Romantic Jealousy: Causes, Symptoms, Cures (37 page)

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12. See White £d Mullen, (1989),1).-)26.

13. For example, see Buunk (1994), who examines self-help hooks on jealousy as well as counseling and therapy for jealous individuals. Also, for advice on letting go of a relationship, see Wanderer (1989) and for a discussion of coping with jealousy, see White & Mullen (1989), chapter nine, as well as chapter nine of this book.

Chapter 9. Coping with Romantic Jealousy



1. For an example of treating jealousy with self-hypnosis, see Milne (1985). For examples of treating jealousy with pharmacological interventions, see Byrne & Yatham (1989); see also Gross (1991); Ilerceg (1976); Lane (1990); Munro et al. (1985); Stein et al. (1994); and Wright (1994). For examples of treating jealousy with cognitive therapy see Bishay et al. (1996) and Dolan & Bishay (I996a; 1996b). TO review examples of treating jealousy with cognitive behavioral therapy, see Bishay et al. (1989), deSilva & Marks (1994), and Deist (1986). Albert Ellis (1986, 1996) provides two examples of treating jealousy with rational-emotive therapy. Also, for examples of the use of couples therapy for the treatment of jealousy, see Glass & Wright (1997); Im et al. (1983); Margolin (1985); Ridley (1996); and Verhulst (1985). For examples of the use of systems therapy to treat a jealousy problem, see deSilva (1987); Friedman (1989); Green & Bobele (1988); and Teisman (1979). The most famous treatment of jealousy using psychoanalysis is, of course, the work of Sigmund Freud (1922/1955). Other publications include Fenichel (1955), Jones (1929/1950); and Riviere (1952). The psychodynamic approach is described in the treatment of the jealous spouse by T. L. Barker (1987). A combination of couples and psychodynamic therapy is described by Baumgart (1990), and a combination Of couples and individual therapy is described by Marks & deSilva (1991). For an integrated approach for treating jealousy, which includes a combination of the psychodynamic, systemic, behavioral, social-psychological, and evolutionary perspectives, see Pines (1992).

2. See Monal & Lazarus (1985).

3. Pines & Aronson (1988), chapter seven.

4. See Swami (1985).

5. The study involving 571 men and women was described in Pines (1987b) and in Pines & Friedman (1997). The study involving 103 men and women was described in Pines £Y, Aronson (1983).

6. A version of this "talk and listen" exercise is offered by Bernie Zilbergeld (1992).

7. B. F. Skinner (1953) is considered the father of the behavioral approach and its most well known spokesman.

8. See for example Cobb & Marks (1979); Marks (1976); and Wanderer & Ingram (1992).

9. The technique of desensitization was introduced by Joseph Wolpe in his classic 1958 book Psychotherapy by Reciprocal inhibition.

10. See Ellis (1986, 1996).

11. See Wanderer & Ingram (1992).

12. The technique is described by Irn et al. (1983).

13. Tsafy Gilad (personal (ommunication), 1991.

14. Bernie Zilbergeld (personal communication), 1991.

15. This exercise was inspired by Hendrix (1988).

16. See, for example, Jacobson (1978, 1991); Segraves (1982); and Stuart (1980).

Chapter 10. Can Any Good Come Out of Romantic Jealousy?



1. Other parts of this research were described in Pines & Aronson (1983).

2. See Pines (1996).

3. See Carter & Sokol (1988).

4. This case was first described in Pines (1996), chapter six.

5. This view of jealousy was the basis for workshops that I led with Gordon Clanton at the Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California.




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