Royce (10 page)

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Authors: D. Hamilton-Reed

BOOK: Royce
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“If you’ve made your choice Pleasure Seekers you may find a location of your choosing, if not the night is still young,” and he walked over to Joy and Bobby.  He held out his hand and she said, “Excuse me but I must go.”  She took his hand and walked off with him and under his mask he had the most satisfied smirk on his face,
accept it, she’s made her choice now leave her alone
, and to him it was obvious Joy wasn’t into being with other men, and to him that wasn’t a problem.  She had chosen and it wasn’t them, and he was glad it was him.  He hated the thought if she’d chosen another.

The next month was the same, another man was talking to Joy, not one of his group but another member and he said to him after Patty’s announcement, “Pardon me, but may I speak with her a moment,” and Joy took his hand and said, “Excuse me but my partner is here,” and he led her away. 

He thought everything would die down but it didn’t.  He’d refused to play golf with the guys, but he still worked with Bobby who commented every chance he got, things like “She’s not your wife” Or, “It’s wrong what you’re doing.”
But after a while he grew tired of the stalemate
and when the guys invited him out for drinks he accepted.  They were his friends and he’d known them a long time.

“Let’s make amends Royce, we can’t let a woman do this to us,” Collin said and he agreed but somewhere in the night and after several rounds Collin pleaded, “Let me have her once man,” and that did it, he tossed some bills on the table and stormed off with Collin yelling after him, “Don’t leave mad Royce buddy!” 

And while all this was going on he had Joy.  She met him every month and he would take her in his arms and love her, and he didn’t care what they said and how angry he’d been with his friends, he had Joy. 

Tonight was a party night and he and Joy were in a room.  They’d taken off their mask and Joy had him tied to the bed, scarves tied on his wrists and ankles; he was spread eagle and Joy was sitting naked on top of him.  He liked her to tie him up.  Joy was the only woman he enjoyed this with, he was totally out of control and she unarmed him and he loved it, just loved letting her have her way with him.  He was vulnerable and he had to trust, two emotions he didn’t gravitate towards, but with Joy he relaxed and surrendered all. 

Joy loved to tie him up and love all over him.  She leaned down and starting kissing him, she kissed his forehead and moved down his face; she cupped his face in her hands and sensually and sexily she kissed his cheeks, sucking and kissing; then she moved to the top of his nose.  Royce opened up and let her have him; he turned his face so she could have him.  He loved surrendering to her, baring his body and soul to her.  She moved to his lips and ran her tongue across his lips, he moaned.  She worked his beautiful sexy lips with her tongue, kissing him and probing deep in his mouth.  Royce went with it his tongue finding hers.  He was dying to touch her, the scarves restrained him and he could do nothing but let her have him.  She moved down his throat, kissing and sucking, licking and she kept moving down.  He felt her warm skin against his as she moved and he loved it.  He closed his eyes and let himself feel, let himself go.  She was on his chest, her lips sucking the patch of hair and then she was sensually moving towards his nipple and taking her sweet time, undulating her body, sucking with her lips and she was driving him crazy. 

“Oh Joy, please,” he begged and moaned.

“You like that baby?”

“Yes, oh yes,” he moaned out.  She sucked him; she went from one nipple to the other around and around.  When she had her fill she continued downward.  He pulled at the restraints.  She caressed and sucked his belly, his strong muscles bunched up from her licking and sucking.

“Oooo, I like that baby,” she crooned and continued, her hot lips never leaving his skin.

      Joy moved down his body, her hands caressing him.  He was so hard and stood up like a stiff pole at her exploration.  He opened his eyes from time to time to watch her take pleasure in loving his body.  She smiled as she kissed and sucked all over him, and he smiled down at her, loving the sight of her.  She took him hard and full in her mouth, he was so ready for her. “Joy, oh Joy,” he cried out, a little smile on his lips.  The pleasure she was giving him was indescribable.

When she sucked him to almost bursting she stopped and moved sensually up on his body until she was sitting on top of him.  He watched her; never taking his eyes from her. 
God, he loved her
.  She guided his hard and strong member inside her.  She pushed him deep, “Oh God Joy, oh God,” he cried out as her wet warmth enveloped him.  She was just as ready for him as he was for her.

She began to ride him, moving her body on his and he thought he was going to lose his mind.  He surrendered completely to her.  He let her have him; let her have her way with him. 

Royce moved his body with her; pulling at the constraints wanting to touch her.  She sat on top him, a look of pure pleasure on her face, her hands touching her body as she rode him, he pushed deep inside her.  He cried out over and over until he erupted and she spilled her warm flow all over him.

Joy moved from on top of him and started untying him.  He rubbed his wrists where he had pulled hard to escape; he saw the red marks it was going to leave.  She walked to the tray and brought it back to the bed, and he went to the tub and brought back drinks and they lay naked on the bed; the tray between them, eating, talking and sharing.  She gave him a bite of her strawberry; he gave her a bite of his peach slice and Royce could feel the love he felt for her. 
I love you Joy, I love you Joy,
rang in his thoughts.   And when they were done, “Now it’s my turn,” he teased. 

Joy laughed and laid back on the bed, “Okay baby it’s your turn.” 

He turned her on her stomach and tied her to the bed with the scarves, her wrists and legs spread apart.  He had the tickler; he was running it across her body and she was laughing hysterically at his explorations and he laughed hard with her.

“Oh my Royce stop it, stop it,” she said laughing as he tickled her under her arm pit, “You’re going to make me pee,” she said between her hysterics, and he laughed and laid down on top of her, still working the tickler.

“I’ll stop if you say you love me,” he teased.  He’d wanted to profess his love to her all night.

“Stop it Royce,” she laughed, “The bed is going to be wet,” she laughed.

“Say you love me,” and he tickled another spot, she jerked and laughed, “Okay, okay, I love you, I love you,” she said still laughing.

“That’s more like it,” he kissed her giggling lips, “I love you too.”  He teased and reached up and untied one of her wrist, then the other and her ankles next.

She turned over her eyes wet and watery from laughing so hard, “That’s not fair Royce,” she stressed, “You’re not playing fair.”  He laughed, “You know I’ll do anything to make you say you love me,” he teased to placate her.

“You know we shouldn’t say stuff like that,” she was getting serious.  He went to her and kissed her, “I know but we can handle it, it’s for fun right,” but he was thinking,
but I do love you Joy that is the problem, I do love you and it’s not for fun.

“I know, but we don’t want to open that can of wombs.  I don’t think our spouses would be happy to know we play around like that,” she said looking seriously at him.  He knew Joy didn’t like him playing around as she called it like that, saying the
word but he wanted to shout it to the rooftops every time he saw her and every time he was with her he knew he was showing her he loved her. 

He held her in his arms far longer than a normal person should not wanting to let her go, his kisses sometimes urgent and sometimes long and lingering were always sweet and full of his love and the way he looked at her, deep, longing and sometimes she’d say, “Stop that Royce, don’t go there!”  And although he could have her in his bed once a month that wasn’t enough.  He wanted to see her more, so he saw her the only way he knew how.  He went to every school board meetings and on Saturday evenings when she played tennis.  He would sit at the table usually with the kids eating a snack, but he was watching her play, she was getting good, at first she was terrible and laughed a lot as her balls went too high over the net and too long past the boundaries, but now she was gaining some control and now that they no longer wore the mask behind closed doors she always smiled and said hi to him and the kids.  That was the other benefit of taking off the mask, they talked more, now they weren’t guarded in their conversation afraid to give away their identity, at least Joy wasn’t so guarded anymore.  He use to try and talk to her and she’d shut that down with a, “Let’s not talk about that blue eyed man,” now she talked freely and he loved it and the more he began to know her and the closer he became to her the more he loved her.  Joy was funny, interesting, and very kind hearted, he thought she’d rather hurt herself than hurt another person, and he wanted more.

Royce knew the guys were still upset with him and he didn’t care but then someone must have talked to Tammy, because now Tammy was pissed at him.   It had been about eight months into his pact with Joy and a party was scheduled for Friday, but Thursday Tammy came up to him and not very happy.

“What’s this I hear about you only wanting to be with Joy Abrams?” 

“Who said that?” 

“A few husbands are spreading that; they’re saying you’ve done something so Joy won’t go to anybody else, is that true Royce?”

“Well, look it’s nothing I’ve done.  She’s a little afraid to go with others and feels safe with me that’s all,” he said trying to smooth it over.

“Yeah, well she’d better get over that, that’s not how it works…You just have to tell her she can’t be with you anymore,” Tammy said and his heart cracked at the thought.

“Look Tammy if that’s what she needs to feel comfortable it’s not a problem okay.  Some of the guys are making it into more than it is.  That’s all this is, so don’t worry about it.”

“Well, tell her to go to someone else tomorrow that’ll stop this,” she said as casually as you please and he was trying to keep his heart in his chest and remain calm and not give anything away, but he wanted to scream and yell at her to shut her mouth and stay out of it.

“No, I’m not doing that.  She and I will discuss it first before a decision like that is made,” and Tammy turned to him.  He could see the questions and the anger rising and her calculating her next move.

“Well we won’t go, then she’ll have to go to someone else,” she said evenly.

“We are going and I will discuss it with her then,” he said just as evenly, “I will be fair to her…and since when have you cared who I’m with, it’s never bothered you before?”  He asked controlling his anger.

“That was before Joy Abrams.”

“What’s the difference with her?”  He said still under control.

“The difference is people are talking.”

“That’s their problem, why do you give a shit what other people are saying?”  He’d lost his control a bit he knew.

“Because you’re my husband and I will not have other people saying…,” and she stopped.  He looked at her, his eyes still angry.

“Saying what Tammy?”  And she didn’t want to say he was acting like this other woman was his, that only he could have her.  He eyed her waiting.

“Oh never mine Royce.  Tell her, tell her you will no longer be the one she comes too, I mean it,” she demanded, anger underneath her words, and he eyed her again.

You mean it
,” he stared angrily at her, “And what does that mean Tammy?  Where do you get off thinking you can command me?” 

She glared back at him, “You will tell her tomorrow or we’re not going,” she said angrily.

“We are going and I will tell her when I damn well please,” Royce glared at her, his eyes never wavering, never flinching and he saw her give in.

“Argggg,” she said and threw her hands up and stormed off and he was angry enough to knock a hole in the wall. 
How dare they?  How dare they start this shit with the wives now!

The next night at the party the air was hot with a few angry masked glances at him from the wives now and he didn’t care he could handle them, but Joy what would she think of this?  She would call it off he knew that.  Joy wouldn’t want to see him again and he wasn’t going to let that happen, so he never told her what was going on and his only saving grace in this is no one, not one of the husbands, not one of the wives felt comfortable enough to mention it to her.  No one was comfortable enough to give away their anonymity to let her know they were members of The Club. 

So when Joy showed up looking as lovely and sexy as she always did, a smile on her face he walked over to her and handed her a white wine, and made small talk with her until Patty’s announcement and he was grateful.  And when he closed and locked the door behind them they stripped off their mask, and he took her in his arms and achingly kissed her with the pent up passion and love he felt and forgot all about the rest of them.

And for the next month Tammy was angry with him, off and on she would think of the situation with Joy or one of the other wives would remind her and she’d say something to him.

“Royce tell her to go to someone else.”

“Drop it Tammy,” he’d reply and of course Bobby was letting him have it whenever he saw him which was every day,

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