Read Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult Online

Authors: Jeffrey J. Schaider,Adam Z. Barkin,Roger M. Barkin,Philip Shayne,Richard E. Wolfe,Stephen R. Hayden,Peter Rosen

Tags: #Medical, #Emergency Medicine

Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (791 page)

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Bartter syndrome, hypokalemia in, 588

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC), 1036–1037

Bath salts–synthetic cathinones poisoning, 132–133

diagnosis, 132

epidemiology, 132

treatment, 133

Binge eating disorder (BED)

Bee sting, 1078–1079

Bell’s palsy, 134–135

diagnosis, 134

treatment, 135

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), 640–641, 1220–1221

Bennett fracture, 1130

Benzodiazepine poisoning, 136–137, 886

diagnosis, 136

treatment, 136–137

Benztropine (cogentin) poisoning, 886


in acute coronary syndrome, 32–33

effects of, 138

poisoning, 138–139

Bicipital tendinopathy, 1116–1117

Bicycle spoke injury, 1134

Bifascicular block, 166–167

Biliary sludge, 234

Binge eating disorder (BED), 350–351

Binocular diplopia, 324–325

Biologic weapons, 140–141

diagnosis, 140–141

treatment, 141

Bipolar disorder, 142–143

diagnosis, 142

hypomania in, 142

mania in, 142

mixed mood in, 142

schizoaffective disorder in, 142

treatment, 143


animal, 144–145

cat, 14, 144–145

dog, 14, 144–145

rat, 144–145

human, 146–147

occlusional, 146

spider, 1048–1051

tick, 1136–1137

Bite mark significance, 1046

Black widow spider, 1048–1049

Black widow spider antivenin poisoning, 886

Bladder contusion, 148

Bladder injury, 148–149

classification, 148

diagnosis, 148

imaging, 148

mechanism of, 148

treatment, 149

Blepharitis, 1010

treatment, 1011

Blow-out fracture, 150–151

diagnosis, 150

imaging, 150

ocular injuries, 150

orbital floor, 150–151

treatment, 150–151

Blunt abdominal trauma, 246

Blunt injury, diaphragmatic trauma for, 316

Body packers, cocaine, 244–245

Body stuffers, cocaine, 244–245

Boerhaave syndrome, 152–153

diagnosis, 152

treatment, 153

Bone marrow transplant rejection, 1158–1159

Bony injuries, elbow, 360

Borrelia burgdorferi,

Botulin antitoxin trivalent poisoning, 886

Botulinum toxin, 140–141

Botulism, 154–155

adult intestinal toxemia, 154

diagnosis, 154–155

food-borne, 154

iatrogenic, 154

treatment, 155

wound, 154–155

Bowel obstruction, 156–157

diagnosis, 156–157

imaging, 156–157

large, 156–157

small, 156–157

treatment, 157

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)

Brachial plexus compression, 1172–1173

Bradyarrhythmias, 158–159

diagnosis, 158

treatment, 158–159

Bradycardia, 892

Bradypnea, 893

Braxton Hicks contraction, 638

Breast abscess, 14

-receptors, 138

Bronchiolitis, 160–161

diagnosis, 160

imaging, 160

treatment, 160–161

Bronchitis, 162–163

diagnosis, 162

treatment, 163

Brown recluse spider, 1050–1051

Brown-Séquard syndrome, 1052

Brucellosis, as biologic weapon, 140–141

Brugada syndrome, 164–165

diagnosis, 164

treatment, 165

B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP), in cardiac testing, 184

Buccal cellulitis, 206

treatment, 207

Buccolingual crisis, 348

Bulimia nervosa (BN), 350–351

Bullous impetigo, 604, 1072

Bullous varicella, 1072

Bundle branch blocks, 166–167

complete, 166

diagnosis, 166

incomplete, 166

treatment, 167

Buried bumper syndrome, 408

Burns, 168–169

chemical, 168–169

classification of, 168

corneal, 268–269

diagnosis, 168

electrical, 168–169

friction, 168–169

from lightning injuries, 656

2nd-degree, 168

radiation, 168–169

3rd-degree, 168

1st-degree, 168

4th-degree, 168

thermal, 168–169

treatment, 168–169

Bursitis, 170–171

crystal deposition, 170

diagnosis, 170

nonseptic, 170

septic, 170–171

treatment, 170–171

Burst fracture

cervical spine, 1054–1055

lumbar spine, 1060–1061

thoracic spine, 1062–1063


Calcaneus fractures, foot, 422–423

Calcific tendonitis, 1116–1117

Calcium channel blocker poisoning, 172–173

diagnosis, 172

effects of, 172

treatment, 172–173

Calcium EDTA toxicity, 886

Calcium oxalate crystals, 870–871

Calcium toxicity, 886


diarrhea from, 318

astroenteritis from, 450–451

Community-acquired MRSA (CA-MRSA)


atrophic, 174–175

hyperplastic, 174–175

oral, 174–175

pseudomembranous, 174–175

Community acquired pneumonia (CAP)

Carbamazepine poisoning, 176–177

diagnosis, 176

treatment, 177

Carbon monoxide poisoning, 178–179

diagnosis, 178

treatment, 178–179

Carbuncle, 14

Cardiac arrest, 180–181

ACLS guidelines, 180–181

diagnosis, 180

treatment, 180–181

Cardiac catheterization, 79

Cardiac Na
channel, 164

Cardiac pacemakers, 182–183

Cardiac pacing, 182

Cardiac reperfusion therapy, 964–965

Cardiac sequelae, acute, 632

Cardiac testing, 184–185

Cardiac transplantation.
See Transplant rejection

complications, 186–187

pregnancy after, 186

rejection, 186

Cardiac transplant rejection, 1158–1159

Cardioactive steroids, 870–871

Cardiogenic shock, 188–189

diagnosis, 188–189

imaging, 188

treatment, 189

Cardiomyopathy, 190–191

arrhythmogenic right ventricular, 190

dilated, 190

hypertrophic, 190, 192–193

peripartum, 194–195

Cardiopulmonary injuries, 656

Carditis, 984

Carotid sinus syncope, 1098–1099

Carpal fractures, 196–197

diagnosis, 196

treatment, 196–197

Carpal tunnel, 198

Carpal tunnel syndrome, 198

diagnosis, 198–199

treatment, 199

Cat bite, 14, 144–145

Cat bite wound, 144–145

Cathartics, 890

Catscratch disease (CSD), 144–145

Cauda equina syndrome, 200–201

diagnosis, 200

risk factors, 200

treatment, 201

Caudate hemorrhage, 612

Caustic ingestion, 202–203

diagnosis, 202

treatment, 203

Cavernous sinus thrombosis, 204–205

anatomy, 204

diagnosis, 204

imaging, 204

pathophysiology, 204

treatment, 205

Cecal volvulus, 1228–1229

Cellular (blood cell) hyperviscosity, 578

Cellulitis, 206–207

buccal, 206

diagnosis, 206

facial, 206

imaging, 206

perianal, 206

periorbital, 206

treatment, 207

Central cord syndrome, 1052

Central retinal artery occlusion, 208–209

diagnosis, 208

treatment, 209

Central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO), 210–211

diagnosis, 210

treatment, 210

Central vertigo, 1220–1221

Cerebellar ataxia, 1202

Cerebellar hemorrhage, 612

Cerebral aneurysm, 212–213

diagnosis, 212

treatment, 212–213

Cerebral edema, 308–309

risk factors for, 308

treatment, 309

Cerebral reperfusion therapy, 966–967

Cerebral vascular accident, 214–215

diagnosis, 214

treatment, 214–215

Cerebritis, 1202

Cerebrovascular accident (CVA), 966–967, 1032–1033

Cervical adenitis, 216–217

diagnosis, 216–217

imaging, 216

treatment, 217

Cervical cord syndrome, 1054–1055

Cervical lymphadenitis, 666–667

Cervical nerve root compression, 198

Cervical spine injury

adult, 1054–1055

pediatric, 1056–1057

Cesarean section, emergency, 218–219

Conducted energy weapons (CEW)

Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)

Chalazion, 542–543

Chancre, 1104

Chancroid, 220–221

diagnosis, 220

giant, 220

treatment, 221

Chemical burns, 168–169

Chemical weapons poisoning, 222–223

diagnosis, 222–223

treatment, 223

Chest pain, 224–225

diagnosis, 224–225

treatment, 225

Chest trauma

blunt, 226–227

penetrating, 228–229

Chest wall pain, 224–225

Chickenpox, 1202–1203

Cholangitis, 230–231

diagnosis, 230

imaging, 230

treatment, 231

Cholecystitis, 232–233

acalculous, 232

acute calculous, 232

diagnosis, 232

imaging, 232

treatment, 233

Choledocholithiasis, 234

Cholelithiasis, 234–235

diagnosis, 234–235

imaging, 234

treatment, 235

Cholera, as biologic weapon, 140–141

Cholesterol stones, 234

Cholinergic toxidrome, 892

Chorea, 984

Chronic fatigue syndrome, 404

Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDM), 898

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), 652–653

Chronic mesenteric ischemia, 700–701

Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), 652–653

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), 236–237

diagnosis, 236

GOLD guidelines, 236

risk factors, 236

treatment, 237

Chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS), 914

Chronic vestibular syndrome (CVS), 335

Churg–Strauss syndrome, with vasculitis, 1206

Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDM)

Cirrhosis, 238–239

diagnosis, 238–239

treatment, 239

Clavicle fracture, 240–241

classification, 240

diagnosis, 240

mechanism, 240

treatment, 240–241

Clenched-fist injuries (CFIs), 146–147

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)

Clopidogrel, 964

Clostridium difficile,
diarrhea from, 318

Clostridium tetani, 1122

Clouding of consciousness, 248

Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)

Coagulopathy, 382

Coagulopathy, in subdural hematoma, 1088

Coagulopathy reversal, 242–243

diagnosis, 242

epidemiology, 242

treatment, 242–243

Coalescent mastoiditis, 684–685

Cocaine poisoning, 244–245

diagnosis, 244

imaging, 244

treatment, 244–245

Coccyx fracture, spine injury with, 1058–1059

Colon trauma, 246–247

diagnosis, 246

imaging, 246

treatment, 247

Colovesical fistula, 1184–1185

Coma, 248–249

deep, 248

diagnosis, 248–249

Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) scoring, 248

light, 248

myxedema, 596–597

pregnancy and, 248

treatment, 249

Community-acquired MRSA (CA-MRSA), 716–717

Community acquired pneumonia (CAP), 878

Compartment syndrome, 250–251, 398, 438

diagnosis, 250

with tibial/fibular shaft fracture, 1134

treatment, 251

Complete abortion, 12

treatment, 13

Complete bundle branch block, 166–167

Complete cord syndrome, 1052

Compression fracture, thoracic spine, 1062–1063

Conducted energy weapons (CEW), 1110–1111

Condyloma lata, 1104

Congenital heart disease

acyanotic, 252–253

diagnosis, 252

treatment, 253

cyanotic, 254–255

diagnosis, 254–255

treatment, 255

Congenital methemoglobinemia, 706–707

Congenital rubella syndrome (CRS), 994–995

Congenital toxoplasmosis, 1150–1151

Congestive heart failure, 256–257

diagnosis, 256–257

imaging, 256

treatment, 257

Conjugated (direct) hyperbilirubinemia, 630

Conjunctivitis, 258–259

diagnosis, 258

treatment, 258–259

Constipation, 260–261

diagnosis, 260–261

Rome criteria, 260

treatment, 261

Constricting band removal, 988–989

Contact dermatitis, 262–263, 1010

diagnosis, 262

irritant diaper, 314–315

treatment, 263

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Coral snake antivenin poisoning, 887

Corneal abrasion, 266–267

diagnosis, 266

treatment, 266–267

Corneal burn, 268–269

diagnosis, 268

treatment, 269

Corneal foreign body, 270–271

diagnosis, 270

treatment, 270–271

Coronary artery aneurysms, in Kawasaki disease, 632

Coronary artery disease

atrioventricular block from, 118

chest pain and, 224

Coronary vasospasm, 28–29

diagnosis, 28

treatment, 29

Cor pulmonale, 264–265

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