Royal Love (11 page)

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Authors: John Simpson

BOOK: Royal Love
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“Yep. The only thing missing is a prince. Why hasn’t my brother found me one yet?”

Everyone laughed just as Darren and Michael entered the house. There were more hugs all around, including for Michael.

“Boy, you’ve shot up like a weed! You must be close to six feet tall now!” Shane exclaimed.

“Yep, six feet exactly. I hope I grow a couple inches more, though.”

Jack laughed out loud, blushed, and said, “I’m going to be good and not touch that line.”

David laughed in spite of himself.

“Be quiet, or you’ll sit in the car during the wedding!” Brandon threatened with a smirk.

“Not worried. My dads wouldn’t allow that, and you know it!” Jack stuck his tongue out.

“Oh very mature!” Darren chimed in.

“Okay, boys, settle down,” David said. “It’s damn good we’re all together again. I’m delighted you’re looking so good, Brandon.”

“Yeah, a lot better than when you first met me in Baltimore under a bridge. God, I hate the memories of those days.”

“Then don’t think about them. You have an entirely new life. Not everyone gets a chance like that,” Shane said.

“Brandon, do you know if anyone is having a bachelor party for Harry Rothschild?” David asked.

“I haven’t heard anyone say anything about that, including the Secret Service.”

“We should do something for him. Do you have any suggestions?” David asked.

“How about a one-way ticket on a leaky tanker ship?” Brandon replied.

“Brandon! Is there something wrong? Don’t you like the man your mother is marrying?”

“Not really. He reeks of money, and yet doesn’t give any to charity. I talked to him once about starting a charity for homeless kids in the District, and he wasn’t interested. Do you know how much money his family has?”

“Well, I think the name Rothschild says it all. But you don’t know what he does with his money, Brandon. He may support many charities through his work. Just because he wasn’t interested in the charity you suggested doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a good heart. After all, your mother loves him enough to marry him. I can’t see her doing that if he was someone who didn’t care about others.”

“Yeah, maybe. I don’t know. Usually, when he was around, I stayed in another room. Now we’ll be together, whether he likes it or not.”

“Look, Brandon, give him a chance. For me, if not for your mother. Okay?” David asked.

“But I don’t want to replace you!”

“Don’t worry, I’m not being replaced. I love you, Brandon, and have since I saw you under that damn bridge. Nothing in this world will ever change that, but your mother has the right to be happy too. You want her to be happy, don’t you? She loves this man. He makes her happy. She has the right to accept his proposal. I don’t want to see you become an unhappy boy again. Please don’t do that to me.”

Brandon looked into David’s eyes. “You really mean that?”

“Which part? I meant all of it, though.”

“The part about loving me the second you saw me.”

“Absolutely, and so does Shane here. You stole our hearts that day, and we would have done anything to get you away from the life you had to live just because your parents are ignorant. You’re gay, you’re beautiful, and you have a promising life ahead of you. Just do your very best in school, so you can get into an Ivy League university.”

“I wanna be like you. I wanna do good things for people and make them happy,” Brandon said.

“Then get a good education, and keep learning until the day you die. Make a difference in life, and show your parents just how wrong they were to throw you away like you were garbage.”

“My parents are the president and the soon-to-be husband of the president. My first parents died five years ago as far as I’m concerned. I finally believe what you said when you told me they didn’t deserve me.”

David blinked away a tear, but before he could say anything, Brandon lightened the mood. “So, we’re all eating at the White House, right?”

“That’s correct,” David said as he checked his watch. “We’ll be eating about an hour from now, if your mother gets out of her meeting on time.”

“One of her aides asked me to tell you guys to come over and make yourselves at home in the living quarters.”

“That’s thoughtful of her,” David said. “I’ll check and see if everyone’s ready for the evening.”

Shortly before the dinner hour, David’s party entered the White House, and David got that certain feeling he used to when he was president—anxiety tinged with dread coupled with determination. The constant worrying about what could happen in the next moment to drastically affect the world. David pushed the feeling aside and said a warm hello to members of the household staff who had served during his administration. Henry, who’d looked after David personally, escorted everyone into the living room.

“Mr. Ambassador, is there anything I may get for you or your guests?” Henry asked.

“Well, if it’s going to be a while, drinks would be nice.”

“Of course, sir. What would everyone like?”

After taking the drink requests, Henry disappeared, and the family settled down in the living room. David noticed the decor had a more feminine touch than when he was president. The curtains had a swirling floral pattern. They were very tasteful, but also very pink.

“Can I put the television on, Dad?” Jack asked.

“I don’t see why not, but turn it off when the president comes in, please,” David replied.

“Sure thing, Dad.”

Henry returned with the drinks and served them. When he handed David his soda, he said, “I very much enjoyed your presidency, sir, and I miss you and Mr. Thompson. That’s not to say I don’t love President Wilson also, but I miss the interest you took in my family and life.”

“Thank you, Henry. I enjoyed hearing what was going on in your life and the lives of all the people who served in this noble house with me. It’s very good to see you again.”

Henry bowed his head slightly in respect and left the room.

“That was nice of him to say,” Shane said.

“I really miss him too. If he wasn’t so elderly, I’d ask him to join us in London, but I know he’d rather be here. And I wouldn’t want to upset Victoria, of course. Looks like the kids are getting along famously.” David nodded toward Brandon, Darren, Michael, and Jack.

“I’m serious, Michael!” Brandon said. “There has to be at least one more hot, gay prince in your family.”

“I’m not so sure,” Michael said. “It’s not as though we have a secret club for gay royalty. But if you like, I’ll make some inquiries. You’re very fit and handsome. If there is a gay prince out there who doesn’t have a boyfriend already, I’m sure he’d be interested in meeting you.”

“Thank you. I’d appreciate that.”

“Then we’d have two royals in our family. That would be unusual, to say the least!” Darren said.

President Wilson swept into the room with a big smile on her face.

“Hello, everyone, so nice to see us all together again.”

“Good evening, Madam President,” David said formally.

“Hi, Mom,” Darren and Brandon said at the same time.

Not to be outdone, Jack bowed to the President and said, “Good evening, my lady.”

The boys laughed as David’s jaw dropped open. Shane said, “Jack, the president is not addressed as my lady, but as Madam President.”

“Oh, that’s all right, I rather liked the sound of it,” Victoria said. “Where did you learn that phrase, Jack?”

“I heard it in some old movie called
Fire over England
. It was about the Queen,” Jack replied.

“Well there you have it, then, Jack. That’s proper address for someone in England, but not here in America,” Shane said.

As she sat down, Victoria rubbed the top of Jack’s head, making him smile.

“I have time for one drink before dinner. Henry, make me a gin and tonic, please.”

“Of course, ma’am.”

They chatted about the upcoming wedding and things to squeeze into the trip, and then Darren asked a question.

“Mom, I want to show Michael a couple of Washington bars like he showed me around London. Is that okay with you?”

“What kind of bars?” she asked.

“Gay dance bars.”

“As long as they’re not strip bars, I don’t mind. You’ll have to have a Secret Service detail, though.”

“I’ve talked to them, and they have a team that will be a great fit for the boys,” Shane said.

“Thank you, Shane. Well then, I suppose we should eat so the boys can go have some fun.”

Chapter 9


delicious, and everyone ate their fill. The boys skipped dessert as they ran off to plan the evening, leaving Brandon and Jack behind at the table.

“I can’t wait until I’m old enough to go to the bars,” Brandon moaned.

“It will come soon enough. Don’t rush it, dear,” his mother said.

“I’ve got forever to wait,” Jack chimed in.

“Trust me, you’ll survive. Let Michael and Darren have their fun tonight,” David said. “It’ll be your turn before you know it.”

“Way too soon for your dads,” Victoria put in.

David nodded and then turned to Shane. “What kind of detail was put together for Darren and Michael?”

“Seven men in two cars. That’s plenty.”

“Okay, I’ll rely on your experience. I just want them to have a good time and be safe.”



to his old closet and found all his stuff right where he’d left it. He pulled out two pairs of jeans and a few shirts.

“Here, try on a pair of my jeans, and see if they fit,” Darren said as he removed his clothes. “They’re about four years old, but these jeans never go out of style.”

Michael stepped into the pair of Darren’s old jeans and had to struggle to get them up over his bubble butt. Once they were on, he had trouble getting them buttoned. The crotch area was worn to a paler shade of blue that highlighted his bulge.

“Damn, these are bloody tight. You can practically see my jewels!”

“Same here. I was hoping they’d be a little tight. I want everyone to stare at us while we dance and be jealous. Now pick a shirt, and let’s see how we look.”

They spent a few minutes trying on different shirts until each found something he liked. When they looked in the full-length mirror, their mouths fell open.

“Oh my God, look at us! We look amazing!” Michael said.

Darren smiled. “Yeah how about that.”

He reached over and rubbed Michael’s crotch, feeling how tightly packed everything was.

“Is that how this area became worn?” Michael asked. “Did you talk your dates into wearing your jeans so you could feel them up?”

Darren smirked. “On my rare dates, I spent my time talking guys out of their jeans, not into them! Now let’s put on our shoes and find our security for the night.”

Shane was coming out of a bathroom when he spotted the pair of young men. “Good Lord, can you guys breathe in those jeans?” he joked. “They’re so tight I can tell what religion you are!”

“Good!” Darren grinned. “Would you tell us how to find our detail and tell my mother that we’ve gone out?”

“Yes, I’ll tell your mother so you don’t shock her with those jeans. Follow me to your detail.” Shane walked off, looking back once and shaking his head. “Looks like you guys are going fishing with all that tackle on display.”

Michael burst out laughing at Shane’s comment. He was still chuckling when they found the security detail.

“Blake, you remember Darren,” Shane said to the lead agent. He approved of the casual clothes with firearms concealed under windbreakers. The usual suits wouldn’t blend well in a dance club.

“Yes, of course.”

“And this is His Royal Highness, Prince Michael. He’ll be representing the king at the president’s wedding.” Shane smiled. “They’re all yours!”

He watched them get into the back of one of the agent-filled SUVs before he went to deliver Darren’s message to President Wilson.

“Where to, Darren?” the detail leader asked.

“Town Danceboutique on Eighth Street Northwest, please?”

“You got it,” Blake responded and radioed their destination in to Communications.

As expected for the most popular dance club in DC, there was no place to park anywhere near it. Darren and Michael’s driver double-parked outside the door. They looked out at the long line of people waiting to get in.

“Damn, this looks familiar, doesn’t it?” Darren said to Michael.

“Yeah, like the first bar I took you to in London.”

“Stay in the vehicle for a minute,” Blake said as he got out.

He walked up to the bouncers, showed them his credentials, and had a quiet word with them. When he came back to the vehicles, the other agents got out and into position. When everything was ready, Blake opened the back door for Darren and Michael.

“Stay close to me,” Blake said as they walked up to the door.

Michael and Darren followed Blake with five more agents behind them, leaving two with the vehicles. Just as in London, those forced to wait in line wondered aloud about the identities of the VIPs. And just as in London, the bouncers kept their mouths shut.

Once inside the large dance venue, the agents maintained a loose circle around the couple. A table was made available for them near one of the posts that supported the ceiling, and Darren and Michael sat down to order drinks. They had already attracted their share of stares from the guys, and neither minded at all.

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