ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance) (78 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
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Chapter 2



Another day in the office and I am exhausted. I just want to leave, have a drink, and find a beautiful woman I can love on all night. I haven’t had a hookup in a few days and it’s about time for one. I need the release of me inside a gorgeous woman, her head thrown back in pleasure. It’s just sex, no ties, no hearts and flowers. Hot, lustful sex. I am not the tied down type of guy.

My secretary, Marissa, beeps in that my last client of the day has arrived. I try to ignore the desire coursing through my veins as I think of my night ahead and see to Richard and Joan. They are long time clients here at Landerville & Bollenger. My partner, Finn Bollenger, and I run this law firm together. We mainly do family law - divorces, parental rights, annulments, etc. Finn and I have been partners for about 5 years now and our business runs seamlessly. Of course, there are bumps in the road but who doesn’t have issues at some point? The business is successful and it makes great money and I mean fucking fantastic money.

Once I finish up with my clients, I nod goodbye to Finn and head out the door to my bike. It’s a gorgeous day today and I couldn't resist taking it for a spin. Riding my Harley always helps me to clear my head.

I take the long way home so I can enjoy the bike ride, trying to decide which bar to go to. I pass my favorite bar, Rick's, and I decide to go in. Some alcohol and a hot woman are what I could definitely use right now. I go inside and sit down to have a few drinks. The scene here is slim pickings tonight, probably because it is a weeknight.

I have a few more drinks and decide to call it a night. There were a couple of cute ladies but none that I felt like working for. Some women play hard to get and I am over those games. I don’t like drama or playing fucking games. I just want straightforward, no strings attached, hot sex.

As I get home, feeling pretty buzzed, my phone rings in my pocket.

“Hey bro, what’s going on?” My brother, Sam, speaks into the phone.

“Not much, man, just seeing how my baby brother is doing.” I can just see him grinning into the phone.

“I am doing well. The law firm is running well and I am pretty buzzed off my ass right now.” I hear him laugh.

“What else would I expect from you, Noah? Alcohol and girls, girls and alcohol. That's what you love. Alcohol and sex should be your middle names.”

I chuckle to myself. “Yeah, yeah. I am just having some fun. What's wrong with that?”

“Oh nothing, nothing. Any plans for maybe a girlfriend in the future?”

“No bro, you know I don't do that bullshit. It only leads to pain.”

Sam sighs into the phone. “Just because Lisa fucked with your head doesn't mean all women will. She was a greedy bitch, you were blinded by love, and shit happened. It happens to all of us. Live and learn. I want to see you happy.”

“I am happy, don't worry. Now did you call just to lecture me or what?” I roll my eyes because I know Sam is nosy. He found his love, which is great for him, but it is just not for me.

“No, no lectures. I have some news. You know the clothing line I have been designing, Bronze SL?” I respond yes and Sam continues. “Well I have had some success recently with a lot of interest in the line. All of the pieces I have had produced have done well, as you know. So I am attending a show next week for the buyer, Jason Davis. Would you be able to come by and just show some support? Maybe wear a few of the pieces of clothing since you love my line so much?”

I laugh. I do love his line. It appeals to my style of sexy men’s clothing. Sam basically took what he loved to dress in and created a complete line of clothing with it. I enjoy dressing very similar so I have no problem helping him out.

“Sure bro, of course I can. Text me the date, time, and place and I will make sure my secretary puts it into my calendar. You know I love your style, because you know you totally copied it from me.” I grin to myself.

Sam laughs. “Yeah sure, whatever helps you sleep at night. Seriously though, thanks. Have a good night.”

“Later Sam.” I end the call and decide to call it a night. Women love fashion, maybe I can grab a few gorgeous ones that day and have a little fun.



Chapter 3



It's the day of the show and I am freaking out. Tessa and I just finished setting up the whole booth along with the help of my best friend, Ginny. I am so nervous about talking to Jason Davis; I can feel my palms sweating and my hands shaking. I take deep, calming breaths. I can't lose out on this and ruin it just because of my nerves. Ginny and Tessa rub my back, whispering comfort words to me. Thank God they are here being such great friends.

Across the way, I see a sexy delicious man setting up his own booth. It's Bronze SL clothing line. I have heard of him. I didn't realize the designer, Sam Landerville, is so gorgeous. I am sure the woman helping him is his girlfriend. I can see the affection they have for each other. His clothing line oozes manly sex appeal. Now it makes sense since he looks to be the epitome of sex appeal.

I tear my eyes away. It's distracting me. I can't focus on the rival, especially since he is my biggest contender right now. Jason Davis is here mainly to decide between Sam's line and mine. There are some other small lines showing off their work to other potential buyers but not for Jason.

“Wow, that Sam Landerville is one fine piece of ass,” Tessa says. Leave it to her to point it out first.

Ginny giggles. “Hell yeah he is. Looks like he is taken though. I guess the stereotype that all men clothing designers are gay is not always true.” Ginny laughs even harder.

Tessa and I grin at each other. “Nope he certainly is not. He's dripping with sex as are his clothes and his girlfriend can't keep her hands off him,” I say.

              “I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off that hot man either. Just look at him. He is some gorgeous eye candy.” Tessa replies as she is practically wiping the drool from her face.

              “I heard he has a hot younger brother too. A recent article I read was talking about them. Supposedly the brother is Noah and he is a hotshot billionaire lawyer. Maybe we will get to feast our eyes on him too.” Ginny smiles and her whole face lights up.

              “Okay ladies, enough googling over the competition. It's time to get fierce!”

              A few hours pass and I am having a really good time. I met with Jason Davis already and it went very well. He seemed to really like my designs and let me know he would be in touch either way. I have been mingling with other designers and buyers, immersing myself in the culture of fashion design. It is enriching and I love it.

              I head back to my booth with drinks for Tessa and I. Ginny had to take off but she wants to celebrate later. I told her there really wasn't anything to celebrate but she insists, saying we can toast to having gotten through my first show and for being considered for such a huge buyer.

              As I make my way back I see Tessa talking to man. A fucking hot man to be exact. I can only see his side profile but just that glimpse has got me rooted to the spot. I stand there and drink him in, desire coursing through me. Who the hell is this guy? I never have felt such a strong connection just by looking at someone before.

              I can't stand here all day looking like a fool so I slide up to my booth and hand Tessa her drink. “Thanks love!” She takes a generous sip and the handsome fella turns towards me and our eyes meet. Holy shit I am going to melt right here, right now. I feel my legs go wobbly and I grip the table for support. I take a long drink as his eyes scour my entire body. I am wearing one of my gorgeous midnight blue dresses, hugging all of my thick curves in all of the right places. I know how to show off my extra lusciousness and this man seems to be enjoying every inch.

              I clear my throat, hinting at Tessa to introduce me.

              “Oh yes, sorry. I was into my drink a bit too much there. Emma, this here is Noah Landerville. Noah, this is Emma Martins, the designer of Fierce. Noah and I were just discussing your gorgeous designs.” Tessa winks at me and mouths, “HOT!”

              I put my hand out and Noah takes it, but instead of shaking it, he brings it to his lips and kisses the back of it. A jolt of electricity passes right through me. I am swooning right there on the spot. My breath catches and I choke out, “Nice to meet you, Noah. What a gentleman you are.”

              He gives me a slow, sexy smile. “My pleasure, Emma. It is more than nice to meet you.” He winks at me.

              Wow this man is good at wooing the ladies. Even Tessa looks smitten. She keeps starting at him, her mouth barely closed. I then ask him, “So are you a designer also?”

              He chuckles deep in his throat. “No no, I am a lawyer. My brother over there, Sam, is the designer. He designs his own line called Bronze SL. I am here as a model and for moral support.”

              I look down at his clothing and sure enough, he looks amazing. He is in a pair of dark wash jeans that are hugging every part of his muscular, sexy frame perfectly. He has on a tight polo shirt that does not look preppy at all. In fact, he looks dark, stormy, and unbelievably hot. The shirt is very flattering, showing off the lines of his six-pack. I bring my eyes back up to him and he grins at me, knowing I was just checking him out.

              “So you are the competition huh?” he asks.

I nod at him. “Well it looks like my brother may have some trouble on his hands. Your clothing designs are gorgeous just like you.”

              I feel myself flush and I look towards Tessa. She has disappeared. Damn her. I don't feel in control of myself around this man. “Thank you. Your brother does great work too. So I may be in trouble myself.”

              “I believe this may be true.” He winks at me again, making my heart flutter. What is wrong with me? “What are you doing later?” he says.

              Wow right in for the kill he went. He is so sure of himself.

              “I am having drinks with my ladies.” His eyes grow dark as he listens to me. Passionately dark. “Why do you ask?”

              He shrugs casually. “I was just seeing if maybe a gorgeous woman such as yourself would do me the honor of having a drink with me.”

              “Umm...I...I...” Damn it Emma, you sound like a stumbling idiot. Must be this champagne going right to my head, all of the little bubbles working their way in.

              He watches me as I try to answer, which makes it even harder. I am all hot and bothered and he is calm and collected. “Maybe another night? I think my ladies just want it to be a ladies night.”

              I catch his face fall a bit but it quickly changes, as if he is trying to hide his emotions. “Okay, here is my card if you change your mind about tonight.” He licks his lips, hands me the card, and brings his face close to mine. I feel shivers run down my spine with him being this close to me. He smells divine, like rugged cologne and a sweet vanilla scent. I imagine him kissing me, our lips melding together. I want to taste him and explore what he has to offer. He whispers in my ear, “I could show you a mind blowing time, so if you're up to it, don't hesitate to call.” He kisses my cheek and with that he is gone.

              I stand there feeling like a tidal wave just hit me. I sit behind my booth and try to steady my breaths. No man has ever made me feel that way before. It was like I could actually feel the electricity coursing back and forth between us. It was so thick I wanted to jump on him. No no, I can't be thinking this way about the brother of my rival designer. I shake my head to clear my thoughts, down my champagne, and decide to start packing up. The show ends in 30 minutes and I can't wait to start downing margaritas.








Chapter 4



              Holy fuck, who is that woman? Emma Martins. I let her name roll around my head as I think about her alluring body. Damn, she is sexy as hell. I like my women having a bit of meat to them and she has a little bit more than I usually go for but her face is stunning, drawing me right in. Her curves are gorgeous with just enough thickness in all of the right spots. She looks soft and sweet and I want to taste what she has to offer. There is something about her, I can't put my finger on it, but I felt this connection like no other. It's killing me not knowing what it is. I don't want the bullshit, I just want the sex. So this is bothering me. Really bothering me. I haven't felt like this since my heart was broken by Lisa. No, no. I simply want some delicious sex from Emma and then that's it.

              I wish she didn't turn me down tonight. I wanted to ravish her. I head over to my brother's booth to help him finish up.

              “Yo bro, talking up the competition over there? What the hell is that all about?”

              “Calm down, Sam. It's not like I am supporting her in any way. I was just having some friendly conversation,” I reply. So much for getting some ladies for tonight.

              “You were hitting on her weren't you?” Sam shakes his head. “You sly dog, you.”

              “What makes you think that? I was just talking to her, introducing myself.”

              Sam rolls his eyes. “I know your looks and right now you look smitten. In fact, you haven’t looked this way in a long time.”

              I shrug him off and help him clean up as fast as I can. I want to get the hell out of there.

              When I make it outside, I see there is a bar right next door. Time to get into some trouble; there must be a woman in here looking for fun. I am tired of striking out.

              I walk in and take a look around. The place is dark in the lightening but the atmosphere is exciting, happy. People are dancing, sitting and drinking or eating, some sitting at the bar. I head up to the bar to get a beer and I freeze. There she is. Emma. She is with two other women, one I recognize from earlier. Well well what are the odds? She didn’t want to meet me for drinks but it’s going to happen anyway.

              I stride over to her table, watching her the whole time. Her back is to me and she is animatedly talking to her friends. She throws her head back in laughter. I can’t wait to see her head thrown back in ecstasy. I slide up next to her and all three of them stop talking. The one friend I don’t recognize just stares at me while Emma and Tessa look a bit shocked.

              Finally Emma speaks. “Oh, Noah. Hi. I didn’t know you were coming here tonight.” She is breathless, a pinkness coming into her cheeks.

              “I didn’t know I was going to be coming here either. I saw this place on my way out and decided to check it out. I am now very happy I did, as you are here, looking as beautiful as before.”

              She looks flustered; I know I have a strong effect on her. Tessa is smiling at the two of us like she is smitten with both of us and Ginny is just starting. Emma smiles at me. “Thank you. How nice to say. You remember Tessa from earlier? And this here is Ginny, one of my closest friends.” She nods towards them both and I nod at Tessa and shake Ginny’s hand.

              “My pleasure ladies. The next round of drinks is on me.” I smile at them, ask what they would like, and head back to the bar. I glance at them while waiting. Tessa and Ginny are leaning over and talking softly to Emma and she is answering back, looking like she is whispering.

              When I get back to the table, all conversation stops so obviously it was about me. I am positive it wasn’t bad though. The ladies continue to gab and gab and I join in the conversation when I can.

              Emma is so gorgeous I have to resist the urge to just take her into the bathroom with me. Or a dark corner somewhere. I want to dance with her. She’s been chatting with her friends long enough.

              I reach for her hand and she jumps back, surprised. “Sorry love, I wasn’t trying to scare you. Can you please come have a dance with me?” I smile at her, hoping to lure her in.

              She doesn’t say anything for a minute then finally she says yes.

Her girlfriends wink at her as she stands and follows me to the floor. The music is loud and pumping. I can feel it coursing through me. Why waste any time - I grab her around the waist and pull her to me. Her mouth opens in surprise but she smiles up at me. She has a bad girl brewing in there, I just know it. The music picks up speed and we dance together, our hips moving with the rhythm.

              She is a damn good dancer and my attraction for her grows. I spin her around so that she is facing away from me and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me. I only met her mere hours ago but this feels right, and I panic a little. I am enjoying the hell out of myself so I try to ignore what I feel.

I lose all sense of time and space; my focus solely being on her. I am so into dancing with her, our bodies melding together and the heat between us is becoming smoldering. I run my hands all over her and she throws her head back. I lean in and nuzzle her neck and she trembles. I want to explore every inch of this woman with my tongue. I nip at her earlobe, gently playing with it. She spins around as the song ends.

She breaks away from me and I feel empty for a moment. She smiles at me. “That was amazing. I should be going now though; my girlfriends are probably waiting for me.” She glances over towards the table. I follow her gaze and see her friends aren’t there. She looks worried. “Or maybe I mean I need to find my girlfriends.”

“OK, let me help you.” I lead her back to the table and as we pass a few tables, I see Tessa talking to a man, and Ginny is at the bar, drinking and talking with a man. “There they are.” I point each friend out to her. “No worries, now can you come back to the dance floor with me?”

“I would love to but I think I may call it a night.” My heart sinks a bit, surprising myself. The real problem is no sex again for me tonight. I keep striking out.

“Okay, can I at least give you a lift? Or did you drive here?” I ask her.

“Ginny drove us in. Let me see if she is ready to go.”

“By the looks of it, I would say no.” She follows my gaze to Ginny, who is flirting and practically throwing herself at the man she is talking to. I laugh and so does Emma.

“I think she may be here for a while. Same with Tessa over there.” She nods towards Tessa, who is now out on the dance floor, shaking her ass with her man conquest.

“See, all the more reason to let me give you a ride home.”

She grins. “You don’t give up easy do you?” I shake my head. She chuckles to herself, shaking her own head. “Ok ok, let me just let the girls know what’s going on.”

I watch her walk over to each one and whisper something. They both grin at her and whisper something back. She heads back over to me. “All set. You sure you don’t mind?”

She is so sweet; I want to see the bad girl come out. At the same time, I can’t help my insane attraction to her. It is overpowering all of my senses and I can’t shake it. I just want to have a good time with her. I am horny and yearning. My emotions aren’t letting me see clearly. She is just like every other girl; a quick, hot lay. So what the fuck is that nagging thought in my brain that is telling me otherwise?

No. No. Lisa destroyed me and I won’t be destroyed again. I will devour this woman and move on to the next like all of the others. I take her hand and lead her out of the bar. Time to seal this deal.





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