Ruined by You (26 page)

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Authors: Kelly Harper

BOOK: Ruined by You
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Our eyes connected, and his burned even hotter than they’d ever burned before. The fire in them danced and shimmered. I wriggled my hips, diverting his attention back to them. His fingers slid along the sides of my jeans, and I lifted my butt in the air as he pulled the jeans down sharply. He didn’t waste any time, ensuring that my panties were torn from me, too.

I lay there, completely exposed to him--for him. His attention was fixed on the need between my legs, and that need intensified under his scrutiny. My body ached to have him, like it had never ached before.

He kissed along the bottom of my stomach, then down even further to the side of my core. His tongue traced a small circle around my warm center, and then it found the little bud of pleasure in the middle.

Shivers and jolts rifled through my chest, and out my fingertips. My arms spread wide, and my hands seized the bed, tightly.

Haden groaned his delight, and I was helpless to do anything but moan my own.

“Oh my god,” I whimpered.

The outburst encouraged him, and his tongue worked even more magic.

“Don’t stop,” I pleaded. “Don’t ever stop.”

I felt that foreign sensation growing inside of me. The desire was coming to a fever pitch. Haden must have tasted it. He buried his face between my legs, and my hands clutched at anything they could reach.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed to have Haden. I needed to feel him inside of me.

I cupped him by the chin and tugged him up to me. His lips glistening with my need, and I had the sudden urge to kiss him—to taste myself on his lips. Pressing our mouths together, I licked at my own sweet taste while the scents drove me wild.

“I want to see it,” I said.

Haden’s hands were a blur of motion as he unbuttoned the jeans. He tugged them down, swiftly, and his boxers disappeared with them. His erection erupted forth as it was released.

I bit my lip, taking it in. It was the first I’d ever seen. It was the
one I ever wanted to see.

My hand wrapped around its girth, and began tugging gently. His flesh was softer than I expected, and its tip had a dab of glistening wetness. He groaned with pleasure as I twisted my hand in small circles. Then, I leaned back, spreading my legs even wider.

I gave him a longing look.

“What are you waiting for?” I asked.

His eyes stared at me, hungrily.

“You’re sure?” he asked, again.

I nodded. “I’ve never been so sure about anything.”

Haden took hold of himself, then rubbed the tip around my center. He swirled it in small circles, sending even more shivers of pleasure through me.

“It might hurt a little,” he said.

“I can handle it,” I said, reassuring myself as much as him.

Then he pressed himself deeper. I gasped as the tip eased its way into my core. His thickness intensified as it filled my tiny center. Haden was so big, and I was so small.

“Oh,” I said, breathing sharply.

He froze, instantly.

“Am I hurting you?” he asked, quickly. “Should I stop?”

I shook my head violently.

“Keep going,” I said. “I want it all.”

Haden pressed himself even further into me. Finally, he sunk himself completely. My breaths were a ragged staccato. I lay there, spread out before him, quivering with need. His eyes drank all of me in for a second, and he let out a deep breath of his own, and then he began pumping his hips slowly, softly.

His thickness slid in and out of me. His hips rocked so far back that I thought it was going to come out, and the emptiness inside me would be complete. But then he’d begin pressing himself back in, going further and further each time. Each time felt like the first, felt like something new, felt like something natural and right.

I clutched his sides, bracing myself as he continued pumping. It wasn’t long before we were both groaning our pleasure with one another. The sensation was building inside of me, again. It felt like an explosion about to burst out of me.

“You’re so amazing,” he said. He groaned even deeper as he pushed himself into me. “I can’t last long with you. I’m so close, already.”

“Keep going,” I begged. “I want all of you.”

Haden’s body bucked even harder against mine. His thrusting became even stronger, more violent. Every muscle in my body tightened as my own climax neared. There was no turning back--I knew the explosion was coming.

“I’m coming,” I said in a high-pitched breath. My legs quaked violently, and my center tightened around him.

Haden’s face slackened and his eyes went wide. His hands squeezed into little balls next to me, and I groaned as the muscles in his chest constricted.

“Oh, fuck,” he groaned. “Oh, fuck.” He repeated it a few more times.

Our bodies climaxed violently at the same time. The hot steam of his come erupted inside of me, as my body clamped down around him. Afterward, Haden rolled off and crumpled into a heap on the bed. Both of us lay there breathless, silent, trying to compose ourselves, and trying to make sense of what had just happened.

“That was amazing,” Haden said, finally.

I smiled and let out a sigh.

“Best sex I’ve ever had,” I said.

Haden looked over at me, his face more serious than I had expected.

“Me, too,” he said.

I bit my lip when I saw the hunger still present. My body ached from the first time, but I knew it wouldn’t be long before I wanted to have him again. Something felt empty inside, now that he was no longer there.

My eyes sunk down along his body, and that was when I saw it. Haden was half erect, already, his thickness lolling to one side.

“You’re ready to go again?” I asked, disbelieving.

He looked down at himself, almost as surprised, then a smile spread across his face.

“Looks like it,” he said.

I grinned at him.

“Then what are we waiting for?”

Chapter 32

Haden had his way with me two more times that night. Each time lasting longer than the one before, and each time leaving me more connected to him. Afterward, we both lay in bed for a half hour, dozing in and out of sleep. It was the most peaceful experience of my life. I wanted nothing more than to lay in bed with Haden until the sun started showing through the windows. At some point, he began to stir.

“I’m going to take a quick shower,” he said. “Then I’ll make us some dinner.”

“That sounds nice,” I whispered, my voice a heavy mixture of bliss and sleep.

“Then, we need to talk,” he said.

“About what?” I mused, groggily.

“About the stuff from earlier,” he said. “You never let me finish.” His voice was soft, and I snuggled my back into him again.

“I don’t know,” I cooed. “I’m pretty sure you finished a few times.”

He moaned in my ear and kissed me on the cheek again, but I was almost asleep, again. I felt him pull away from me and pad off to the corner of the room. A light turned on and running water echoed, nearby. I lay in bed for a few minutes in that peaceful state between sleep and consciousness. The only thing my mind focused on was the image of Haden pressing his body down on me, and the feel of his body against me. The way he had looked, the way he had felt, was the most natural thing in the world. I didn’t know what I had ever doubted before, but I was happy that I had finally come to my senses.

I licked at my lips and realized how parched I was. I pulled myself out of bed, dragging the comforter along with me. Wrapping it around my naked body, I slipped out of the bedroom, destined for the kitchen, and a cool glass of water.

The sounds of the television echoed down the hallway.

, I thought.
Didn’t he turn that off?

I walked into the living room and looked around. It was empty. The station was tuned to one of the premium music channels that played nonstop music. I shrugged.

Must be some kind of automatic thing. Fancy hotel…

I ventured into the kitchen, and rummaged through the cupboards for a cup.

“Surprised to see you here,” a voice said from behind me.

I jumped and spun around, nearly shrieking in panic. As I whirled, I saw a tall man leaning against the wall at the far end of the living room. How had I not seen him earlier?


“Jesus,” I said, clutching my chest. “You nearly scared me to death. Why don’t you make some noise or something?”

His mouth turned up in that familiar, cocky grin.

“You looked so cute trying to sneak about with that blanket wrapped around you,” he said. “I didn’t want to kill the moment.” His eyes dropped over me, slowly. Heat rushed to my cheeks, and I tightened the comforter even more.

“How do you manage to always say the most inappropriate thing possible?” I said, sharply. “You’re a pig.”

Holding the comforter, I walked as fast as possible through the living room. I would get a drink later, after Haden was out of the shower and I felt safer. But Kyle blocked my way. He sidestepped right in front of me, and I very nearly tripped as I came to a stop.

“Excuse you,” I said, my eyes wide with disgust.

He leered at me for a second, but then rolled his eyes.

“Sorry,” he said sarcastically. “I didn’t mean to intrude on your little going away present for your lover-boy. Please… as you were.” He stepped to the side, and held his arm out for me to walk past.

I stood, fixed in place, unmoving. My brow crinkled in confusion.

“Going away present?” I said.

Kyle’s eyes lingered on me for a second, and then he looked away nonchalantly. He sauntered over to the couch and picked up the remote from the coffee table. He fell into the couch with all the grace of a feline.

“I guess Haden hasn’t told you, yet,” he said, kicking his feet up onto the table. “Can’t say I blame him. I wouldn’t want to pass up a chance at that fine ass of yours, either.”

I turned all the way around to face him.

“What are you talking about?” I demanded.

Kyle waved his hand. “It’s nothing. It’s not like you two are serious, right?”

Contempt dripped from every word he spoke, but I was lost in what he
saying. There was something dangerous there, something I needed to know.

“Tell me what you’re talking about,” I said. “Now.”

Kyle looked up at me, his eyes gleaming with venom. He was taking pleasure in toying with me.

“It’s cute,” he said. “You honestly have no idea what I’m talking about. You didn’t really think we were going to hang around this shit hole forever, did you?”

A knot in my stomach twisted, hard.

“You’re leaving?” I said.

leaving,” he corrected. “Tomorrow. We got the call this afternoon.”

“What call?” I asked, numbly.

“You really have no idea who we are, do you?” he said.

Without another word, Kyle walked over to a suitcase in the corner and produced a disc. He slid it into the DVD player next to the TV, and clicked the Play button.

“You should really see this,” he said, a smile spreading across his face. “We’re
good, actually.”

A video started playing, and my eyes fixed on it. A haze hung over me as I watched, like a fog had descended on me. I felt my lips begin quivering, and I couldn’t stop them. Tears were welling at the corners of my eyes.

And when I saw Haden on the screen, all of the pieces of the puzzle fell into place.

Chapter 33

“Here you are,” Haden said from somewhere behind me.

I stood still, staring at the television, reeling from what I saw. I couldn’t look away. Tears fell down my cheeks.

“What’s going on here?” I heard him ask, his voice still sounding somehow distant. He was right behind me--I could feel him standing there.

“What are you watching?” he said, stepping around me to get a view.

Then, he saw it, too. I knew because I felt his body tense next to me.

Kyle drove the point home with considerable finality.

“Oh, here’s Haden’s solo,” he said. “You don’t want to miss this.”

He clicked the volume even louder. The television showed Haden on a stage, guitar in hand, playing for thousands of people. Kyle was there, too, a mic in his hand.

A sign flashed behind them. Its letters spelled out two words.

The Believers

“Maggie, I can explain,” Haden said, but I’d seen enough.

I turned and pushed past him, fleeing for the bedroom and for my clothes. Heat stung my cheeks. How could I be so stupid?

Haden’s steps echoed as he chased after me. “Maggie, please,” he said. “Please. I can explain.”

I avoided tripping over the comforter, but only barely. Not that it was possible to make any more of a fool of myself. Haden had seen to that. He’d taken me to my limit, and now he was pushing me over it.

The room was dark, still, but light from the bathroom trickled in. I rushed to grab my clothes, and scrambled to put them on in the right order.

Haden stood in the doorway of the room.

“Maggie, listen,” he said. “I wanted to tell you everything.”

“A week,” I said, pulling on my jeans. “You had a week to tell me.”

“I wasn’t ready,” he said. “I was trying to get away from all of that. I was trying to find myself.”

“You weren’t
?” I said. “Did you think I was
to tell you all those things? Do you think being
to do with it?”

Haden fell silent. He didn’t have a response for that - how could he?

I found my bra and snapped it on. My shirt was in the corner, and I got tangled as I scrambled to pull it on.

“After everything that happened with Kyle, I just needed some time,” he said. “I needed to get away from all of that.”

Finally, I pulled the shirt down and went on a search for my sandals. I found one quickly, and the other hid itself a while longer.

“I trusted you,” I said. “I let you in, and you repaid me with nothing but lies.”

Haden winced.

“Everything I said was true,” he said. “Everything I told you was genuine.”

“Yeah, well you left out some pretty big details,” I said.

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