Round Ireland in Low Gear (33 page)

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Edward VI 134

Eleven Years War 92

Elizabeth 47, 50, 134, 153n, 162, 234n, 239, 331

Elizabeth of Austria, Empress 71, 273–4

Elly Bay 345

Ely, Earl of 135, 135n

Emerson, Ralph Waldo 25

Ennis 40, 52, 53, 54, 78, 118–19, 291, 292, 295

Ennistymon 89, 91, 93–6, 108, 115–18

Ennistymon House 115

Enright, Tim (trs) 236n

Eochy/Eochai, King of the Firbolgs 315

Erris, Bog of 330, 341, 347

Eskatarriff 216

Evans-Freke, Sir John 187

Fair Green 288, 294

Fair Head 344

fairs 51, 80, 127, 291

Fanore 85, 87

Fastnet lighthouse 198, 200

Fatima, Blue Army of 177

Fenians 101n, 248, 260, 277

Ferta river 227

Fethard, borough of 135

Fianna Fail 241

Fiddaun, Castle 67

Lough 68

Finnbheara 314

Finnbheara’s Castle, Knockmaa 314

Fionan’s Well 227

Fir Cell, Men of the Churches 281

Firbank, Ronald 80

Firbolgs, Men of the Bag 314–15, 315n

Fishguard 30, 42, 125, 241

Fitzgerald, Gerald: first Earl of Desmond 239

ninth Earl of Kildare 274

Fitzgerald, James Fitzmaurice 239

Fitzgerald, Lord Edward 133n

Fitzgibbon, ‘Black Jack’ Earl of St Clare 274

FitzStephen, Robert 131

Five Foot Eight Lourdes 170

Flan, High King of Ireland 50

Foley family 231

Ford, Charles 254

Forte del Oro 238–9

Forth, barony of 132, 132n, 134

Fox, Charles James 133n

Franciscans 133n

friary, Timoleague 183

Furkeal Bridge 203

Galilei, Alessandro 270

Gallarus Oratory 237

Galley Head lighthouse 187

Galway 50, 65, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 78, 79, 81, 88, 89, 92, 106, 229, 255, 283, 286–90, 291, 296, 298, 300, 301, 302, 303, 307, 312, 313, 317, 324, 345

Garbally Court 287

General Post Office, Dublin 252

Geokaun slate quarries, shrine at 225

George III, King 143

Giant’s Causeway 346

Glacial eratics
81, 81n, 85

Gladstone, W. E. 47n

Glaise Chumra 227

Glandore Harbour 188

Glanmore Bridge 216

Lough 215

River 215–16

Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin 253

Glenbeigh Towers 229

Glencolumbkille 355

Glendinning, George 318

Glengarriff 202–3, 205

Gleninagh (‘Glen of the Ivy’) 87


Godwin, Edward William 229

Golden Fort, the 238–9

Gollierstown Quarries 268

Gort, first Viscount 68

Gortaclare 91

Gougane Barra, lake of 148

Gould, Arastasia 160

Gower, John 132

Grattan, Henry 254

Great Blasket 224, 233–4, 235, 304

Great Saltee 129–30

Great Skellig 224–5, 224n

Greenan Mountain 41

Gregory, Augusta, Lady 68

Grey of Wilton, Lord 239

Grianan of Aileach 41

Griffith, Arthur 101n

grottoes 41, 166–75, 197

Guaire Aidhneach, King of Connacht 72, 90, 95n

81, 81n, 90

Hackett, fisherman 195

Hag’s Head, signal tower 113

Hall, Mr and Mrs S. C. 334–5, 339

Hanley, Mary 348

Harvey, Beauchamp Bagenal 129, 133

Hastings, Warren 59, 271

Headford 312

Headley, Lords 229

Healy Pass 208, 210, 213, 215, 216

Healy, Dr, Archbishop of Tuam 326

Healy, Tim 208

Hell River 49–50, 292

Henry II 137, 148, 152

Henry VI 59

Henry VII 148

Henry VIII 47

Hickson, agent 220

Hogan, Father John, tomb at Quin 47

Chronicles of Ireland

Holland, John P. 107n

‘Holy City’ Monastery 157

Holy Cross, Monastery 239

Holy Trinity, Cathedral 140

Holyhead 247

Hook Head 131, 131n, 137

Hook, Tower of 137

Hungry Hill 204, 216

hunts 70–1, 274

Hussey, Dr. Bishop 274

Hy-Brasail, the Isle of 297

Ievers, Henry 44, 44n

Ilen, river 189, 194

Illauena Island 193

Infant of Prague 109

Inisheer 110, 300, 301, 303, 304–6

Inishglora, monastery 344

Inishkea, North and South 345

Inishmaan 300, 301, 303, 306, 308

Inishmore 90, 114, 299, 300, 301, 303, 306, 307, 308, 309

Inishvickillaun 235

IRA 52, 100n, 101n, 102, 136, 149, 231

Ireton, Henry 48

Irish Brigade of the Union 143

Irish Confederation 277

Irish Countrywomen’s Association 63

Irish Meteorological Services 182–3, 311, 340

Irish Volunteers 100n, 101, 101n, 240, 249

Iveragh 3, 209, 221

James I 163

James II 148, 164, 219

Japanese Sitka deer 228

Jesus with the bleeding heart 109

John, Augustus 115

John, Dorelia, sister of 115

John, King 152, 157, 255

Jones, Mrs Mary 272

Jordan, Dorothy 143

Joyce, James 256, 290

Kavanagh, Patrick 250–2

Kavanaghs 135

Kean, Charles 143

Kee, Robert:
The Green
103n, 127

Keelhilla, Hermitage 89–90

Keem Strand 335

Keily, Arthur 158

Keilys/Ussher 158

Kelly, Miss of Blackrock 144

Kenmare 209, 214, 218–22, 241

Kerry, Ring of 238–9

Kilconnell 288–9

Kilcooley 236

Kildare, Cathedral of (model) 110

Kildare, Earls of 270, 274

Kilfenora 93

Kilgeever, holy well at 328

Kilkenny 32

Killanin, Lord 98, 233

Killarney 214, 229–30, 236, 241

Killorglin 112, 227

Killybegs, Donegal Bay 94, 236

Kilmacduagh, ruined monastery 68, 71–2, 90

Kilmakilloge 207–18

Kilmore 129

Kilmurry 44, 45–6

Kilronan 301, 308

Kinnaird, Laird of 263

Kinsale 148, 151, 161–4, 166–7, 174, 177

Kinselaghs 135

Kinvarra 91, 95n

Knightstown 225–6

Knock, County Mayo 171, 172, 176

Knockanore 158

Knockastumpa 215

Knockmaa 314

Knockmealdown Mountains 158–9

Knocknadobar, holy mountain 227

Knocknagree 216

Knocknemucky Hill 50

Knockowen 215

Labbacallee gallery grave 166

Lackabane 215, 216

Lagny, monastery 227n

Lahinch 99–102, 107, 111–12

Lairgen, King of Connacht 344

Lamb, Lady Caroline 154

Langford, Mr 213–14

Lansdowne, Marquesses of 219

Lansdownes, the 210, 215, 220

Laune River 230

Lauragh 216

Lawrences, the 23

Le Fanu, Sheridan 256

Leaba Phadraig, Bed of Patrick 326, 326n

Leacht Fhionain (Fionan’s Cairn) 227

Leacht Mhionnain 325

Leap 188

Lecky, William 256

Leinster Aqueduct 264, 278

Leinster, Duke of 133n

Leinster, King of 104

Lennox, Lady Louisa 270

Levine, June 172, 172n

Leyva, Don Alonso de 345–6

Liffey River 246, 247, 263, 264, 269, 278

Limerick 31, 32, 36, 37, 40, 43, 47, 48, 52, 70, 71, 125, 134, 141, 142, 229, 256, 291

Lir, Children of 344

Liscannor 104, 105, 108, 110

Bay 99, 100, 103, 105, 345

Lisdoonvarna 78–80, 83–4, 85, 88

Lismore 152–8

Crozier 155

Bishops of, chapel of 154

Lithgow, William 311

Llanover, Lady 272n

Log na nDeamhan 323, 325, 328

Log na Sionna 352

Loop Head 87, 105, 118, 352

Lorcan, King of Thomond 50

Lot’s Wife, beacon 195

Loughros More Bay 346

Louisburg 322

Lourdes, Massabielle Grotto 170

Lourdes of Portugal, the 177

Lourdes, Our Lady of, Geokaun 225

Lucan Road Bridge 268

Ludlow, Edmund 61

Lughnasa, Festival of 110–12, 111n, 127, 227

Mac Mathusna, Sean 111

Macaulay, Lord 219

MacCarthy, Dermot 148

Macdonnell, G. P. 275

Macdonnell, Sorley Boy 346

Macdonnells, Earls of Antrim 346

Macduagh, St Colman 68, 71–2, 73, 89, 90, 333

MacFirbhgisigh, Dubhaltach 92

MacFirbis, Duald 92–3

MacGillycuddy’s Reeks 209, 229

machicolation 48, 48n

Mackeenlaun, Lough 212

MacNally, Father Liam 308

Macnamara Castle 46

Macnamara, Caitlin 115

Macnamara, Francis 115

Macnamara, H. V. 115

Macnamara, Sioda Cam 46

Macnamaras 42, 47, 48, 49

MacNeill, Maire 111n, 112, 127

Mael Fhothartaig 103

Maeve, Queen of Connacht, Bull of 103

Magh Adhair, Inauguration Place of Kings of Thomond 49, 50, 292

Mahon, Maechuin, tower of 48

Mahon, Lough 160

Malachy, High King of Ireland 50

Malin Head 317, 346

Mannin Island 189

Mareschcal, William le, first Earl 136

Margy River 344

Marlborough, first Duke of 148, 164

Martin, Miss 158

Martineau, Harriet 339

Maynooth 268, 270, 271, 272–8

McCoul, Finn 232

McDonnell, Martin James 349–50

McKenna’s Fort 239–40

Meagher, Thomas 143

Melvin, Lough 106

Menawn Cliffs 333

Mendoza, Don Pedro de 331

Michael I 129

Mizen Head Peninsula 3, 190, 199

Moher, Cliffs of 76, 98, 109, 111, 113, 114

Monaghan 250

Montenotte, Cork 144

Montmorency, Hervey de 131

Moore Hall 318

Moore, Father Laurence 239

Moore, George 35, 318

Moroghes 135

Mosley, Sir Oswald 287

Mount Eagle 233, 236

Mount Gabriel 189

Mount Leaves Court 43, 270

Mount Jerome, cemetery 256

Mount Melleray 158–9

Mountjoy, Lord 162, 163, 164

Moyle, Sea of 344

Moytura 314–15

Mullins, John 232

Mulrany 330, 331

na Corra, Lough 329

Napier, Lady Sarah 270

Nash, John 68, 156

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