Read Ross 01 Unleashed Online

Authors: Cherrie Lynn

Tags: #Romance

Ross 01 Unleashed (11 page)

BOOK: Ross 01 Unleashed
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“Just let it go,” he murmured, watching the fragmented emotions she knew were crossing her face. “It’s going to be so good……”

Oh, it was. His lips grazed hers as all hell broke loose in her body and she surrendered to it—that’s all she could do. One small part of her pulled her entire body taut as ecstasy burst outward from the heavy thrust and drag where he claimed her. She clenched down on him, crying out his name. True to his promise.

“There you go, baby.

He buried himself more fully inside her and sharpened his movements, driving her through it, and the sobs lodged in her throat broke out in staccato bursts when she couldn’t draw enough breath to scream. Her hands gripped his hard enough to snap bones. She tossed her head back and forth, the only part of her she still maintained control of. She was his, every inch, held open and immobile, captive to her passion for him. Like wind gusts during a hot summer storm, it swept her away.

“Fuck, honey, do I need to pull out? You feel too good…”

“No, no, don’t leave me, it’s okay.” She locked her legs tighter around him and held on as her final contractions milked him of all restraint. His hips slammed forward and he surged inside her, pulsing with his release. He said her name, growled it, as she drank in the sight of him, the sensation of him spilling himself inside her. So thick and warm. His hair fell forward around his face and the veins stood out in his neck. God, he was exquisite.

One final thrust and he eased himself down over her, his chest heaving. His hand smoothed up her arm and he palmed her breast, turning his face into her neck. With her hands finally free, she wrapped her arms around him and held on as if he were a life preserver. He felt different from her ex, leaner, all sinewy strength and coiled power. He took better care of himself. Did everything better.

She was shaking like a palm frond in a hurricane, unable to stop the helpless little sounds that kept slipping through her lips. With complete concentration she managed one deep, cleansing breath to coax down her ragged pulse. The scent of their sex bloomed throughout the room, filling her nostrils. Now that the heat they’d generated had rushed out of her, she could feel the blush roaring high and hot in her cheeks.

No, no, don’t leave me…

She cringed, digging her fingertips into his flesh as an anchor against the surge of embarrassment that heated her blood, so different from the intoxicating fires of moments ago. Jesus, what had she done? “Oh, God…” she whispered, covering her face with one hand.

“It’s okay, Kelsey.”

“No, it…” She couldn’t speak. He pulled himself from her, then snuggled close and brought her into his embrace.

“Sweetie. Look at me.”

She did, but it was difficult now, when she could never remember a time she hadn’t wanted to look at his beloved face. She blinked, trying to force the fresh torrent of tears back where they belonged. It just wasn’t possible.

No, there was no emptiness now. She was bursting at the seams, overflowing.

“Don’t cry,” he said gently, swiping her cheeks with his thumbs. “You cry and I want to break something. Or someone. What is it?”

“I can’t. I’m sorry. Not…right now.”

All this time…all these years. All her restless longing had converged on her at once.

“Okay, okay.” His eyes were troubled as he stroked her hair. “Just answer me this. Do you regret it?”

She hated that she was making him look like that, but there was nothing she could do except reply to that question truthfully, and without hesitation. “No. Don’t ever think that. And I’m okay, really.” She drew a deep breath and felt the panic start to pass. They were both adults, they would be all right. It was rather late for the protection discussion, but she felt the need to ease his mind. “I’m on the Pill, so you don’t have to worry.”

He chuckled, his warm breath tickling her cheek. “I’m really not worried, honey.”

Okay. She stroked her fingertips up and down his spine as long minutes passed and she puzzled over that. The image that flashed through her mind then was unavoidable: a dark-haired toddler smiling up at her with Evan’s green eyes. What unsettled her most was that it only made her want to maul him again.

You only had sex with the guy. Stop thinking about white picket fences, dammit.
It was almost as if she could hear Lisa’s voice in her mind, chiding her.

So she did what it commanded. Amazing, to just let go and drift on this euphoria. To finally hold him in the carnal embrace she’d fantasized about for so long.

Chapter Six

Evan watched Kelsey struggle bravely with her tears. He only wished he knew what to say to help her win the battle with them, but what was there to say when your best friend was weeping with guilt over finally having mind-blowing sex with you?

Goddammit. There was so much he wanted to tell her, but to do so now might shatter her fragile calm. Still, he marveled at her dramatic shift from wounded kitten to hellcat and back again, and wanted to break Todd Jacobs’s freaking neck for hurting her. She should have let him do it seven months ago when he’d tried.

Because that’s what this was about, wasn’t it? Her anger, her hurt, her betrayal. All taken out on him.

It was all right. Hell. He could take it, and consider himself a lucky guy for it.

“Mmm, I don’t want to let you go,” he murmured in her ear finally. “So sweet and warm.”

She sighed, running the sole of one foot up and down his calf. His body stirred at the gesture, thinking of those perfect feet, pretty and dainty with little seashell toenails. Everything about her body was pretty and dainty.

“We can sleep like this,” she suggested, smiling dreamily at him. They were still wrapped tight in each other’s arms. She was heavenly soft against him.

“We will. But I’m not ready to sleep just yet.” He made the words as rich with erotic promise as he knew how. Guilt or no, she couldn’t deny that it had been good. It had been very, very good. They couldn’t unring a bell. Might as well ring it again.

“Really?” she asked, a tinge of amazement in her voice, in those reawakened gray eyes as she looked at him.

He supposed that meant his former best friend had been down for the count after one shot. “You’d better believe it.” He grinned, bringing her hand down to wrap around his thickening cock. “Because I think you’re still capable of walking right now.”

The peace that had settled over her expression shattered in anguish. He put his fingers to her lips as she opened her mouth, undoubtedly to wail in mortification. “Honey, that was the hottest thing that’s ever been said to me, and you’re going to stop being embarrassed about what you want, if I’m the one who has to break you of it. Nothing we do together is wrong, especially after what was done to us.”

She closed her eyes and her trembling started all over again—he took it as permission. Thank God. Once more, even if it was the last time.

He spent a good amount of time exploring the silken skin that had too often been so close to him, yet so far away. She’d trusted him with her body, and he cherished every square inch of it with his touch, his lips, but he had to keep coming back to her breasts. They were lovely; they fit his hands perfectly. He slid his mouth down over her flesh and encircled her nipple with his lips. Warmth gathered in the skin beneath his wet ministrations, and he swirled his tongue around the sweet pearled tip before he suckled it gently. Her fingers tightened around his cock, sending a jolt through him so intense that he groaned against her.

He couldn’t wait any longer. He pulled his lips away from her and shifted, bringing himself between her smooth thighs. She opened for him, her hand still stroking him. Her lips parted as she gazed up at him and he accepted the invitation, taking a mouthful of her sweetness, and then another and another.

“Put me inside you,” he whispered urgently, bracing himself above her on his arms, and then nearly came right there as she gave him one loving stroke and moved the head of his dick to the swollen, scalding liquid center of her. So small and smooth, and
… She had to have done that for him, just on the hope of this. He wouldn’t disappoint her. He forced himself to ease inside, savoring the feel of her taut inner muscles parting before him. Every neuron in his spinal column crackled with pleasure. She was so damned tight, and wet with his come. He gave her a little and pulled back, then a little more. Until she was writhing beneath him.

“Evan,” she whispered, entangling her fingers in his hair as he took her all the way and began to move through her. Kelsey started to bring her other hand up to his shoulder, but he shook his head and brought it back down between their bodies, until her fingers came into contact with his wet shaft disappearing into her flesh.

“Stay there. Feel us,” he murmured. She sighed as his fingers slid through hers, both of them stroking and caressing where he ended and she began as he thrust slowly into her. He was thick and straining, damp from their combined juices. Her slick folds were parted wide to accommodate him.

“That’s…beautiful,” she said, and moaned.

“We’re good together.” He managed to give her a smile, but it most likely came out weak.
. She was so beautiful she broke his heart. She always had.

He pulled all the way out so she could smooth her hand over his length before he slid slowly, inexorably back in. He groaned when she caressed his sac, very gently squeezing it. She whimpered when his fingers would drag across her clit.

He could grow addicted to this, to the way she shivered around him as he fucked her. She caught his mouth with hers, sweet and tentative, and he returned her kiss reassuringly. Her tongue danced between his lips, tangling tenderly with his. He explored her mouth in turn, the softness, the wet heat, the hard edge of her teeth. Her flavor was as scrumptious as the rest of her.

“My God, Kelsey.” His breathing was growing ragged, his blood racing as the tension at the base of his spine threatened to fling him into the ozone. “So good it hurts.” He was so achingly hard inside her yielding softness he couldn’t comprehend how he wasn’t hurting her. She was moaning, a faint tremor working its way through her as he increased the urgency of his thrusts by increments. His hand abandoned the place of their joining so he could brace himself above her, so he could give her everything he had, but she kept exploring the feel of them together and it was driving him out of his skull.

“Please,” she whispered. “Harder. Make me come like that again, it was so good, Evan…”

“It makes me so goddamned crazy when you talk like that.”

He gathered her in his arms and rolled them over so that she straddled him on top. She squeaked, and he nearly shot his load as the new position seemed to allow him to plunder new depths in her body. “Take me however you need,” he told her, hearing the harshness in his own words. His hands molded to her hips then he moved them upward to cup her breasts in the curves of his thumb and index finger. Her eyes glittered down at him in the faint moonlight now spilling in from the window, but she looked unsure of herself. “Do it, baby. Let me watch you.”

She squeezed her inner muscles and he flexed in response. She smiled. Then she proceeded to kill him as she pulled his hands from her breasts and pushed his wrists back on the mattress.

“You can touch me after I make you come so hard you scream my name.”


She laughed, the vixen, and he was tempted to show her he could break her grip any time he wished. But she wanted control, and he wanted her to have it. The woman had no shame now as she worked his cock, and he thought of some pagan goddess as her dark hair tossed against skin turned milky by the moonlight.

He watched in agony as she sought the angle she needed and nearly died from relief when she found it and each stroke began to force a whimper from her throat. God, his abdomen muscles were cramping from holding back. Her weight was on his wrists now, and his gaze locked on the mesmerizing sight of her swaying breasts as the wet sheath between her thighs swallowed him over and over again.

The rhythm she’d struck was sensual and torturous, slower than he would’ve liked, but he complied with it, thrusting up to meet her. When her muscles began to clamp hard around him it took everything within him to keep from breaking her hold on him so he could rub her clit, desperate for her climax to shake loose and milk him. All he could do was curl his toes, close his eyes, hold on and pray…

“Oh, baby,” she cried. “Evan, I didn’t know it could feel like this…”

…but he could endure any torture if it made her cry out words like that, if it gave her pleasure she’d never known before.

“Mmm, you’re turning me inside out. I won’t last much longer, honey.”

The devious little smile that curled her lips nearly killed his soul. Oh, God, it was coming, welling up, and he couldn’t stop it.

She arched above him just as his control broke and he shattered, erupting into her with everything she hadn’t drained him of before. It tore loose from his goddamn soul. Kelsey’s feminine cries were like music as her strokes up and down his shaft lengthened and sped, sucking greedily at him. He couldn’t stand it. He took advantage of her weakened state to break her grip and grab her, pulling her down hard into his arms as he thrust the last of his come as deep into her quivering depths as he could push it. Her name rolled compulsively from his lips into the soft shell of her ear. Jesus. A honeysuckle-scented cloud of her hair smothered him and her softness enveloped him as the last of their tension bled into one another.

He was so through with running from her.


Silent moments passed, and Kelsey was grateful when he began to caress her, smoothing his fingers along her spine, stroking her hair. She didn’t think she could have dealt with the aftermath of this raging passion between them without him soothing her, whispering endearments. Her heart felt swollen to the point of filling her chest. She feared it was about to spill out of her mouth, and God knew she didn’t want to say anything to shatter this.

BOOK: Ross 01 Unleashed
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