Ronnie and Nancy (110 page)

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Authors: Bob Colacello

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Kelly, Margaret, 131–32, 138, 140, 144–45

Law and Order,

Kemp, Jack, 366, 472, 474, 479–80, 487,

Lawford, Peter, 163, 250, 256, 314

489, 493

Lawson, John Howard, 158, 168–69, 197,

Kennedy, Ethel, 383

199, 217, 236

Kennedy, John F., 111, 250, 290, 314, 317,

Laxalt, Paul, 414, 441, 449, 451–53,

319, 322–23, 379, 381, 383, 411, 413,

474–76, 479, 487, 493, 495–96

422, 454, 470, 497

Leadon, Bernie, 434, 467

Kennedy, Joseph, 111, 115, 314

Leamer, Laurence, 227, 404–5

Kennedy, Robert, 319, 381–83, 413, 422

LeBlanc, Dennis, 433, 466

Kenney, Bill, 396

Lehman, Herbert, 218, 300

Kerr, Clark, 359

Leigh, Vivien, 192, 263

Kid from Spain, The,

Lerner, Liza, 341–42


5 8 9

LeRoy, Kitty, 234, 282, 374–75

McFarland, Bruce, 75–76, 135, 137, 191,

LeRoy, Mervyn, 82, 105, 124, 234–36, 238,

233, 244

241, 374–75

McGuinness, James Kevin, 158, 198

Levy, Emanuel, 229

McIntyre, Francis Cardinal, 360

Lewis, Deborah, 257

McLean, Edward B., 41

Lewis, Drew, 453–55, 499

McLean, Evalyn Walsh, 41

Lewis, Sinclair, 77–80

McLellan, Diana, 36

Life of Sir William Osler
(Cushing), 46

McNally, Stephen, 208

Life with Father,
116, 124

McNamara, Frank X., 303

Lilly, Doris, 239

McPherson, Aimee Semple, 65

Lincoln, Abraham, 27, 159, 264, 321, 325,

Magnificent Yankee, The,
182, 247

332, 349, 413

Make with the Maximum,

Lindbergh, Anne Morrow, 126–27

Making of the President 1968, The
(White), Lindbergh, Charles, 115, 117–18, 126–27


Lindfors, Viveca, 178

Mandel, Carola, 190–91

Linkletter, Art, 380, 435

Mandel, Leon, 190–91

Little Foxes, The
(Hellman), 191

Mankiewicz, Joe, 93

Littman, Marguerite, 409

Mann, Thomas, 118, 166, 264

Livermore, Norman, 423

Mansfield, Mike, 189–90

Loeb, James, 217

Mantz, Paul, 154

Loeb, William, 444

Manulis, Martin, 134

Logan, Joshua, 90

Ma Perkins,

Lohman, Lew, 343, 374

Mapes, Jacques, 150, 398–99

Lombard, Carole, 93, 153, 192, 276

(Witcover), 437

“Losing Freedom by Installments” (Reagan),

Marbury, Bessie, 36–37, 41, 146


March, Fredric, 116, 247

Lost Weekend, The,
155, 162

March of Folly, The
(Tuchman), 461


Marcos, Ferdinand, 7, 407

Love Is on the Air,

Marcos, Imelda, 7, 407, 422

Love Story,

Marlow, Ron, 25

Loy, Myrna, 93, 218, 246

Marshall, Benjamin, 190

Luce, Clare Booth, 262, 317–18, 329, 402

Marshall, Glesca, 52, 77, 124, 146

Luce, Gordon, 356

Marshall, Jean Wescott, 55, 74, 76, 92, 122, Luce, Henry, 262, 290, 317–18, 329

135, 142

Luckett, Charles Edward, 35–36

Martin, Franklin H., 56

Luckett, Joseph, 36

Martin, Harry “Docky,” 108

Luckett, Sarah Frances Whitlock, 35–36

Martin, Mary, 73, 183–84, 190, 227

Luft, Lorna, 304

Marx, Barbara, 414, 453, 489

Lute Song,
183–85, 187

Marx, Groucho, 116, 160, 249

Lydick, Lawrence, 469–70

Mason, Alice, 496–97

Lyon, Ben, 119

Mason, James, 236, 482

Mason, Morgan, 482

MacArthur, Douglas, 3, 329

Mathison, Jean Hayden, 330

MacArthur, Peter, 61, 63–64, 70

Maugham, W. Somerset, 37, 398

McCain, John, 9, 424

May, Anita Keiler, 291–93, 295, 299, 303,

McCarthy, Eugene, 382–83, 385

325, 338, 374, 393, 395–97, 399–400,

McCarthy, Joseph, 196, 251, 318, 386


McClure, James, 440–41

May, David, 291, 299, 312

McCormick, Hope, 324–25

May, Tom, 291–92, 295, 374, 393, 425

McCormick, John Emmett, 80–81

Mayer, Louis B., 78, 95, 98, 109, 117, 127,

McCormick, Robert, 66–67, 116, 126, 132

157–58, 199–201, 211, 213, 219–21,

McCoy, Peter, 501, 504

226, 229–31, 233, 237, 247–48, 258,

MacDonald, Jeanette, 151


5 9 0


Mayfield, Gladys Hope, 100–101

“My New Year Poem 1935–36” (Reagan),

Mayfield, Manning, 100–101


Mayo, Virginia, 239

My Son John,

Mazel, Morrie, 45

My Turn
(Reagan), 41, 49, 86, 88–90, 121, Meehan, Kay, 46

132, 141, 193, 339, 429, 438

Meese, Edwin, III, 368, 381, 416, 431, 437,

443, 463, 474, 477, 481–90, 492, 497,

(Reagan), 34, 41, 48–49, 86–87, 132, 504

134, 142–43, 147, 186–87

Mehle, Aileen (Suzy), 5, 400, 494

Nancy: Portrait of a Politician’s Wife,
373–74, Meiklejohn, Bill, 98


Menjou, Adolphe, 158, 179, 198, 210–11,

Nathan, George Jean, 124–25

214, 256, 315

Nazimova, Alla, 36–38, 52–53, 77, 124,

Merman, Ethel, 97

133, 145–46, 229, 232, 242

Michel, Bob, 478, 492

Neal, Patricia, 222

Milestone, Lewis, 211

Neilson, William Allan, 122

Milland, Mal, 278, 311, 374, 396

Nelson, Gene, 434

Milland, Ray, 155, 249, 278, 374, 396

Nemy, Enid, 497

Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 31, 60

Next Voice You Hear, The,

Miller, William, 328, 330

Nidorf, Lorena, 247–48, 350, 374

Million Dollar Baby,

Night into Morning,

Million Dollar Mermaid, The
Night Unto Night,
175, 177–78, 239


Nine Lives Are Not Enough,

Mills, Ed, 336, 338, 355–56, 380, 413, 427,

Nixon, Pat, 261, 388, 408, 418, 420, 438,

459, 475

455, 473

Milner, Virginia, 362

Nixon, Richard M., 3, 10, 159, 211,

Minnelli, Vincente, 278, 293, 374

213–14, 217, 251–52, 261, 290, 296,

Mission to Moscow,
157, 213

314–15, 319, 321, 340, 378–89,

Mr. Dodd Takes the Air,

391–93, 401, 407–8, 411–12, 417–23,

Mitchell, John, 418, 420, 425, 437

425–27, 429, 431, 434, 437–39,

Mitchell, Martha, 422

442–43, 446, 470–71, 473, 478, 491

Mitchum, Bob, 176

Nixon, Tricia, 386, 392

Mondale, Walter, 457–58, 496

(Nofziger), 461

Monroe, Marilyn, 266, 314

Nofziger, Lyn, 333, 345, 357, 365–68,

Monson, Arch, Jr., 346, 356, 359

380–81, 384, 387, 390, 431, 436–38,

Montgomery, Robert, 152, 163, 171–73,

441, 451–53, 457–58, 461–65, 472–75,

175, 195, 207, 210–11, 215

477, 481–82, 486, 492, 497–98

Moore, Sara Jane, 448

Noonan, Peggy, 33

Moorehead, Agnes, 208

Novak, Robert, 477

Moretti, Bob, 416–17

Nye, Gerald B., 117, 126

Morley, Karen, 196

Morris, Edmund, 12, 59, 106, 117, 157,

Oberon, Merle, 255, 300

242, 295, 310, 320

O’Brien, Pat, 109, 111–14, 151, 172, 243

Morris, Wayne, 93, 104, 163

180, 191

Moshay, Joe, 490

Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, 3, 11, 163,

Mundell, Robert, 470

290, 300, 323, 355, 379, 455, 469, 497

Murder in the Air,
118–19, 153

O’Neill, Eugene, 49, 78–79, 133

Murphy, George, 156–57, 171–73, 177,

On the Air
(Dunning), 86

179, 195, 200–202, 210–11, 215, 257,

On the Outside Looking In
(Reagan), 254, 309

277, 279, 314, 334, 353, 380

“On the Sunnyside” (Reagan), 26

Murphy, John B., 56

Open Book, An
(Huston), 78, 218

Murphy, Julie, 201–2, 257, 277

Original Story By
(Laurents), 199–200

Mussolini, Benito, 125, 127, 288, 421

Orleneff, Paul, 36

My Fair Lady,

(Shakespeare), 90


5 9 1

Oughton, China Ibsen, 72, 74–75

Rabb, Maxwell, 478, 496

(Buckley), 467

Radical Hollywood
(Buhle and Wagner), 116–17

Packard, David, 437, 441, 483

Ramage, Charlotte Galbraith, 40–41, 49–50,

Paley, Barbara Cushing “Babe,” 46, 300,


324–25, 408

Rambova, Natacha, 37

Paley, William S., 7, 46, 58, 324, 408

Ramshackle Inn,
147–48, 194, 225

Palmer, B. J. “Colonel,” 58, 63

Rand, Ayn, 214

Palmer, D. D., 63

Rankin, Fred, 138

Park, Arthur, 268–70

Rankin, John, 198

Parker, Dorothy, 116, 165

Reagan, Bess Hoffman, 64, 98, 108,

Parkinson, Gaylord, 340

310–11, 352, 504

Parsons, Louella, 97, 100, 105, 107–8, 110,

Reagan, Christine, 206

114–15, 117, 193, 207–8, 222–24,

Reagan, Colleen Sterns, 434, 455, 495, 504

238, 249, 255, 258, 263

Reagan, Doria Palmieri, 5–6, 8, 468–69,

Pate, Richard E., 136–37

495, 504

Patrick, Curtis, 365–66

Reagan, John Edward “Jack,” 15–29, 31, 34,

Pearson, Drew, 367, 408

51, 60–62, 64, 70–71, 81, 98–100,

Peck, Gregory, 162–63, 166, 212, 237, 264,

108, 112–14, 221, 252, 316, 465, 501

281, 314, 435, 453

Reagan, Maureen Elizabeth “Mermie,” 108,

Pendergast, Mae Belle, 354, 427

110–11, 114, 150, 152, 161–62, 179,

Pepitone, Count Nino, 163, 254

206–7, 223, 253–55, 261, 266,

Pepper, George, 158, 160, 165

308–9, 342–43, 352, 376, 379, 405,

Percy, Charles, 378, 473

434, 436, 446, 455–56, 479, 493,

Perkins, Voltaire, 311, 374, 504

495, 501–2, 504

Persico, Joseph E., 483

Reagan, Michael Edward, 12, 161–62, 179,

Philco Television Playhouse,

207, 223, 254, 261, 266, 308–10,

Phillips, Howard, 454

342–43, 352, 376, 405, 434, 455–56,

Pickford, Mary, 107, 126, 223, 282

479, 493, 495, 501–2, 504

Pidgeon, Walter, 177, 267

Reagan, Nancy Davis:

Pitts, ZaSu, 147–48, 187, 189–90, 194, 252,

abstemiousness of, 242, 250

330, 399

acting career of, 2, 4, 6, 86, 89–90,

Plesch, Etti, 2, 7

100–101, 122, 124, 133–34, 137–38,

Plog, Stanley, 344–45, 348, 379

140–41, 147–48, 183–85, 187–91,

Pollock, Lewis, 42, 47, 49, 53, 129, 138

193–94, 225–38, 242–49, 252,

Pollock, “Pinky,” 42, 47, 49, 53, 82, 138

257–58, 268, 283, 347, 363, 410, 445

Porter, Cole, 181, 183

adolescence of, 34, 72–79, 81–84, 86–92

Powell, Dick, 73, 96–97, 103, 107, 109,

adoption of, 86, 88–89, 101, 190

172, 177, 201–2, 204, 207, 224, 256,

ambitions of, 72, 90, 124, 134, 138,

276–77, 279, 285, 304, 314, 321, 349

141, 148, 181–83, 229, 342, 364,

Power, Tyrone, 76, 152, 163, 276

422, 425

Power and the Glitter, The
(Brownstein), 158

athletics enjoyed by, 72, 89, 229

Power and the Glory, The,

birthdays of, 248, 347, 375–76, 489–90

Powers That Be, The
(Halberstam), 394

birth of, 34–35, 38

Prentice, Abra Rockefeller, 56, 81, 83, 317

charitable activities of, 10, 142, 186, 194,
Pretty Girl,

311–12, 411–12, 415, 424, 468–69

Price, Carol, 456, 499, 504

childhood of, 33–34, 38–42, 48–50,

Price, Charles, II, 455–56, 499, 504

52–56, 73–74, 88, 229, 257, 290, 408

Priest, Ivy Baker, 388

children raised by, 266, 273, 277, 284,

Prisoner of War,

304–10, 312, 341–42, 359, 364, 366,

393, 404–8, 414–16, 419, 434–35,

Quinn, Richard, 366–67

467–68, 501–2

Quirk, Lawrence J., 100–101, 103

columns written by, 422, 424

5 9 2


Reagan, Nancy Davis

464, 470–77, 479–80, 482–87,

dancing of, 75–76, 91, 137, 185–86,

489–90, 493–98, 500–501, 506

228–29, 242–43

popularity of, 89, 123, 187

debut of, 92, 123, 135, 261

pregnancies of, 264–65, 283–84

demeanor of, 5, 9–10, 51, 55, 72, 75–76,

public image of, 6, 72

86–87, 89, 91–92, 122–23, 134, 137,

reading tastes of, 270

146, 180, 185–87, 190, 226, 228,

religious beliefs of, 309

233–34, 245–46, 255, 342, 347,

romances of, 92, 122, 135–38, 146–47,

363–64, 369–73, 387–88, 393, 407,

227, 235–36, 243–45, 248–49

409, 411, 416, 434, 439–40, 444–45,

Ronald’s courtship of, 236, 238, 240–43,

448, 471, 496

248–50, 252–58

education of, 40–41, 49, 55, 72–76, 86,

Ronald’s marriage to, 8–13, 51, 123, 128,

89–92, 121–23, 133–38, 140–41, 146,

133, 185, 234, 259–65, 268–71,

148, 182–83, 290, 495

273–88, 290, 292–93, 295, 297–98,

fatalism of, 333–35

302, 304, 306–9, 312, 314–18,

finances of, 72–73, 87, 91, 122, 140,

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