Ryder (9 page)

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Authors: Amy Davies

BOOK: Ryder
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“She is my new baby. I got her not long ago. I felt like a change so Nix and I went shopping and we picked this beast out.” I smile and run my hand along the truck door. He opens the door for me and helps me in such a guy way hand on butt and lift, even though I am capable of climbing in on my own I smile at him and he winks at me and  I melt that little bit more. He runs around and jumps into the driver seat. He pulls out of the parking space and I tell him my address.

He turns the radio on and ‘Clarity’ by Zedd, featuring Foxes plays. I love this song. Both of us start singing and he sends me a sideways smile. Shit Ryder can sing. Before I know it we are pulling into my apartment building driveway.  Ryder jumps out of the truck and comes around to open my door before I can.

“My lady, or should I say Sunshine.” He winks at me again. Jesus Christ he is going to be the death of me with all these winks.

“I like Sunshine as I’m no lady, Mr Phoenix.” I wink back. We walk up to my apartment and I can only imagine Ryder is checking out my ass in these shorts as he is walking behind me, pervy bastard. Once we reach my door, Ryder wastes no time in pinning me against the door kissing me our tongues hungrily dancing with each other.

My heart is racing a mile a minute. He slides his leg between mine again and puts pressure on my now wet core with his thigh. I can feel my panties getting wetter as our kiss goes on. He slides both of his hands under my top so we have some skin contact and, my body temperature hits a new high.

We pull apart, both panting from our hungry kisses. “Fuck, baby. What you do to me. Please tell me that we can start over and see where this goes, Sunshine? Let me take you and Demi out on a date. We can spend the day together. That will give us all a chance to get to know each other more. I want to get to know the both of you, Letty. Please say yes.”

Holy shit, is he for real?

It seems too good to be true that this man, this much wanted by hundreds of woman wants to be with not only me, but my daughter as well? It has been such a long time since a guy has wanted to be with me. Andy couldn’t get away quick enough when he found out about Demi.

I can see by the sincerity in Ryder’s eyes that he truly wants to get to know us. I just pray that he doesn’t get bored of us and leave. I don’t think I could survive that and it would break Demi’s heart; I know she loves fast and hard, what four year old doesn’t?

“Ok. We will go on a date with you on one condition…” He lets out a breath that I think he was holding from when he asked for another chance. Bless him he really wants to try. He narrows his eyes and tilts his head, looking at me.

“And that is?” He replies. I run my hand from his neck down his well-defined chest, sliding my hand even lower while Ryder’s breathing picks up speed. I cup him through his jeans; holy shit he is big. I know I have only been with Andy and I thought Andy was a good sized but fuck, Ryder is huge. I’m surprised his zipper hasn’t busted open yet.

“We go on a date with Demi first, and then we go on a date just the two of us. There are things I want to do with you that I would preferably not do in front of my four year daughter.” I wink at him and squeeze him a little more. He bites his bottom lip and I lean into him and lick his bottom lip before he kisses me deeply.

“Deal. How about the three of us go and have a round of crazy golf tomorrow and then grab some food? That ok with you, babe?”

“Yeah, Ry. Sounds like a plan” He gives me the Phoenix smile and kisses me again until we are both breathless.

“I had better get going, I will see you and that beautiful little girl in there” he points to my front door “Tomorrow morning, say about ten?”

“Sounds good. Night, Ryder” Why does saying that make me think of the TV show? I giggle to myself.

Ryder smiles at me and kisses me quickly before backing away. “Goodnight, baby cya in the morning” And he leaves. I open from door and see Quinn standing there hands on her hips smirking at me. Here we go.

















Chapter 11




I wake up the next morning with Cane licking my face. Fucking dog interrupted my wet dream about making love to Letty on a beach somewhere, with the sun beating down on my back while I’m lying between her perfectly toned thighs.  Stupid damn dog. I reach for my phone and see what time it is. Seeing that it's eight-thirty, I climb out bed and head for the back door to let Cane out into the small garden to do his business.  While Cane is outside I turn the coffee machine on and walk back to my bathroom. Mom and Dad had these apartments build for family when they came to visit but over time mom started renting them out.

Our apartment is the biggest as it’s on the bottom floor and off to the side a little. We have our own garden separate from the rest of the complex. Rafe moved Gunner in when he had issues living to faraway from Maisey.  We each have our own bathroom, which comes in handy when living with three other dudes.

I jump into the shower and let the hot water wake me up more. I add some shower gel to my hand and start washing my body. I run my hand over my tribute tattoo to my father ‘Always Remember, Never Forget’ Love you Pop. I have my Phoenix tattoo on my left forearm. These two are the only tattoos that Rafe, Reeve and I have matching. Rafe has a few other tattoos and Reeve has a lot more than us both.

I have been looking at adding to mine but not sure what to get yet. I have also been looking at an appointment to have my nipple pierced perhaps I can take Letty with me. I finish up my shower and get tried off.

Today I’m taking Letty and Demi over to ‘Life’s A Beach Crazy Golf’ I have been there a few times with the gang and its fun. At night the lights are amazing but I don’t want to keep Demi out too late. Getting dressed in my blue three quarter jean pants along with a black t-shirt that I cut the sleeves off. I add my black Vans and my blue Ominous ball cap, backwards as always. Stuffing my wallet and phone into my pockets, I make my way out to the kitchen for some much need caffeine.

I hear giggles as I enter the kitchen and see Reeve firmly planted between two tanned thighs that are sitting on the kitchen counter. I walk over to the coffee machine “Morning” Reeve turns to see me and smiles. Dick.

“Morning. You looking forward to your date this morning with Letty and Demi?” The girl wraps her hands around his shoulders.

“You are taking two girls out on a date at the same time, Ryder. What is wrong with you? That is so bad.” She looks at me with disgust on her face. Reeve steps out from her hold and turns to her. Shit I can see his mind working.

“Yes, he is taking two girls out on a date at the same time, but they are his girls. His girl has a daughter so he is treating them both. I think it’s time for you to leave. I’m done here.” She hops down off the counter and scurries back to Reeve’s bedroom. I sip my coffee and watch Reeve make his.

“Hey, where’s Skeet? Don’t tell me you banged her without him?” I smirk at my brother. Before he can answer the girl come back into the kitchen. She looks at Reeve with a look of embarrassment on her face. She doesn’t say anything and neither does Reeve. She leaves us standing there and slams the front door on her way out.

Doesn’t she know that Reeve and Skeet don’t visit twice? I can’t even say they ‘Fuck and run’ because they don’t run they just casually walk away. Girls know that once you have Reeve and Skeet you want to have them again.

Reeve puts his mug in the sink and turns to me. “He had work early so he left before we woke up. You came out at a great time, bro. She was getting clingy, wanting me to bang her again. Dude, don’t these girls ever learn?”

“Obviously not, brother.” I smirk at him. It’s strange that the girl thought it was perfectly fine to have sex with two guys at the same time but when she thought I was taking two girls on a date at the same time I was a dog for it. Fucking women.


I pull up outside Letty’s apartment and steady my nerves before getting out of the car. Walking up to Letty’s front door a woman passes me and winks “Morning handsome.” I nod and return her greeting.  “I live in apartment two-twenty-one, pop by for a visit. I will be in all day.”

Before I can answer, I hear someone clear her throat behind me. I turn to see Letty standing there, arms crossed across her chest and her ankles crossed. “Oh good morning, Letty. How is Demi doing these days? I bet she is getting big” I look between Letty and the woman.

“Morning, Hannah. Demi is good, growing too fast for my liking but hey, they have to grow up some time”, she says without a smile on her face.

“Oh well that’s good, I was hoping that this fine man would come back to mine and have a coffee with me, with extra sugar, if you know what I mean?” She winks at Letty and I see her body tense. This time I react be Letty can open her mouth.

“Morning, baby. You and Demi ready to go?” I close the gap and kiss her firmly on her sweet lips. A gasp come from behind me and I turn see Hannah still standing there giving me the evil eye. I wrap my arms around Letty’s waist and go to pull her into the apartment but Hannah speaks up.

“You two are dating? How the hell did you manage to convince him to date you with a four year old daughter?” She turns to me and adds “You do know that she has a daughter, right?” I nod and call into the apartment.

“Hey, Angel you ready?” I hear Demi before I see her. She comes barrelling down the hallway towards Letty and me. She jumps into my arms and wraps her arms around my neck.

“Ryder, I missed you. Where have you been?” I kiss her cheek and smile at this amazing little girl in my arms.

“I have been working my sweet girl and practicing with my brothers. But today it’s all about you and Mom. You up for some crazy golf and maybe we can get some ice cream after? That sound good to you?” She smiles a smile that would brighten anyone’s darkest days. She nods her head and squirms to get down and takes off back into the apartment.

Letty grabs my arms and pulls me through the door I hadn’t even noticed that Hannah was still standing there. “Bye Hannah, we have a date so it was good chatting.” I hear Letty mutter ‘not’ under her breath and I laugh. Letty leads me into her kitchen while we wait for Demi to get her shoes. ”Demi bring me your shoes and I then we can get going”

I corner Letty against the kitchen counter and kiss the life out of her; we are breathing hard when Miss Demi joins us “Ewwwww, that’s gross Mama, why are you letting Ryder kiss you? Boys got cooties ya know. Blake tried kissing me at Miss Maggie's but I pushed him over. I don’t want boy cooties.” She makes a bleh noise and I fight to hold back my laugh but then it hits me, a boy tried kissing my baby girl. Should I be feeling these feelings after such a short time? I am still young but here I am willing to possibly take on another man’s kid. Fuck.

I know I told Lucy and Rafe I was ok with this but am I truly ok with this? I watch Letty lift Demi onto the kitchen counter to put her little pink Chucks on and she giggles.  Oh wow, look how small they are; my heart flutters.


A four-year-old little girl made my heart flutter. Fuck I think my head just caught up with my heart where Letty and Demi are concerned.

We arrive at Life’s A Beach crazy golf; Demi is acting like a mini Tigger, bouncing in her car seat, which Letty fitted because I had no clue how to fit it in my car. Letty climbs out of my car and I open the passenger door to get Demi out. As soon as I unclip her she bounces into my arms and speaks a mile a minute about getting started; all I can do is laugh at her. After we rent out putts and balls we head over to the first hole which is simple enough but Demi is having trouble with it. Bless her heart, she pouts and comes over to me, wrapping her arms around my leg.

“Demi, baby you will get it, it just takes a little practice ok? Now let’s have another go.” She nods her head and tried to line the ball up. Letty goes to stand by the hole and she winks at me. Demi hits the ball and just as it hits the side panel I shout, “Wow, look at the butterfly, Dems!” Demi looks up at the sky but there is no butterfly and she lets me know.

“There is no butterfly, Ryder. You are too old and now you are seeing things…” She is cut off from telling me how old I am by Letty cheering and catching her attention.

“WooooHooooo Demi, you got a hole in one. Way to go, Baby!” Letty comes running over to Demi, who is smiling from ear to ear and I have to admit my heart just melted. It amazes me that this woman and her daughter have welcomed me into their lives, even though I haven’t known them long. Letty picks up Demi and swings her around in a circle, a mass of giggles filling the air and my heart swells. These two beautiful ladies belong to me and nothing; I mean nothing will take them away from me.

“Did you see, Ryder? I made it! I put the ball in the hole. I did good, right?” I smile at her, kiss her on the head and then steal a kiss from Letty’s sweet lips.

“You did amazing, Angel. You are golf pro. How about we move on to the next hole and see if you do it again? They get harder though, so are you up for a challenge?” I smile at her and she returns it.

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