ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance) (76 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
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Chapter 4

“Why me?” he would learn eventually that I was very blunt, why not start now?

“Why you what?” Markus smiled, wiping the ketchup off of his bottom lip.

“Why’d ya ask me out?” I had thought the question was obvious, but clearly he needed more. “I mean out of everyone.”

“I’m flattered that you think I could have everyone,” he chuckled. “But everyone didn’t appeal to me. You did. It’s a simple concept that a few of us live by. We ask out the women we would like to go out with.”

“What was it that appealed to you?”

“You didn’t strike me as insecure Trina,” he mentioned, setting the napkin down. “Is something on your mind?”

“Nah,” I blew him off. “I guess I’ve just never had that happen before. Someone coming in for a cut and leaving with a date.”

              “I don’t know how. You are a beautiful woman with an amazing personality.”

The flip-flops in my belly were about to make me sick. This man was good at laying it on. That bothered me. What if it was just bullshit? Of course given that all I wanted was a date and a night of exploring his sexy body, I wasn’t even sure why that would upset me.

“Why’d you accept?”

“Huh?” he had surprised me with that one. “Have you looked in a mirror lately?”

“So you are shallow?” I saw that mischievous twinkle in his eyes again. “Only wanting me for my body?”

“As if that bothers you,” I mumbled.


“Not likely. If you didn’t want women appreciating your body then you wouldn’t put in so much effort to make it look like that.”

“Touché,” he grinned. “But I might like someone to find other things about me appealing as well.”

“Your sense of humor and ability to emit sarcasm on the spot is very attractive.”

“As is yours,” he mentioned. “Anything else?”

“I don’t really know much else about you there Markus,” I reminded him. “Except that you do a really shitty job at cutting hair.”

“Thankfully you do not.”

“So tell me, why’d ya pick our salon anyway?”

“It was cheap.” He laughed, taking the glass of wine he’d poured and putting it to his lips.

I couldn’t help but watch. Full perfect lips gripped the rim of the glass, making me wish I could lean over and kiss them. Damn he was sexy. Even drinking was arousing.

“Frugality is important,” he continued. “Even if it’s not necessary.”

“I wouldn’t know,” I admitted. “I’ve never had it not be necessary.”

“You aren’t missing much. The more you have, the more people want. It’s hard to find anyone that’s sincere.”

“What are you, a celebrity?”

“No, just a very wealthy man that wishes he could live a simple life.”

Okay so that surprised me. Wealthy? I wondered what wealthy meant in his book. He certainly didn’t dress or act rich. He’d chosen a small restaurant for our meal and ordered a hamburger. I didn’t know what he drove, but I’d bet it was a mediocre sedan. Could he really be wealthy?

“The only people that say that shit are the ones with money,” I laughed. “You never hear a poor person sayin’ they wish they could have less money.”

“The burden on those of us with money is just as great. It simply shows itself in different ways.”

“I guess,” I didn’t have much to say to that. “So how’d you get rich then?”

He could tell I didn’t believe him, probably because of the giggle after the question. I hoped that I didn’t insult him, but I couldn’t make myself believe something that seemed so unrealistic.

“A small inheritance, a few wise investments and business decisions, and here I am.” Again he placed the glass against his lips, this time spilling just a touch of wine on his chin. Instinctively I reached out and wiped it with my thumb, lingering a little longer than I should have. “You don’t believe me, I take it?”

“Well, I mean you aren’t exactly dressed like a rich guy,” I pointed out. “And you ordered a hamburger.”

“I see,” his laugh bellowed from deep inside. “Rich men don’t like burgers or wear t-shirts and jeans. What else do they not do?”

“Ask out the stylist at the cheap salon they went to? Cut their own hair? Drive a moderately affordable sedan?”

“How did you know what I was driving?”

“Just a guess.”

“Nice. Well Trina,” he sat back, looking at me. “Maybe I prefer to be myself and I find t-shirts comfortable. Perhaps I love a good burger and every time I go eat with someone they want to go upscale. I might even drive a sedan because it’s affordable and economical and rich men do not stay rich if they blow their money on cars just to impress people.”

“I suppose those make sense.”

“And it could be that I went to that cheap salon because I knew I needed very little done to my hair and I couldn’t see paying upwards of fifty bucks so I could namedrop with my friends. As for asking out the stylist-- maybe she’s the first woman to truly make me smile since my wife died.”

I couldn’t tell if he was angry or just being sarcastic, but I decided to just ride it out.

“Of course I could also be poor as shit and just trying to impress you. I guess you will have to wonder.”

“Seems I’m going to have to wonder about a lot of things after tonight.”

“Such as?” his eyebrows raised in curiosity.

“Well for example, I will wonder what those lips taste like,” I felt the smirk spread across my face. “Unless you’d like to show me?”

“Check please,” He lifted a finger at the waiter. “Trina, you are going to be trouble for me. I can just feel it.”

Chapter 5

Slipping into the passenger seat of his sedan, I recited my address without bothering to ask which of our homes he’d like to go to. I wasn’t much on staying over with someone and actually would probably send him home before I fell asleep. It didn’t matter. I knew how these things went.

“Do me a favor,” his hand reach over and clasped my upper thigh-- squeezing just enough to excite me. “Call me Mark, okay?”

I felt my breath constrict in my throat as his hand slid up just slightly, squeezing once more. The mere thought of his hand being so closed to where I wanted him sent waves of desire throughout my body.

“I’ll call you whatever you want if you hurry,” I teased, slipping my hand around and placing it over his crotch.

He was already hard, pressing firmly against my palm as it rested there. The action excited him just as much, his cock throbbing beneath his jeans. Another squeeze on my thigh nearly caused a moan to escape my lips.

“I don’t think I’ve ever had a first date go quite like this,” he laughed. “Is this normal for you?”

My heart raced as he asked. I had no clue how to answer. Some guys liked the wilder girls while others were turned off. I hadn’t placed my finger just yet on which type he was.

“Hmm,” I teased. “I guess you will just have to wonder.”

Joking with him using his own line, I was able to dodge the question. Truthfully, no. I didn’t tend to ask for sex or practically jump the guy in his car on a first date. Hell, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been in a guy’s car on any date. I liked to be responsible for myself.

“You are something else,” he mumbled as I allowed my hand to cup him slightly, reminding him that I was there and wanting him.

“I hope that’s a good thing,” I murmured, barely breathing as he massaged my inner thigh softly with his fingers.

“I think so,” he smiled. “I hope so.”

“This is it on the right,” I pointed to my apartment building.

Slowly pulling into the parking lot, Mark found a spot and shut off the car. I didn’t ask if he was walking me up considering the way we’d been on the ride over. He also didn’t ask, simply getting out and opening my door for me.

Hand in hand we walked past the doorman and to the elevator. Three stories up, the door opened and we walked silently to my door. I could feel my heart pounding against my chest and only hoped that he didn’t hear it.

There was no offer or request for him to come inside-- he merely followed me through the door. As soon as I heard it close, I felt his hands on my waist as he turned me to face him.

“Someone is eager,” I teased. “Can I sit my things down?”

A shake of his head told me that he had no intention of waiting just before he pulled me into him and brought his lips within inches of mine.

“I believe you had a question?” He whispered against my skin, sending shivers across my spine.

Dropping my purse and keys to the floor beside me, I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him down, pressing my lips against his.

“Yes,” I replied softly. “Yes I did.”

With that Mark slipped his lips apart, running his tongue gently along the outer edges of my mouth. Slowly, he pushed it through my lips, parting them, and he possessively took control of the kiss.

I felt everything inside of me come undone. The feel of his kiss, the grunts I could hear slip out from deep in his gut, the passion that I felt overwhelm me-- all combined to make my body begin to shake.

“Mmmm,” I moaned. “They taste just as I imagined they would.”

His hands slipped down, cupping my ass and pushing it up against him, our bodies becoming practically one.

“And how is that?”

“Delicious,” I teased, grinding my hips so that I rubbed eagerly against his erection.

“Damn,” he whispered. “So fucking sexy.”

“I was about to say the same,” I replied.

Slipping my hand under the hem of his t-shirt, I began to lift. That was when he backed up, stopping me from removing the garment or even touching him any further.

“Awww,” I whined. “Come back over here,” pleading with him, I reached for his hand only to see him pull away, though reluctance to do so was shining in his eyes.

“Trina,” he began, looking at me with regret. “No.”

“You don’t want me?”

I hadn’t really planned any of this to happen, but I most certainly didn’t expect that he would just stop. The way he’d touched me in the car-- the way he’d kissed me-- I had believed that we were on the same page.

“Oh fuck yes. I want you,” he slipped forward, pressing his lips to mine again before pulling back. “I want you madly.”

“Then what’s the problem?” Slowly I slipped fingers beneath the top button of my blouse, slipping it through the hole.  If all else failed, start taking off the clothes. “I want you,” First button loose as he watched in silence. “You want me,” Second button loose, his eyes still focused. “So why not,” just as I went to pop open the third button-- an act that would have allowed ample viewing of my tits, he reached out and stopped me.

“Not like this,” he said. “Not tonight.”

“I don’t understand,” I was beginning to feel frustrated. “Why not tonight?”

“I like you Trina,” he admitted. “A hell of a lot.”

“Good,” I grinned, reaching again for the button.

“But I’m not looking for a one night stand. I want something real. I think we could find that. But not if I fuck you on the first date.” He turned back towards the door. “I will call you tomorrow.” And with those words, he was gone.

Chapter 6

“This is Chelle,” I grinned as I introduced the two of them for the first time.

“Nice to meet you,” he told her, leaning down to kiss her hand.

              “I like this guy,” she laughed. “Keep him.”

“She doesn’t really have a choice.”

Though the exchange was a good one, it didn’t feel good to me. What the hell was happening? How did I end up in this?

One thing about Mark; he knew how to keep a woman hanging on. After our first date and the steamy way that it ended, I couldn’t just give up and walk away. I was stuck in that stage of not just wanting-- but needing-- to finish what we’d started.

He had other plans. They included dates, dinners with family, movies on the couch that resulted in making out for three hours with no orgasm. It’d been six weeks. A month and a half of dating and I still hadn’t even had the D.

I was beyond sexually frustrated. I was on the brink of a killing spree. Somehow over that time frame, we’d ended up as a couple. It wasn’t planned. It wasn’t discussed. I didn’t think about it actually. It just fucking happened.

His hand slipped across my ass, massaging gently in a way that no one could see. Damn him. It was like he was going to keep me worked up and wanting him so I’d never complain about being a….girlfriend. Fuck.

It wasn’t like it was all bad. He was very sweet, attentive and loving. Anything I wanted or needed he would do. I honestly never worried about him cheating simply because he was content for us to do everything together.

But my warning bells were going off, very loudly. The ones that were warning me that soon feelings and serious stuff was going to be involved and I knew how that went. I’d get attached. He’d get unattached. I’d be hurt. He’d leave. I didn’t need that.

Yet I couldn’t stay away. I soaked up every moment of his presence. I just wished that he would slow it down some so that I didn’t have to fear what was going on.

Unlike typical, he let his fingers wander just slightly until they were damn near close to the spot I was currently aching. My knees trembled and I almost lost my balance.

“This is a nice party,” he continued to rub on my ass as he talked of the decorations and how much effort was put into hosting it. “Everyone seems really friendly.”

I attempted through staggered breath to carry on a conversation, telling him about the event. It was hosted by an organization that Chelle and I worked with. One that offered help for those who had fallen on a disaster of some sort. Death, illness and even job loss were often detrimental to a family. So this place would help them get things they needed and get back on their feet.

“Something bothering you?” his eyes sparkled with delight at the realization that he was driving my body absolutely crazy in the middle of a packed room.

“Why? You planning to solve my problems tonight?” I teased back.

“I guess you will have to wonder,” he winked, pulling his hand away and walking towards a small group of people.

“I didn’t think I’d ever see the day,” Chelle walked up without me noticing. “Trina succumbing to a man and the whole relationship thing.”

“He suckered me in by withholding sex.” I whined. “Next thing I knew I was all involved and committed and shit.”

“How does it feel?” she giggled.

“Frustrating,” I snapped.

“Are you seriously angry?”

“No,” I admitted. “Yes. Sort of. I mean I don’t know. He’s always teasing me. Reminding me of what I want the most. Yet I never get anything but a bunch of fucking dates and hearing him introduce me as his girlfriend.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

“No. It’s just, I don’t know. It’s like one day I woke up and here I was and yet I can’t stop.”

“Do you want to stop?”

“I don’t think so,” I confessed. “But I don’t know because I want him so fucking badly.”

“So talk to him,” She suggested. “I mean personally, I think you have feelings for him…but…”

“Shhhh,” I ordered. “Don’t say the f word.”

“It’s not so bad Trina,” she giggled. “Feelings can be good.”

“Until he doesn’t have them and leaves,” I shrugged. “Damn him.”

Just as I said that I saw him turn and look in my direction. He was about to walk back over, no doubt to show Chelle again that we were an item. Ugh. As if she didn’t already know?

“Talk to him,” she whispered, walking off before he arrived.

“Everything okay baby?” he asked, leaning in to kiss my cheek.

“It could be,” I teased, pushing myself up against and secretly slipping my hand over his crotch. “It could be better than alright.”

“You are insatiable,” he kissed me.

“How would you know? You never try,” I felt my face drop, eyes turning down.

“Trina,” he lifted my chin. “What’s wrong?”

“You don’t want me,” I shook my head. “No matter what I do, you never want me.”

“You can’t tell how much I want you?” He nodded towards his groin, hard against my hand. “Why would you say I don’t?”

“It never goes anyway. We’ve been together for a month.”

“Maybe we should get out of here?” he looked at my face for an answer. A quick nod and smile let him know I was ready.

Finally, he was going to give me what I wanted most.

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