Ronnie and Nancy (108 page)

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Authors: Bob Colacello

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Amos ’n’ Andy,
59, 279

Baker, James, III, 462, 474, 492, 497–99

Anderson, John, 474, 486, 497–99, 502, 505

Balaban, Barney, 117, 219

Anderson, Martin, 470, 474, 480–82, 486,

Ball, Lucille, 116, 173


Bankhead, Tallulah, 160, 180, 191

Angel from Texas, An,

Banner, “Nanny,” 162, 207

Angels Wash Their Faces,

Barnett, Barney, 433, 466

Annenberg, Leonore Cohn “Lee,” 10,

Barry, Philip, 69, 180

285–91, 347, 375, 386, 392–93,

Barrymore, Ethel, 293

408–10, 413, 420, 422–23, 426–27,

Barrymore, Lionel, 149, 328

429–30, 448, 453, 473, 489, 504

Battaglia, Philip, 356–57, 359–60, 366–69,

Annenberg, Moses, 97–98, 289, 393, 408

380, 395

Annenberg, Walter, 10, 97–98, 285–91,

Battelle, Kenneth, 355

325, 347, 375, 386, 392–93, 408–9,

Bautzer, Gregg, 255

413, 420–23, 426–27, 429–30, 440,

Beame, Abe, 447

448, 453, 473, 489, 504

Beaton, Cecil, 300, 396

Ardrey, Robert, 149

Bedtime for Bonzo,

Aria da Capo
(Millay), 31, 60

Beery, Wallace, 149, 295

Armstrong, Anne, 458, 487, 496

Behind the Scenes
(Deaver), 371, 391

Arnold, Edward, 177, 210

Beilenson, Anthony, 360

5 8 1

5 8 2


Beilenson, Laurence, 267, 360


Bell, Alphonzo, Jr., 294, 337–38, 345

Bookbinder, Jacob, 129

Bell, Jeff, 471, 474

Boshes, Louis, 53

Bellamann, Henry, 112

Bow, Clara, 80

Bengtsson, Julius, 355, 378, 504

Bowron, Fletcher, 313

Bennett, Joan, 160, 399

Boyarsky, Bill, 364

Benny, Jack, 59, 109–10, 151, 160, 195,

Boys Town,
77, 227

200, 267, 276, 286, 295, 354, 374, 411

Bozell, L. Brent, 318

Benny, Joan, 276

Bracken, Eddie, 239

Benny, Mary Livingstone, 109–10, 151,

Bradford, John, 270

160, 195, 200, 295, 374

Bradley, General and Mrs. Omar Nelson, 189

Bentsen, Lloyd, 439

Brandon, Muffie, 7

Berg, A. Scott, 126

Brecht, Bertolt, 211, 218

Bergen, Candice, 278

Bren, Milton, 295–96, 302

Bergen, Edgar, 59, 202, 267, 277–79, 282,

Brewer, Roy, 173–74, 176, 253, 287

285, 292, 314, 374, 380

Brewster, Barbara, 302

Bergen, Frances, 202, 277–79, 284–85, 292,

Brock, Bill, 486–88, 492

298, 346, 374

Broder, David, 333

Berkeley, Busby, 93, 103

Brother Rat,
104, 106, 117, 202, 208

Berlin, Irving, 155, 160, 288

Brother Rat and a Baby,

Bernstein, Leonard, 180, 218

Brower, Charles, 320

Betty and Bob,
56–57, 72, 85, 139

Brown, Edmund, Jr. “Jerry,” 353, 431

Biberman, Herbert, 217–18, 237

Brown, Edmund, Sr. “Pat,” 128, 334, 336,

Biles, Roger, 73, 140

340, 346–50, 353, 359, 363, 377, 413,

Billingsley, Sherman, 187

431, 497, 500

Birney, Frank, Jr., 92, 122, 135–37

Brown, Tina, 8

Birth of a Nation,
27, 125

Brownstein, Ronald, 158

Birthright, W. C., 174

Bruce, David K., 408–9

Black, Charlie, 474, 477, 480, 482, 484–86

Bruce, Evangeline, 408–9

Blackett, Priscilla, 92

Brynner, Yul, 183

Blass, Bill, 8, 399

Buckley, James, 439–41

Blondell, Joan, 103, 107, 201

Buckley, Pat, 314, 381, 396, 467–69, 479,

Bloomgarden, Kermit, 191

493, 499

Bloomingdale, Alfred, 1–2, 4–6, 10, 282,

Buckley, William F., Jr., 314–15, 318, 321,

285, 293–95, 299–303, 307, 312, 323,

378, 380–81, 389, 405, 418–20, 439,

326, 335–36, 338, 343, 352, 363, 378,

450, 454, 467–68, 479, 499

385, 389, 395–96, 408, 420–21, 426,

Buhle, Paul, 116–17

429–30, 442, 455–57, 468–69,

Bunyan, John, 469

478–79, 483, 489–90, 504–6

Burden, A. C., 19

Bloomingdale, Betty Lee Newling “Betsy,”

Burns, George, 59, 109–10, 160, 179, 200,

1–2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 231, 285, 293–95,

267, 286

299–304, 307, 311–12, 323, 326–27,

Burns, Lillian, 228

330, 335–36, 338, 341–43, 347, 352,

Bush, Barbara, 422, 494–96

360–63, 374–75, 377–78, 385, 389,

Bush, George H. W., 12, 422, 451, 461,

395–97, 400, 408–10, 420–21, 426,

474, 478, 484, 486–89, 491–96, 498

429–30, 442, 455–56, 461, 468–70,

Bush, George W., 9, 12

478–79, 482–83, 489–90, 493, 504–6

Bush, Jeb, 494–95

Bloomingdale, Justine, 363

Bushman, Francis X., 126

Bloomingdale, Robert, 489–90

Blue Veil, The,
255, 263

Cagney, James, 96–97, 109, 116, 149, 172,

Bogart, Humphrey, 96–97, 106, 109, 116,


160, 165, 169, 173, 201, 212, 218

Calhern, Louis, 40, 182, 190, 247

Bolté, Charles, 167, 197

Call, Asa, 296, 313, 340, 360, 380


5 8 3

37, 228, 276

Clemens, Paul, 276

Cannon, Lou, 12, 27, 130–31, 279, 320,

Clinton, Bill, 11, 205, 418, 498

337, 344, 353, 364, 366, 376, 385, 412

Clinton, Hillary, 11

Capone, Al, 73, 132

Clymer, Adam, 476

Capote, Truman, 8, 398, 410–11, 445

Coburn, Charles, 112, 233

Carr, James, 184

Cockburn, Alexander, 6

Carroll, Serena, 363

Cohan, George M., 36–37, 48, 78

Carter, Amy, 503

Cohn, Harry, 109, 117, 219, 286, 288, 303

Carter, Jimmy, 3, 7, 190, 445, 457–58,

Cohn, Rose, 288

461–63, 470–73, 476, 486–87, 491,

Colbert, Claudette, 2, 109, 160, 200, 292,

496–503, 505


Carter, Lillian, 496–97

Cole, Lester, 212–13, 217–19

Carter, Rosalynn, 7, 501

Coleman, Judy Hargrave, 81–82, 84


Collins, Nancy, 307

Case History of a Movie
(Schary), 225, 245

Colonna, Jerry, 115

Casey, William J., 478, 483–88, 492, 494,

Commandos Strike at Dawn,


Connally, John, 474–75, 478, 486, 488

Cassavetes, John, 322

Conrad, Paul, 365

Cassini, Oleg, 163

Conscience of a Conservative, The
Cattle Queen of Montana,

and Bozell), 318

Celler, Emanuel, 213–14

Contender, The
(Gellman), 211

’Ception Shoals,

Continentals, 270

Cermak, Anton, 57

Cook, Charles, 326, 336, 338, 362

Champion, George, 488

Cook, Howard, 326, 362

Chancellor, John, 505

Coolidge, Calvin, 4, 28, 41, 324

Chandler, Dorothy “Buff,” 256, 282, 286,

Cooper, Gary, 79, 158, 195, 210–11, 214,

329, 394–96, 402, 442, 468

230, 276

Chandler, Harry, 95, 394

Coors, Joe, 483, 496

Chandler, Norman, 256, 290, 296, 329, 394


Chandler, Otis, 393–94, 396

Cordiner, Ralph, 314, 320

Chandler, Philip, 394

Correll, Charles, 59, 279

Chaplin, Charlie, 107, 143, 237, 313

Corwin, Norman, 166

Charles, Oatsie, 497

Costello, John M., 158

Charles, Prince of Wales, 7, 12, 427

Cotten, Joseph, 160, 208, 264, 488

Chatterton, Ruth, 191

Cowboy from Brooklyn, The,

Chávez, César, 349

Cowles, Gardner, 1–2, 290, 385, 423, 426,

Cheney, Richard, 446–47, 450, 456, 492

443, 468, 479

Cheshire, Maxine, 422

Cowles, Jan, 1–2, 5, 385, 423, 426, 443–44,

Chiang Kai-shek, 419, 473

468, 479

Christopher, George, 338, 340, 345–46,

Crane, Philip, 474, 486, 488

348, 357

Crawford, Elvin, 160

Christy, George, 361–63, 412

Crawford, Joan, 155, 228, 255, 272

Churchill, Winston, 115, 143, 149


Cicogna, Countess Marina, 3

Crispin, Elaine, 505

City of Nets
(Friedrich), 153

Cronkite, Walter, 324, 494–97

City of Quartz
(Davis), 95

Cronyn, Hume, 178

Clark, D. Worth, 118–19, 126

Crosby, Bing, 76, 109, 380, 413

Clark, William P., 157, 366–69, 373,

Crowther, Bosley, 247

380–81, 386–87, 392, 423, 484

Cukor, George, 228–29

Clay, Lucius, 251

Cummings, Robert, 112, 252, 256

Cleaver, Ben Hill, 25, 27, 64, 70–71

Cummings, Sue, 378–79

Cleaver, Eldridge, 364

Cummings, Ted, 346, 378–79, 482, 503

Cleaver, Margaret, 27–28, 30–32, 60, 64

Curtis, Charlotte, 351, 385, 456

5 8 4


Cushing, Harvey, 45–46, 52

131–32, 135, 137–42, 144–47, 182,

Cutler, Elliot, 143

184, 190–91, 226, 235–36, 247–49,

Cutter, Irving, 131, 138

260, 262, 304, 316, 318, 360–61, 452

Davis, Sammy, Jr., 420, 453

Dahl, Arlene, 256–57, 276, 284, 335

Davis, Shirley Hull, 249

Daniels, Bebe, 119

Day, Doris, 243, 399

Dark Victory,

Dayton, Katharine, 90–91

Dart, Jane Bryan “Punky,” 104, 202–5, 277,

Dearborn, Cholly, 225

325, 375, 392, 396, 424, 426, 442,

Death Valley Days,
335, 341, 344

468, 471, 478–79, 493, 504

Deaver, Carolyn Judy, 372, 375, 407, 414,

Dart, Justin Whitlock, 10, 202–5, 277, 282,


299, 325, 327, 346–47, 356, 362, 369,

Deaver, Michael K., 6, 354, 368–73, 380,

375, 377–78, 380, 392, 397, 413, 421,

390–91, 407, 414, 416–17, 423,

424–27, 437, 439–40, 442–43, 447–48,

431–32, 436–39, 441, 443, 451, 453,

454–55, 458–59, 468, 470–71, 475,

458–59, 461–65, 474–75, 477–78,

478–79, 482–83, 496, 503–4

480–83, 485–86, 492–95, 497–98,

Da Silva, Howard, 175, 178


Davies, Marion, 98, 282

DeCamp, Rosemary, 178

Davis, Albert Clark, 43–44, 51, 87–88, 129,

de Cordova, Fred, 301–2, 374, 396


de Cordova, Janet, 374, 396

Davis, Bette, 73, 96, 103, 106, 153, 155,

de Gaulle, Charles, 403

170, 191, 197, 204, 256, 286

de Havilland, Olivia, 158, 167–70, 172,

Davis, Deane, 418

195, 197

Davis, Edith Luckett, 33–43, 48–58, 72–75,

de la Renta, Françoise, 402, 446

77–79, 81–88, 90–92, 113, 116, 121,

de la Renta, Oscar, 402, 446

123–24, 126–33, 138–42, 145–47,

Demarest, William, 103–4

173, 181–92, 194, 199, 225–26, 229,

DeMille, Cecil B., 200, 243

234–35, 242–44, 247–50, 255, 257,

Desire Under the Elms
(O’Neill), 49, 79

260–63, 266, 276, 279, 282, 284–85,

Desperate Journey,
150, 153

310, 316–19, 330, 338, 352, 386, 389,

Detectives, The,

408, 415–16, 428, 433, 452

Deutsch, Armand “Ardie,” 10, 233–34, 247,

Davis, Hallie Flanagan, 133

285–87, 290–91, 335, 347, 352, 374,

Davis, Kathy Randall, 340–41, 383

413, 426, 430, 453, 473, 478–79, 504

Davis, Laura Hensler, 43–44, 51, 87, 129

Deutsch, Harriet Simon, 10, 234, 285–92,

Davis, Loyal, 33–34, 42–56, 73–75, 77–79,

311, 335, 347, 352, 354, 374–75, 396,

82–92, 101, 116, 121–24, 126–34,

413, 426, 430, 453, 469, 473, 478–79,

138–41, 143–47, 181–84, 188–91,


199, 225–29, 232, 235, 243–44,

Devil Doll, The,

247–50, 255, 257–58, 260–63,

Devils, The
(Whiting), 395

265–66, 276, 282, 286, 310, 316–19,

Dewey, Thomas, 3, 160, 386, 463

321, 334, 338, 341, 352, 360–61, 383,

de Wolfe, Elsie, Lady Mendl, 37, 146

386, 405, 408, 414, 416, 427–28, 433

Diana, Princess of Wales, 7

Davis, Mike, 95

(Haldeman), 420

Davis, Patricia Ann “Patti,” 12, 89, 265–66, Dickinson, Angie, 322

268, 271, 273, 276–77, 283–84,

Dickinson, Janice, 2

304–9, 323, 333, 341–43, 352, 372,

Dickstein, Samuel, 116

376, 383, 396, 404–8, 414–16, 424,

Didion, Joan, 363–64

426, 434–35, 467, 479, 493, 495,

Dies, Martin, 116

501–2, 504

Dietrich, Marlene, 152, 256

Davis, Pearl McElroy, 42–43, 45, 47–48,

Diller, Barry, 446

54–55, 84, 121

Disney, Walt, 109, 158, 171, 210–11, 214,

Davis, Richard, 42–44, 47–51, 54–56,

338, 357, 392

78–79, 84, 86, 121–24, 126–29,

Dixon, Jeane, 353, 383


5 8 5

Dmytryk, Edward, 166, 217–19

Fagan, Myron, 237

Doctor and the Girl, The,

Fairbanks, Douglas, 107, 223

(Lewis), 77–79

Fast, Howard, 117

Doheny, Onnalee, 299, 311, 374, 501

Field, Mrs. Henry “Patsy,” 138–39

Doherty, W. C., 174

Fierro, Alfonso, 2

Dole, Elizabeth, 493

Fine, Bill, 231, 261

Dole, Robert, 458, 462, 474, 486, 488,

Firestone, Leonard, 202, 277, 327, 346,


356, 378, 380, 392, 420–21, 443

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