Room for More (24 page)

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Authors: Beth Ehemann

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary Fiction, #Sports, #Contemporary

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?” Kacie flinched as I demanded an answer for the second time.

“We work at the hospital together,” Zach said through clenched teeth, still holding on to the side of his head.

?” I yelled at Kacie, pretending it was her that told me and not Zach.

Her hands fell from her face just enough for me to see her tear-filled eyes. “We work together.” She pulled her hands all the way down and reached for me, but I stepped back. “But not really. He’s an EMT, so we don’t see each other every day, just occasionally. I had no idea he worked there, Brody. I saw him my first day and-”

day?” I shouted. “That was

What. The. Fuck.

The front door to the house flew open and Sophia stepped out onto the porch. “What’s going on out here? I can hear yelling all the way from my bedroom.” Her eyes panned the front yard and stopped suddenly on Zach. “What are
doing here?”

Zach didn’t answer her; he just looked down at his lap.

“Brody, let me explain.” Kacie ignored her mom as her chin trembled and tears poured from her eyes.

Normally when I saw Kacie cry, I would walk through walls of fire to make her stop, but right now I just couldn’t. She put those damn walls up and needed to get out from behind them on her own.

I was seething.

“Wait,” Zach interrupted. “Before you do, I’m gonna go.”

“I would say that’s a good idea.” Sophia walked to the edge of the porch and crossed her arms across her chest.

He wiped some blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, reached over to grab his hat, and stood up slowly. I stared a hole through him as he walked to his truck, thankful that he was at least smart enough not to say a word to me or Kacie.

When he opened his driver’s door, Kacie called after him, “Zach! Wait!” She looked from him to me. “He’s drunk, Brody. He can’t drive.”

“He drove himself over here, didn’t he? He can drive his ass home,” I snapped.

“I had no idea he was coming. He just showed up here,” she defended. “Please, let me just drive him home, and then we can talk and I’ll tell you everything.”

“Drive him home?” I pointed toward Zach. “Not a chance in hell.”

“Please. You can follow us and then give me a ride back,” she begged.

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair in frustration. “Fine. There’s no fucking way he’s getting in a car with you, though. You drive his car; he rides with me.”

She opened her mouth to argue and I cut her off. “That’s the only option, Kacie.”

She nodded and turned toward the porch. “Mom, will you—”

Sophia waved her off. “I’ve got them. Go.”

“I’m not riding in a car with him,” Zach argued as Kacie walked up to him and held her hand out for the keys.

“Please.” She sniffed. “If you want to make things better, please make this easy on me.”

Zach looked from her to me and back again. “Fine,” he grunted, dropping the keys in her hand. “I live in the Meadowbrook Apartments on Maple. Do you know where that is?”

She nodded and sat down in his truck, turning to watch as he walked back to my truck. I hopped up into my driver’s seat and rested my wrists on the steering wheel, watching her. She pulled her eyebrows in tight and looked at me with sad eyes. More than anything, I wanted to go over, pull her into my arms, and take away her misery, but she caused mine and I was pissed the fuck off.

“In the back, D.” I watched as Diesel woke up and gingerly crawled into the backseat, still half-asleep.

Zach opened the truck door while I looked out my window, worried that if I met his deadbeat eyes, I’d pull him out of the truck and beat the shit out of him again. My hand throbbed as I wrapped it around the steering wheel, and the thought crossed my mind that it might be broken. I couldn’t get it checked out and I couldn’t complain. Not this season.

He climbed up and sat down. Before I even put the truck in reverse, he tried talking.


“No. You listen,” I interrupted, finally looking straight at him. “I’m going to explain how this ride is going to go. You’re not going to talk to me and I’m not going to talk to you. Regardless of why you’re back or what the fuck has been going on, we’re
friends and we’ll never
friends. And talking about Kacie is so fucking far off-limits that if I feel you even
about her, I’ll put your head through my goddamn windshield.”

He stared straight ahead and didn’t say another word while we followed Kacie the whole way to his apartment. I put my truck in park and he opened the door immediately. Once his feet were on the ground, he turned to me. “Kacie didn’t invite me over tonight. She didn’t even know I was coming. I got in my truck and drove there, so if you want to be mad at someone for that, be mad at me. Also, I didn’t fight you back because, aside from being blindsided, I probably deserve a broken jaw for all the pain I’ve caused her over the years. Even so, I’m not going to apologize because I do want back in Lucy and Piper’s life in some capacity.”

“You don’t deserve to be in their lives,” I seethed.

He tilted his head to the side slightly and nodded. “You’re probably right about that, but when I watched them play at the park, it hit me how much I’d truly missed. I’m not going to let them slip through my fingers again.”

“They didn’t slip through your fingers, asshole. You threw them away. I picked them up, cleaned them off, and have been there for them since the day I met them. Don’t be dumb enough to think this is going to be an easy road for you,” I warned as he backed up and shut the door.

I watched as he walked over and took his keys from Kacie. He stopped and said something to her, but she just shook her head and walked back to my truck. She slid into the passenger seat and dropped her face into her hands, crying quietly. Peeking at her out of the corner of my eye as I pulled out of the parking space, my heart wrenched. It physically hurt me to resist touching her.

My fingers tingled. I wanted to run them through her hair and pull her into my lap. I wanted to tell her it would all be okay and we’d get through this, but I didn’t even know what the hell we were getting through yet. Then, Zach’s words from before he walked away replayed in my head.

When the fuck did he watch them play at a park?

I didn’t speak one word to Kacie on the way home. She just cried. We pulled up the long driveway to the inn and I saw Sophia sitting on the front porch swing with Fred next to her. Kacie jumped out of the truck and came around to my side, waiting for me to follow her.

I rolled my window down. “I’m leaving.”

Her mouth flew open and she took a step back as new tears started falling from her eyes. “You’re not coming in?”

“No.” I looked straight out the front window, my fingers tapping on my dashboard. “I’m too angry. I can’t talk to you right now.”

“Brody,” she sobbed, “please. I need you.”

My eyes shot toward her. “You know what? I needed
tonight. I just came from my parents house, found out they’re divorcing. I’m crushed.”

Her eyes grew wide as her hands clutched her throat.

I continued, “You know where I wanted to go when I was crushed? Here. To you. Only to be completely fucking gutted when I find out that you’ve been lying to me for God knows how long. So, yes, I’m leaving. I need to think—about my parents, about you, about all of this. I’ll be in touch.”

I rolled up my window and started to pull out of the driveway. Against my better judgment, I checked my rearview just in time to see Sophia running off the porch toward Kacie, who had dropped to her knees and was sobbing right there in the grass.

Fucking gutted.

Part of me felt like an ass for leaving her like that, and part of me knew it was for the best. I had so many questions for her about Zach and what the hell had been going on the last couple weeks, but it wouldn’t have done either of us any good if I’d asked those questions now. Most likely I would have said something I’d regret, or punched something else, and I couldn’t afford for my hand to get any more swollen.

A couple miles from her house, I pulled over and took out my phone to text Andy.













“You broke his jaw?” Andy leaned forward on his couch, propping his elbows on his knees, and rubbed his temples.

I shrugged. “I don’t know for sure, but something cracked. Very well could have been my hand. I’m gonna grab some ice.”

A minute later, I walked back to his living room and he was still sitting in the same position. “I couldn’t help it,” I defended. “First, I saw him holding her hand—that was bad enough. Then, when he introduced himself as Lucy and Piper’s dad, I lost it. I don’t even know how many times I hit him. He went over the railing.”

Andy’s head sprang up. “You punched him over a railing?”

I nodded and groaned, gently putting the baggie of ice on the top of my hand.

“Fuck.” He stood up and started pacing the living room. “You know if he presses charges, you’re screwed. It’s a contract year, Brody. How could you do this?” He walked back and forth with his hands on his hips.

“I told you. I snapped.” I crossed my ankles on his coffee table.

“Yeah. Tell that to Collins.”


It was days like this when I wished I had a normal nine-to-five desk job. My boss wouldn’t give a shit what I did outside of working hours, and I could just fucking call in sick tomorrow.

“I’ll talk to Collins. Don’t worry.”

He spun around and raised his eyebrows at me. “You’ll do no such fucking thing.”

“I won’t?”

“No. You won’t. You’ll wait and see what happens. There’s a chance this dickwad might not call the police.”

“Why the fuck wouldn’t he?”

“Think about it, Brody. We don’t know the story of why he’s back and what’s going on with him. For all you know, he’s got a boner for Kacie and wants her back. Getting her boyfriend arrested certainly isn’t going to make her run back into his arms.”

“First of all, did you just say boner?” I stared up at him in disgust. “What are you, thirteen? Second of all, don’t ever talk about Zach’s dick and Kacie in the same sentence again.”

He stopped pacing and sat on the chair across from me. “You gonna call her?”

“I don’t know. Eventually, yes. I just don’t know when.” I exhaled.

“Is this a deal breaker for you?” he asked carefully.

I stared off into space for a few seconds, thinking about his question. I would take a thousand broken hands if the knot in my stomach whenever he said her name would disappear for five minutes. “I can’t control where that asshole wanders around the planet, so if he showed back up in her life, that’s not her fault. But why didn’t she tell me?” I searched Andy’s face for answers. “Is she in love with him again?”

“Whoa.” He shook his head vigorously. “I seriously doubt that. Don’t go jumping to crazy conclusions.”

“I don’t even know what to think anymore, about anything…”

“What about your parents? What happened there?”

The ache in my chest flared up again. The only silver lining to the Zach bullshit was that for a couple hours, it took my mind off what was going on with my mom and dad.

“I have no idea what went wrong. They basically just said they grew apart and these things happen.”

“I’m really sorry about that. I can’t even imagine how weird it must be to be going through this
.” He interlocked his fingers and tucked them behind his head. “You think they’ll work it out?”

“Who knows? Supposedly they’re using the same lawyer and have everything all sorted out already.”

“Jesus, that’s one hell of an amicable split. Blaire and I can’t even agree on what date we officially separated.” He huffed. “Does Shae know?”

“Nope, they’re telling her this weekend.”

As sad as I was for myself, my heart was completely broken for Shae. She had no idea what was coming her way. Shae was without a doubt the most romantic human being on the planet. She was constantly watching sappy movies, setting her friends up on blind dates, and writing poetry about love. She was so in love with love that she became a wedding planner—a damn good one too. This was going to completely crush her.

At least we’d have that part in common.

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