Royal Love (14 page)

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Authors: John Simpson

BOOK: Royal Love
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“I remember. It was pretty cool, and there were all those hot-looking young Marines in dress uniform everywhere,” Jack said.

David acknowledged the statement with a tolerant smile, but Shane said, “What were you doing even noticing those Marines?”

“Huh? They were hotties. Was I not supposed to notice?”

“No, I suppose not. I just think of you as a little boy, and I guess you’re not. Behave tonight.”

Jack turned to Brandon. “Brandon, will you have a dance with me tonight?”

Brandon smiled and replied, “You bet. You’re young, Jack, but you’re a little hottie yourself! You just let me know when a song comes on that you like.”

Jack was all smiles. His first public dance with another guy.

Chapter 11


few minutes, the president and first gentleman returned to the head table and took their seats. Champagne was poured, and the first course began to make its way to the tables. David leaned over and whispered to the president, “Jack asked Brandon to dance with him later. Is that all right with you?”

“Of course! It’s sweet of Brandon to say yes. They’ll look cute together.”

“Okay, just wanted to make sure you didn’t have any issues with it,” David said.

“None. Everyone should have a good time here today.”

The salads were placed on the head table, and forks were picked up. Some of the chatter began to die down as people ate. David looked around the tent, and his eyes landed on a seven tier wedding cake with the bride and groom standing on top of the Presidential Seal of Office.

“Shane, look at the cake! That’s one thing I didn’t think of doing for our wedding.”

“Ah, honey, the best thing about our wedding was the wedding night!”

David chuckled. “You old horn dog. We had done that how many times before the wedding?”

“Yeah, but never as husbands.”



of the dinner had been served, and the first dance was ready to take place. Everyone clapped as the bride and groom took to the floor and danced to a slow number. Camera flashes from White House photographers went off constantly.

When the president signaled for others to join, Shane took David by the hand, Darren took Michael’s hand, and they went onto the dance floor to join the first couple. It all seemed so surreal, especially to Darren and Michael. Darren sank into Michael’s arms as the song played on. When it ended, Michael gave him a quick kiss before they returned to the table.

The next song was a fast one, and the head table watched as Brandon and Jack joined the others on the dance floor. David was stunned by how well Jack danced, and the two boys made a good-looking couple dancing together.

“That’s not something I expected to see for at least two years,” Shane said.

“He’s growing up fast now, Shane. Brandon was already an adult in so many ways when we found him under that bridge.”

Shane started to reply but stopped when he saw tears rolling down David’s face.



a glorious afternoon and evening, and the president was reluctant to wrap things up. As the guests slowly exited the grounds of the White House, David and his party went to the family quarters upstairs.

Everyone was laid out in chairs and sofas, full, content, and happy. One final round of drinks was ordered, and light conversation finished the day.

“I hope you all enjoyed yourselves, especially my sons,” Victoria said.

“Yes, it was a grand day that went off pretty much without a hitch,” David said as Brandon and Darren shook their heads.

“I even got to dance!” Jack blurted out. “Thanks to Brandon, who knows how to move.”

“Thank you, Jack, it was a pleasure,” Brandon replied.

“So, you’re leaving tomorrow, David?” Victoria asked.

“Yes, I’m afraid so. We’re leaving from Andrews around six tomorrow evening. Thank you for sending a White House jet for us. It made it a lot easier to get here and back.”

“That’s what friends are for, David. I wonder how long before I’ll see you again?” she asked.

“Oh, might not be too long, you never know,” he replied.

“What do you plan on doing tomorrow?” Harry asked.

“We thought we’d take a limo tour of DC for Prince Michael. He’s never really seen the sights. Do you think there’d be a problem with that, Victoria?”

“No, of course not. You’ll have Secret Service with you, but otherwise, do as you wish. Shane, can you arrange it with your old buddies?”

“No problem. I’ll go down to the security center now. Ten o’clock in the morning suit everyone?” Shane asked.

“I think that’s about right. I’m beat, so I’m turning in soon,” David replied.

Shane left to go down to the security center. Everyone else rose to stretch and get ready to leave.

“Victoria and Harry, I wish you all the best and a long happy life together. There really is nothing else like it… even living in this fishbowl,” said David.

“Thank you,” they both answered, and Victoria added, “and thank you, Prince Michael, for attending our wedding. Please give King William my personal best wishes and thanks for the wonderful platter. I’ll write to him personally, but you’ll get to him long before my letter.”

“You’re welcome, Madam President. It’s been a genuine pleasure, and I’ll convey your good wishes to the king.”

Victoria hugged everyone, and Harry shook their hands.

“Be safe, and if you want to see me tomorrow, just phone. Otherwise, I’ll consider you off safe and sound back to London tomorrow evening,” the president said.

They made their way to the ground floor under escort where they met up with Shane. Some of the agents who were there when David was president said hi, and he shook hands with them. They left the White House and walked down the driveway and out the gate. They crossed the street and went to Blair House.

“I’m glad everyone had a great time at the wedding today. Your mother looked incredible, Darren. If you want to see your brother before we leave tomorrow, just let me know. You guys can all stay up, but I’m heading to bed. Tomorrow we show Washington to Prince Michael!” David said.

Within an hour, everyone had gone to bed. David was too tired even for a little romp with Shane. Soon, the house was full of the sounds of snoring.

The next morning, everyone woke up around nine, showered, dressed, and ate a quick breakfast. Michael dressed in his prince’s uniform and looked smart in his red jacket. Security informed them the limo was waiting, and they quickly finished their coffee.

Outside, they found one of the newer limousines and one war wagon. They piled into the limo and told the driver where they wanted to go. They did not use lights and sirens, as this was not an official trip.

One of the stops was the Lincoln Memorial. Everyone got out and walked up the long flight of steps to the man in his chair. Michael stood out for miles in his red jacket, and the tourists all stared at him but failed to recognize the former president. After reading all of the writing on the walls, they stood at the top of the stairs and peered out at the Washington Mall. It was a bright, sunny day, and the weather was glorious.

“Where to next?” asked the detail leader.

“Michael, anything else you want to see?” David asked.

“Would it be too much trouble to pay my respects at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the Kennedy graves?”

David turned to the agent who replied, “Not at all, Your Highness. Will that be the last stop?”

“Yes, thank you very much.”

They walked down the steps as tourists snapped pictures. Once in the limousine, it was decided the war wagon would lead, and they would go in with lights so they could go through the main gate at Arlington Cemetery. As they crossed the bridge that signified the dividing line between north and south, Darren gave Michael a short history lesson about the house on the hill.

As the limo approached, the guards opened the massive gates, and the two car convoy sped into Arlington and up to the Tomb. They stopped in front of the steps and got out.

“Is there a way I can pay my respects other than just standing there?” Michael asked.

“What did you want to do?” David asked.

“I’d like to approach the Tomb and render honors with a salute.”

“I’ll speak to the Corporal of the Guard,” David said.

As they stayed with the cars, David approached the soldier on duty at the one end of the pathway. “Could you call the Corporal of the Guard?” David asked.

“Yes, sir,” he replied and turned sharply. In a very loud voice, he called out, “Corporal of the Guard is requested!” He turned and resumed his march along the path around the Tomb.



Marine corporal approached, saw who was waiting for him, and came to attention with a salute.

“Yes, Mr. President, how may I assist you?”

“We have a prince of the royal family representing the King of Great Britain in our party. He wishes to pay special respects at the Tomb. He wants to approach and render honors with a salute.”

“That can be accomplished, sir. Would you ask the prince to come over here? You may also accompany him if you wish.”

“Yes, I’d like that, thank you, Corporal,” David said. “Prince Michael, would you come over here?”

The prince put on his cap, pulled down on his tunic, and walked briskly over to David.

The corporal saluted, and the prince returned the salute.

“If you wish to render honors at the Tomb, you can both follow me down the pathway. I will stop in front of the Tomb and turn left to face it. You will both do so at that time and take two steps forward off the mat. Prince Michael, I understand you wish to salute, and at that time, you may do so. Mr. President, when the prince salutes, you place your hand over your heart until he returns his hand to his side. I will then face the Tomb again, and you will take two steps back, turn, and follow me to the end of the pathway in step. I will instruct the guard to follow you both ways. Any questions?”

“No, Corporal, thank you for your assistance,” said the prince.

The corporal turned to the guard approaching them and ordered him to halt. He briefed the private first class on the short ceremony that would unfold. When they were ready, they formed up, and the corporal stepped off smartly with David and the prince, followed by the guard. As planned, the corporal stopped just at the far side of the Tomb. He quietly said, “Left face.” They all turned to face the Tomb.

The prince and David took two steps forward and stopped.

“In the name of the king,” the prince said and saluted.

David covered his heart, and after about five seconds, Michael dropped the salute, and David returned his hand to his side. They followed the plan and left the Tomb. They shook hands with the corporal, but the guard was already back on the pathway.

It was only then that they noticed the crowd that had formed to take pictures. They went back to the cars, got in, and left for the Kennedy graves. They stopped in front of the presidential gravesite where John Kennedy, Patrick Kennedy, and Jackie were buried. The Secret Service asked everyone to step out of the square in front of the chain that separated the actual graves from the public. The eternal flame was dancing in the wind, a testament that a man might die, but mankind goes on. David noticed that the prince bowed his head and seemed to say a prayer. Michael saluted again, and they walked a short way to the graves of Robert and Teddy Kennedy.

They stood at the foot of both graves in silence.

Then the prince said, “What a waste Robert Kennedy’s death was. My grandmother had hoped for great things from him as president. He was the lion of the Senate and did his best for the common man. What a family.” The prince then moved to the foot of Senator Ted Kennedy’s grave and said, “I guess it’s time to go, or we’re going to be splashed over the front pages of your tabloids.”

They entered the limousine and left the cemetery for Blair House. The ride back was quiet until Darren spoke up.

“That was really decent of you to do that at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. You brought a tear to my eye watching you and Uncle David together.”

“Just paying my respects, on behalf of the King and Great Britain, to our greatest ally, America. It was my honor, believe me. I take things like that very seriously.”

David pulled Michael to him and kissed his cheek.

“Thank you, Michael, that was very moving.”

To break up the solemn feeling that had filled the car, Darren made a joke, “Hey, don’t be kissing on my man. You have Uncle Shane to smooch with, leave mine alone!”

Everyone laughed. “When am I gonna get a guy to smooch on?” Jack asked.

“Of course, you were bound to ask that question. I pity your first man, Jack,” David said.

“Why? I’ll be good to him!”

“Oh, of that I have no doubt. I just feel sorry for how tired he’s going to be!”

“You mean sore, don’t you?” Jack laughed.

No one got mad at Jack this time. Everyone laughed, and Darren messed up his hair.

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