Russian Mafia Boss's Heir (28 page)

BOOK: Russian Mafia Boss's Heir
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Alexandra could hardly think straight. She was so turned on right now that the only thing on her mind was how much she wanted to get closer to Vitaly. She could feel the hardness of his erection beneath her. Yet she had sworn to herself that she wasn’t going to have sex with him. Not this time. She needed to keep her head.

Grinding her hips, she felt the ridge of his cock slip right across her spread sex. The fabric between them was driving her crazy. Then she thought of something, a solution to her raging hormones. The notion made her freeze for just a moment.

“Alexandra?” he murmured. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” She pushed herself away from him and slid down between his legs until she was on the floor at his knees. “I want to do something.”

She wondered if he had guessed her intention by the time she started picking at the fastenings of his pants. Yet he still gave a groan of surprise when she released his cock and pulled the long, thick shaft free of his fly. She gazed up at him then, nudging her way a little farther between his knees.

“Damn, you’re sexy,” he told her in a voice that was closer to a growl.

Then she wrapped one hand around his cock and put the head of him between her lips. She licked and sucked at the tip before taking all of him inside her mouth at once. He was a large man, and she had to breathe carefully to keep from gagging. Yet the sensation of having his cock in her mouth was exquisite.

She began bobbing her head up and down his shaft, letting her lips slide over the taut skin of his cock. With her hands, she reached into his pants and cupped his balls. Kneading them very gently, she felt them tighten in response. She gazed up the length of his body, watching his face. His expression was somewhere between anticipation and ecstasy, and the sight gave Alexandra confidence.

She increased the suction on his cock. Using her tongue, she swirled wet lines around and around the sensitive flange. She took him as deeply as she could, and then let him go with a pop. And then she touched a spot on the underside with her tongue that made every muscle in his body go instantly rigid.

“Right there,” he gasped. “Holy shit, Alexandra. Right there, don’t stop.”

She nearly smiled as she felt his legs begin to tremble. She pushed the flat of her tongue against that one sweet spot and continued to rub. Her mouth was watering and her saliva created a slick, wet surface on his skin. She sucked at him and continued to rub even as she began to feel his orgasm building in his balls.

His hands settled on the couch cushions. It was as if he would rip them apart as he danced dangerously close to his peak. Then she felt a tug at her hair and realized that he had threaded his fingers through the loose strands. He gently drew the mass to one side and she could see him staring at her. The erotic thought of him watching her make him come made Alexandra so hot, she could have almost climaxed herself.

Her pussy was soaking wet. She had completely drenched her panties and everything below her waist was aching with the need to be touched. Still she sucked at his cock. She wanted so badly for him to come.


Vitaly could no longer hold on. He had never seen anything quite as erotic as the sight of his cock disappearing into Alexandra’s mouth. Her lips were swollen and pink. The way they wrapped around his firm flesh was truly beautiful. Each time her tongue brushed that one spot on the underside of his shaft, he thought he might shoot out of his seat.

His balls grew tighter. She tugged them gently, pulling them away from his body and staving off his orgasm for just one more moment. Then he heard the rushing in his ears as his heart pumped furiously. He could hardly catch his breath. Every nerve in his body was on fire and he wanted nothing more than to spill his seed across her tongue and watch her swallow it down.

With a low groan of release, Vitaly finally let go. The climax left him weak as every muscle tightened and then released all at once. His cock throbbed. He felt the pulsing of his semen as he ejaculated inside Alexandra’s mouth.

He couldn’t be certain how she would react. Yet Alexandra seemed eager to taste him. Her throat moved as she swallowed, her tongue tickling his over-sensitized head as she did. Then she licked the remnants of his cum from his cock and sat back on her heels, smiling.

“You look so damn self-satisfied,” Vitaly told her, his voice rough from all of the growling and moaning he’d been doing.

“I confess I am a little bit.” She seemed almost shy. It was rather…endearing.

Vitaly gently reached out and touched her hair. The softness felt incredible against his fingertips. She stood up then, looking a little bit like the cat that had gotten the cream. She straightened her clothing a little and smoothed out her blouse and slacks.

“Are you leaving?” He raised an eyebrow. “Because I don’t believe we’ve finished the experiment yet.”

“No. I’m not leaving. But I think I would like to use the restroom if you don’t mind.” She raised her eyebrow right back at him.

Vitaly chuckled. “Of course. Two doors down on the left.”

“Thank you.” She gave him a very feminine smile.

As soon as the door was closed, he collapsed back into the sofa cushions. He wanted this woman in a way that he had never wanted anyone else. She was sexy. She was gorgeous. She was witty and intelligent.

Then he sat straight up and realized he’d just turned her loose inside his home. Obviously he needed to stop thinking with his dick and start using his brain.

Chapter Eleven

Alexandra pressed her back against the wall and peered around the corner. She could hear voices, probably Dimitri and Anton Maximov, but she couldn’t see the men anywhere. Slipping into the darkened dining room, she attempted to get her bearings in the warren of narrow hallways and high-ceilinged rooms. The house was old enough that the rooms were tiny and plentiful, even though the gross square footage wasn’t that large.

She saw another door leading out of the dining room and headed that way. She found herself in a kitchen. There was nobody else in it. Still, there were some rather interesting things pinned to the refrigerator. The lists of locations and numbers meant nothing to her. She took photos of them anyway. Then she slipped out the other kitchen entrance back toward the hallway and, hopefully, a back door.

“I don’t know why the boss let that woman into the house,” Dimitri was saying. “For all we know,
the DEA mole.”

DEA mole?

Alexandra squatted, tucking herself behind the kitchen wall into an alcove that had probably been built for some tiny, ancient appliance. She leaned out as far as she dared, finally catching a glimpse of Dimitri’s shoes walking down the hall. She quickly ducked back to cover and hoped she wouldn’t be discovered.

Anton said something in Russian, and then switched to English. “The boss likes this one. I can understand why. Just look at her! The woman has a great body.”

“You think the DEA hires women like that on purpose?” Dimitri speculated. “I would probably be vulnerable to some pretty woman offering to fuck me in order to get intel.”

“Ha!” Anton said, pausing in the hallway before the room that Alexandra remembered thinking was an office. “You can bet the boss would be getting as much as he’s giving. Vitaly is no fool. If this woman is a mole, he’ll find out and she’ll pay the price.”

Alexandra knew this was her only shot. She pulled out her phone and opened the camera app. She leaned out as far as she dared and waited until she heard the sound of the door being slid open. Sticking her phone out, she took as many photos as she could.

“Hey! What was that noise?” Anton said with surprise.

Dimitri started walking toward the kitchen. “It sounded like a camera click.”

“You think?” Anton began. “Who the hell is in here?”

Alexandra didn’t give them a chance to think any more. She gained her feet, but remained bent double as she moved back through the kitchen as fast as she dared. Back through the dining room, around a corner, down the hall, and then she spotted a door made of glass that led outside.

“Hey!” Anton called after her.

Giving up any pretense of stealth, Alexandra bolted for the exterior door. Her feet seemed to thump loudly on the carpeted floor. She didn’t care. She needed to get out before they confiscated her phone or discovered who had been taking photos.


Vitaly heard footsteps thundering down the hallway. They whipped past the den and kept going. Then he heard two more sets of feet and realized that whoever was running through his house was being pursued.

“Shit!” He jumped to his feet and threw open the door to the den. “Dimitri! Anton! Stop.”

By then, Alexandra had reached the sliding glass door. She hit the thing with an incredible amount of force, her fingers scrabbling for the lock. In seconds, she had managed to open it and leave the building. Dimitri and Anton were now staring at him with looks of confused amazement on their faces.

“Let her go,” Vitaly told them.

“Are you kidding?” Anton asked angrily. “She managed to snap some photos of the inside of the office.”

“Are you sure? To me it looked like she was coming back from the bathroom and you guys scared the hell out of her.” Vitaly cocked his head, wondering just how much damage control he would have to do with Alexandra after this debacle.

“Well,” Dimitri hedged, “Anton and I were going in there and the door was open. We think she was in the kitchen. We heard the camera, boss. I swear.”

“So you think she snapped off a few pictures from across the hall of a room that had two men standing in front of it and another one sitting inside?”

Anton was already nodding. “Yes.”

“Okay, I can see how that might not be very productive or realistic,” Dimitri allowed. “Still, you should not have brought a woman into this house!”

“I’ll admit that it wasn’t the wisest choice,” Vitaly agreed. “But you have to understand that I truly like Alexandra. I might actually…hell I don’t know what I might do.”

“Are you talking about getting into a relationship?” Anton sounded doubtful. “You do realize that this is why the organization has a roster full of women that have been vetted and are mafia approved.”

“I don’t want some organization-approved woman,” Vitaly said irritably.

Anton looked thoughtful. “So let us do a background check on her.”

“Fine.” Vitaly smiled. “Except I have no idea what her last name is.”

“No,” Dimitri said darkly, “because she’s secretly working for the DEA.”

“Perhaps.” Vitaly thought of the stellar blowjob he’d just received. There had been too much passion on display for that to have been entirely false. “But there is also the possibility that she’s on the level.”

“You could make her fall in love with you and then trap her like a fly on paper,” Dimitri suggested. “Except you seem to be as susceptible as she is. The two of you are like a chemical fire.”

!” Anton agreed. “One tiny spark and you both explode.”

“You like her too much,” Dimitri accused. “What would happen if you found yourself in a position where ordering her death was a necessity?”

It was on the tip of his tongue to argue that there was never a need to order someone’s death. Yet that wasn’t true. Pressing his lips together, Vitaly forced himself to be practical. “Then I suppose I would have to find another willing partner for casual sex.”


Alexandra hovered over her computer screen as she tried to enhance the photographs she’d managed to take at Vitaly’s house. This task would have been made much easier using the FBI software at the field office, but she wasn’t ready to let anyone know what she had quite yet. Especially if it turned out that she didn’t have much. Or—as she tilted her head to one side and tried to figure out what it was she was looking at—she might not have anything at all.

“Is that a…” She zoomed in as far as she dared and waited for the pixels to settle in enough for her to see
. “It’s a map!”

Her excitement surged until she realized she couldn’t see any details at all. The only thing she could make out was a map of the city hanging on the wall opposite the door. If she could somehow manage to get ahold of that map, she had a feeling that there was important information about Vitaly’s routes and drop sites on it.

She sat back in her desk chair and spun so she could look out the window. Her small two-bedroom apartment was on the top floor, which afforded her a view of a little bit more than the next building over. She could see a few treetops and maybe even a tiny bit of green from the park down the street.

Of course, an FBI agent would never have the same sort of house that a criminal could afford. Vitaly’s home was posh compared to anything she could ever expect. And truthfully, it wasn’t like she was home very often anyway.

She turned back around and put her elbow on the desktop and rested her chin on her hand. The computer was probably the most expensive thing in her apartment with the exception of her clothes. She might wear the same black suit every day, but she wanted it to be nicely cut out of good fabric.

“Actually, it’s really sort of depressing to think that Vitaly will always have more money and ready access to nice stuff than I ever will,” she muttered to the room at large.

“If you find that depressing, you might consider a change of career.”

The low male voice was such a shock that Alexandra bolted straight up out of her seat. Her heart was hammering against her ribs as she fumbled for her weapon. “Who is it?” she demanded, trying not to sound scared out of her wits.

Then she realized that Vitaly was standing in the doorway of her shoebox-sized office. He rested one shoulder against the doorframe, looking incredibly sexy and maybe a bit scary too. “Hello, Alexandra. Surprised?”

“I think that’s an understatement.” She considered it a point of pride that she managed to spit the words out without choking on them, since she was having a bit of trouble catching her breath.


Vitaly tried not to lose his temper. It was obvious that he had startled her considerably. He was glad. She deserved it. “So which is it? FBI? DEA? You cannot be surprised that I discovered what you are,” he said coldly.

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