ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance) (79 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
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Chapter 5



              Emma. Get a grip. Why am I letting this stunningly hot man take me home? Why? I know this is only asking for trouble. But oh my God, I just can’t resist him. He probably just wants me for sex but I don’t really care at this point. I think I could do it. For this man, I need to make an exception.

              What was I thinking?

              Noah takes me across the street to the parking lot where everyone parked for the show today. He leads me to his truck, opening my door for me. I climb in and wait for him to head around. I feel really nervous for some reason.

              He climbs in and I can feel his warmth, radiating off him. I want to soak in it. I want to jump on his lap right now. I feel my cheeks heat and I know I need to stop thinking like this. He is just a hot man; I doubt he will give me what I am looking for. He doesn’t seem the type to settle down. He would probably already be taken.

              “Where’s home, beautiful?” He glances over at me and raises an eyebrow. “Or just say the word, and I’ll take you to my place.” He grins; it’s so sexy I can feel heat in between my legs.

              I look away, his stare is so intense. I can’t even think a coherent thought right now. I just want to ride him all night long.

              “You can take me home. I’d love to spend a night with you, believe me, but I have an early morning.” An early morning? I sounded like such a nerd. I knew better though. This man is dangerous.

              “Okay, if you say so,” he replies and leaves the parking area.

              I give him my address and we don’t say much on the way there. I can see him looking at me and it’s making me want to melt into the seat. My strength is flying out the window and I have a feeling I am going to be asking this man in.

              He pulls up to my house and gets out to open my door. I turn to step out of the truck and Noah blocks my way. He leans into me, pushing himself between my legs. I gasp, not expecting him to be so in control. It’s different and so sexy. He nuzzles his cheek against me, and I can’t help but laugh. I know what he is doing, trying to get into my pants, that’s what.

              “What’s so funny?” He whispers against my cheek.              

              “You are,” I reply. “If you want a kiss, just take one.”

              “Oh really, just take one huh? Well you don’t need to tell me twice.” He grabs my face and crushes his lips against mine. He runs his tongue along my lips, pushing himself inside. Our tongues find each other’s and explore, dipping, and circling each other. He slides his hands down my side and grasps my waist, pulling me closer.

              I run my hands into his hair, pulling slightly, and a small moan escapes his lips. I melt into his body, desire growing deep and dark inside my belly. I’m not going to resist this man so why try any longer.

              I break away from him, both of us sucking down some air. “Please come in.” I smile shyly up at him, hoping he will say yes.

              “I thought you would never ask.” He lifts me into his arms, throws me over his shoulder, smacks my ass, and I cry out in surprise. I laugh as he carries me to the front door. I hand him my keys and he opens the door and places me on the ground.

              I jump on him, pinning him against my door, and we are all hands and mouths everywhere. The electricity between is flowing on overdrive and I want this man so bad.

              I stand back and before he can grab me, I spin around and race up the stairs, laughing the entire way. I slide into the bedroom, knowing he isn’t very far behind me. He leans into the doorway. “Oh Emma, just you wait. I am going to devour your sweet ass.” I let out a chuckle and my cover is blown. Shit. He reaches for me and throws me down on the bed.

              “Think you can hide from me, you delectable woman you?”

              He kisses me passionately, his hands unzipping my dress and pulling the top down. My breasts strain against my bra, aroused and ready to be set free. I lean up and start undressing him, as he nuzzles my breasts. He pulls my bra off, his mouth taking each of my nipples in, pulling and biting. I pause, throwing my head back in pleasure and arching my back up even higher so that my breasts meet his face even more so. His tongue works magic, ravishing each of my nipples. I want to explode already, my body on fire.

              He moves down my belly, licking along the way. I didn’t get a chance to continue undressing him but he leans up and slides his pants off. I can see his erection straining against his boxer briefs and I want to spring him free.

              He leans down and licks along each inner thigh, teasing me as he slowly makes his way towards my sex. He rips my lace thong off and slides his finger along my wet seam. I don’t think I have ever been so wet before. His tongue replaces his finger, licking and sucking me. He pushes two fingers inside me, as I wither with desire. I can feel my orgasm building. He licks harder and faster and his fingers move with such a rhythm, my head is exploding. He is so good at what he is doing.

              My orgasm continues to build. I let go, exploding onto his tongue. He licks up my wetness and suddenly his face is hovering above me. He kisses me and I can taste myself on him. I want more of him. He leans back up, sliding his boxer briefs off, his cock springing free.

              Wow. He is beyond gorgeous. He is strong and muscular, six pack, pecks, the whole package. He is also tall and beefy, a solid man I could hang on to. Like I am going to right now.

              He hovers above me but I quickly sit up and push him down. He looks up at me in surprise and I straddle him, leaning down to run my tongue along his sexy torso.

              I make my way down to his cock and lick the tip. He moans, arching himself up to me, his eyes watching me intently. Time to show this man what I can do.








Chapter 6



              Fuck. This hot piece of ass is about to suck me off. She looks so sexy straddling me, leaning down and running her tongue along my cock. She takes me fully into her mouth and begins to run down my shaft, up and down, over and over. She swirls her tongue everywhere, sucking on the tip, then going all the way down to the bottom, and sucking her way back up. My head is thrown back, my hands fisting her hair. I lift my hips up and down, thrusting into her mouth as she takes me. I watch her as I am about to explode inside her. She is so fucking hot. Starting at her going up and down, I can’t take anymore, and I let go, filling her mouth with my juices.

              She sits up and I grab her, pulling her back down on the bed next me. “Your mouth is absolutely amazing, beautiful.” I kiss her, sucking her bottom lip. I reach over to where my pants lay, feeling inside to get a condom out of the pocket. I tear open the package, and then slide it down my shaft that is hard again already, and I lay her down flat. I hover above her, rubbing the tip of my cock along her seam. She wraps her legs around me. “Please, Noah, please. I want you inside me so bad.”

              I plunge inside her, her insides feeling so warm and tight. She squeezes my arms, her legs wrapping even tighter around me, and she whispers, “Noah, give it to me. Fuck me hard.”

              Who the hell would say no to that? I pound her over and over again; her hips matching me pump for pump. We fit together like two puzzle pieces. I slow it down a bit, being warm and gentle, wanting to savor the moment.

              Emma reaches up, stroking my back, enjoying each thrust I give her. I don’t want this to ever end. I enjoy being balls deep inside this gorgeous woman.

              “Faster Noah, faster” Emma starts moving her hips faster, wanting me to match her. I do and we both build our orgasms, each of us exploding at the same time. She screams my name as her orgasm takes over and I shudder and collapse against her.

              “Wow that was…amazing.” I say to her. She reaches over and I pull her against me.

              “Yes it sure was.” Her eyes keep closing and she’s ready to drift off.

              “Do you want me to go now?” I hope she says no, my brain telling me I need to go. I don’t want to make this more than it is or give her wrong signals.

              “No, sleep with me,” she replies. I nod against her face and she drifts off to sleep, I soon following.

The next morning, I wake before she does. I decide I should go ahead and sneak out now. It’s a rude brush off but it will be easier this way. I don’t want to give her false hope and I can’t risk anything with myself.

              I quietly slide out of bed, giving her a kiss on the cheek. She stirs but doesn’t wake. I walk downstairs and see her phone on the counter. I find her number in it and send her a text from my phone.

Thank you for last night, it was simply amazing. I am sorry to go before you woke. I left some money to get yourself some coffee and something to eat. Enjoy. Noah”

I head out the door, feeling like the biggest ass for some reason. This girl is stuck in my head. I know I won’t be able to stay away so why am I slinking out of here like a huge ass?

Before closing her door all the way, I sit down on the step to think. Why not see her again just for sex? My rule is one time but is one time enough? Women get attached and I don’t want that. Nor do I want myself getting attached.

But there is something about Emma. She isn’t like other women. She is strong, independent, successful career wise, and doesn’t seem like the type to get attached. I have only known her for one night but I have a feeling about her. Something is different.

I decide to go back in and give her a proper goodbye. If I ever want another chance with this woman, I need to do right by her.

I delete my text from her phone. I go upstairs and she is still sleeping in her bed, so I undress, and climb back in beside her. I spoon her, pulling her ass right against my cock. I nuzzle her neck with my mouth, hoping to stir her awake. She moans and stretches. Success.

“Mmmm, good morning there Noah. I like waking up to such a hot sexy man in my bed.”

“As do I enjoy snuggling a hot sexy woman.” I then press my lips against hers and make her mine again.

I enjoy a lazy morning with Emma. I exchange numbers with her and she agrees to meet me later for dinner. I don’t do dates but I want her. I want her again and again. So fuck it. I will see her again.

I go home and take a nice long shower. I can’t get that woman out of head. What is going on with me? I don’t do this relationship bullshit but for some reason I want it with her. My brain says no, I’ll get screwed over. But every other part of me says yes. Yes Noah. It’s time. It’s time to move on and stop fucking women that mean nothing. It never makes me feel better about myself; it just gives me the quick, not always satisfying release I am looking for.

Emma is different. I want her more than anyone I have met before. Even more than Lisa. She is more genuine and not a fake bitch. I’ll just take it one day at a time.

I arrive at her door at 8pm sharp. I inhale sharply when she opens the door. She is fucking stunning in a tight, form fitting empire waist dress. It’s dark plum colored, closing in right under her breasts and then flaring out into a frilly skirt that has a lace overlay. I want to run my hands up her thighs and under her gorgeous dress. She has her hair curled down her back, long auburn locks that look luscious. She has on some dark alluring eye makeup and just a touch of pink gloss on her full lips. I reach out and pull her against me, inhaling her delicious scent.

“You look absolutely gorgeous, Emma.” She leans back and brings her lips to mine, kissing me softly.

“As do you, Noah Landerville. Now what do you have planned for me?”

I take her to a fancy Italian dinner and then a night of dancing. She gets a little tipsy on some margaritas, but she never stops dancing. The night flies by as we are lost in each other. That connection is still there and feels even stronger.

Tonight I take her home to my place and have my way with her. I make love to her, fuck her, and make love to her again. I forget about everything when I am inside her.

I never want this blissful night to end.

Chapter 7



              A few weeks have passed since Noah came into my life and my world has turned upside down. I feel like I have been hit by the love train and I can’t regain my footing. Ginny and Tessa keep asking me if I am sick. Lovesick, yes. Noah is amazing. He is like a dream. The sex is to die for but so is the partnership. Our dates are the most fun I have had in a long time. He wasn’t the relationship type of guy and I wasn’t the one night stand type of girl. So we met in the middle and it’s been perfect. I’ve been going slowly with him and he’s been wining and dining me.

              Of course the rain had to come. It always does.

              I got the call that Jason Davis decided to go with Bronze SL. He felt he could relate more to that line of clothing. I felt utterly disappointed and so sad. And I know I shouldn’t have but I took it out on Noah.

              “Hey babe,” Noah says when I answer his call. “I’ll pick up around 7 tonight? I was thinking we could try the new Chinese place that opened up.”

              “I don’t think tonight is good for me, Noah. I have some things going on.”

              “What things? You told me you were free all week.”

              I sigh. “Just some things I need to take care of. I will call you tomorrow.”

              “Um okay, Emma. I am here if you need to talk, ok?”

              “Ok, bye Noah.” I end the call and hang my head. Tears run down my face. I am so stupid to push Noah away but I can’t help feeling mad at him since his brother stole my big chance. Noah has nothing to do with it but I don’t think I would be able to see Sam, without my jealousy overtaking me. It’s childish but when you want something so bad, it’s hard to have it taken from you by someone you know.

              I didn’t call Noah the next day. He kept texting and called a few times but I just didn’t want to talk. I knew I would end up freaking out. So I just freaked out to myself. Ginny and Tessa both called and told me to not let things mess up what me and Noah have going but I couldn’t help it.

              I am watching TV, wallowing in my misery, when my doorbell rings. I wasn’t expecting anyone so when I see Noah standing on my doorstep, my stomach drops.

              I open the door and Noah looks pissed. Shit.

              “What the hell, Emma? Things are going so well. I haven’t had a girlfriend in forever, I am here doing everything I can for you, and now all of a sudden you turn your back on me? What have I done?”

              He walks briskly inside and I close the door. I hold my hands up and then let them drop to my sides. “You haven’t done anything, Noah. You have been perfect. It’s me”

              He rolls his eyes. “Oh no, you aren’t going to give me that it’s me bullshit. So please, talk to me. I have been going nuts since you blew me off the other day.”

              Noah sits on the couch and pulls me down next to him. He runs his fingers along the side of my face, tucking my hair behind my ear. “Please Emma, please talk to me. We can work through whatever is bothering you.”

              I take a big, deep breath. “I lost the Jason Davis contract to Bronze SL.”

              I see Noah freeze. Fuck, I fucked everything up.

              “I will call Sam right now. We will all work this out.”

              “No, no Noah. Don’t steal your brother’s lime light because of me. I am just being jealous and stupid. I didn’t think I would be able to face him again because I am so upset with not getting the contract and I am beyond jealous. I feel like my dreams have been dashed. I shouldn’t have taken that out on you; I know it was wrong of me. I just couldn’t help it. My feelings took over and I thought if I gave some space, I would get over my stupid shit.”

              Noah still looks pissed but not as much so. He reaches out and takes my hands in his. “It’s okay Emma. I understand. But please don’t ever run away from me again. These last weeks have been so amazing, more than anything I have ever experienced. I don’t want it to stop. So talk to me, we can work whatever it is out.”

              I lean my head against his chest and he rests his head on top of mine. He whispers to me, “I’m falling for you Emma.” He kisses my head and I feel like I am going to explode with happiness.

              I lift my head to look him in the eyes. Mine are brimming with tears. It’s so fast, so soon, so
, but I feel it too. It’s like nothing I have ever felt before and I don’t want it to end. I kiss him, the tears spilling down my cheeks, mixing with our kiss.

              “I love you, Emma,” he says against my lips.

              “I love you too, Noah.” I can’t believe this is happening. This man is mine, all mine.

              “I will work something out for your clothing line, don’t you worry my beautiful girl.”









BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
12.35Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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