Runner's Moon: Yarrolam (14 page)

Read Runner's Moon: Yarrolam Online

Authors: Linda Mooney

Tags: #romance, #aliens, #action, #sci-fi, #adventure, #science fiction, #sensuous, #shape shifters

BOOK: Runner's Moon: Yarrolam
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            He was filling her with a warmth and passion she knew only his kind was capable of doing. Using their connection he’d told her about to heighten this moment. This gradual building of passion. It slid beneath her skin and made her muscles tingle. Her knees quivered, threatening to collapse beneath her, when she felt herself being lifted. Her back was pressed along the wall, his one hand effortlessly holding her aloft. Unconsciously, she locked her legs around his waist.

            She felt a probing at her entrance. Something warm and hard. Throwing her arms around his neck, Cherron buried her face in his neck as Liam began to bury himself in her.

            She gasped as he slowly pushed into her channel. His stiff member felt ridged, and those protrusions scraped over and through her with each thrust. When he was all the way inside, he stopped and held her steady to let her cream coat his length. She waited, anxious to know what he’d do next, when he pulsed. The thickness stretched her inner walls, and her nerves screamed in pleasure.

            Cherron cried out as he gradually pulled out of her, paused, then shoved back in with greater force. She tried to open her eyes to watch, but he continued to pummel into her. Electrifying her body with his. Keeping her mentally off-center as he gradually increased speed. She couldn’t think, could no longer concentrate on what he was doing. It was too overwhelming. Her senses were flooded with his lovemaking, throwing her into a maelstrom of emotions she’d never felt. All she could do was clutch his wet skin and let him take her. Let him ram himself into her over and over until she felt her heart would explode.

Filling her.

            Loving her.

            Her orgasm hit her without warning, bursting through her with unrelenting pleasure. Cherron screamed, her nails digging into his shoulders and drawing blood. Yet, he continued to hammer into her, one hand supporting her buttocks, the other keeping her back from being scoured by the bathroom wall.

            She heard herself keening, her voice high-pitched and never-ending as her release continued to peel away like an unreeling thread of the purest ecstasy. Liam’s grunts as he thrust himself repeatedly through her slick channel were the perfect accompaniment. And when he ultimately reached his own peak, he gasped. His hips jerked several times, plugging her to the hilt before he finally stopped.

            For the next few moments, the only sounds she could hear were their heavy breathing and the steady hiss of water. The shower was thick with the smell of cinnamon. She couldn’t get enough of it in her lungs. Inhaling as much of it as she could, Cherron let it soothe her. Sleepiness rolled over her, making her muscles relax, and she felt Liam slide out of her body. But he didn’t release her. Nor did he lower her to her feet. Instead, he stepped out of the shower, leaving it running, and took her over to the bed. Lying her on the covers, he crawled on top of her, spreading her thighs to nestle his groin against hers and lowering himself over her.

            Cherron opened her eyes and stared up at him. She felt no more fear. No more trepidation. She was sated, her body heavy and pliable. It was an incredible feeling. She could hear her heart beating. Could feel it beating all the way down to her toes. It echoed between her thighs like a sweet kiss.

            Liam stared down at her, a warm smile on his unique face. The silvery flecks in his eyes appeared to twinkle like stars. She reached up to touch the corner of his mouth.

            “Thank you,” she managed to whisper.

            “Don’t thank me yet,” he murmured, bending to kiss her.

            “Mmm. Why not?”

            His chuckle vibrated through her body. “Because that’s just your first orgasm. I hope you’re prepared for more.”


Before she could say another word, he penetrated her again.


Chapter 20




            The slow ascent from sleep was made all the sweeter by the firm presence nestled beside him. Yarrolam carefully stretched his muscles, hoping not to awaken her. His skin was starting to react, sending him the message via a subtle shifting in his outer layer, letting him know sunrise was minutes away. And with it, he would be unable to change his appearance.

“I’ll never be able to walk normal again.”

            Yarrolam chuckled and tightened his arm around her, pressing her closer to him. Their exhaustion was a wonderful feeling. Drowsiness permeated every muscle, down into the marrow of their bones.

            Cherron adjusted her position. “What time is it?”

            “I don’t know, but the sun’s coming up. I have to change now before I’m locked in.”

            He watched as she peeked at him through her eyelashes, waiting to see what he chose. He made the shift quickly. She snorted at his choice.

            “You’ll definitely blend in. When do we have to leave?”

            “Soon. The bus leaves at ten-fifteen. We’ll need to eat something first.”

            She squinted at him again. “Won’t the office manager get suspicious to see the new you with me when we check out?”

            “Chances are someone else will be at the front desk. It’ll be okay.”

            She snorted and cuddled closer to him. “I’m tired. Wake me up next week, will you?”

            He knew she was teasing. Already he could feel her struggling to accept the fact they needed to get back on the road. “Is there any particular way you want to be awakened?”

            She snorted. “If I have to tell you, this connection between us isn’t as great as you claim it is.”

            Rolling onto his side, he buried his nose in her hair. Fingertips lightly touched his chest.

            “I’ll always be able to tell it’s you by your smell. I like that,” she admitted softly, then yawned. “Liam?”


“First smells, then the connections. Now orgasms. Is there any other way your kind can tell who’s your intended mate?”    

            “Those pretty much sum it up. Why? Were you needing more proof?” he teased, adding a kiss to her hair.

            He heard her yawn again. “Not right now. You can proof me more tonight when we get to Atlanta.”

            Giving her butt cheek a squeeze, Yarrolam sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. Lifting his left arm, he first stared at the faint orange glow of dawn coming through the slit in the curtains. He braced himself. There was one more bit of proof. One definite sign this woman was meant to share his life with him, and he hers. One final tangible and visible evidence…

            And he was terrified to look.

            He’d been told Jebaral, and Tiron, Simolif, and most recently little Challa—all of them had witnessed the miracle of a blood line forming inside their arms. The one indisputable proof among Ruinos, which was more binding than any ceremony. He had mere seconds before his new persona solidified around him, but he had to know. He had to see for himself, if only for his own peace of mind.

            Holding his arm close to his face, he melted away the layer of skin covering it from wrist to elbow.

            A thin thread of opalescent color winked back at him.

            Cherron’s blood line.

            His true

Yarrolam lowered his head, fighting the surge of happiness overwhelming him. Almost immediately, a cool hand touched his shoulder.

            “Liam? Liam, what’s wrong?” She’d sensed his flood of emotions. With their connection so new, she was unable to distinguish whether he was happy or sad or worried, but that knowledge would develop later as their bond grew in strength.

            He fought the waves of relief and joy that tried to drown him. Holding out his arm, he pointed to the blood line. Cherron gasped.

            “Oh, dear God, are you all right? Are you bleeding?”

            “No. No. I’m fine. I’m more than fine.” He choked. “Cherron…my love. You asked if there was any other way Ruinos can prove if a mating is meant to last. This is it. This is your blood line. I will bear this mark with me for as long as you live. And when all other Ruinos see it, they’ll know you are mine.”

            She gave him a warm smile. “I could tell you were pretty shook up about something, but I didn’t know why.” Pressing her tousled head against his shoulder, she stared at it. “It’s pretty. I like the way it pulses.”

            “That’s your heartbeat,
” He saw her check her own arm, and he shook his head. “I’m sorry. From what I’ve heard, your kind doesn’t develop blood lines.”

            “Well, that sucks. I want one with your heartbeat.”

            He quickly covered his inner arm just as his new skin firmed around him like an extra set of clothes. Getting to his feet, he glimpsed himself in the wall mirror. Cherron giggled as she slid out of bed.

            “With a body like that, you should be a defensive end for some pro football team. Aw, geez.”

            He laughed softly at her discomfort. “If it’s any consolation, I, too, am a bit sore after our sessions last night.”

            She made her way to the bathroom. “Guess this means I don’t have to close the door when I go pee or take a shower anymore.”

            Yarrolam chuckled and went over to grab some clothes from the suitcase.

            They were on their way less than ten minutes later. Yarrolam led her back to the diner where he’d gotten their supper. They both gorged on pancakes and eggs, with him donating his side of bacon to her. Afterwards, with two cups of coffee to go, they headed for the bus terminal.

            A block away from the depot, Yarrolam paused in front of a resale shop which had opened at nine AM. Cherron peered through the front plate glass window.

            “More clothes?”

            “Why not? We have time.”

            He led her inside where they got two more changes of clothes. Yarrolam inspected one dress in particular.

            “What do you think of this?” he asked her.

            She wrinkled her nose. “I’m sorry, but it looks like something my grandmother would wear.”


            “Please tell me you’re not buying it for me,” she quipped.

            “After discussing the fact that I can shift to resemble a female, I thought it wouldn’t hurt to have around in case circumstances called.”

            He purchased the items using a hundred dollar bill he’d gotten from one of her kidnappers. When the teller handed him the change, he gave it to Cherron.

            “I don’t have a purse to put it in,” she reminded him.         

            “Then go get one.”

            She hurried to grab a purse, returning with it to the checkout. When they were done, they continued on to the bus station.

            Cherron stuffed their new purchases inside the suitcase while Yarrolam paid for their tickets. Taking the seat next to her, he held out more cash.

            “What’s this?” She took the money, quickly dropping it loose inside her purse.

            “In case something should happen, and we’re separated again, you need to have funds.”

            Her fear rose immediately with a dark, acrid smell. “Liam, are we in danger?”

            He glanced around the depot. So far, he couldn’t sense anything out of the ordinary, but he couldn’t take anything for granted. “Not at the moment, no. But you know those men looking for Aaron are still looking for him. And for us, after what occurred in the parking lot and on the houseboat.”

            She clutched his arm with a cold hand. “Is there anywhere we can be safe and not worry? I’m sick and tired of being a target when I’ve done nothing wrong!”

            “You made the mistake of giving yourself to the wrong kind of man,” he gently reminded her, noting her fear lessening as she clung to him.

            “But I’ve found the right one now,” she murmured, leaning against him.

            He managed to chuckle. “Until this is over, I guess you’re stuck with me.”

            “Just try to pry me away from you.”

            Yarrolam sighed and patted her hand where it rested. He already knew how she felt about him. He was aware of the depth and strength of her love for him, and was prepared for it to grow, along with their bond, in the coming days. The one thing she hadn’t accepted yet was the fact that this was love. Real love, honest and eternal. A love that was both tangible and binding. And it would only get better if they were allowed the chance to nourish it.

One of these days,
, you’ll realize it for what it is. And I cannot wait for you to finally turn to tell me those simple words I long to hear.

He kissed her hair as the announcement went out their bus was ready to board.

Chapter 21




            “Tell me about how you got here.”

            Once again, they were seated near the rear of the bus. The seat behind them was empty, affording them a modicum of privacy. If he kept his voice low, he knew they wouldn’t be overheard above the soft roar of the engine.

            “I was a child when I was taken from my world. My parents were killed during the attack. We were divided up among several ships, where we were caged.”

            “Caged? Like wild animals?”

            “In a way. It wasn’t long before the Arra started weeding us. Those Ruinos who were too old or ill were disposed of. The rest of us were divided into groups.”

            “Groups of what?”

            “Adults, males and females, and children like me.”

            Yarrolam squeezed her hand. He hadn’t spoken of those horrendous years aboard the enemy’s space craft to anyone. Among other Ruinos, it was understood that to talk about it only brought about more of the nightmarish visions and memories. And since they’d all suffered similar terrors, they all understood the enormity of what they’d endured alone and together. As much as they understood and rejoiced when they’d finally broken free of the Arra.

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