Royal Love (15 page)

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Authors: John Simpson

BOOK: Royal Love
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o’clock that evening, the Windsor party was wheels up for London, England. Everyone tried to relax and get some sleep, but no one was successful. The movie screens around the cabin were running, and everyone was watching a different movie. After nine hours’ flight time, they were cleared for a landing at Heathrow. The plane pulled to the VIP area and stopped.

“Don’t leave anything behind. This plane will be returning to Andrews later today,” David warned.

Everyone disembarked the aircraft into the arms of customs and immigration, special section. They were not stopped, and their baggage was not checked, as it was considered diplomatic. They exited the area and found cars waiting for them.

“This is good-bye for now,” Michael said to Darren. “I’ve got to go home and check in with the palace. They’ll be wanting a full briefing on my first trip abroad representing the Crown. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Thank you for being your wonderful self as always. You made me proud in America, and I loved seeing our photos in the papers,” Darren said. They kissed and Darren added, “Talk to you tomorrow.”

Michael went his own way, and David saw tears in Darren’s eyes as they piled into the Land Rovers. On the drive to Winfield House, everyone was yawning.

“I want to hit the bed as soon as we get home,” Shane said.

“I can’t wait to see my little girls!” Jack exclaimed.

“Yes, I’m sure the puppies missed you too, Jack,” David said. “Spend some time with them outside, okay? Then take a nap in the early afternoon so we can get back on London time.”

“Sure thing, Dad,” Jack replied.

The gates were open, and the Land Rovers whisked onto the grounds of Winfield House. They pulled up front and found the entire domestic staff lining the steps as though they were greeting English lords returning after a long trip.

Blaine stepped forward and said, “Good morning, sir, welcome home.”

“Thank you, Blaine. It’s good to be home. I need some iced tea and my bed.”

“Very good, sir.”

When they walked into the ambassador’s residence, they felt like they were truly home. Mary ran up and gave David a big hug, and then Shane and Jack. Darren was next to get smothered with kisses.

“It’s been terribly lonely around here without you!” Mary said.

“We missed you too, Mary, have no fear!” Shane said.

“Can I get you all anything?” she asked.

“Blaine is attending to that. Let me get out of these clothes and then we’ll sit and chat in the living room. Okay?” David said.

“Sounds fine to me!” Mary said happily.

They went upstairs as house staff brought in their luggage, except for Jack who went in search of his two ferocious mouse hunters. At the top of the stairs, David and Shane heard the puppies yelping and knew they had found Jack.

“Those puppies were the best possible thing the president could have given us,” David said.

They quickly changed and went back to the living room to chat with Mary before going to bed for a couple hours. When they were all seated, Blaine served refreshments for everyone, and David began to speak.

“So, Mary, besides missing us, has anything happened that I need to know about? Everything all right at the embassy?”

“Just routine stuff really. No one has tried to blow us up. No one was kidnapped. It’s really boring when you two aren’t around. You do have a new stack of social invitations from other embassies. Have you decided whether or not you want to start attending some of these functions?”

“Yes, I suppose now that things are settled for the most part, I can branch out. Go through the list, and recommend the ones I should say yes to. Oh and of course, say yes to any from our host country.”

“I’ll make a list first thing in the morning. By the way, things do seem to be heating up over Syria. The Russians are calling for an emergency summit of the G8 to decide what’s to be done. Now that America’s offered to arm the rebels, the Russians want to talk. Seems they’re concerned that we’re backing future terrorists.”

“That may be, but the Russians are also afraid to lose their only foothold in the Middle East. I am troubled by the civil war there. Both sides are pretty undesirable. Anyway, it’s up to the president to decide whether or not to attend any such meeting.”

“Well, other than that, nothing really earth-shattering. Course, you’ve only been gone for three days.” Mary smiled.

Jack came running in with the puppies on his heels. They squealed with delight when they saw David and Shane. Once the rubbing of the ears was accomplished, the Scotties settled down.

“Dads, they missed me, they really did!”

“I’m sure they did, Jack. No one gives them the love that you do. Now if you want, take them upstairs with you and take a two-hour nap. Off you go!” David said.

“Okay, Dad. Come on, girls!”

They left as quickly as they had arrived. David and Shane finished their iced tea while Darren drank a glass of water.

“Shall we all retire until about two?” David asked.

Everyone was in agreement, and Shane went to tell Blaine of the plans before the family went upstairs to bed.

David and Shane got into bed and snuggled close. Even though they’d had a private bedroom in Washington, they’d never felt quite comfortable there. Now they were home and hoped for a return to normal life.



day, everyone was up for work on time, Jack was off to school, and Darren was on duty at the security center, which now doubled as a backup to the security command post at the embassy. It took Darren three hours just to catch up on all the security reports that had come in since his departure.

The kids at Jack’s school made a big fuss over him, which made him feel good. David and Shane were back at work at the embassy. Darren was tasked to oversee the improvements in security for Winfield House.

As soon as Darren was off duty, he received a phone call from Prince Michael.

“I miss you,” Michael said.

“I miss you too, even though it’s only been one day,” Darren replied.

“What does it mean that I miss you so badly when it’s only been one day, then?”

“Um… that you have nothing to keep you busy?”

“That’s bloody rude of you! If I was there, I’d spank you!”

“There you go, promising me a good time again,” Darren answered with a snicker.

“Seriously, love, can I see you this weekend?”

“Sure. Anything special in mind?”

“Can you get away for the entire weekend?”


“We could go up to Balmoral Castle in Scotland. Have you ever been there?”

“Scotland? No, I haven’t, and especially not to Balmoral.”

“Balmoral Castle sits on forty-nine thousand acres owned by the family. In other words, it’s not part of the Crown’s estate. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert originally bought it, and it has passed down to each successive king or queen. Now it’s Cousin William’s.”

“Won’t he mind us just dropping in?” Darren asked.

“Well, I have to get his permission. But my goal is to show you all of the British royal estates.”

“Balmoral’s pretty far away, though, isn’t it?”

“It is, but we can go up on the train or possibly take a helicopter. I’ll let you know what my cousin says. Hopefully, we’ll spend the weekend in Scotland.”

“I have news for you too. I got my discharge date today, and it seems in one month, I’ll be a civilian! I’ve been given an early out, so I don’t have to wait another five months.”

“Darren, that’s wonderful! But what will you do?”

“I have to talk to Uncle David about that. I can’t just lie around here all day.”

“Well, then, we both have relatives to talk to about our future. Call you tomorrow, okay?”

“That sounds great. See you!” Darren said, and they hung up.

Chapter 12


waited outside King William’s office once more. Five minutes late, the door opened, and the prince was invited in for his five-minute meeting.

“Good morning, Your Majesty.”

“Good morning, Michael. How was your trip to Washington?”

“Wonderful, actually. The Americans treated me especially well as a representative of the Crown. Darren and I had places of honor everywhere we went. We even had a tour of Washington by limousine with the Secret Service.”

The king picked up a newspaper from his desk. He opened it up for a moment and then put the paper back down.

“Have you seen any of the American or British newspapers?”

“No, I haven’t. Is there a problem? Is something wrong?” Michael asked nervously.

“To the contrary, Michael, the American press is over the moon for you. Come and see your picture.”

Michael walked to the desk and looked down at the newspaper. On the front page of the
Washington Post
was a picture of David and Prince Michael at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Michael was saluting, and David had his hand over his heart.

“Oh, I see. I hope I did the right thing.”

“It was a brilliant move, Michael. It placed both the monarchy and the United Kingdom in the spotlight in a positive way. The Americans are as proud of their military men and women as we are of ours. This has garnered more good press than anything I have done this year! Whose idea was it?”

“It was mine, actually. David made the arrangements since it’s impossible to get near to the Tomb without permission. The soldiers who guard it are quite passionate about their responsibilities.”

“Job well done. If the British papers haven’t picked it up yet, I’m sure they will after seeing this. How would you like to pick up more duties here at Buckingham Palace? You could become sort of my ‘traveling prince,’ representing me when I can’t get away.”

“I’d be honored to do anything I can for our country.”

“It doesn’t hurt that your secret boyfriend is the son of the president of the United States.”

“Yes, that’s what I wanted to talk with you about.”

“Oh, trouble?”

“No, quite the opposite. We’re in love. Our few days in Washington were like a dream. We were made for each other, and I have a favor as well as permission to ask.”

“Go ahead,” the king said with a touch of nervousness in his voice.

“First, I’d like to take Darren to Balmoral Castle this weekend. If we can’t get a helicopter, we’ll take the train up. And as for permission, I’d like to ask Darren to marry me.”

The king stood, walked to the great window behind his desk, and clasped his hands behind his back. Michael could barely breathe as he waited for the king’s answer. Finally, William turned around.

“Prince Michael, I give you permission to go to Balmoral, by royal helicopter. And, if you are sure that you love this man, you have my permission to marry him. My only concern is that you’ve known him only for a relatively short time. A few days in Washington does not make for a certain love.”

“Cousin, I’ve known I love Darren since the weekend at Windsor, when we all were there with Prince Harry’s sons. He’s not royal, but then again, I never thought you would want me to go searching through Europe for a gay prince.”

The king laughed. “You have that right, and in a way, you are marrying royalty, American royalty. When are you going to ask him?”

“This weekend, and I wanted to do it at our family home instead of one of the Crown’s estates. We’ll be engaged for maybe six months, as a sort of trial period, unless we decide to shorten it. At the end of that time, if we’re both still sure, we will marry.”

“I’m very happy for you, Michael. Anytime someone in our family can marry for love instead of politics, it’s a happy occasion. I’m only sorry we can’t make it a grand affair. Gay marriage is still not being accepted by my older subjects. We’ll have to plan it out well so we don’t offend any of the old guard.” William smiled. “Since you’re going to ask him this weekend, come with me,” the king said and went to the door.

Michael followed and heard him tell his secretary he was going to his private quarters for a few minutes. They made the four-minute walk and entered the king’s private den and bedroom area. William went to a safe set into the floor of one of the closets in the bedroom. He spun the dial, opened the door, and reached in. He closed the safe and came over to Michael.

“I want you to have this to give to Darren Wilson. This is one of the rings that King Edward VIII wore before he abdicated the throne for Mrs. Wallis Simpson. This ring has a twenty-one-carat emerald, surrounded by four diamonds that total three carats. If you can find out Darren’s ring size, I’ll have the royal jeweler alter the ring. I’ll not have a member of this family asking their intended like my father did. When he asked my mother to marry him, he didn’t even have a ring with him. He said he wanted her to think about how marriage would affect her. Not this time, by George!”

As Michael gazed at the ring, tears welled up. “My dear, dear cousin, how can I ever thank you for this? Darren will be an official member of our family when he puts this ring on. How very generous of you. I love you.” He embraced his cousin and released him.

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