Royal Love (18 page)

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Authors: John Simpson

BOOK: Royal Love
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“Why did you find it funny that the king picked these rooms for us?” Darren asked.

“Oh, you’ll understand by the end of the weekend. Do you wish to use the second bedroom, love?”

“Of course not. James is no fool. He obviously knows we’re a couple,” Darren said.

“Yes, it would appear so. It makes me wonder what else the king has been up to. Let’s unpack and relax before dinner.”

The guys took only a minute to remove their clothes from their bags and put them in drawers and hang up shirts and pants for dinner. Michael opened the heavy curtains all the way, and the vastness of the front of the castle grounds opened up before them. All they could see was green lawn and trees. They were truly secluded at Balmoral, which explained the use of helicopters to get there and leave.

Darren lay down on the bed and tried it out. Michael joined him, and together they lay staring at the canopy that covered the king-size bed.

“I feel like I’m in a fairy tale and expect to see a dragon or something fly out of the sky and land on one of the turrets,” Darren said with a chuckle.

“Well, I can create almost anything for you, but dragons and such are quite out of my realm. I’m sorry if that deflates your fairy tale,” replied Michael.

Darren turned onto his side and looked into his boyfriend’s face. He bent down, kissed Michael gently, and whispered, “I love you, my prince.”

“I love you, my Yank.”

They laughed and hugged.

“It’s not fair! I need some kind of title!” Darren complained.

“Okay, how about the prince’s piece, will that do?”

“No! How about, the princely boyfriend?”

“Hmm, no, don’t like that much. I’ll have to think about it. Maybe I can give you a title by the end of the weekend, how’s that?”

“Smashing!” Darren said in a terrible imitation of a British accent.

They laughed again, and then Michael noticed it was time to leave in search of the dining room.

“Let’s change and get stirring,” Michael said.

They dressed, and Michael studied the map.

Chapter 14


the way they’d come to the bedroom. They passed the entrance hall, continued down another short hallway, and turned right. There they found a beautifully set table for two. The prince sat at the end of the table, and Darren sat on his right.

“Beautiful table!” Darren exclaimed as a door opened behind them.

Two footmen entered with trays and served roast pork, potatoes, and string beans. The dishes were then covered and set on the sideboard. A footman poured wine and departed.

“God, I could get used to this. It’s all so civilized and unreal at the same time,” Darren said.

“What would you like to do tomorrow?” Michael asked.

“Well, maybe a short walk around in the gardens, and of course, a tour of this beautiful castle. Do you know the history of the entire estate?”

“I do. I’ll be happy to be your tour guide. What would you like to do tonight?” Michael asked with a slight smile.

“Do you really want me to tell you?”

“Does it have to do with staying in our room?”

“Indeed it does. But please make sure we have a pitcher of ice water in the room. I have a feeling one or both of us might be thirsty later.”

“That can be easily arranged,” Michael replied with a broad smile.

Dinner was delicious, and when they’d finished, Michael ordered a pitcher of cold water and two glasses to be delivered to their room.

“Gerard, can we have coffee in the drawing room?”

“Of course, Your Highness,” the footman answered.

“Come this way please, Darren. I want to show you one of my favorite rooms in the castle.”

They walked a bit and entered a beautiful drawing room. It was furnished with a light-blue satin sofa, various overstuffed chairs, and of course, two very large crystal chandeliers. On the walls were the mandatory oil paintings of ancestors. One was of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Michael and Darren sat on the sofa, and a butler appeared shortly thereafter with a coffee service. He poured two cups, bowed, and left.

Michael fixed Darren’s coffee the way he liked it, and they sipped a wonderful blend of Jamaican coffee beans.

“Wonderful, Michael, just wonderful. Not only is this place filled with beautiful art everywhere you look, it’s extremely peaceful and comforting. You’re fortunate to be able to enjoy this, even if it’s only once in a while.”

“This is where the family usually celebrates Christmas. Everyone gathers here, and the staff does a magnificent job of decorating the place. Garlands are everywhere, and wreaths, and trees. It’s truly magical.”

“Ah, Christmas, my favorite time of the year.”

“Where are you going to spend this Christmas?” Michael asked.

“I’m not sure yet. Maybe with Uncle David and Shane, or maybe I’ll fly back home to spend Christmas at the White House.”

“Either sounds nice,” Michael said, stifling a yawn.

“You tired, babe?” Darren asked.

“Yeah, a little. I had to be up early to attend a couple of meetings.”

“Why don’t we finish our coffee and head to our bedroom?”

Michael drank down his coffee and smiled. “All gone.”

Darren did the same and stood. “Do we need the map to get back to our room?”

“No, I’m beginning to remember my way around. Come on, let’s get to bed.”

They walked out of the drawing room, leaving the door open to signal the staff that they could remove the coffee service and shut down for the night. A few minutes later, they walked into their bedroom to find the bed turned down. Darren walked over to the door and went into the second room. The bed in that room was also turned down. He smiled.

“Well, they turned down both beds, but we’ll only be using one,” Darren said. When he turned around, he found Michael totally naked in all his royal glory. It took Darren’s breath away for a moment.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he said as he looked the naked prince up and down. “I have to ask, why did you choose me when you can do so much better?”

Michael frowned as he walked around the bed to Darren. “Don’t ever ask me that question again! I chose you because you’re my type of man, and I’ve fallen in love with you. You are handsome, intelligent, good in bed, and you come from an excellent family. And most important of all, you tell me you love me.”

“Don’t be angry. I have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming. That we’re in love with each other. Don’t you understand? I don’t come from a land of fairy tales and castles. This is all breathtaking for me, just as much as seeing you standing there naked. I want you.”

Michael removed the rest of Darren’s clothes until he too was naked. They poured two glasses of water, set them on the nightstand, lit one candle, and turned out the lights. They climbed into bed and sighed into each other’s arms.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, Darren, but let’s make it a quickie tonight, okay? I’m exhausted, but I have to have you.”

“I have the perfect solution,” Darren said as he moved so he was facing Michael’s crotch.

They went down on each other, slowly sucking each other’s cocks. They took their time, using their tongues, lips, and teeth to please each other, teasing before they got down to some serious sucking. As they intensified their efforts, Michael couldn’t hold back, and Darren took every drop without spilling one. Shortly afterward, Darren shot his load, although he was able to groan in appreciation, since his mouth was no longer full. When both men had climaxed, they lay there catching their breath, and then Darren moved back up to his pillow. Both drank some water, then Michael blew out the candle, and they slept through the night totally at peace. A knock on the door the next morning startled both men, and Darren prepared to dash into the other bedroom.

Michael took Darren’s arm and pulled him back down.

“Yes, come in!” Michael said.

“Pardon me sir, but it’s half past eight, and I thought you and your friend might like to have breakfast in a half hour,” James said. His face showed no surprise or shock.

“Yes, thank you, James, we’ll be down.”

“Very good, Your Highness,” he said and backed out the door.

“He didn’t even blink an eye at seeing us together in bed,” Darren whispered.

“I told you, they all know. Half, if not more, are gay themselves. There have always been gay men in service to the Crown. Now let’s have a shower, dress, and order a taxi to take us to the dining room,” Michael said.

Darren laughed so hard he couldn’t move for a minute. “That’s not only funny, it’s true!” he said as he jumped out of bed and dashed naked into the bathroom.

Michael gave him a couple of moments alone in case he needed to do anything besides shower. Once it was clear that the water was on, he joined his boyfriend in the shower. They soaped each other up, rinsed off, and were out in five minutes. They dried off and threw on some casual clothes.

At five minutes to nine, they walked to the dining room, which took up the entire five-minute window. When they arrived, they found two footmen standing behind their chairs, who promptly served their breakfast.

One footman remained in the dining room against a wall, which made Darren a little nervous. He was afraid he might say the wrong thing in front of the servant.

“So, I trust you slept well last night?” Michael asked.

“For sure. We were both tired, and then, well, we got more tired. I was glad we had the ice water. I knew I would be thirsty.”

“No wonder. You sucked me off like a Hoover!” Michael chuckled.

Darren turned red and sought to hide his face by looking down at his scrambled eggs. Michael noticed and chuckled.

“Are you blushing?”

“Of course I am. I can’t believe you said that with someone else in the room.”

“Who? Robert over there? Robert, would you come here please?”

“Yes, Your Highness?” the servant said.

“My dear friend is embarrassed that you heard that he sucked me off last night like a Hoover. Does that shock you?”

“Not at all, Your Highness. I’d venture to say you were quite a lucky young man.”

“And how long have you been with your boyfriend?”

“Me, sir? Around seven years now.”

“Thank you, Robert, I needed to make a point to my friend.”

“I understand, sir. If I may…. Mr. Wilson, you need not hide your affection for His Highness. The household staff is aware of the nature of your relationship, and I assure you, no one looks down upon either of you.”

“Thank you, Robert. I’m sorry my embarrassment made you publicly explain your relationship.”

“Not at all, sir. His Highness has been to more than one party at our home.”

Robert backed to his original position as Darren relaxed.

“Well, you could have just told me instead of scaring the hell out of me like that!” Darren scolded.

Michael chuckled. “Yes, love, I’m sorry. There’s a river not far from the castle, would you like to walk down to it?”

“River? Yes, of course. I love the water.”

“Good, then that’s the first order of business for the day. We might get rain this afternoon, so I figured we’d go outside this morning and tour this old place this afternoon.”

“Sounds good to me,” Darren said.

After they finished their breakfast, they walked through the gardens and then headed down to the river. There were patches of clouds forming, but it was still mostly sunny. As they approached the river, they heard it before they actually saw the water. There was no one around, as this was part of the estate, and it was closed that weekend since they were there.

“Oh, Michael, it’s beautiful! Look at it. Are there fish in it?”

“Of course! Do you like to fish?”

“Only if you take the fish off the hook!”

Michael laughed. “Not very butch of you.”

“I know, I just can’t stand to see where the hook went through their mouths.”

“Shall we sit here a bit and watch the water?” Michael asked.

“Sure, it’s heaven here.”

They sat down on the grass a few feet from the edge of the water, and Darren leaned against Michael. They listened to the water and the wildlife in the woods.

“It’s so peaceful here. I don’t know what could make the moment any better,” Darren said.

Unseen by Darren, Michael smiled. “I do. Would you mind getting up?”

“Do you have a kink in your leg?” Darren asked as he stood.

As they faced each other, a ray of sunshine broke through the clouds to shine on them.

“Darren, ever since I met you, I’ve not only been attracted to you, but you make me whole. I always felt there was something missing in me, and I never knew what that was until I met you. You complete me, and I love you for that. I love the way you look at the world. I love that you love my country and my family. I can’t imagine living without you by my side.” He got down on one knee and pulled out the ring box.

Darren looked at Michael inquiringly as the prince spoke again.

“Darren Wilson, will you do me the extreme honor of marrying me and being my husband?”

Michael opened the ring box, and the sun hit the emerald and diamonds, making them look like all the Crown Jewels combined into one ring. Darren stared at it as he replayed what Michael had just said.

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