ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance) (73 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
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Chapter 3

Kalisa nodded her head and tried to retain her composure when she left the apartment to catch a ride to the center of town. The sense of trepidation was almost overwhelming when she got off the bus and walked towards her destination. Her parents were well off and she wasn’t unused to staying in nice places, but the Hamilton Hotel was a cut above anything she’d been in before. She smiled nervously at the doorman when he let her in and was almost astounded by the opulence of the lobby when she looked around. It was the picture of perfection with every last detail attended to.

The thought came to her that she didn’t fit in, but she shrugged it aside when she walked to the ground floor bar. It was where Troy said he would be waiting and it was bang on eight when Kalisa walked inside. Even with his back to her, she recognized him straight away and her legs trembled as she walked over to him.

“Mr. Carter,” she said and knew she was lost when he turned around and smiled at her.

He was even better looking in real life and she stood nervously as his gaze slid down to the hem of her skirt then came up again.

“You look gorgeous,” he complimented her and held out his hand.

Kalisa was holding her breath when they shook and he didn’t let go of her hand as he indicated for her to sit on the stool next to him.

“I appreciate that you could come on such short notice,” he said.

“It’s my pleasure,” Kalisa replied.

Her heart was racing and she wondered if he was aware of the effect he was having on her. The hem of her skirt slid up her thighs as she got comfortable on the stool and she saw him glance down.

“Would you like a drink?” he asked.

“Just a wine please,” Kalisa replied.

He ordered it and another whisky for himself then lifted his glass to take a sip before asking the question. It seemed they weren’t about to waste any time on small talk.

“So…, why did you join the dating agency?”

“My friend told me about it,” she replied.

“That doesn’t really answer my question,” he said and smiled.

“Oh…, no, I guess not,” Kalisa said.

Her hand shook as she lifted her glass and she was conscious of the intense gaze of the handsome, older man next to her. He stayed silent and she knew he was expecting her to go on.

“Well,” Kalisa said. “I kind of argued with my parents about the college I was going to and they…” She wasn’t quite sure how to finish her comment, but Troy did it for her.

“They weren’t pleased with your choice.”

“No they weren’t,” Kalisa admitted.

“So you need to make it through the next few years on your own,” he went on perceptively.

Kalisa nodded her head.

“That’s what they said when I didn’t back down and choose the university they wanted me to attend.”

“Good for you,” Troy said. “I admire your guts to go it alone for what you want.”

“I can’t really afford to though,” she let out quietly.

“And…, that’s where I come in,” he said and smiled.

Kalisa’s nerves grew.

“Would you really help me?” she asked.

“We help each other,” Troy said. “I’d be prepared to assist you…, if I get what I want out of the arrangement.”

They were getting to the crux of the matter already and Kalisa was aware of the heady mixture of anxiety and excitement taking hold to make her tremble.

“What do you want?” she asked.

“In the long run I want you,” he said candidly. I thought you were perfect the second I saw your picture last night and am even more convinced of that now.”

“What exactly would I be expected to do?” Kalisa went on.

“Whatever I want,” he replied instantly. “That could be just to meet for a coffee and a chat or it could go all the way to making love…, if you agree to that.”


“Hear me out first,” Troy said to interrupt her.

“If you need somewhere to stay, I have an apartment in town that I only use occasionally when I work late. If you agree to the arrangement, you are welcome to stay there for free. I will pay any of your college costs and also give you a living allowance each month. If you give me your bank details I will have it set up.”

It sounded too good to be true and she was about to say yes straight away, but Troy went on.

“There is one more thing.”

“Which is?” Kalisa asked.

“I have a friend, well…, more of a business colleague staying in town with me tonight. I know it’s asking a lot of you considering this is our first meeting, but he has a fantasy that he doesn’t want his wife to find out about and asked if I could help him fulfill it.”

Kalisa was a bit shocked at the turn the conversation was suddenly taking, but there was also an unexpected flicker of excitement.

“He likes bigger girls?” she let out quietly.

“He has the same tastes as me,” Troy went on. “He dreams about voluptuous, beautiful ebony girls. This isn’t a deal breaker. You can say no and we can still set up something between the two of us, but it would help me with a huge business deal if you could join us in his suite.”

“If I say no, you would lose it?” Kalisa asked and couldn’t believe she did. That she was even considering what was being suggested shocked her even more, but that trickle of exhilaration wouldn’t go away.

“Maybe,” Troy replied.

Kalisa lifted her glass to take a long sip of her wine. She was being asked to give herself up to a threesome with two older white men and knew she should walk away. The weird thing was she didn’t want to. There was a desire to help Troy for what he was promising to do for her, but she also knew there was more to it. The quickening of her pulse and flare of warmth between her thighs was evidence of that. She emptied her glass and put it down.

“Do you promise to set up what you said?” she asked when she looked in his eyes.

“I’ll take you to the apartment tonight if you want,” he said. “And all you have to do is give me the details of your college dues and I’ll have the money deposited to your account with living expenses for this month as soon as you want.”

“OK,” she agreed.

The word came out before she could stop it and she saw the smile that spread across Troy’s face. She wasn’t sure if it was because she was helping him or whether he was enjoying the idea on playing out a fantasy. It was more than crazy to be doing it, but she was living a fantasy herself to be a naughty girl and it was making her tremble.

The breath stuck in her throat when Troy stood up and held out his hand. The tingling spark of electricity when she took it made the air rush out from between her lips and the flicker of heat between her thighs blossomed to more. She kept her eyes on the floor as she was led out of the bar to the lobby. They were the only two that got in the elevator that arrived and she shuddered as his gentle touch brushed some loose strands of hair from her forehead.

“You really do have a beautiful face,” Troy said.

Kalisa brought her gaze up as the compliment brought out a further flush of excitement and she was transfixed when he leant forward. The softest of kisses pressed on her lips and the moment was electric again as her pulse quickened to make her chest heave. She saw Troy looking at her ample bust when their lips parted and the way he slid the tip of his tongue around his lips sent a shiver down her spine.

There was no doubt that he liked her bigger curves and when his hand came up to caress her cheek while he looked in her eyes, she knew she was his. It was something she’d never felt before, but she was certain already that she wanted him in her life and would do whatever it took to make sure it happened.

They moved apart when the ping signaled the doors were about to open. The plush surroundings were impressive and there were only a couple of doors in the long hallway they stepped out to. Troy moved to the one on the left and knocked. The door was quickly opened and Kalisa was all too aware of the expression of the man when he saw her. It was pure lust.

“This is Ken,” Troy introduced his friend.

“Come in,” Ken said and stood aside.

Kalisa hesitated for just a second before stepping inside the large suite. The sound of the door closing made her turn around and she saw the men staring at her. Her hands became clammy and she unconsciously wiped them on the sides of her dress.

“She is beautiful,” Ken said.

“Isn’t she just,” Troy replied. “I just told her that in the elevator.”

Kalisa sensed her nerves evaporating. There was something empowering about the way she was obviously turning on two older men and it really was like living a fantasy. She was being the naughty girl of her dreams and it was bringing out a desire that was stronger than she expected.

She instinctively backed off as the two men approached her, but there was no escape. Her gasp was loud as each of them grabbed a wrist to lead her through to the large bedroom area. She was made to sit on the edge of the bed and her skirt slid up her thighs. A glance down showed how much pretty, dark skin she was exposing and she looked up to see the gazes of both men on it.

Her face was level with their crotches and there was no doubting their lust for her. She was unable to take her gaze from the erotic sight and she knew what they wanted when they both stepped forward. Her hands were shaking as she gave it to them and reached out to touch on two erections for the first time in her life. The delicious moment made her gasp and she found herself almost mesmerized as her touch brought both men fully erect.

“Get them out,” Troy told her.

She never really liked being told what to do, but there was something about his demanding order that awakened a longing to please him. A glance up showed both men staring and Ken reached out to stroke his fingertips on her lips as she slid his zipper lower. Slipping her hand inside the gap in his pants, she fumbled for his erection and shuddered as her fingers closed around it. He moved his hand to the back of her head as she pulled his cock out and she was made to lean forward.

Troy took the opportunity to pull the neckline of her dress down and his fingers slid under her bra as she kissed on cock. The taste filled her mouth as the pressure increased on her head and her lips slid over the slick head of Ken’s erection. His groan was loud as her mouth engulfed him, but Kalisa’s attention was focused on the way her breasts were being groped.

She bobbed her head to pleasure Ken as her large breasts were dragged from the pretty yellow bra. Troy dropped to his knees to get his mouth on her nipples to suck them stiff as she gave a blowjob. It was definitely the sexiest experience of her life by far, but she knew she wanted more.

Her breasts were ravaged by an eager mouth and she winced as Troy’s teeth grazed across her stiff nipples. His head moved from side to side as he took his fill of her curves, while she quickened the pace at which she ran her lips up and down Ken’s erect length. His hips jabbed forward to shove the tip of his cock down her throat and she was lost to the thrill of the moment. She gasped when she came up for air.

“Get her dress off,” Troy said when he leapt to his feet.

The dark red material was literally ripped from her body and her tits spilled completely free when her bra was pulled off. She scrambled up the bed and got a show as both men stripped. It was Troy her eyes were on and she shuddered when the solid muscles of his chest were revealed. Her gaze flicked from man to man as she watched them hurry to get naked and she knew they were about to use her. The swell of anticipation as she waited made her tremble and it was Ken that won the race and he got on the bed quickly to straddle her chest.

He lowered himself to drop his erection in her cleavage and she knew what he wanted. She grabbed hold of her breasts to squeeze them around his cock and his head rocked back as the pleasure of being engulfed by silky, warm flesh hit him. His gaze quickly came down to her body as he began to thrust his hips. He groaned each time he stuck his cock in her cleavage and she placed her hands so that her fingertips stroked on the sensitive head each time it emerged from between her big tits.

Kalisa couldn’t take her gaze from the dirty sight of hard, white cock popping out from her dark, ebony cleavage, but she groaned as her plump legs were dragged apart. She knew what was coming and wriggled around as the yellow panties were dragged half way down her thighs. Troy’s head ducked between them and she shuddered as his tongue rasped along her wet slit. He used his fingers to open her up and she knew she was showing him pretty pink skin against the dark of her thighs. His tongue jabbed inside her and she gasped as the stiff penetration plunged deep. His stubble grazed against her skin and it made her body arch up.

That only encouraged Ken and he increased his efforts to shove his stiff shaft in the soft haven of her cleavage. It bounced her tits around and she held on tightly to keep them squeezed around his thrusting cock. It seemed that he might be overwhelmed by the thrill of his fantasy coming to life, but he finally slowed down to keep control of himself. She looked to see him staring at her face.

“Those red lips are so pretty,” he said.

Kalisa knew he wanted to fuck her mouth and suspected this time he wouldn’t slow down when he got closed to unloading. His fingers stroked on her mouth and she was sure he was going to cum on her face.

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
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