Rough [01] - A Bit of Rough (20 page)

Read Rough [01] - A Bit of Rough Online

Authors: Laura Baumbach

Tags: #Gay, #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Rough [01] - A Bit of Rough
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"Sounds like a real nutcase."

Bram nodded. "He was. I was twenty-four, just finishing up my last year at college. Dad was worried about the whole thing, so he had me drive her home after work every night for awhile. Then Watts up and disappeared."

"I can understand that." James raked his gaze over Bram’s impressively large, muscular form. "You’d have that effect on most people, caveman." His tone was warm and affectionate. He rubbed a comforting hand in circles over Bram's back.

"Yeah, so they tell me." Bram sounded weary. He stood up, pressed his lips to James’

temple and inhaled, nuzzling his face into the dark curls.

Pulling back, he looked at his sister, the usual spark of vibrancy in his eyes muted by a deep sadness. "Nobody saw him for weeks after that. Isabel was tired of the whole thing and insisted on driving herself again. Mom and Dad had mixed feelings about it, but Isabel could always get her own way."

Bram let out a long, deep sigh and stared at the floor. "I was twenty-four. I had things I wanted to do, places I want to be, and they didn’t include playing bodyguard to my big sister all the time. I was happy to have the responsibility lifted off my shoulders."

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He sniffled and swallowed hard. "A week later, Gram ran her off the road. She hit a concrete bridge abutment. The car caught fire. It’s a miracle she lived at all. Gram hit the same wall. He got the best end of the deal. He died." He glanced at his sister and balled up his fist, rapping it against the metal of the siderail. "That was ten years ago."

James looked at the curled, bent woman on the bed in horror. "She’s been like this all that time?"

"Pretty much. Doctors tell me she’s brain dead. If they shut off the ventilator," he gestured half-heartedly at the humming machine, "and stop the tube feedings," he tilted his head toward a bag of beige fluid hanging from another machine, "she’ll die. And they are willing to do it. But
have to be the one to say yes."

James thought about Bram's dominating, over-inflated sense of protectiveness and responsibility. He studied the machines surrounding the bed and the frail, shadow of a woman that was all that remained of Bram's family. "But you haven’t," he said softly.

Bram looked James in the eye and heaved a huge, trembling sigh. "I know I wasn't responsible for her dying the first time. My head knows it," Bram touched his temple, frustration obvious in his every move, "believes it and understands it, but my heart," he tapped his chest over his left side, "my heart won't let me make her die a second time. I can't do it."

Bram stood as still as a marble statute, tense and rigid, every muscle tightly knotted, fists clenched and knuckles whitened.

"So now you know, Jamie. This is where I was Monday for lunch." Bram shook his head and snorted softly. "I never went to see Williams. After this," he tilted his head toward Isabel’s emaciated, lifeless shell, "it's hard to step back, but I know you need to handle him on your own. And I'd never be far away if you needed me. Even now, if you still want to end our relationship, I'll be there if you need me."

James felt every doubt about Bram melt away. He felt his insecurities rising up, leaving him lost and lonely. He suddenly knew there was only one person who could fill the empty part in his life. He was rocked with the realization he was really and truly in love with this man.

Launching himself at Bram, James wrapped his arms around the big man's neck and held on tight. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Bram. I should have trusted you. I'm sorry." He felt the heat of tears collect against his skin and run down into his collar. Hot, hitched gasps burned their way out of his throat and chest.

Bram stroked a hand through James' curls, voice hoarse and whispery. "It's okay, baby. I love you, Jamie. It's all right." Bram tightened his hold. "I got you."

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The lonely ache in James’ chest dulled and faded to a tiny kernel of guilt-encrusted anxiety. He pushed his last nagging concern about their relationship to the back of his mind then rested his forehead against Bram’s furrowed brow and whispered, "You've got me all right, caveman. You've got me good. I love you, too."

They pulled apart far enough to seal their lips together in a gentle but thorough kiss.

Bram drew back first and began to rain a series of light kisses over James' face, covering his eyelids, temples, cheeks and chin before returning to James' open and panting mouth.

After a long and heated exploration of each other's mouths, Bram framed James' face in his hands and turned gentle eyes on him.

"Come home with me, Jamie. Stay the night. I think I could use some company tonight."

Running a hand down James' side and over his backside, Bram cupped the firm cheek and teased the sensitive underside, raking his nails along the fabric of James' thin dress pants.

Squirming, but not pulling away, James let out a shaky breath through pursed lips and gave Bram a doubtful look. "Just sleeping? It's been kind of a rough week."

The big man rolled his forehead against James' brow and chuckled then licked James'

pouting lower lip. "If that's what you want, baby. All you need to do is ask."

Pulling free of the enticing embrace, James glanced at the silent bed. "Say goodbye, then let's see what happens. Maybe I'm not as tired as I think I am." James left the room, closing the door behind him.

Placing a gentle kiss to Isabel’s hair, Bram quietly stepped away from the bed. Glancing at the closed door, he pulled his cell phone from his pocket and hit a pre-set number. He kept one eye on the door as he waited until a gruff voice answered.

"Hey. It’s me. I’m not coming back this afternoon. Do me a favor and tell Mitch he has the night off." Bram glanced guiltily at the door again. "No, he’ll be with me tonight.

Thanks." Bram made to hang up then changed his mind. "I’ll be in late in the morning, but I’ll be in." Bram listened a moment then chuckled. "You’re a pervert, Eddie. Spare me your warped fantasies and get back to work." Flipping it closed, he pocketed the phone and hurried out of the room to his waiting lover.

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Chapter Eleven

Bram convinced James to cut his workday shorter than usual. Tired and feeling a disquieting, but persistent need to remain close to Bram, James didn’t resist.

Filling the drive to his house with tales from his childhood, Bram gave James a glimpse of what had been his close-knit, happy family. Bram’s parents had been accepting of both their children’s lives and choices, proud of the adults they had grown up to be. James was envious.

James suggested take-out food, but Bram insisted on cooking. Dinner was a leisurely meal made together in the warmth of Bram’s comfortable, well-appointed kitchen and eaten side-by-side at the island counter. James had agreed to play assistant to Bram’s head cook and he had enjoyed it. He enjoyed watching Bram work, covertly admiring his thickly muscled, physical grace and economy of movement. James thought it was like seeing a well-orchestrated ballet.

The sight of the man’s firm buttocks under tight, faded jeans as he shifted between stove and countertop while he cooked made James’ groin tighten in response. He practically itched with the need to make contact with the man, taking every opportunity he could to brush against Bram while he helped prepare the meal.

They were lingering over the last of the braised swordfish steak and steamed vegetables when Bram sat back in his chair and sighed, a weary but contented sound. He rolled his head and hunched his shoulders, stretching neck muscles and popping vertebrae. Seeing his opening to make more intimate contact with his lover, James immediately left his chair to stand behind the big man.

"Here, let me see if I can help." Rubbing his fingers and palms into the tight knots of muscle in Bram’s neck and shoulders, James stood close enough that his stomach touched Bram.

"God, that feels good, Jamie." Bram groaned and dropped his head forward, arching into the heavy caress.

Leaning down, James murmured next to Bram’s ear, letting his lips ghost over the sensitive shell as he talked. "Why don’t we take this upstairs? I could do a better job if you were stretched out on the bed." He nuzzled the side of Bram’s chiseled jaw line and nipped at the soft skin underneath before adding a breathy, "And naked."

The continuous, low moan of pleasure rumbling in Bram’s chest mutated into a deep, sexy growl of anticipation and agreement. "I like the sound of that."

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Rising up off the stool, Bram twisted around to take James into his arms, capturing his mouth in a heated, prolonged kiss that set both of their libidos soaring.

Walking backwards, Bram dragged James out of the kitchen, down the hallway and up the stairs. Neither of them surfaced for more than a quick breath before diving back down to ravage each other’s mouth. Bram held his own in the exchange, but this time James was definitely the more aggressive.

After wrongly accusing Bram of betraying his trust then meeting Isabel and coming to understand more about Bram's protective nature, James felt a deep need to comfort and please Bram. He wanted to apologize with more than just words. He wanted to apologize with love.

Once they made it to the bedroom, James began undressing his lover, setting a slow, gentle and seductive pace. "Let me do this." He leaned against Bram's chest, unbuttoning the work shirt as he talked, voice low and promising. "You've had a rough day," he ran a hand down through the mat of chest hair he had just exposed, "because of me." He gently lapped at each dusky nipple once and worked the shirt down and off Bram's arms. "Let me help work out some of the tension."

There was an immediate increase in Bram's breathing. Large hands came up to frame James' face and Bram pulled him up for another searing kiss before releasing him.

"I'm all yours, baby. Anything you want, you just ask." Bram dropped his arms to his sides and waited for James' next move.

Feeling empowered, James' own breathing started to come in short little puffs. He slowly dropped to his knees in front of Bram and wordlessly reached for his work boots. Bram assisted with their removal without comment, his gaze locked on James the entire time.

Socks were next and James used the opportunity to briefly massage Bram's arches and ankles before reaching higher.

Riveting his sultry, promising gaze to Bram's heated stare, James took his time unbuckling Bram's leather belt. He worked the snap and the pants zipper open, making sure his hands lingered in a heavy touch over the bulge beneath them. Easing the fabric over Bram's tapered, solid hips, he helped the big man step out of them, pulling underwear off along with the jeans. James sat back on his heels and enjoyed the view of his naked, buff lover.

Slowly rising to a stand, James took Bram's hand and led him to the already turned down bed. He moved behind Bram and kneaded playfully at his lower back, shoving him forward with his fingertips. "Lay down on your stomach and try to relax."

Following James' orders without comment, Bram stretched out on the bed face down. In the center of the massive bed, Bram settled in, splaying his legs in a vee and extending
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his arms high and wide to touch the headboard, sending several pillows tumbling to the floor in their wake. Various tan lines marked his Adonis-like frame, outlining different shirt sleeve lengths and giving James an idea how brief Bram's swimsuit was.

Bram arched his back, flexing his body like a cat, working the muscle groups down his impressive body until even his toes spread and stretched, then his entire frame collapsed onto the mattress, waiting. Bram's face was turned to one side, pillowed on nothing but the empty sheets. After a moment, he shifted his weight and raised one knee to make room for his half-hard erection.

The sight of Bram spreadeagled and waiting for him brought a flush to James' entire body and his cock jumped and quivered. Afraid his desire to have sex with Bram would override his desire to pleasure the man unselfishly, James had to turn around and quickly undress in order to maintain control.

He was surprised, but pleased to see a box of Wet Ones and several small hand towels had been added to the bedside table since Sunday, along with three bottles of various lotions in an orderly row to one side. A large-based candle sat in the middle of the items, like a beacon lighting the way to a path of new pleasures.

James examined the bottles, finding one to be lube and the other two massage oils.

Delighted, he lit the candle using the small disposable lighter next to it and chose one of the unscented oils.

Naked, half-hard and panting, James climbed onto the bed and knelt beside Bram's waist.

He rested one hand in the middle of Bram's back to ground his lover with his touch then ran his hand up the valley of Bram's spine from the crease of his firm buttocks to the base of his spine. Bram responded with a low moan and arched into the light touch.

"Hang in there, caveman. I'm just getting started. Keep your hands down, okay?" He didn't expect an answer and he didn't get one. Bram merely flexed his hands against the sheets.

James rose up and straddled Bram's hips, settling his hot, open crotch over the center of Bram's ass, and letting his sac rest in the warm, hairy divide.

Bram's moan dropped an octave and he spread his legs wider.

Filling his palms with the thick massage oil, James rubbed them together to warm it.

Placing both hands at the base of Bram's spine in front of him, James worked his way up the hard flesh, kneading hard against the variety of knots he encountered and massaging the oil deep into the tense muscles and satin-smooth skin. He was amazed at the silky texture of the man's flawless expanse of flesh, working his hands over and over the hard planes and rippling tissues just to feel the power and strength in them.

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Bram groaned when James worked the tight knots and moaned when he caressed the smooth strips of sensitive muscle. His tone alternated between a low growl and soft rumble whenever James stroked over certain spots and James memorized these as places to investigate on his lover when the massage was over and their playtime had moved onto more serious pursuits.

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