Saving Avery (31 page)

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Authors: Angela Snyder

BOOK: Saving Avery
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It's been three days, and Max's condition has slightly improved. He still hasn't woken up, but two of the nurses reported eye movement and some audible groans. The doctor says this could be a sign that he is going to wake up, and we're all hanging on by a thread in hopes that that's true.

I wake up early and get ready for my daily visit to the hospital. With some strategically placed clothing, makeup and a hat, I am able to pull off the appearance of looking almost back to normal. When I get to the hospital, I spend some time in the activity room with various kids. It's nice to see the children's faces light up when they see me. I had been a constant in their lives, and then I just kind of disappeared. It's good to be back, and I can't wait until Max is better so we can both get back to living our lives.

After a quick stop in the cafeteria for chocolate pudding, I make my way to Jacob's room. An unwavering smile is on my face in anticipation of seeing him. Rosie told me that he asks about me every day.

I knock softly before entering. Jacob's eyes instantly light up when he sees me. "Avery?" he asks almost as if he can't believe I'm actually here.

His eyes scan my face and the baseball cap on my head. "Hey, Jacob. How have you been?"

He shrugs, and his lower lip begins to tremble. "I missed you," he whispers softly. He swipes away a stray tear with his forearm and stares up at me. "Where did you go?"

"I was sick," I say with a small sigh. He gets a concerned look on his face, so I quickly say, "But I'm better now."

"So you'll be here every day again?" he asks.

I bite my lower lip and shake my head. "Not yet. I have to get some more rest first, and then I'll be back."


I nod. "Promise." From behind my back, I produce the chocolate pudding.

A huge grin appears on his face. "Will you read me my favorite story while I eat this?" he asks, taking the pudding and spoon from me.

"Sure, Jacob." I retrieve the big fantasy book from the shelf and sit by his bedside. My emotions are running high, and my voice wavers a little as I start to read. I missed this. I missed spending time with the kids and reading to Jacob.

"Are you okay, Avery?" he asks.

I smile up at him and nod. With as much effort as I can muster, I steady my voice and nerves and continue to read. And Jacob, for the first time ever, stays up until the very end. I close the book and look at him. "You finally got to hear the end of the story," I comment.

He nods and puts the finished pudding cup and spoon on his nightstand. "You know, that story reminds me of you and Dr. Harrison."

The mention of Max's name has tears instantly pooling in my eyes, but I keep them at bay for Jacob's sake. "Oh yeah? How so?"

"Well, you would be the princess, and Dr. Harrison would be the knight. The dragon is whatever has been keeping you two apart. But the knight slayed the dragon and saved the princess." He puts a finger to his chin as if he's deep in thought. "I think that you and Dr. Harrison will live happily ever after too just like the princess and the knight. Maybe not in a big castle like they did, but at least you'll be happy," he says with a toothy grin.

I place my hand over my thumping heart and do my best to quell my emotions. "That sounds so nice, Jacob." At this point I don't know if Max and I will get our happily ever after. If only life was as easy as a children's fairytale.

After placing the book back on the shelf, I tell Jacob, "I have to go visit with Max now."

"You'll come back soon?" he asks eagerly.

I lightly tap the brim of his baseball cap, and he smiles wide. "I will. I promise."

I walk out of his room with a heavy heart, and it grows heavier with every step to the ICU. Just a few days ago when I was in here, Max almost died. That memory will haunt me forever. I thought I had lost him, and I realize that I wouldn't be able to bear it. I love him too much to lose him now. But his fate is not up to me no matter how much I wish it were.

Sitting down in a chair by his bed, I pull his hand into mine. "I just saw Jacob," I tell Max. My eyes scan his face for any sort of reaction, but, of course, there is none. Sighing softly, I say, "I read him his favorite story. He said it reminded him of you and me. He said that you're my knight in shining armor; I'm the princess, and that you slayed the dragon keeping us apart. If only he knew how true that was." I smirk. "Jacob said we'll get our happily ever after." I squeeze his hand. "I want that more than anything, Max. I want to be with you more than anything in this world." I kiss his hand gently and rest my head on his bed. I close my eyes and savor the warmth of his hand on my cheek. "I love you. I love you," I repeat over and over again. "Please come back to me, Max." I watch him for what feels like hours. My head grows heavier with every passing second, and I curse the drugs running through my system. I just want to be here for him. I want to be the first person he sees when he wakes up.


I must have fallen asleep. I feel something tickling my face, and my eyes slowly open to find the source. Max's fingers are gently brushing against my cheek.
Oh no. Not again.

Panicked, I bolt upright in my chair and stare straight into the dark gaze of Max. Tears fill my eyes and quickly spill over my cheeks. "Max," I choke out. "Am I dreaming?"

He gently shakes his head. His movements are restricted from the tubes and machines he's hooked up to.

My hand fumbles with the nurse call button as I hold his hand fiercely in mine. "The nurse is coming." I stand, and his hand grips mine. He's trying to tell me something, but he can't talk with the tube in his throat. "Don't try to talk." I place my palm against his cheek, and he leans into my touch and closes his eyes. "I love you, Max." His eyes open and meet mine. "I love you. I love you so much. I'm sorry I didn't say it back, but I'm saying it now," I say with a sob.

He tries to reach for me to wipe my tears away, but he grimaces from pain as his arm falls back to the bed.

"Dr. Harrison," the nurse says as she enters the room. "My name is Patricia. You need to lie still so we can get that tube out of your throat. Okay?"

He nods once in response as a few other hospital personnel enter the room. I move to step away, but Max quickly grabs my hand and holds it tight. I raise his hand and press my lips to his skin. "I'll be right back. I need to get out of the way so they can help you. Okay?"

His eyes look pleadingly at me for a long moment before he finally nods in agreement.

I step out into the hallway as the nurses work on him. I press my back against the wall and sink to the floor. My emotions are running wild with relief, and tears freely stream down my cheeks. He's awake. Max is awake. I take a few minutes to compose myself and then make a call to Max's parents. They barely let me get the words out before his mother cries out in happiness and hangs up the phone. They've been staying in a nearby hotel, so I'm sure they'll be here within a few minutes.

The nurses are talking to Max and asking him questions, but he doesn't seem to be cooperating. My brows dip as I hear a few mumbled words come out of his mouth. And then I can make out what he's saying. My name.

"A…v…e…r…y." His voice is deep and gravelly. "A…Avery."

I rush into the room. His eyes lock onto mine, and he instantly reaches for me. He pulls me into his arms and holds me so tightly. I melt into him. It's as if the past few weeks haven't happened. We're here. Together. Just like it was always meant to be.

"He really shouldn't be making any sudden movements," one of the nurses says, scolding us, but she doesn't make a move to separate us. In fact, no one does.

I eventually pull back, and Max stares up at me as if I'm his sole reason for breathing. "Say…it," he says.

My eyes fill with tears once more as I whisper, "I love you."

He pulls me back into his arms just as his mom, dad and sister rush into the room. They gather around Max and I, and we share a group hug with hushed whispers of affection and prayers.






I'm alive.

The past couple of weeks now seem like a dream. I can remember little tidbits of Avery's conversations with me. Having her by my side gave me hope. It made me want to live.

I blink up at her. I must have fallen asleep from the medicine again. After going through a battery of tests earlier in the day, everything so far is coming back normal. No brain damage. Thank God. But I did suffer some nerve damage in my shoulder. I don't know if physical therapy will ever get me back to normal, but I'm going to try. I'm going to try for Avery.

I reach up and brush away the tears on her face. She hasn't stopped crying since I woke up yesterday, and I'm tired of seeing her cry. I want her to be happy. "No more tears," I say.

"These are happy tears. I'm just so overwhelmed that you're awake, that you're okay."

A lopsided grin appears on my face, and it makes her smile. "You didn't think I'd miss the chance to finally be with you, did you?"

My words make her cry even harder, and she leans over, placing kisses over my cheeks and lips. "I love you. I love you. I love you," she repeats, and I know I'll never get tired of hearing those words come out of her mouth. "Promise me you'll never leave me again."

"I promise. I promise to cherish you every single moment of every day for the rest of our lives."

She kisses my lips gently one more time. "I finally have my happily ever after.




After the DJ announces the newlywed's first dance, At Last by Etta James pumps through the speakers. Max leads me onto the dance floor and holds me close. "This song brings back memories, Mrs. Harrison," he says with a big grin.

He's been calling me Mrs. Harrison nonstop ever since our wedding ceremony ended two hours ago. I will never get sick of hearing it, though. "Yes, it does, Mr. Harrison," I say and rest my head on his shoulder. I breathe in his spicy, clean scent and sigh contentedly. Everything about Max makes me feel safe and warm.

As I look around the beautiful hall with the glittering winter decorations, it takes my breath away. I still can't believe I'm not dreaming. The winter themed wedding just seemed fitting since we are both looking for a fresh start. And like a fairytale come true, on the twentieth day of December, it snowed, covering the ground with sparkling snow as we welcomed our guests into the church.

It was a long, hard road that we had to travel to get us here. There was a lot of physical therapy to get Max to where he is today and a lot of psychological counseling to get me where I am today and a lot of court testimony to make sure Nathan stays locked up for a long time. But the most important thing is that we made it. We've been through a lot, and Max held my hand every step of the way. I don't know what I would do without him. And when he proposed one sunny day in the park four months ago, I said yes without any hesitation in my mind, body or soul. He is mine, and I am his. Finally.

He glides me effortlessly around the parquet dance floor. We have hundreds of guests, but it feels like we are the only two people in this room --- maybe even in the whole universe at this moment.

As the song comes to an end, Max gracefully dips me low. That move elicits a lot of applause from our guests, and I can't help but smile. I've been smiling a lot these days.

The DJ plays another slow song, and Max holds me close. "I don't want to let you go," he confesses.

"I don't want you to let me go," I whisper.

He leans in to kiss me, but stops short when a small voice asks, "May I cut in?"

We turn to see Jacob all dressed up with a big grin on his face. His leukemia went into remission a few months ago, and his red hair is growing back in all its glory. It's spiked in all different directions, and he looks happy and, most importantly, healthy.

"I'll let Jacob dance with you, but he is the only exception," Max murmurs with a wink.

"I have to dance with my father."

Max sighs and jokingly says, "I guess I'll let him dance with you too." He kisses me chastely and says to Jacob, "One dance, Jacob, and that's only because I like you so much."

Jacob sticks his tongue out playfully and then looks up at me. "I never danced to a slow song before," he says, suddenly unsure of himself.

I smile and take his hands into mine. "Then I'll lead."


After dancing with Jacob and, much to Max's dismay, several other wedding guests, Max pulls me back into his arms. "Not letting you go this time."

I bite my lip to hold back a grin. "I still haven't danced with my dad."

"Damn it," he mutters.

I laugh and give my husband a kiss. I never thought I would ever be this happy. Just when life has knocked you down to the bottom rung, fate has a way of bringing you back up the ladder.

My fingers graze over my
something new
--- a necklace that Max gave me last night. He said it symbolizes our relationship. It's a locket with charms that signify different steps in our relationship --- a karaoke microphone and music notes, a sailboat, a crystal heart and finally…a bird with its wings spread and an empty birdcage. He told me that the last two charms represent me. I'm no longer a bird trapped in a gilded cage. I'm free to love. I'm free to live. And I'm free to choose my own path in life. And I want to do all of those things with Max by my side. I went through hell and back only to be saved by the one true love of my life. And I would do it all over again if it meant meeting my soul mate, my savior, my hero.

"I love you," I whisper to Max.

"I love you more than anything in this world," he whispers back. His hand ventures down my side and pauses at my barely protruding belly. A big smile forms on his lips as he gazes down at me like he's the happiest man on earth. "And I love our little boy…or girl."

I grab his hand and move it back up to my hip. "If you keep touching my belly, people are going to know I'm pregnant," I hiss into his ear. I'm only twelve weeks along. If the wedding had been planned any later, I might not have been able to fit into my wedding dress.

"Is it a big secret?" he asks, and the look on his face tells me that the cat's already out of the bag.

"You told your parents, didn't you?"

He shakes his head. "My mom has this weird sixth sense or something. She knew before you even took a test."

Smiling, I say, "That's because she's around me so much. She probably noticed a change in me or something. Mother's intuition." Max's mom has really become a second mother to me, and it's so nice to have that maternal bond again.

Max's hand returns to my belly, and I don't pull it away this time. He looks so happy, and I want him to always feel that way.


As I gaze up at my husband, I think to myself how perfect my life must appear to an outsider. I'm twenty-four years old. I married my soul mate, someone who would do anything for me and go to the ends of the earth to save me. Our child growing inside of me will get more love and affection than anyone could even imagine. A few weeks ago, Max and I bought a house in the suburbs across the street from a park where our kids will be able to play. And I get to spend the rest of my life with a man who completely adores me. I have the kind of life women dream about. I have the kind of life that women envy.


Anybody on the outside looking in would say I have the perfect life.


And they couldn't be more right.



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