Royal Love (25 page)

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Authors: John Simpson

BOOK: Royal Love
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“Really! That’s wonderful! I can’t wait to attend his wedding.”

“Right! Now I must be off, but I’ll be back for the dinner this evening, so I shall see you later.”

“Good day, Your Royal Highness,” the new duke said as he bowed his head.

“Oh very good, I like that!” Harry said and laughed as he waved to William.

Victoria walked up to the newlyweds and said, “That was a beautiful wedding, and I’m so pleased that you both are so happy. I can’t believe the crowds! They were actually happy to see you two married. That would not happen in America, I assure you.”

“I know, Mom. Sad, isn’t it? It’s one of the reasons I wanted dual citizenship.”

“And of course, you couldn’t be dubbed a duke without being a citizen.” Victoria grinned. “My son, the duke! And married to a prince. I’m still in shock.”

“What’s wrong with Brandon? He looks sad,” Darren said with concern.

“Oh, honey, he just wants what you have, that’s all,” she replied.

Michael broke out into a big smile.

“I suppose now is as good a time as any. I have someone special to introduce to Brandon, with your permission, Mum,” Michael said.

“Of course,” she replied with a curious look on her face.

Michael disappeared, and Victoria asked, “What’s he up to, Darren?”

“I have no idea, Mom, none!”

Michael worked his way back through the crowd with a handsome young man in tow who looked about Brandon’s age. He took him directly over to Brandon and introduced them. They talked for a bit, and then Michael excused himself to return to Darren.

“Who’s that? What’s going on?” Darren asked.

“That, my husband, is a member of the royal family, although even more minor than myself. But he is an earl, and he is gay!”

“No! You’re kidding me. You’re fixing up my brother with another gay member of the family? How many are there?”

“I’m not sure, but I think there may be about three more a little younger than Charles there.”

As they looked over at Brandon, he was laughing with his new friend. Michael caught William’s eye and nodded toward Brandon and Charles. The king looked confused for a moment, and then smiled when he figured it out.

“Well, you’ve just made your brother very happy, but don’t push anything. If they like each other, fine, but otherwise, hands off, understand?” Victoria said.

“Yes, ma’am,” both men replied.

The reception lasted another hour, and then the guests dispersed to their homes, except the presidential party and the immediate family.

“There’s a formal dinner this evening, and then in the morning the newlyweds are off to Windsor for a few days. Then back here and to work,” the king said.

“That sounds wonderful. William, please make sure my Darren and his Michael remain safe at all times. As long as I’m president, they remain potential targets.”

“I already understand that and have made provision for their security. While you are president, they will have at least six men with them at all times when outside a royal palace. Will that do?”

“Yes, thank you, King William. I can’t help it that I worry about my firstborn.”

“No apology needed. That’s why their apartment is within these walls, and you can be sure there will be no incidents like the time a man off the street ended up in my grandmother’s bedroom. That was inexcusable and even though it never got out to the press, a few heads rolled.”

“I trust not literally!” Victoria said.

“Yes, at the Tower of London!” the king replied and laughed. “Now, a footman will show you to a bedroom where you can rest until dinner if you wish.”

“Yes, that would be nice, and it would be good to let these two have an hour by themselves to unwind,” she replied.

The king signaled for an aide, and the president and her husband left with the Secret Service.

“Before you go, King William,” Darren said. “I want you to know how thankful I am that you made me a duke. It brings pride to my husband and that is enough reward in the act right there.”

“Yes, true, but it also allows me to use you in many more ways,” William replied with a sly smile.

“Michael and I are at your service.”

“Good. Now you find Michael and get a footman to take you to your apartment. Look it over and rest for an hour or so. If there’s anything you want replaced in the apartment, let the house manager know, and he will see to it.”

“Thank you, see you later, my king.”

William chuckled at that and walked away with three aides bending his ear.

Michael and his new duke were shown the way to their apartment. As they walked through it, a couple of things stood out that they’d like to change, but overall, it was a very nice, private, little apartment.

“If you get a couple of nice oil paintings in here to replace that dismal crap on the walls, I’ll be very happy living here,” Darren said.

“I’ll arrange it tomorrow morning before we leave for Windsor for our honeymoon. Don’t forget,” Michael teased.

“Oh, I’m not forgetting about the honeymoon, baby. I’m glad there won’t be any other royals in residence. I’d hate to scandalize them with all the moaning!”

“I’m counting on a lot of moaning from both of us,” Michael said.

They crawled onto their bed and fell asleep. They didn’t wake until a servant called for them.

“I’m sorry for the intrusion, sir, but you’ve been sleeping for over two hours. It’s time for tea, and then time to dress for dinner to celebrate your marriage.”

“Thank you,” Michael called out as Darren woke up.

“What was that?” Darren asked.

“Up, up, up,” Michael said cheerfully. It’s time for dinner, which you’ll have to get used to.

Yes, Your Royal Beautifulness. Darren laughed.

As Prince Michael and the Duke of Sutherland entered the dining room for the wedding night dinner, a footman announced them to the others.

Your Majesty, Prince Michael, and Darren, Duke of Sutherland.

Applause broke out from those in attendance. The table was brilliant, the guests well-dressed, the candles lit, and wine already poured. Michael and Darren sat next to each other on one side of the king, and Darren’s mother and stepfather sat on the other side. This allowed for easy conversation throughout dinner.

Many toasts were made, and finally, it was the turn of the new duke.

Darren rose, and Michael tapped his crystal glass to get everyone’s attention.

“I propose my first toast in Buckingham Palace. To my new king, my new family, my old family, who I love dearly, and last but not least of all, to my new husband, Prince Michael! May our lives together be long and filled with love and service to our fellow humans on behalf of the Crown!”

A chorus of, “Hear! Hear!” rang out around the table as everyone took a sip of their wine. King William, the president, David, Shane, Brandon, and Jack, along with Michael, were filled with pride at the sight of Darren grabbing his new role in life and owning it!


About the Author

, a Vietnam-era Veteran, has been a uniformed Police Officer of the Year, a federal agent, a federal magistrate, and an armed bodyguard to royalty and a senior government executive. He earned awards from the Vice President of the United States and the Secretary of the Treasury. John has written articles for various gay and straight magazines. John lives with his partner of thirty-eight years and three wonderful Scott Terriers, all spoiled and a breed of canine family member that is unique in dogdom. John is also involved with the Old Catholic Church and its liberal pastoral positions on the gay community.

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Condor One Series

Condor One Series from

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