Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (790 page)

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Authors: Jeffrey J. Schaider,Adam Z. Barkin,Roger M. Barkin,Philip Shayne,Richard E. Wolfe,Stephen R. Hayden,Peter Rosen

Tags: #Medical, #Emergency Medicine

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  • Do not underestimate the extent of underlying tissue damage or injury to critical structures given the size or location of entrance or exit wounds.
  • Account for all projectiles and all injury tracts.
  • Gunshot and stab wounds are usually reportable to local law enforcement.
  • Goodman CS, Hur JY, et al. How well does CT predict the need for laparotomy in hemodynamically stable patients with penetrating abdominal injury? A review and meta-analysis.
  • Maiden N. Ballistics review: mechanisms of bullet wound trauma.
    Forensic Sci Med Pathol
    . 2009;5:204–209.
  • Ramirez RM, Cureton EL, et al. Single-contrast computed tomography for the triage of patients with penetrating torso trauma.
    J Trauma
    . 2009;67:583–588.
  • Santucci RA, Chang Y. Ballistics for physicians: Myths about wound ballistics and gunshot injuries.
    J Urol
    . 2004;171:1408–1414.

879.8 Open wound(s) (multiple) of unspecified site(s), without mention of complication


T14.8 Other injury of unspecified body region



Abdominal aortic aneurysm, 2–3

diagnosis, 2–3

treatment, 3

Abdominal pain, 4–5

diagnosis, 4–5

imaging, 5

treatment, 5

Abdominal trauma

blunt, 6–7

imaging, 8–9

penetrating, 10–11


incomplete, 12

inevitable, 12

septic, 12

spontaneous, 12–13

threatened, 12


bartholin, 14, 130–131

breast, 14

epidural, 372–373

external ear, 396–397

periodontal, 836–837

perirectal, 14, 844–845

peritonsillar, 846–847

pilonidal, 14

prostatic, 914

retropharyngeal, 978–979

skin or soft tissue, 14–15


elder, 16–17

IV drug, 14

pediatric, 18–19

sexual, 1024–1025

Acalculous cholecystitis, 232

Accelerated idioventricular rhythm (AIVR), 31

ACE inhibitor–induced angioedema, 66–67

Acellular (protein) hyperviscosity, 578

Acetaminophen poisoning, 20–21

diagnosis, 20

-acetylcysteine for, 21

treatment, 21

Achilles tendinopathy, 1116–1117

Achilles tendon rupture, 1116–1117

Acid burns, corneal, 268

Acidosis, 22

anion gap, 22, 893

anion gap metabolic, 308

diagnosis, 22–23

metabolic, 22

non-anion gap, 22

renal tubular, 22

respiratory, 22

treatment, 23

Acquired angioedema, 66–67

Acquired methemoglobinemia, 706–707

Acral lentiginous melanoma, 1036

Acromioclavicular joint injury, 24–25

diagnosis, 24–25

Rockwood classification, 24

treatment, 25

Actinic keratosis, 1036–1037

Activated charcoal, 890

Acute alcohol intoxication, 42

Acute calculous cholecystitis, 232

Acute cardiac sequelae, 632

Acute chest syndrome, 1032

Acute coronary syndrome, 26–27, 184

angina, 26–27

cardiac testing for, 184–185

coronary vasospasm, 28–29

myocardial infarction, 30–31

non–Q-wave (non–ST elevation) MI, 32–33

unstable angina, 26

Acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF), 256

Acute infectious enteritis (AIE), 320

Acute kidney injury (AKI), 960–961

complications of, 960

definition, 960

diagnosis, 960–961

imaging, 961

treatment, 961

Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), 652–653

Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), 652–653

Acute myocardial infarction (AMI), 31

cardiogenic shock in, 188–189

Acute peripheral vestibulopathy (APV), 1220–1221

Acute radiation syndrome (ARS), 944

Acute urinary retention (AUR), 1182–1183

Acute vaso-occlusive crisis (VOC), 1032

Acute vestibular syndrome (AVS), 335

Addisonian crisis, 34.

Adrenal insufficiency

Adenitis, cervical, 216–217

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

Acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF)

Adrenal dysgenesis, 34

Adrenal insufficiency, 34–35

diagnosis, 34

treatment, 35

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), in Cushing syndrome, 276

Adult intestinal toxemia botulism, 154

Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), for cardiac arrest, 180–181

Automated external defibrillators (AED)

Aeromonas hydrophila,
diarrhea from, 318

Arterial gas embolism (AGE)

Agitation, 36–37

diagnosis, 36

epidemiology, 36

treatment, 36–37

Acute infectious enteritis (AIE)

Airway adjuncts, 38–39

diagnosis, 38

epidemiology, 38

treatment, 38–39

Airway management, 40–41

Accelerated idioventricular rhythm (AIVR)

Acute kidney injury (AKI)

Albright syndrome, 592

Alcoholic ketoacidosis, 44–45

diagnosis, 44

treatment, 45

Alcohol poisoning, 42–43

acute alcohol intoxication, 42

alcohol withdrawal syndrome, 42

diagnosis, 42

treatment, 43

Alcohol toxidrome, 892

Alcohol withdrawal, 1248–1249

Alcohol withdrawal seizures, 1012–1013

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome, 42

Alkalis burn, corneal, 268

Alkalosis, 46–47

diagnosis, 46–47

metabolic, 46

respiratory, 46

treatment, 47

Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL)

Allergic contact dermatitis, 262–263

Allograft vasculopathy, 186

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

Altered mental status, 48–49

diagnosis, 48–49

treatment, 49

Alveolar bone fractures, 300

Amanita phalloides
poisoning, 726–727

Amaurosis fugax, 1156

Amebiasis, 50–51

diagnosis, 50

treatment, 51

Amenorrhea, 52–53

diagnosis, 52

treatment, 53

Aminotransferases, 630

Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)


psychogenic, 1155

transient global, 1154–1155

Amphetamine poisoning, 54–55

diagnosis, 54–55

treatment, 55

Amputation, traumatic, 56–57

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), 58–59

diagnosis, 58–59

treatment, 59

Anal fissure, 60–61

diagnosis, 60

treatment, 60–61

Anaphylactic shock, 1026–1027

Anaphylaxis, 62–63

diagnosis, 62

IgE mediated, 62

non-IgE mediated, 62

treatment, 62–63

Anemia, 64–65

diagnosis, 64–65

treatment, 65


abdominal aortic, 2–3

cerebral, 212–213

coronary artery, in Kawasaki disease, 632

Angina, 26–27

diagnosis, 26–27

treatment, 27

unstable, 26

Angioedema, 66–67

ACE inhibitor–induced, 66

acquired, 66–67

diagnosis, 66

hereditary, 66

treatment, 66–67

Animal bite, 144–145

diagnosis, 144

treatment, 145

Anion gap acidosis, 893

Anion gap metabolic acidosis, 308

Ankle dislocation, 68–69

Ankle fracture, 68–69

diagnosis, 68

mechanism of, 68

treatment, 69

Ankle sprain, 70–71

diagnosis, 70

treatment, 70–71

Ankle tendinitis, 1116–1117

Ankle tenosynovitis, 1118–1119

Ankylosing spondylitis, 72–73

diagnosis, 72

juvenile, 72

treatment, 73

Anorexia nervosa (AN), 350–351

Anterior cord syndrome, 1052

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury, 636–637


as biologic weapon, 140–141

cutaneous, 140

inhalational, 140

Anticholinergic, 870–871

Anticholinergic poisoning, 74–75

diagnosis, 74

treatment, 74–75

Anticholinergic toxidrome, 892

Antidepressant poisoning, 76–77

diagnosis, 76

treatment, 77

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH), 1100

Antidotes poisoning, 886–889

Aortic dissection, thoracic, 78–79

diagnosis, 78–79

imaging, 78–79

treatment, 79

Aortic regurgitation, 1200–1201

Aortic rupture, traumatic, 80–81

diagnosis, 80–81

imaging, 80–81

treatment, 81

Aortic stenosis, 1200–1201

Aphthous ulcers, 82–83

diagnosis, 82–83

herpetiform, 82

major, 82

minor, 82

treatment, 83

Aplastic crisis, 1032

Apnea, pediatric, 84–85

Appendicitis, 86–87

diagnosis, 86–87

imaging, 86–87

treatment, 87

Arbovirus, encephalitis from, 364–365

Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, 190

Acute radiation syndrome (ARS)

Arsenic poisoning, 88–89

diagnosis, 88

treatment, 89

Arterial gas embolism (AGE), 90–91

diagnosis, 90

treatment, 91

Arterial occlusion, 92–93

diagnosis, 92–93

imaging, 93

treatment, 93

Arterial thoracic outlet syndrome (ATOS), 1126–1127


giant cell, 460–461

takayasu, 1206


degenerative, 94–95

infectious (septic), 98

juvenile idiopathic, 96–97

and Lyme disease, 664

monoarticular, 98–99

reactive, 950–951

rheumatoid, 100–101

septic, 102–103

diagnosis, 102–103

treatment, 103

Ascites, 104–105

diagnosis, 104–105

secondary bacterial peritonitis, 104

spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, 104

treatment, 105

Aspiration, 338

Aspiration pneumonia, feeding tube and, 408–409

Asplenia, 602


adult, 106–107

diagnosis, 106

treatment, 106–107

pediatric, 108–109

diagnosis, 108

treatment, 109

Asystole, 110–111

diagnosis, 110

treatment, 110–111

Ataxia, 112–113

acute cerebellar, 113

acute focal, 112

acute symmetric, 112

chronic, 113

diagnosis, 112–113

imaging, 112

limb, 112

subacute focal, 113

subacute symmetric, 113

treatment, 113

truncal, 112

“athlete’s foot,” 1138

Atopic dermatitis, 354–355, 1010

Atopic diaper dermatitis, 314–315

Arterial thoracic outlet syndrome (ATOS)

Atrial fibrillation (AF), 114–115, 1094–1095

diagnosis, 114

treatment, 114–115

Atrial flutter, 116–117, 1094–1095

diagnosis, 116

treatment, 116–117

Atrioventricular blocks, 118–119

bradyarrhythmias and, 158

diagnosis, 118–119

myocardial infarction and, 118

treatment, 119

Atrophic candidiasis, 174–175

Atropine poisoning, 886

Acute urinary retention (AUR)

Automated external defibrillators (AED), 1212–1213

Avascular necrosis (AVN), 1116

Avascular necrosis (AVN)

Acute vestibular syndrome (AVS)

Axillary lymphadenitis, 666–667



Babesiosis, 120–121

diagnosis, 120–121

treatment, 121

Bacillus cereus

diarrhea from, 318

astroenteritis from, 450–451

Back pain, 122–123

classification, 122

diagnosis, 122

imaging, 122

treatment, 123

Bacterial conjunctivitis, 258–259

Bacterial tracheitis, 124–125

diagnosis, 124

treatment, 125

Bacterial vaginosis (BV), 1198–1199

Barbiturates poisoning, 126–127

diagnosis, 126

treatment, 126–127

Barotrauma, 128–129

diagnosis, 128

pulmonary, 128

treatment, 129

Bartholin abscess, 14, 130–131

diagnosis, 130

epidemiology, 130

treatment, 130–131

Barton fracture, 424–425

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