Royal Love (20 page)

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Authors: John Simpson

BOOK: Royal Love
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All three gasped at the sight of the magnificent royal ring.

“Michael gave you that?” Shane exclaimed.

“Yes, when he asked me to marry him. This ring was worn by Edward VIII and was sized for me this week, as you well know, Uncle Shane. I’ve said yes to his proposal, and we’ve set December first as the tentative date.”

All three hugged Darren, who began to cry. Mary was the last to hug him, and she held him the longest.

“Doesn’t love feel great?” Mary asked.

“Yes, especially from a person you love in return.”

“We’ll have to let your mother know right away,” David said.

“I’ve already done that, and I have her blessing. She, Harry, and Brandon will more than likely be here for the wedding. We’re not sure yet where it will be held because of security issues, so we have to wait on that.”

“I’m not sure you should wear that ring all the time, Darren. If you were to hit it on something hard, you might damage it. After all, it’s not like it’s just any ring,” Shane said.

“I’ve thought about that. I thought for now, I’d wear it only when I’m going to see Michael. Uncle David, can you find out how I become a dual citizen of America and Britain?”

“Mary, can you make some calls tomorrow?” David asked.

“Sure, I’ll see what I can find out.”

“Where will you live after you’re married?”

“I guess with Michael, why?”

“You’re still the son of the current president. That means you have to have a security detail around the clock. I’m sure Michael’s place isn’t equipped for that. So the next time you talk to Michael, bring that up, because that has to be settled before the wedding,” said David.

“As if this isn’t complicated enough already,” Darren said.

“I’m sure it will all work out.”

Jack came running into the room and screeched to a halt when he saw the looks on everyone’s faces.

“Okay, what did I miss?”

“Oh, nothing much, junior. Just that I’m marrying my prince,” Darren said and then broke out in a smile as he showed Jack the ring.

“Wow! That’s some rock, dude. So, does that mean you’re gonna be a princess?”

The room rocked with laughter. No one knew if Jack was being a smart-ass or if his question was genuine.

“No! How can a male become a princess, you knucklehead!”

“Well, what will you be then?”

“I’m not sure. I know I won’t become a prince or anything like that.”

“Will you get your own castle?”

“No. Prince Michael is a minor prince, and he doesn’t get much in the way of royal perks.”

“Well, from the look of that rock on your finger, he must get something from someone! Do you get to keep it?”

“Yes. He got it from the king, who had it from King Edward VIII.”

“So, lemme get this straight. Your engagement ring is the ring of a former king?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Yeah, you hit the jackpot!”

Blaine and another staff member came into the living room with the coffee and Darren’s sandwich and drink.

“I’m sorry to have overheard part of the conversation on my way into the room. Do I understand you are marrying Prince Michael?” Blaine asked.

“Yes, that’s right, Blaine. Here’s the ring,” Darren replied and showed off the ring.

“Magnificent, Mr. Wilson. Congratulations on your pending nuptials.”

“Thank you, Blaine.”

“Blaine, do you know what that makes Darren? You know, by marrying one of your princes?” Jack asked.

Blaine thought for a second.

“Actually, Master Jack, since this is the first time there has been a public acknowledgement of a member of the royal family marrying someone of the same sex, and the fact that the intended is not a royal, leaves me without a clue. He may remain simply Mr. Wilson.”

“Aw shucks, I was hoping he’d become a duke at least,” Jack whined.

Blaine smiled and left the room.

“Lots to figure out over the next couple of months,” David said.

Chapter 16


a hard time concentrating on his military duties, and when the Marine gunnery sergeant figured out what was going on, he assigned Darren to make out the guard schedule and similar tasks that couldn’t be screwed up. Mary had found out all the information about the dual citizenship question, and arrangements were made for Darren to become a British citizen through marriage. It was quite simple, and the fact that he also would hold a British passport was recorded at the US State Department documents control center.

King William had called asking to meet with Michael and Darren at three o’clock on Friday. Neither knew what the meeting was about, but Michael was not concerned about it. Darren, however, was a little nervous and would continue to be so until after the vows were exchanged.

Darren’s mood lightened when his mother called to give him some good news.

“Hi, Mom, what’s up?”

“I thought you’d like to know that we’ll be flying into London on November thirtieth, and leaving on December second. So, we’ll be there the day before and part of the day after your wedding. The State Department is working out all of the details, and we’ll be staying at Winfield House while in London. Any news yet on where the wedding will be held?”

“No, Mom, but we have a meeting with the king tomorrow, so I’m hoping the subject will come up. Everything else is on track. We’ve decided that I’ll wear my uniform. Even though I’ll be discharged by then, I can still wear it. Michael will wear the same uniform he wore in Washington. So, we’ll be red and blue.”

“That sounds great. Are you sure you can wear your uniform?”

“Yep. Since I’m being honorably discharged, I’m allowed to wear the uniform on special occasions.”

“Okay, honey, Shane will be getting all my security information for the trip. Let me know the location as fast as possible, or the Secret Service is going to have a fit.”

“Okay, Mom, talk to you soon.”



Michael and Darren went to see the king, and precisely on time, his secretary showed them in.

“Good afternoon, Your Majesty,” both men said.

“Good afternoon, gentlemen. Please, sit on the sofa. I’m sure you’re wondering why I asked you here, and I can tell you it’s about your pending wedding.”

“We were hoping so,” Michael said.

“I and my advisors have given this matter a lot of thought, taking into consideration that the president of the United States will be here, along with much of the royal family. We’ve decided to host the wedding at St. Paul’s Cathedral, where my father married my mother. Now there will be another memorable wedding held there. I’ve talked to the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Dean of the Cathedral and they have no objections. The Dean of the Cathedral has asked to perform the service as his first same-sex wedding.”

“That’s wonderful! Do I take it then that we can invite more guests, since it’s a larger venue?” Michael asked.

“Yes, as long as security protocol is followed. Because the US president will be attending, there can be no last-minute guests. So, make up your list, and get it in no later than November first.”

“You’ll be there, Your Majesty?” Darren asked.

“Yes. I wouldn’t miss this for anything. The same thing goes for Harry and my father, if he is well. Now, Michael, since you lost both your mother and father in a car accident, you’ll have no one to give you away. Under the circumstances, I’m not sure it’s needed anyway. I think the dean will tell you that you’ll come out of opposite naves and meet at the center of the altar.”

“William, would you consider being best man?”

“I’d love to, but protocol would not allow it. Harry would be another matter. Give him a call and ask. What about you, Darren? Who will be your best man?”

“Uncle David, of course, and I want Uncle Shane up there as well, as part of my groom’s party. That means Michael should have someone equal to Prince Harry, but not higher in rank. But I guess the only one higher is the king.”

William smiled. “We’ll come up with some duke or other to stand next to Harry, just for decorum’s sake. I think having your uncles standing for you is an excellent idea. I’m very fond of them both.”

“What time will the wedding commence?” Michael asked.

“Ten o’clock, and you’re expected to depart the cathedral by ten thirty. Now as to the reception, please allow me to host it for you. We have a room that fits the occasion, as well as the wedding guests.”

“That would be wonderful, Your Majesty!” Darren blurted out as he fought back tears.

“It is my honor to do this. This is a first, not only for my family, but for the United Kingdom, and it must be done right. On that score, Michael, I want to add you to my staff at the palace. Darren, I’ve been informed that you will have dual citizenship, so you will be a British subject as well. I also know that security is a major issue while your mother is president. Therefore, I propose the following. You will both have an apartment here at Buckingham, and both of you will work for my office. Darren, you will fill a clerical position of some kind, and Michael will have the duties of a prince. Darren, you can do without the Secret Service detail, as you will be under the umbrella of palace security from your wedding day forward. Does this meet with your approval?”

“I don’t know what to say!” Michael exclaimed. “I would serve you and the Crown regardless, but to give us quarters here is not only great, it’s genius!”

“Not to sound ungrateful or anything,” Darren said, “but will our apartment have a sitting room, or is it just a bedroom?”

“You’ll have a three-room suite with a bedroom, bath, sitting room, and receiving room that can double as an office. You’ll eat here at the palace and have access to the royal physician. By the way, Darren, that ring looks just right on your finger.”

“Thank you for your great kindness, Your Majesty. I couldn’t believe my eyes when Michael got down on one knee and opened that ring box. I’m still stunned. Thank you for everything you’re doing, and I know my mother will be so pleased with all of these arrangements. She was worried about my safety after the wedding.”

“Well, now she can relax. You’ll be part of the family.” William winked. “Perhaps you should do some reading on royal etiquette. Which reminds me of one last thing. You can’t be named a prince after you’re married, but you will have the title of Prince Consort. That will convey a certain status and also make you eligible for any honors that I may bestow on you. Did either of you have any more questions?”

“I’m flabbergasted by your acceptance of me, our love, our future together, and our place in history,” Darren said.

“Just one thing. A prince consort is usually the husband of a queen. Prince Phillip was Prince Consort to Queen Elizabeth II,” Michael said.

“Yes, that’s true. The title has always been used in that respect, up until now. But with an official wedding between a prince of the household and a member of the same sex who’s a commoner, things must be adjusted. I’m the king, and I’m adjusting it. It’s only proper and due in this age of enlightenment. I want you both to be happy.” William cleared his throat. “Darren, you’ll accompany Prince Michael on any trips he takes for the Crown. As I suggested, read up on the duties of being a member of the royal family. Additionally, I suggest you read the history of the British monarchy while you’re at it.”

“I’ll get right on that,” Darren said.

William smiled. “By the way, I’m inviting the prime minister and his cabinet to the wedding. I want British civil authorities to witness this historic event as well. In addition, high-ranking members of the peerage will be in attendance. Now to happier matters. Have you thought where you might like to go for your honeymoon?”

Michael and Darren looked at each other, and it was clear from their blank expressions that neither had given it any thought whatsoever.

“I haven’t thought about it,” Michael said.

“Neither have I,” Darren said. “Frankly, we shouldn’t spend a lot of money on it. We need to be conscious of our expenses.”

“Well, we fell in love at Windsor Castle,” Michael said.

“True, we did. I wouldn’t be opposed to honeymooning there, and since I’m marrying into the Windsor family, it seems appropriate,” Darren replied.

“Well, no need to decide now. As for expense, don’t give that a thought. You only have one honeymoon, or at least that’s the ideal. Now I must go meet with some visiting dignitaries,” the king said.

Michael and Darren bowed and left. They walked out of the palace chattering away about the meeting.

“I’ll drop you off at Winfield House,” Michael said. “I suggest you talk to your uncles as soon as possible.”

“I will,” Darren said. “Also, I need to let Mom know that our wedding will be at St. Paul’s Cathedral. There are a lot of details to be ironed out before then.”

They kissed in the car as the door of Winfield House opened, and a footman came out to open the car door.

“Call me later, will you?” Michael asked.

“Of course! Love you.”

Michael waited until Darren went into the house before he drove off.

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