Read Saint And Sinners Online

Authors: Tiana Laveen

Tags: #Romance

Saint And Sinners (9 page)

BOOK: Saint And Sinners
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Both men stood and stared at him. Saint wasn’t certain what was going on, but then
he heard Lawrence speaking telepathically, loud and clear.

“Get your ass over here…”

Saint’s smile grew impossibly bigger. Without a second to waste, he sauntered up to
the man, placed his glass down, and was enveloped into a bullish hug. Jagger joined
in, both men taking him under in a friendly, playful wrestling match. He managed to
free himself, then raced across the room, still wearing that huge grin on his face.
Popping out his cell phone, he fought the urge to burst out laughing with exhilaration
as he dialed a number.

“Yo, man! What’s up?” he asked the fella on the other end as Jagger and Lawrence spoke
softly amongst themselves.

“What you up to, fuckuh? Ain’t heard from you in a week…must be chasing someone down,
trying to act like you important or some shit.” Raphael burst out laughing. Saint
could hear customers in the background, and the tranquil sounds of cool jazz.

“Guess what? I’m coming back home. I’m coming to New York.”

“Oh cool! Let’s get together, when should I expect you? Hold up, Saint…this fool in
here wildin’ out. No man,” Raphael yelled at someone. “I already gave you a thirty
percent discount on that watch, I’m not taking off a penny more. That price stands!”
Raphael grumbled and mumbled into the phone. “Mothafuckas always tryna get over. This
ain’t no charity, damn!”

“Raphael…baaaaaybyyyy!” Saint chuckled. “You don’t understand. I’m
back there. I’m coming home to stay, man.”

“…Don’t play with me, Saint! Don’t fuckin’ kid around like that man!” Raphael screamed,
as if his favorite team was winning the Superbowl and there were only ten minutes
left in the game.

“I’m not playing or kidding around, I’m serious.” Saint put his hand on his hip and
took a deep breath, feeling his plans growing feet and taking off already.

“Oh shit! Oh shit! I gotta throw you a party, man! I’m going to call
the homeboys. Tick Tock ya don’t stop! Yo!” he screamed out, causing Saint’s eardrum
to ring. “My best friend is moving back here, son!” Raphael squawked, as if anyone
in that damn store cared or knew who the hell he was talking about.

Saint burst out laughing and shot Jagger and Lawrence a glance. The two men stood
huddled together, not paying him any attention.

“Yeah… Bruh, I’m coming home, man, It’s time. It’s definitely


Chapter Three

’m just keeping
it one hundred…your pussy is like
…” Saint guided his tongue in a slippery caress along her spine while he pushed his
pelvic bone repeatedly into the soft warmth of her cushiony ass. Xenia buried her
face in the pillow, clenched her teeth onto a piece of fabric as her expression grew
undoubtedly serious. He gripped her with big hands around the waist as he slid down
her damn body until he was at the place he continuously claimed to covet. He flicked
his tongue all over her ass cheeks, then gently bit into them.

“Ohhhh, shit!” She sighed, her muffled sounds of appreciation certainly urging him
on. In a sudden motion, he flipped her on her back, causing the bed to squeak. He
clasped her neck with one hand and brought her lips to his. He devoured her with his
kisses, trailed them along her face and mouth with unfathomable urgency. She sighed
and moaned, bucking into his massaging hand as he rubbed her pussy back and forth
with precise movements, working her up and over the threshold, the damn brink of sexual

“Mmmmmm….that feels…good.” She sighed.

He delivered more kisses, possessively cupping her to him, never letting her go. His
eyes darkened with hunger as he moved from her side and got on top of her trembling
body. With the greatest of ease and sweet seduction, he gently kissed down her figure,
watching her movements and mannerisms as he haltingly descended between her legs.
Soon, the man’s journey was over. He landed at his destination. He pushed her thighs
farther apart, settled his chin just so and extended that wickedly long tongue that
should’ve been illegal in eighteen states, including Alaska. Planting sweet kisses
along her flower, his oral maneuvers became more intense as all that could be heard
were his smacking lips against her blossoming pussy.

“Mmmmm,” Saint murmured, savoring her. His lids hooded, his golden eyes rolled back
until they were completely closed. He gripped her thighs a bit tighter, his long fingers
digging a bit more firmly into her heated flesh. She reached above her crown and ran
her hands along the sleekness of ultra smooth headboard. The softness of the man’s
lips against her zone, and his tongue steadily increasing in speed, sent her to a
place where she was sure to collapse from erotic rapture.

“…Been dreamin’ of eating your pussy all fucking night.” He slurped and sucked, making
her buck even harder and faster. Removing one hand from her thigh, he squeezed the
top of her vulva together, pinching the wet folds of flesh, forcing her clit to poke
out a bit more. He must’ve decided that she needed to go crazy, because he then flicked
his tongue over her need, going faster and faster until she screamed out, her orgasm
flowing through her body like electricity.

“Ahhhh! Saint! Ahhhh!”

But he was far from done with her yet. Sucking two of his fingers, he slid them inside
her as he continued to lick and taste her love, causing her to writhe and gyrate beneath

“Mmmmmm!” he moaned back, moving briefly away from her pussy to stare at her as his
fingers continued to work her G-Spot in the way that only he could. “Your pussy looks
just like a fucking flower…” He paused, lightly running his soaking wet fingers over
her sweetness, the folds moving with his ministrations.

“Huuuuu uuuuuh!” She twisted in ecstasy, her face now turned to the side as she felt
helpless beneath him. He moved his hands back to her waist and sucked her pussy, drawing
the folds into his mouth and applying pressure as he stared up at her, forcing her
to look into those damn, intense golden eyes.

“Mmmm…I’m…I’m…” She caved within, drawing speechless. “Ahhhhh….Ah!” Her right leg
began to shake uncontrollably, the damn thing stirring like a butterfly wing as her
essence ran down her inner thighs. The man just kept on, watching the show, driving
her crazy. While she kept cumming, the multiple orgasms causing her to disappear somewhere
far and distant…and then, the room went white and she floated away…

Xenia surmised a few minutes had passed when she came to. Of that, she wasn’t certain…

When she awoke, Saint was running his bottom lip up and down her love, the warm softness
contrasting with the hard, commanding way he pinned her to the damn bed. He kissed
down her inner thigh, flicked his tongue over her wetness then returned to her leg,
loving it so sweetly. At the same time, he spread her folds, letting his fingers rove
up and down her slicked petals. His kisses were sweet, sensual, and amplified; as
if he were whispering into her skin secret musings that only her pussy could understand.

Her stomach caved as she slightly arched her back off the bed, the aftershocks reminding
her that she was destined for another trip to ‘pass out’ lane if she didn’t watch
herself. Soon, he crawled his way back up her form, and rested at her side. He hooked
his hand around her face, turned her towards him and slid his tongue inside of her
mouth. She bumped her pussy against his big, erect dick as their tongues slid against
one another. The damned thing stuck straight out, begging for attention. He seemed
to pay it no mind as his hand explored her upper chest, then breasts, cupping and
massaging them roughly as his kisses intensified.

“Let me taste you…” she whispered between kisses. The man’s concentrated pecks made
her pussy pour. He gave her one final smooch, then lay on his back, giving her full
access. Saint placed his arm behind his head, elevating himself just so. Oh yes, he
wanted to fucking watch and she was prepared to deliver it just how he liked it. He
opened his legs a bit farther, allowing her to settle between his slender yet muscular
thighs. On her knees, she bent down low to him, as if praying before some throne.

She never got enough of looking at the man’s masterpiece. Saint had the type of cock
that made a woman like her salivate, made her want it, long for the thing. Thick as
hell, lengthy and slightly curved, the damn thing looked like a delicious meal, and
she was ready to devour.

“Mmmmm!” She gripped it, engulfed the head with her mouth and held the shaft with
both hands. Shit, it took both palms to surround the monster. His well-trimmed, black
pubic hair contrasted against his golden skin, becoming her temporary focal point
as she continued to suck and suck, making him impossibly harder.

“Yeah…just like that,” he whispered helplessly, his eyes hooding. He pushed her massive,
wild coils of hair out of her face, helping her tuck some of it behind her ear as
she turned her head slightly to the side to take more of his big cock into her hot
mouth. “Shit, baby…damn that feels
…keep suckin’ my dick just like that. Don’t change anything!” The man began to buck
beneath her, fucking her mouth with short, commanding jabs as he now gripped the crown
of her head, pulling her down, onto him, more and more with each thrust.

“Mmmm,” she hummed as she continued on. Moment after moment, she drove the man a bit
farther towards the edge and she loved doing her damn job. She slid her lips up and
down the thick shaft, tracing the thick, knobby veins with the tip of her tongue,
delighting in his loud, rough exhaled breaths and flexing thighs.

“Mmmmm! Uhhhh….” He tried to pull himself up, then clumsily fell flat onto his back
as his panting increased in volume and the clear, early nectar of his precum seeped
into her open mouth. “Uhhhh, baaaaby…” He moaned, his eyes closing once again as she
massaged his balls, the soft globes tightening and jumping in her hand. “Ahhhh, shit,
baby…fuck!” The sheets bunched beneath his writhing body.


She sucked a bit harder, bobbed her head a bit faster, and just as her man had taught
her, she took him to the periphery by again cocking her head far to the side and enveloping
much more of his cock, drawing it within her cheeks, no doubt a hollowed look on her
face as she gauged her sweetheart’s reaction. Saint was beside himself, fisting the
sheets and yelling out obscenities, flailing wildly as if he was going to lose his
load right then and there. She knew how he both hated and loved that he’d taught her
so well. He didn’t usually like to cum this soon, and now she had complete power over

“Fuck!” he blurted, his brows knitted in the middle as he struggled to sit up and
stare down at her. He pushed her hair away once more to watch her in action. His eyes
rolled, and he fought—he fought visibly, so damn hard, desperately trying to pull
himself together.

“Baby, you’re gonna have to stop…please.” He let out a laugh. “SSuuuuh! Shit! Come
on…come up here! Damn…” He gently pulled her hair, which caught her attention. She
stared into his pleading eyes as he fell back against the bed, bringing her with him.
Throwing him a naughty grin, she released him and climbed over him until her breasts
dangled above his mouth. Flicking his tongue out, he licked her nipples as her big
breasts swung in front of him, tantalizing him so. He softly ran his hands up and
down her sides, caressed her ass and lower back as she hovered over his glorious body.

Getting resituated, he adjusted the pillow behind his head. His damn eight pack looked
miraculous; she felt compelled to run her fingertip down the rows of tight flesh,
enjoying his masculinity. Meanwhile, he grabbed her ass, roughly massaged the cheeks,
and moved her just where he wanted her. She followed his lead and then, he gripped
his cock, waited for her to slide down the damn thing.

“Ohhhhh!” They moaned in unison as he raised his hips slowly off the bed, pushing
inside of her. She rode that tide like the colossal wave that it was. His cock stretched
her pussy open, and she immediately bathed him in wet appreciation, leaving traces
of her slickness around and down his rod as she peered between their fucking bodies.

BOOK: Saint And Sinners
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