Rough [01] - A Bit of Rough (17 page)

Read Rough [01] - A Bit of Rough Online

Authors: Laura Baumbach

Tags: #Gay, #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Rough [01] - A Bit of Rough
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milking my long, hard rod until I cream your little hole," the voice quivered and went deeper, grunting out the next words between gritted teeth, "and fill you up with my load of juice." A hoarse drawn-out grunt, followed by heavy breathing, told James Bram had found release.

Knowing he had caused the big man to come sent a buzz of delight through James, making his chest ache and his cock jump. An electric shiver raced through his entire body and he exploded, visions of a spurting Bram dancing behind his closed eyes.

"Fuck!" James bucked his hips in the air and let out a strangled cry as his cock throbbed, pulsing out a load of thick come. He jerked forward and forced the majority of it to land on the floor between his spread legs, salvaging most of his dress pants from the creamy shower.

As he jerked up, the phone slipped from where he had it clamped between shoulder and chin. It landed on the floor with a thud. He grabbed a tissue from a box on the corner of his desk and wrestled his fading cock back inside his pants while he scrabbled under his desk for the phone.

"Bram? Hang on, I dropped the phone," James called out as he crawled further under his desk and snagged the handset off the floor. He wiggled back into the open and rose to his knees. "Got it. Sorry, hope I didn’t rupture an eardrum for you."

"You made something burst, but it wasn’t my eardrum, baby." Bram’s voice was still tight and breathless, but there was a smile in it. "Your voice keeps fading in and out.

Where are you?"

"Getting up from the floor."

"Are you on your knees?" The voice was back. "Because I can picture you on your knees between my legs, baby, all naked and hot, getting ready to taste my cock."

James squirmed and grabbed his twitching cock through his pants. "Stop right now! I don’t have the energy to do that again so soon!"

Bram snorted and let loose a long, gravelly laugh of delight.

A sudden unexpected wave of loneliness made James’ throat tighten up. His voice shook as he stumbled over the conversation. "That
something else, Bram. I’ve never had phone sex before. I’ll have to appreciate the phone company more after this."

"I take it this ‘threesome’ was good for you, too?" A dry chuckle and a sigh of contentment transmitted over the line from Bram’s end.

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James laughed and pulled himself up off the floor, rearranging and tucking his clothing back into place as he stood. "Yeah, it was fabulous." His tone turned softer and more sincere. "You’re unbelievable." James’ voice hitched. "I-I miss you."

"Miss you too, baby." Bram’s tone was full of longing and determination. "I’ll be home by ten Wednesday morning and you’re going to meet me for lunch at the site by eleven.

Why don’t you pack a bag and plan on spending the night at the house after work? We’ll have more time to spend together that way."

It made a big statement to James to have his own toothbrush in someone else’s bathroom and his clothes lying in a drawer beside another man’s things. It said commitment and that scared James more than just a little. James swallowed down his reservations.

"I’ll pack a few things, sure." James pulled in a deep breath and forced himself to think of the pleasures that came with the commitment. "I’m looking forward to seeing you, too."

James brushed his hand over his still-tingling cock and sighed. "Nobody kisses the way you do, caveman."

Bram chuckled again and huffed out his own sigh of frustration. "You just remember what it felt like the last time to have my tongue down your throat and my cock up your ass pounding your sweet cheeks and I promise to make that memory pale in comparison to how I’ll make you feel when I get home." The dark and dangerously possessive tone was back in his voice.

James shivered, every cell of his body registering the commanding, claiming tone and responding to it, yearning for it. Before James’ brain had a chance to catch up with his libido, his mouth responded, too. "You’ll have to catch me before you can take me, caveman. Drag me back to your lair. Reclaim me. If you can." Surprised at the teasing, provocative tone and his own choice of goading words, James made a pained face and closed his eyes, waiting for an angry response from Bram.

Instead, a deep, amused snort reached James’ ears. "Why, you little flirt." A deep grunt drifted across the line. "My cock hasn’t gotten this hard this soon after shooting off in years." Clothing rustled again in the background. "You can bet your sweet ass I’ll reclaim it
your sassy mouth. You’ll remember who you belong to for a long, long time when I’m done with you, baby."

"Make that a promise." James cringed. First he was afraid of leaving a few things at Bram’s house then he was challenging the man to make him forget about any other lover.

James decided the frequent, mind-blowing sex with this man must have short-circuited his brain cells.

"It’s more than a promise, baby, it’s a fact. Count on it."

"Good. I want to. I-I am."

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Bram spat out each word like it was a bullet with James’ name on it, all of them headed straight for James’ heart. "Then count on this, too, Jamie. I love you."

James’ voice quivered and dropped to a reverent whisper. "Love you, too."

"Good. Then we’re both right where we need to be."

"Yeah, yeah, we’re good."

Voices sounded outside James’ door and he hurried over to unlock it before anyone tried the handle, the phone clutched tightly to his ear. He made it back to his drafting table just as someone knocked on the door and it popped open. Art stuck his head in the room and motioned at James, pointing at his watch and making a ‘come on’ gesture with both hands. James suddenly remembered his afternoon meeting.

James pointed at the phone and turned his back on the waiting man. "Ah, listen. I have to go. I’m late for a meeting with the boss. I’m really glad you called."

"Me, too, Jamie. Phone calls won’t be the same from now on. I’ll always be imagining you jerking off at the other end of the line. Could make calling my shareholders a little tough."

James laughed and covertly checked to be sure that his zipper was up, feeling a blush race up his cheeks to his hairline. "Thanks for that image, Bram. Now I can’t use the phone the same way ever again either."

"James!" Art called in aloud stage whisper, tapping the crystal of his watch again.

Sighing, James nodded in Art’s general direction, but kept focused on Bram. "I have to go. Be safe coming home and I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye."

"Bye, Jamie. See you soon, baby."

Hanging up the phone, James gave Art a sour glare. The other man just leered and punched James in the arm as they left the room. "Was that a date I just heard you making, James?"


"New boyfriend? Are you bringing him to the dinner party Friday?" Art took in the unhappy closed look on James’ face. "Dunn won’t care, James. At least, I don’t think he will. He’s pretty open-minded."

"Maybe, but I’m not sure about everyone else that’s going to be there." James closed the door to his office and trailed after Art, mumbling to himself along the way. "Including me."

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Chapter Nine

A long, lonely evening passed for James, brightened only by the absence of Williams.

James trod very softly past the man’s apartment door and was embarrassed to admit feeling relieved when it didn’t open as he passed.

Wanting to ask Bram to go with him to the dinner party Friday night, but terrified of his boss's and co-workers' reactions if he showed up with the big man as his boyfriend, James' night was a restless one. His dreams were filled with mind-blowing erotic scenes from every tryst he and Bram had over the last five days, mixed with stomach-churning memories of harsh words and condemning rants from his family.

By morning, James was exhausted and on edge. The only thing that kept him from calling in sick and staying in bed with the covers over his head was the prospect of seeing Bram for lunch. With that pleasant thought in mind, James dragged himself to the shower and started his day. Dinner the night before had been two bites of a cold ham sandwich and three cups of reheated, twelve-hour old coffee. He resigned himself to the fact nausea was undoubtedly going to be his constant companion for the day.

Once James arrived at the office the morning actually moved very fast, consumed by a looming deadline on the newest project the group he worked with had been handed Monday night. Ten-thirty and time to meet Bram for lunch came so fast James didn't have the opportunity to get nervous.

Throwing on his coat, James left the building, excited and preoccupied with thoughts of his new lover.

Bram was almost obsessed with having James meet the people in his life. It was like the big man wanted to pull James into his world as quickly as he could and surround James with the security of it, make him comfortable in it, so James wouldn't think about leaving.

Leaving was the last thing James wanted, but he wasn't sure he had the strength to stay. It made James' head spin when he thought about it. He hadn't met this many new people and done this many different things in such a short period of time in his life. It was scary, but he had to admit having Bram by his side made it all seem normal.

What was normal anyway? Afternoon walks and dinners out James had done before on dates, but wild, earth-shattering sex in alleyways, restaurants and on kitchen countertops was something new for him. It was crazy, but if going crazy meant the greatest sex of his life with a god-like lover the size of Mt. Olympus, who happened to be a terrific, loving guy besides, then James was willing to go completely insane.

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The drive over to the work site took twenty minutes. James found an empty parking spot near what looked like a project trailer. Walking toward the fenced-in area, James saw several men dressed in grime-coated work clothes milling around inside of the gate. Most wore heavy jeans and work shirts with suspenders, and thick leather tool belts around their hips. All of them had bright yellow hard hats on. All of them were muscular, beefy men, even the shorter, heavier ones, the smallest of them overshadowing James by fifty pounds and several inches. All of the men turned and watched as James approached them, his pleated trousers, white shirt and tie, and tailored trench coat making him feel all the more out of place.

The stares were friendly, but curious. Weaving a path through the group, James smiled and nodded. He neared the steps to the trailer when one worker stepped forward and cut off his path, bringing James up short, nose to chest with a faded blue denim shirt opened to reveal a sweat-soaked T-shirt underneath. James brought his gaze up and looked the man in the eye, noting the faint scar over his left cheek and the graying ponytail loosely draped over a shoulder.

A vague sense of familiarity touched James. Squinting at the human roadblock, James searched his memory for a name. "Have we met?"

The man stared a moment longer than grunted. "Kinda. We didn't meet, exactly, but I saw you at the bar last Friday. At the pool table." Mitch slowly looked James over from head to toe and back again, then grinned. "I left with the barmaid." He winked at the man beside him then leered at James. "You left with the boss man."

A round of soft chuckles from knowing faces came out of the increasing circle of men, but none sounded cruel or jeering. James relaxed slightly and considered his answer carefully.

"Ah. You must be Mitch. Bram told me about your legendary taste in women." Mitch beamed and preened, running a rough, chapped hand over his unkempt mustache. "But he did suggest that half the time he didn't know if you were dating or dog sitting."

Another round of laughter erupted from the group, but this time the men were laughing with him. The fierce blush on his face took some of the edge off his reply, but James felt he had given almost as good as he had gotten. He held his breath when the look on Mitch's face froze.

Mitch stared at James for the longest ten seconds of James' life then dissolved into a fit of laughter. He pounded James on the back. The momentum almost knocked the smaller man off his feet. Mitch slung an arm around James' shoulders, hugging him to his side.

"You got balls for a little guy. I guess if the boss has decided to subject you to these animals," Mitch gestured at the assembled men behind him, throwing the finger when several loud growls and howls answered him, "he must really like you."

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Mitch nudged the man to his left with an elbow. "Hey, Marty. Go tell the man it's time to eat, his lunch is here." Mitch loosed his hold on James and chuckled. "I mean his lunch
is here."

James blushed a deeper red. Before he could think of a rebuttal, a smooth, deep voice from behind them answered for him.

"You could only wish to be so lucky at lunchtime, Mitch." Bram walked towards them from out of a large tent pitched at the end of the trailer and separated Mitch from James.

James couldn't keep the bright smile that pulled at his mouth from dominating his entire face at the sight of his lover.

"And hands off. He's not your type. He's too good looking for you." Bram rubbed a large palm over James' shoulder and smiled down at him, his voice soft and welcoming. "Hey, Jamie. You made it. It’s good to see you."

"Hi, Bram. Welcome home."

The hungry expression in Bram's eyes made James' skin tingle and he shivered as an electric burst of pleasure raced up his spine. The small shudder transmitted to Bram's hand on James' shoulder and the big man's eyes dilated with lust in response. James fought the urge to pant, licking his suddenly dry lips and delighting in the way Bram's gaze flickered down to watch his mouth. James became conscious of the stares and quiet smirks all around him and he bit at his lower lip.

The small, nervous gesture didn't go unnoticed by his intuitive lover. Bram broke his adoring gaze and casually turned James toward the tent. "Let’s have lunch and I'll introduce you to these heathens then show you around the site. The animal pack here can tell you what they're up to at each pod."

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