Read Royal Institute of Magic: Elizabeth's Legacy Online

Authors: Victor Kloss

Tags: #Children's Books, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy & Magic, #Fantasy, #Sword & Sorcery, #Children's eBooks, #Science Fiction; Fantasy & Scary Stories

Royal Institute of Magic: Elizabeth's Legacy (33 page)

BOOK: Royal Institute of Magic: Elizabeth's Legacy
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“Normally the discovery of
the Unseen Kingdoms and the Royal Institute is a wondrous and
defining moment in a young boy’s life. I am sorry you and
Charlie have had such an intense few days.”

Ben couldn’t help smiling.
“It’s not been that bad.”

The truth was these last few days
had made the rest of his life look mundane.

Wren was looking at him
thoughtfully. “Your parents are wonderful Spellswords and two
of my closest friends, but I always felt they were hiding something –
something important. I have only known you for a few days, but
already I sense the same thing. What is it about you Greenwoods?”

Ben looked into Wren’s grey
eyes. He trusted her; there was no doubt about that. He wanted to
confide in her, but Queen Elizabeth’s orders to Michael
Greenwood were clear. The Institute was not to know. His parents had
gone to great lengths to ensure just that.

“I think you should trust
us,” Ben said. It sounded lame, but he couldn’t think of
anything else to say.

Wren nodded in agreement. “I
do, Ben. As soon as Alex and I return to the Institute, we will get
that ridiculous declaration of treason on your parents removed.”

“Thank you,” said
Ben. “What’s going to happen with the dark elves? Is the
treaty with them now up in smoke?”

“I fear it might be, but
we’ll see. I don’t think they are ready to declare war on
us just yet,” Wren said. She glanced down the platform and for
a horrible minute Ben thought she was about to leave. Thankfully she
turned back to him. “I am sure you must be wondering about your
future with the Institute.”

Ben felt his stomach lurch. “I
hadn’t really thought about it.”

Wren’s half smile left him
in little doubt that she didn't believe him. “Even without the
courage and competence you have displayed, your family line entitles
you to the apprenticeship, should you wish to enrol. Charlie has also
earned the right to apply, as we are always searching for suitable
members beyond the existing ancestry.”

Wren motioned towards Charlie and
Natalie, and they started a slow walk back down the platform. Ben
made a show of thinking about the offer, which lasted all of five
seconds. He had a strange urge to start dancing.

“You know, I’d like
to give it a go. I’m sure I can bully Charlie into joining with

“I’m glad. You can
begin the enrolment process at our Croydon office.”

They re-joined Charlie and
Natalie, who were looking curiously at them.

“Natalie, I don’t
want to see you in the Institute for at least forty-eight hours. I’m
sorry I can’t give you more time to recover, but you are too
valuable to me.” Natalie beamed at the compliment and Wren
turned to Charlie. “I hope to see you again soon, Charlie. And
when Ben relays my offer, don’t for a minute doubt yourself.
You will do wonderfully. Now, I must be going. The Executive Council
will be waiting for me.”

The three of them watched Wren
go. When she had passed out of sight, Charlie and Natalie turned to

“What was that about?”
Charlie asked. “What offer?”

Their dragon pulled into the
station, smoke pouring from its nostrils. The carriages opened and a
few late-night stragglers emerged.

Ben grinned. “I’ll
explain on the way home.”

A Message From the Author

Thank you for reading
Royal Institute of Magic
- I hope you enjoyed it. I am busy finishing up book 2 which will come out in Spring.
If you would like to stay in touch, please visit my website at

Kindle Voyage Giveaway!

To celebrate the launch of book 2, I will be giving away a
Kindle Voyage
(Wi-Fi Only), pre-installed with Royal Institute of Magic books 1 & 2.
To enter, you simply have to sign up to the
, where I'll keep you updated from time to time with news of book 2, story extras and backstory details.
Sign up here.

Amazon Reviews

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It only takes a few minutes and gives other potential readers a better idea of what the book is like.

Contact Me

Writing can be a pretty lonely business, so it's always
nice to hear from readers. Please feel free to get in touch at
[email protected]
and I'll reply within 24 hours - promise!

I look forward to hearing from you.


- Victor

BOOK: Royal Institute of Magic: Elizabeth's Legacy
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