything but, and I cast my eyes back down at my menu.

Over dinner I learn that Troy grew up in Newport Beach and that he comes from a very waspy family. Three generations have gone to USC and his Grandfather played football there.

“There’s even an old black and white picture of my Grandfather playing football in the latest yearbook,” he says proudly.

“That is very cool, you’ll have to show it to me,” I say, smiling across the table at him.

Dinner arrives and we dig in, I’m famished and even though I’m on the petite side, I can eat. After we stuff ourselves, we head out of the restaurant and wait for the valet to bring our car around. I can feel Troy’s eyes on me.

“It’s getting a little chilly,” I say, rubbing my arms.

“Come here, I’ll warm you up,” he says, pulling me in closer to his body and my nipples harden. Hope he doesn’t notice them through my thin blouse, as the ocean breeze presses the silky fabric against my chest.

We aren’t driving for more than five minutes when we pull up to a beautiful house right on the beach. I wonder if anyone is home, but it’s dark so I assume not.

“My parents bought this house for whenever I want to get away from living in the frat house. I come here and crash,” he says. Must be nice.

We walk into the house and Troy turns on some lights and the house looks like something out of Barclay Butera.  All white furniture with bright red and navy accents.

“This is nice,” I say, looking around.

“Come out back, during the day we can see the ocean, but we can still hear it at night. It’s very soothing,” he says, walking to open the expansive sliding glass doors and the ocean breeze blows right in and you can smell the wonderful ocean air and hear the waves crashing. I let out a slight shiver.

“Hey come here,” Troy says, opening his arms to me.

“I love the smell of the ocean,” I say, taking in a deep calming breath and walk into his embrace. I look up at him and he looks at my lips before he kisses me gently at first, and then as I part my lips for him his tongue starts searching. Mmm, he is a good kisser. This is a very arousing kiss that’s filling me with desire.

“Let’s go inside, it’s too cold for you out here,” he says, pulling away from the kiss and taking my hand to lead me back inside. He turns to close the sliding glass doors giving me a chance to check out his great backside and to see his biceps flex. Troy has a very sexy, athletic build and I imagine running my hands across his chest.

“Can I get you something to drink, how about a beer or some wine?” he offers.

“Wine sounds good,” I say. He heads into the kitchen and goes to a small counter height wine fridge.

“How about some white wine?”

“Perfect.” I need some alcohol to ease my nerves and relax.

“So you room with Clarissa?”

“Yes, I share the apartment with her and two other girls, Lexi and Kara.”

“Yeah, Jason is ‘friends’ with Clarissa,” he says with air quotes.

“What do you mean by ‘friends’?”

“He’s pushing for more, I know that much.”

“Hmm, I suppose so,” is all I say.

“What’s the story, does she have a boyfriend or something?” Troy tries to get some details from me.

“Something like that,” is all I offer.

“Most of the girls line up for that guy, I guess because he’s a Bancroft.”

“Clarissa isn’t like most girls.”

“I guess not,” he says with a shoulder shrug. He hands me a full wine glass and then he goes in the main refrigerator and grabs a beer. I peer in the fridge and it is filled with dozens of cold beers.

“Do you come here often?”

“Sometimes I bring a few of my fraternity brothers here and we party and crash. Let’s go see what’s on Netflix,” he says, strolling into the great room with its big screen.  I make myself comfortable on the sofa and take a big swig of wine while Troy is busy looking for the remote control to turn on the TV. He sits down right up against me and puts his arm around me.

“What are you in the mood for?” he asks innocently enough, his eyes on the TV. Can I say what I’m really thinking, I’m in the mood for you, you stud? Too aggressive and corny, I know that much.

“How about a Romantic Comedy?”

“In other words, a chick flick,” he says with the cutest smile.


“Let’s see what we can find,” he says, scrolling through the movies.

“Oh, that one.
How to Lose a Guy in 30 Days
, let’s watch that. I love Matthew McConaughey,” I squeal out excitedly.

“What’s he got that I don’t?” Troy scoffs.

“Cocky much?” I laugh slapping his thigh. The movie starts, but all I can focus on is Troy’s hot body pressed up against me. We last about half an hour into the movie and Troy puts his beer down on the coffee table. I take a big sip of wine before he takes my glass from my hand while piercing me with his eyes as if to say, I’m making my move now. After he places my glass next to his beer on the table, he turns towards me and holds my face in his hands and kisses me. A kiss that sizzles down to my core and makes my stomach flutter. As I surrender into this passionate kiss, Troy starts to recline me back onto the sofa. I arch into him and his hand starts to caress my breast. I moan into the kiss, and Troy is now covering my body with his. I can feel his growing arousal pressing on my thigh. He is setting my entire body on fire, as he starts trailing kisses down my neck.

“You smell so good Lexi,” he says, breathing me in. His hands continue to cup my breasts and I can feel my nipples tighten into hard pebbles. He starts to unbutton my blouse and the good girl in me says I should stop him, but the naughty challenge girl lets him continue to undress me.

“You are so damn sexy,” he says, looking down at me in my lace bra. He pulls down my bra cup and sucks in my nipple and I’m a goner. My legs part and my hands go down and squeeze his ass to pull him in as I grind my sweet spot into his rigid arousal. He lets out a ragged breath and presses his hips into me.

“God Lexi, let’s go into my room,” he groans into my ear. He climbs off me and puts his hand out for me to grab as he pulls me off the sofa and leads the way to his room. He walks up to his nightstand and presses a button on his clock radio and some sexy mood music fills the room. This guy’s a player, I wonder how often he brings girls here? Don’t ask questions Lexi. He turns to face me and he pulls his t-shirt over his head. I get to feast my eyes on this Adonis as I reach my hand up to touch him. I softly skim my hand over his smooth muscled chest and I trail down to his fabulous six-pack abs. He slips my blouse off my shoulders and I let it fall to the ground. He reaches around to the back of my bra and unhooks it and pulls the straps down my arms and it joins my blouse on the floor. His lips crash down onto mine and both hands are fondling and caressing my breasts and we fall onto his bed. He has me moaning again, my body is aching for him, for his touch against my skin. My sensitive nipples brush up against his chest and it feels heavenly. Troy knows how to kiss and it leaves me burning for more. His kisses trail down my body. First taking each nipple into his warm mouth as he gives each one a tongue lashing that leaves me writhing beneath him as I let out soft pants of pleasure. Now his kisses are ascending lower down my soft flat belly. His hands start to work at prying off my skin-tight jeans and again the naughty girl in me lets him. I raise my hips from the bed so he can tug them off. He stands up and slides his jeans down while staring at me.

“You’re beautiful,” he says as he crawls back on me licking each nipple before he settles on top of me. I still have on my lace panties and he has on his briefs. I have one more chance to stop this from going all the way. He is rock hard and from what I can tell he’s a big boy. He’s pressing himself against my mound and I part my legs and wrap them around him. He starts kissing me hard knowing I’m willing to let him take me. I rock my sweet spot against him and I am so aroused, like a cat in heat.

“Mmm,” I moan into the kiss, encouraging him. His hands reach into my panties and he strokes my sensitive bud.

“You’re so wet baby,” he says, sliding his fingers back and forth and driving me crazy with want.

“Troy,” I moan breathlessly as I shudder against his hand. Boy, he’s good with those fingers of his.

“You ready baby?” he’s asking permission.

“Yes,” I pant out and there’s no turning back now. He slowly removes my panties and slides off his briefs. I pause and watch him closely to see if he makes a move to get a condom and he doesn’t.

“Condom,” is all I say and without a word he reaches over and goes into his nightstand, I bet he has a supply in there. He tears it open and tosses the wrapper, I need to save that wrapper. He’s now primed and ready.

He mounts me and is knocking at my door, then slowly slides his delicious length into me in one smooth stroke.

“Ahhhhhh,” I sigh out.

“You like that?” he growls out.

“Yes,” I say breathlessly. My palms reach behind him and find his perfect ass and I pull him into me deeper, as I buck up into him. He lets out a low growl into my ear and his breathing picks up as does mine.

“You feel so tight and wet baby,” he says huskily. Only moans of pleasure escape my lips as his broad chest looms over me. I lightly suck and then bite his nipples one after the other. He lets out a seductive groan, I’m pleasing him and being oh so naughty. It doesn’t take long for Troy’s skillfully thrusting hips to start bringing me close to the edge.

“Oh God, yes,” I sigh out. I can feel myself getting there, so close, so close. Troy picks up the pace and I can tell he’s about to….

“Ahhhhhhhh,” he cries out as he releases and twitches inside me. I’m clenching around him, as he drops his whole body on me and I groan in pleasure.

After a few minutes, he gently pulls out, rolls off me and onto his side facing me. I remain unmovable, on my back staring at the ceiling, trying to catch my breath.

BOOK: Romance: Close Encounters Boxed Set Books 1 thru 6 ( New Adult and College Series Books 1 thru 6)
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