Romance: In Love With A Beast (Paranormal BBW Panther Shifter Romance) (Shapeshifter Mystery Alpha Werebear Romance Short Stories) (3 page)

BOOK: Romance: In Love With A Beast (Paranormal BBW Panther Shifter Romance) (Shapeshifter Mystery Alpha Werebear Romance Short Stories)
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He turned to pour himself another cup of wine, and pressed on: “I can see, Miss Scott, that you do not follow my line of reasoning. Perhaps I have not made myself clear. There are many families here at court that will do anything within their power to promote their own in order to gain influence with the King. I, as the King’s most trusted servant, cannot allow this to happen. I have many spies in many places, and I have heard talk of fathers who plan to push their daughters towards the King during this period of the Queen’s confinement. I cannot, and will not, stand by while ambitious men attempt to influence the King by offering him an attractive maiden on a platter. This, Elizabeth, is why I have summoned you here today. I have chosen you as my counter-attack to these endeavors.” With this pronouncement, Wolsey threw back his head and guzzled his drink in one go, and having done so cast his eyes over Beth. He took in her light hair, shimmering in the candlelight, her slightly pouted lips, large blue eyes, and finally the curve of her breasts above the line of her bodice. Beth felt herself squirm under his gaze, and her mind raced. She was struggling to take in everything that he had said, one moment she had thought he was going to demand that she act as a spy for him among the noble families, but then the conversation took a surprising turn. Was he suggesting that she, an inexperienced servant from the kitchens, should attempt to catch the eye of the King of England? As Beth struggled to put her thoughts in order, Wolsey abruptly turned and swept out of the room, leaving a bewildered Beth standing alone in the empty room. However, no sooner had he left than Beth heard a floorboard creak behind her from the direction of the King’s bedchamber. She slowly turned, palms becoming sweaty, and found herself face to face with Henry VIII, Tudor monarch, King of England.




Chapter 5



Beth looked up into the face of the most powerful man in England, and was struck at once by how handsome he was. With his striking height, strong arms and bright eyes, King Henry was even more impressive up close than he had seemed from a distance the previous evening. In turn, the King looked down at Beth and took in her shapely but slender body; her shining hair and her moistened and slightly parted lips. An electric current seemed to spark momentary between them, before Beth broke eye contact and took a nervous step backwards.


“Your Lord,” Beth began, “I am sorry to disturb you in your private rooms. I had an appointment with Cardinal Wolsey, but I was about to leave.”


The King’s voice was deep and assured when he replied, “Miss Scott, I am delighted to find you here, and you have no need whatsoever to apologize to me. I am only glad to finally have the chance to make your acquaintance. I noticed you last night as you served the food, and I must admit I was immediately entranced by you.” Beth swallowed in surprise. The King of England, entranced by her? Everything was happening so quickly, and she desperately wanted to return to her bedchamber and discuss the evening’s events with Emma. The idea that in a room full of beautiful and well-dressed ladies, the King had singled Beth out of the crowd was almost too much to take in.


The King took a step towards Beth, and she lowered her eyes, feeling unnerved by the intensity of his gaze. Very slowly he reached out his hand, and gently tucked a loose strand of hair behind Beth’s ear. His fingertips paused, for a moment, at Beth’s ear and she could feel the warmth permeating from his skin onto hers. Moving closer towards her, the King let his fingers move downward, lightly brushing Beth’s neck, and let his large hand come to rest firmly on her shoulder. The pad of his thumb began to move in circular motions, creeping inwards until his thumb was caressing the curve of her breast. Beth could feel her body responding, her cheeks warming and her breath beginning to quicken. She had only just met this man and she was already feeling a magnetic attraction to him. But reality suddenly burst in as she realized she was standing in the Privy Chamber, alone with the King of England.


“My Lord, it has been a pleasure to meet you and I do hope that the feast last night was everything you had hoped it would be. I think I had better return to my room now though, as the other servants will be wondering where I am.” With that, Beth drew further away, and brushed her now sweaty palms against the side of her skirts. The King’s eyes had not once strayed from her, and they now hovered on her right hand.


“Are you injured, Elizabeth?” The King asked, and took her hand in his, lightly touching the burn she had received earlier that day. Before she had a chance to answer, he suddenly lowered his head and ever so gently pressed his lips against the reddened skin. The kiss seemed to last forever, and Beth felt as if she were holding her breath. She recognized that what she was feeling for the King was pure desire, and took a step closer to him. The King lifted his head to look at her once more, their faces now inches away from each other. Beth could feel his warm breath stirring her hair, and she longed to press her lips against his and explore his mouth with her tongue. A sound outside in the corridor startled them both; they had been so transfixed by each other that they had momentarily forgotten their surroundings.


“Please visit me here tomorrow after dark,” the King murmured and with that he left her standing there, her heart racing and cheeks flushed.




Chapter 6



The next morning Beth awoke feeling unrested and groggy. It had been a sleepless night as she had turned the events of the last few days over and over again in her mind. She felt as if she had stumbled into another person’s life. One minute she had been a simple girl working in the orphanage with nothing greater to worry about than what to cook the children for supper that evening; now she had experienced what could only be described as a sexual awakening, thanks to Emma. She had met John for whom she felt a stirring in her heart, and she also had Wolsey and the King’s proposition to contend with. She wanted to discuss these anxieties with Emma as they dressed, but somehow she couldn’t find the words. Beth was painfully aware of the implications of the decision she was now faced with: she would be engaging in an adulterous relationship with the ruler of England while the Queen lay in her confinement awaiting the birth of what everybody hoped would be the heir to the throne. The enormity of the situation lay heavy on her heart; could she risk her immortal soul simply for the sake of her and the King’s lust? Not only that, but did she really want to become a pawn in the political games of Thomas Wolsey?


These thoughts continued to race round and round in Beth’s head throughout the course of the morning. Again she was struggling to focus on her work, and she was sure that her superiors would begin to question why she had been employed at court at all. Emma kept shooting her concerned looks, but Beth did not feel she could confide in her friend. She could envisage the shock on Emma’s face were she to explain why Wolsey had summoned her, so she had been avoiding her friend’s questions about it all morning.


The weather was unusually warm today, so Emma and Beth took their bread and cheese outside to eat it sitting on the grass outside. No sooner had they started to eat than John appeared beside them.


“Good day,” he began, “It is a beautiful spot for a picnic. Do you mind if I join you?” Without waiting for the girls to reply, he laid his cloak out on the grass and sat down beside them.


Beth was once again struck by John’s youthful good looks. For a moment she considered the strangeness of being attracted by two completely different men: the King with his muscular and imposing presence and John with his lithe body and dark hair. Not to mention the fact that these two men had drastically different social ranks. As soon as this thought had popped into her head, Beth dismissed it, telling herself that she was being ridiculous to even entertain the notion of anything happening between her and the King. He was a married man and not only that but the King of England. Could she even consider becoming his mistress?


John broke the companionable silence that had settled on the group: “There is a dance tomorrow evening at a local inn, and I was wondering whether you both would care to accompany me?”


“Oh yes,” Emma immediately replied, “I think we could all do with a little fun and Beth hasn’t had the chance to meet all of the other court servants yet!” Beth smiled her consent too, feeling glad that the dance was the following day rather than that night, since she still had not made up her mind about the King.


“Wonderful, I shall meet you outside your bedchamber at nightfall tomorrow,” John said. They finished their food, happily gossiping about previous dances, and John and Emma explained to Beth the various romances occurring between the servants. Once their meal was finished, John rushed off to continue his work and the girls returned to the kitchen. Beth’s mood was much improved by her excitement about the dance the following day, and she passed the rest of the day in much better spirits. The only thing that occasionally marred Beth’s mood was when the kitchen servants discussed the Queen’s condition, at which point Beth invariably felt a pang of guilt.


That evening, Emma had gone out to meet a boy from the stables with whom she was having a whirlwind romance, so Beth was alone in her bedchamber working on some embroidery. As the evening sky began to darken, Beth knew she would have to make a decision regarding the King, who was expecting her at nightfall. She was flattered by his obvious lust for her, and certainly had felt stirrings of arousal herself the previous evening, but she wasn’t sure whether she could make the monumental decision to go to him again, knowing exactly what it was he wanted. Casting her work aside, Beth stood and moved to the mirror beside Emma’s bed. Looking at her reflection, she could see her wild and shining hair, the faint sprinkling of freckles on the bridge of her nose, and a glisten of moisture on her lips. Feeling as if she barely recognized the young woman reflected back at her, Beth sighed, feeling the night drawing ever closer and knowing that a decision needed to be made. Then she heard a firm tap on the bedchamber door. Moving across to open it, she was greeted by a well-dressed man brandishing a silk purse and a sealed letter. Surprised, and a little embarrassed, Beth took these items and thanked the man who had brought them. Settling herself on her bed, Beth took a deep steadying breath and opened the parchment.


My dearest Elizabeth,


Since yesterday you have not been far from my mind for a single moment. As I have gone about my business attending to meetings with my advisors, out hunting in the grounds, and eating alone in my chamber, your image has remained before my eyes. I do hope I did not startle you last night, but when I discovered you in my rooms it was as if my imagination had summoned you there myself. I had wondered whom the beautiful new servant was when I saw you at the feast, and to find you there in my chamber it was as if you had read my mind and sought me out.

I understand that you must be feeling unsure about my declaration of desire but a young, and no doubt chaste, girl such as yourself is a prized possession here at court, and I cannot bear the thought of another man possessing your body and your heart. This is why, despite the difficult circumstances, I could not help but let my feelings be known. I suspect that you felt the moment of attraction too.

Please find me tonight, I cannot bear to wait a moment longer. I shall treat you well, and endeavor to make you happy in any way possible. My mind will not be at rest until I have felt you in my arms and whispered your name into your hair. You will find in the accompanying purse a gold ring to demonstrate my ardor for you, and a blue satin ribbon that will look beautiful against your hair.


Please, Elizabeth, I shall be waiting.


Yours, in any way you wish,





Chapter 7



As Beth entered the bedchamber of the King of England her immediate impression was that it was far less intimating than she had expected. The furniture was grand, of course, but the soft flickering of the candles, and the dark red drapes over the bed made the room inviting and intimate. The King was standing at the far end of the room, leaning casually against the wall, and Beth smiled to herself as she realized that he probably positioned himself there carefully in an attempt at nonchalance. Not a word passed between them as Beth moved towards the King. Her palms were sweaty with nerves, and she was sure he would hear the thudding of her heart, but as he smiled at her with a look of pure joy that she had come, she began to breath a little easier. Once she was within touching distance of the King, Beth paused not knowing how to proceed. She really had no experience in this area, and hoped that the King would take control. As soon as she had thought this, the King reached out his hand and stroked her hair, drawing her face towards him as he did so. Their mouths were now millimeters apart and Beth could feel her heart racing at an incredible speed as her nerves began to be replaced with excitement. Before she even knew what had happened, they were kissing. The firm but gentle pressure of the King’s lips against hers felt exquisite, and his tongue gently edged into her mouth, exploring and caressing. His hands were now around Beth’s waist, and she felt herself melting into him, willing him not to let go. Very slowly, his hands moved to her bodice and began to unlace the ribbons that fastened it. They continued to kiss as Beth’s outer garments fell away and she was left standing in her shift. The King took a step back and his dark eyes took in the curves of her body, and her naked legs and arms. With his breathing now shallow and his cheeks flushed with desire, be began to kiss Beth’s neck, arms and fingertips. He then tenderly removed her shift, and she stood entirely naked in front of him. Leisurely the King cast his eyes over her from head to toe, taking in her darkened and pert nipples, the smooth skin of her stomach, the womanly curve of her hips and her slender legs. With a soft groan of arousal he led Beth to the bed, and she lay against the soft pillows and watched as he hurriedly removed his own clothes.

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