Salvation (36 page)

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Authors: Stephanie John

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Salvation
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As if I

ll forget you.

I dragged my fingers through his hair and forced his head back.

And for your information, you gave me two

His mouth curved.

You think I don

t know that?

He rolled onto his back and wrapped the condom in some tissue. I followed him across the bed and curled into his side.

The blinds had been raised, the sky outside a faint grey and powder blue, mixing with the pale pink of the rising sun. I couldn’t remember the last time I

d been up before sunrise. Seeing this reminded me what I was missing.

It really is a beautiful view.

It is.

His soft alluring tone got my attention. Teasing his fingers through the length of my hair, his eyes were glassy, lips parted in a shy smile. I knew for certain this time he wasn’t talking about the view outside.

I wish we could stay like this,

I sighed, brushing my cheek over his chest. It wasn’t an option, but it was a sweet dream to have. His arms tightened around me, but he didn’t say anything. I ran my fingertips over his abs, circling his navel and continuing down the trail of hair. His cock lay heavily on his lower belly, still semi-erect and glistening with his release. It revved something in me that made me crave him inside me again.



Nate stood.

You shower, I

ll make breakfast.


m not hungry.

I pulled up the sheet and stretched in the space he

d vacated. My stomach was full of emptiness, leaving no room for food.


ll make us something lite,

he called from the closet.

You have to eat, keep up your strength. I don’t want you sick while I

m away.


I arrived downstairs twenty minutes later and joined Nate in the kitchen.


he said, sliding a tall glass in front of me,


s a protein shake.

I reluctantly took a sip as he finished off his. It was delicious, flavours of berries and coconut bursting onto my tongue. Nate came around the island, wonderfully naked except for a pair of navy pyjama bottoms.


ll take a shower, then we

ll go.


ll make coffee,

I called after him as he headed for the stairs.

A melancholy feeling washed over me as I watched him disappear. Saying goodbye was going to be tough, but something I would have to do sooner, rather than later. I sent Mai a text checking she was driving so I could catch a lift home later, then I made our drinks and tidied up to keep my mind occupied.

You could

ve left these things here,

Nate said upon his return, setting a stylish black leather holdall beside my overnight bag at the foot of the stairs. He draped his jacket over the back of a dining chair and sauntered over to the kitchen.


ve packed now,

I said, handing him his travel mug of coffee.

Besides, I need the toiletries at home.

Nate looked thoughtful for a minute as he sipped his drink.

You don’t have much for a week away,

I noted.

Most of my clothes are already there.

He shrugged.

I just have a few essentials.

I leant into the counter, rolling my mug between my hands. Looking every inch the consummate professional, my core swirled desirously as I devoured Nate with my eyes. Wearing navy with a fine grey pinstripe, white shirt and grey-blue tie, he looked as sexy as the first time we met. His hair was still damp but styled off his now smooth face.

I like you in blue.


s brows shot up.

A compliment? From you?

His teasing made me shy. I stepped forward and brushed my thumb over the silky fabric of his tie, inhaling deeply when the familiar fresh scent of shower gel washed over me. It somehow gave me a sense of reassurance that we would be all right.

Nate studied me with kind eyes, one hand coming around my waist.


t be too sad,

he murmured against my temple.

I smiled weakly and pressed my lips to his before uttering words I really didn’t want to say.

We should go.



D never been more grateful for the heavy rush hour traffic. Crawling along prolonged our time together before having to say goodbye. The mood in the car as Nate drove us to the office was sombre, both of us quiet and reflective. I stared bleakly out the window, seeing nothing, letting the music and lyrics of Anthony Hamilton fill the emptiness inside. As was becoming the norm, he drove one-handed, the other set possessively on my thigh.

Hearing Nate

s beautiful voice as he started to quietly sing turned my head. I listened, my mind wandering. He

d caught the sun during the weekend, his skin glowed healthily, the lighter sun-kissed strands of his dark hair noticeable when the sun caught them.

The car slowed in backed up traffic. Nate faced me when we stopped. The longing in his eyes was acutely clear, a certain reflection of the desperate yearning consuming me. I clasped his head and kissed him hard. He knew it was coming and let me take full control, willingly opening his mouth, his hand flexing on my thigh. It was only the honking car horns as the traffic moved that forced us apart.


I said, exhaling harshly as I sunk back into the seat,

but I had to.


apologise for doing that,

Nate said roughly, swiping a thumb across his flushed lips.

My heart was racing wildly. How was I going to last the next five days without his taste? I squeezed my eyes shut and let my head fall back.

Tell me your plans for the week,

Nate said, taking my hand.

My friend, Millie, has a gig downtown tomorrow night that should be fun. Other than that,

I shrugged,


ll probably be a quiet one.

Watch your drinks. And stick together. I

ll send the car for you.


m a grown woman. Think I can take care of myself.

He glanced sideways, unamused.


re also a very attractive one. You

re gonna get attention.

His concern and possessiveness was touching. I squeezed his hand.

I promise I

ll be careful. Now, what fun awaits you in the Big Apple?

Meetings, stuffy business dinners

lonely nights in my bed.

His lips twisted ruefully.

No fun.


minus the business dinners.

Nate lifted our joined hands to his mouth before pressing a button on the steering wheel and making a handsfree call. A female answered after two rings.

Good morning, Mr. Blake.

Riley, call Andrew, let him know I

m running late.

Um, okay.

Riley sounded surprised.

What time shall I say you

ll be there?

After glancing at the clock, Nate said,


As I stared out the window, I thought that wasn’t long enough to get to New York.

Mr. Ross and I are already on our way.

Nate cursed quietly.

After he

s dropped you, ask him to return to the office. I

m heading there now.

Something wrong?

Riley asked, sounding a little panicked and a lot curious.

Nothing wrong,

Nate assured her, glancing at me.

Just a slight change in plans.

They finished up and music filled the interior once more. Had he disrupted his schedule for me

again? I reached for his hand.

Thank you.

He squeezed it back.


d grind the entire airport to a standstill to spend more time with you, baby.

I took a deep breath, filling my heart with him as a tiny bit of gloom lifted from my spirits. People were waiting on him both sides of the country, yet here he was, taking the time to drive me to the office when he could so easily have someone else do it to free up his time.

My mom has invited us to lunch on Sunday,

he said casually. Meeting the parents was a big step. It would have happened in a few weeks at their anniversary dinner, but by then, we

d be more established as a couple. Now, as profound as our times together were, it was still relatively new. He raised his brows at me.

That okay?

My nerves grew.


s been a long time since I

ve met anyone

s parents.

Been a long time since I

ve introduced anyone to my parents,

he countered with an impish smile.

Well, then,

I muttered, refusing to let him see my own delight,

glad there

s no pressure.


ALL too soon we were heading down the ramp, into the dark concrete basement of the underground car park.

Oh, I forgot to check. Did you want dropping a few blocks away?

Nate teased.

After Friday, I

d be surprised if there

s anyone left who doesn’t know about us.

He swung into his reserved parking space and switched off the engine, worried as he faced me.


m fine with it,

I reassured, placing a hand on his thigh.


s not what I wanted, but I

m not as bothered as I expected to be.

Nate curled a hand behind my head and urged me close.


he breathed, his mouth closing over mine.

It was an ardent kiss, full of affection and longing. My heart raced, a tender ache developing in my chest. I tugged him closer by his tie, not wanting to let go, and wrapped my arms around his neck. I wanted to fill my thoughts and senses with him to carry me through until we were united again. And I needed him to know how deep my feelings went without laying myself bare and telling him.

I licked deep into his mouth, loving the way he responded, desperately yet tender. His free hand glided fluidly over the champagne chiffon sleeve of my blouse, his thumb skimming the curve of my breast as he moved down my torso and settled on my waist. An almost agonised groan caught in his throat, the erotically charged sound making me wet.


m going to miss you so much,

Nate croaked, eyes closed as we remained nose to nose.

Me, too,

I whispered unsteadily, trying to even out my breaths.

How much?

A lot.

Not sure that

s enough,

he murmured. With a final kiss he climbed out. His sudden disappearance didn’t distract me from noting yet another level of insecurity he

d revealed.

See what you do to me,

he said gruffly, offering his hand to help me out. I followed the downward flash of his dark eyes to his crotch, now bulging impressively. He pressed me back against the car with the full length of his body and swivelled his hips.


ll be like this all week

for you.

I ran my hand over his arse and licked my lips.


t wait until Friday.

I was triumphant when his gaze dropped to my mouth and narrowed as he growled.


s go before I bend you over and fuck you across the hood of the car,

he threatened darkly.

That sounded so hot I struggled to refocus my brain and restore my clothing whilst Nate slipped into his jacket and took our bags from the boot.

As we travelled up in the lift, the car filling at Lobby level, sadness descended on me again. The time was fast approaching when we would have to part ways. How could I have grown so attached, get so low and depressed over being separated from someone still so new in my life?

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