Salvation (34 page)

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Authors: Stephanie John

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Salvation
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I nodded.

Still am.

I hadn’t opened up much about my family since moving here. Mai knew the odd detail, but silly sentimental memories like what I

d just shared rarely found time to be revealed.


ve always been close, but after my mother died we

Nate sucked in a sharp breath.


He stared, eyes full of compassion and empathy.

Kara, I had no idea. I

m so sorry.

I reached for his hand to hold.

You couldn’t be expected to know.


m no stranger to grief, but I can

t imagine the pain suffered from losing a parent.

Something flickered in his eyes, an anguish and remorse over something lost too soon.

When? I mean, how?

Four years ago. It should’ve been a simple operation, but there were complications in surgery. She was far too young

I never got to say goodbye
I hugged him closer and played with his fingers.

I spent the first year of her death numb with shock. I poured all my energy into taking care of my father and Liam. Being the only girl, I suppose I felt it my responsibility.

Who took care of you?

Nate asked, his arm tightening around my shoulders.

You needed love and support, too.

They did.

I cleared the tears trapped in my throat.

I made a stupid relationship choice that could’ve cost me dearly if it wasn’t for my family.

I wrapped my arm around his waist and hugged, craving his strength. It was given so readily, I managed to pull myself free from the potential gloom I could easily have fallen into.

Leaving my father was the toughest decision I

ve ever made,

I went on.

He didn’t want me to go, but gave his full support because he knew it was right for me.

Sounds like a wise man.


s the best.

I used the blanket to dab at my eyes and sniffed.

You ever consider moving back?

he asked cautiously.

No. This is where I

m supposed to be.


He shifted so he could cup my jaw and look into my eyes.

Life isn’t meant to be lived in one place. It takes a lot of courage and strength to spread your wings, venture out and do something on your own, for yourself.


If Nate knew the reason why I

d left, perhaps he wouldn’t be so complimentary. There was nothing admirable about not staying and facing your problems.

You know,

I said, needing to change subjects,

you should keep your condoms some place handier. Just for future reference.

Thought I did pretty well, considering I was devouring your sweet pussy.

I looked away, grateful the dark hid my embarrassment.

Then, yes, but not this afternoon.

Our spontaneous love-making had taken a momentary hiatus whilst he dashed to the closet to retrieve a condom.

I sensed his smug smile on top of my head.

They were brought from the condo because I didn’t have any here.

Realising what that implied, I began sliding off him.

I don’t need to hear anymore.


Two hands came to my shoulders.

Not because I

d used them all. You

re the only woman I

ve ever brought here,

he admitted quietly, his finger drawing circles on my back.

I straightened.

Are you serious?


I sensed his vulnerability when he tugged the blanket over his chest.

But, why me?

This is my home, Kara. When you have all the inspiring natural beauty outside,

he murmured, nodding to the windows,

I become the least interesting thing here. I

ve never met someone who would understand that, who would appreciate it

until you.

I settled back without a word, my brain frantically trying to process everything. Nate brought me here on our second date, barely knowing me, yet he

d opened up and let me in.

Unfortunately, I meet a lot of superficial women who

re only interested in what I have or can give them. You

re different.

He scooped my hair back off my shoulder and squeezed me closer.

I don’t know how, but, sometimes you look at me and I feel like you

ve known me forever.

God, how could I have got him so wrong? I

d convinced myself he was a playboy, not seeking anything above fucking occasionally

definitely no commitment. Now, he

d blown me away once more.

Thank you.

I pressed a kiss to his chest.

So that wasn’t intentional then?


The mirrored windows? Are you telling me you

re not a voyeur? Because you seemed to be enjoying yourself from what I could see.

His head fell back with a hearty laugh.

If I recall it correctly, so were you.

I met his teasing expression with a stupid grin. Nate gazed at me for a minute until all playfulness had gone, replaced with a softer, more reverent expression.


Tracing a finger down my cheek, he cupped my jaw. I was never in doubt of his intentions when we kissed, but when he cradled my face like this as our mouths met, I felt cherished, so precious to him.

I knew that, as we cuddled up on the chair, I

d still be smiling when I woke in the morning.


DAYLIGHT FILTERED IN around the edges of the cream blackout blinds darkening the bedroom. I rubbed my eyes and reached to the space beside me in the bed. Empty.

I stretched, making snow angels in the sheets, glorying in how I knew with certainty that no other woman had ever been in this bed before.

With a happy heart I washed and dressed in a skimpy teal bikini

another impulse buy never to see the light of day

and yellow sundress, all courtesy of Nate

s mischievous selection when I packed yesterday.

I slid the bedroom windows open and stepped onto the deck, knotting my hair on top of my head. The sun shone uninterrupted in the clear blue sky, prickling awake my skin. My stomach growled, hungry and needing its morning fix of caffeine.

In the kitchen, a mug waited on the counter and a message was written in chalk on a blackboard wall beside the refrigerator:


Enjoy your coffee. See you on the beach xoxo


Beneath the note was an artistic detailed chalk sketch of a curly haired little girl, and beside it, a stick drawing with Nate

s name scrawled above it in childish writing.

After pressing a few buttons on the fancy built-in coffee machine, I sent a quick message to my father, rearranging our fortnightly chat whilst I waited. Nate would be sorely missed this coming week. Too much for someone I hardly knew. Yet, somehow I thought I did know him, more than anyone else really did.

With a small bag of drinks and snacks packed, I took our coffees down to the beach. When I reached the sand, Nate beckoned me over to where he stood in a pair of dark running shorts, damp with sweat and clinging to his thighs. My belly stirred. I dashed across the sand, already hot under my bare feet.


I said when I reached him, setting the bag and coffees down on a laid out towel.

The smile he gave me was almost as dazzling as the sun.

Hey, beautiful.

He was breathless, his chest heaving. Beads of perspiration trickled down his pecs and abs, his torso pumped and shimmering. I wanted to run my hands all over him. Where did he get the stamina from to go running? I was fit, but after the workouts he gave me, it was doubtful I could manage a brisk walk.

Is this how you usually wake yourself up?

His eyes wandered lazily over me, his mouth curving.

I prefer other ways, but you were fast asleep.

It took a moment to get his hint, but when I did, I replied shyly,

You could’ve woken me.

That killer grin flashed across his flushed face. He tugged my hand, nodding to the ocean.

You coming in? I need to cool off.

No, I

ll watch.

There was no way on earth he was getting me to strip down to this bikini for everyone to see.

He took a long drink of water, his throat pulsing with each gulp, then tossed the bottle back to the towel.


t make me throw you in,

cause I will.

His brow raised in challenge.

You wouldn’t dare.

I laughed, shoving his shoulder so he staggered back.


he purred,

when will you learn? Never try and second guess me.

He locked me firmly against him and kissed me. The feel of his moist skin pressed to mine caused a delicious throb between my legs.

Oh no,

he murmured against my mouth,

now you

ll have to get wet. You

re just as sweaty as I am.

His roguish charm made me smile.


I conceded, throwing my sunglasses to the towel.


ll sit at the edge.

As we neared the water he turned, and without warning, threw me over his shoulder.


I shrieked, pummelling his back, kicking my legs wildly in the air.

Put me down!

He did. He crashed us both into the ocean and under a wave. His arms were still around me when we resurfaced.

I can

t believe you did that!

I spluttered.


ve still got my dress on!

He shook his hair free of water and grinned.

I said I

d dare.

It wasn’t overly cold, but against my warmed skin, the water made me shudder. I wrapped my legs around Nate and clung on.

See, you

re safe with me,

he said, his hands coming beneath my arse for support.

And I did feel safe. Those big blue eyes latched onto mine, reflecting the shimmering aqua hues of the ocean. He was beautiful, with the kindest heart and sweetest soul.

The waves bobbed us up and down, the friction between my legs furthering my desire. I ran a hand down his back and pushed between my legs until I found him. A smirk curled the edge of his mouth.

You want to play here?

he asked gruffly.

Intentionally, I bit my lip and nodded. The sensual sound of his groan as our mouths collided made me squeeze my thighs tight around him. We were so caught in the moment, neither of us noticed the huge wave coming until it crashed over us, sending us tumbling to the ocean floor with a thud. In the blink of an eye, he was gone.


I shouted when I resurfaced, choking on a mouthful of ocean. Relief flooded me when his hand came to my shoulder.

Maybe when it isn’t quite so rough we can continue.

He led me back to the towels with an arm draped over my shoulder.

That game was fun.

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