Scars From Within (The Franklin Blues #1) (13 page)

BOOK: Scars From Within (The Franklin Blues #1)
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Chapter Thirty-Six




I went outside to play with Jax. I’m not sure why she keeps doubting us. I have now told her twice that I plan on making her my wife. What more do I have to do to prove, so she’ll believe that I’m in this for the long haul? Do I have to go ahead and propose to her? I intended to turn around and go inside to find her when my phone starts ringing. “What’s up dude? I don’t want to seem like an ass, but I need to go fix this thing with Hailee. Can this wait or is it important?”

“Well, I tried calling Hailee first, but it was going straight to voicemail. I need her to come pick up Amy from the station. I got a public intoxication call today, and went to go check it out, and I knew it was Amy from the pictures on Hailee’s phone of the two of them.”

“Public intox…are you sure it’s the right Amy? I mean yeah, she likes to have a good time, but this early in the day? You’re positive it’s the correct person you have right?” I can’t imagine Amy being this reckless. Sure, I don’t know her well, but she just doesn’t seem like that kind of person.

“I’m positive, but she won’t let me take her home. She’s screaming in the cell right now, saying she wants Hailee; that she’s the only one who will understand why she was so drunk. She’s starting to work up the other inmates.”

I sighed, so much for fixing me and Hailee right now. “Alright man, I’ll bring her down to come get her. We’ll be there in a few.”

“Sounds good man, but forewarn you, she doesn’t want you there. She keeps saying you took her best friend from her. You might want to let Hailee come alone.”

“Fine, I’ll go tell her now. She can drive my truck.” I hung up the phone and go in search of Hailee.

It doesn’t take me long to find her, since she’s pacing the kitchen like she’s trying to decide whether to come outside or not. She looked so cute talking to herself that I’m tempted to just to sit and watch her.

She finally glanced up at me, and I could tell she’d been crying. I wanted to kick myself in the balls after seeing her looking like that. I know it’s because of our disagreement, and I hated myself for making her cry. “Hey baby, I’m so sorry I made you cry. Come here please. I just want you to know that I’m in this for the long haul. I’m never going to love anyone else besides you for the rest of my life. I know this, just like I know that I’m going to take my next breath. I’m never going to leave you, and this baby is mine, as if it was my own flesh and blood.”

“I know, Shawn, I know. I think I was just afraid to give away that last little part of my heart. I know that if you were ever to decide to leave me that I wouldn’t make it. I love you too much to live without you, and that scares me. It scares me that I’m so dependant on you. I wanted to be my own person, and I wanted to know that if you ever left me that I’d be okay. However, I know that I wouldn’t be, and it’s a scary thing to me. I was so dependent on Brandon, so afraid to start my life over again. If something were to ever happen to you or if you were to leave me, you’d end up taking my heart with you.”

“Hailee, I understand how you feel. If you left me, or if anything were to happen to you how do you think it would affect me? You are now carrying my child, and that terrifies me to think something could happen to either one of you. You both hold my heart, but here’s the thing; I don’t want it back. When I gave you my heart, it wasn’t for a few weeks or months. It’s for forever, and I will never ask for it back. You own me body, soul, and mind. When I get up in the morning I think of you, and I think about you before I go to bed at night. It was torture being without you. You have ingrained yourself into my head as well as my heart. I want you to know that I am yours. Now and forever, can you deal with that?”

Tears welled up in her eyes, and I knew she believed me.

“Okay, so the real reason I came to get you is that you need to go get Amy from the station. Lance got a public intox call, and went to go check it out. Turns out, he got Amy for public intoxication, and she’s starting to disrupt the other inmates with her drunken ramblings. I would take you to go get her, but apparently, she thinks I’m stealing you away. So, it’s probably not a good idea for me to take you, but I want you to take my truck.”

“Um, that’s not a good idea Shawn. I could barely get in the damn thing. How am I going to get back into it, once I get to the station?”

She really is just too damn cute.

“Honey, Lance will be there to give you a boost. Now get going, so you can come back home to me. I want you in our bed tonight, and no that’s not up for debate.”

“Well, who am I to argue with a police officer? Yes, sir I’ll get right on that for you.”

God dammit, she’s sexy when she get’s all sassy. She’s going to be the death of me. I felt my dick twitch in my pants. It’d been far too long since I’ve been buried inside her, and with all this teasing, I am going to die of blue balls. “Well go on then, I’m right behind you to get you in the truck.” I followed behind her because lets face it, I hated her going, but I loved watching her leave. I helped her into the truck, and watched as she turned the corner.

Now that she was gone, I could start planning. I couldn’t wait until I finally got everything in order. It won’t be long now, and let’s just hope I get the answer I wanted. I walked back into the house and grabbed my other set of car keys for the cruiser. I had things to do, and they just can’t wait. One day soon, she will be mine in all ways possible.



Chapter Thirty-Seven




is truck is harder than hell to drive. I had to move the seat all the way up until my knees were hitting the dashboard, and I could still barely see over the steering wheel. I don’t know how Shawn drives this truck everyday, but he’s also a lot taller than me, so I guess it makes sense.

The whole drive to the station I kept thinking why Amy was drunk in public. Sure, she likes to drink, but at two in the afternoon? She’s never done that for as long as I’ve known her. I intended to get to the bottom of whatever is going on with her. I pulled up to the station and literally had to jump out of the truck.

I walked inside and noticed that Lance is already at the front desk waiting for me. “How bad is it, Lance? Please just tell me the truth.” I looked up at him and noticed he’s full on smiling.

“She’s a feisty little thing, isn’t she? She sure gave me a run for my money. I thought I was going to have to call for back up. I finally got her calmed down, and brought her back here to sleep it off. Let me ask you something, Shortie, why have you never introduced us yet?” His eyes are twinkling with mischief as he talked.

That twinkle worried me a little. “I’ve never introduced you, because if you guys hook up, and something goes wrong, then I’ll be out of two best friends. Amy is like a sister to me, and you’re like my brother. If you guys got together and it didn’t work you’d make me pick sides and I can’t do that. I do think you guys would be good together, but I couldn’t take that risk.”

“Okay, I get it, no messing around with the best friend…got it. Let me take you to her, and I’ll have you both into the truck, because I know there is no way you’re going to be able to get back into it on your own; let alone get her in it.”

We walked back to the holding cells where I see Amy sleeping away like she isn’t on a metal cot. I still couldn’t believe that she is even in here.

Lance walked up to the cell, stuck his key in, and opened the door.

The moment the door swung open, Amy startled awake, and oh my God, if she could see what she looked like right now. Her hair is a mess, eye liner and mascara are running down her face, and she literally looks like a homeless person. I’m sure she wouldn’t want Lance to see her like this.

“Oh look, it’s my old best friend. How ya doing ex best friend?” Her words are slurred. “Hey, you know what? I don’t need your help! I can do everything on my own, especially now that you’re pregnant and can’t go out with me anymore. I’ve lost the one person who was always there for me.”

Her breath reeks of liquor and something else that smells like road kill. I’m tempted to throw up in the toilet the cell had in it. If it wasn’t for the fact that other inmates were now staring at us, I would have. “Come on, Amy, let me get you home.” I glanced over at Lance, “Um…a little help here please? I’m pregnant and she’s about to pass out again, so I’m going to need your help.” I put one of her arms around my neck.

Lance picked her up. “Don’t worry about her Shortie, I got her. Just lead me out to where you parked the truck.”

I just eyed him for a minute before I turned and started heading the way we came in.

The whole way out to the truck, I could hear her mumbling something about always being alone, and never finding the one man she wanted to be with the rest of her life. My heart ached for her. I know she will find the perfect man for her one day, and I’m pretty sure I know who that one man was. I looked over at Lance who just smirked at me. I know he wants to sleep with her, but I am not sure if he wants more than that with her. She doesn’t need anymore one night stands, she needs someone who would always be there for her.

“Okay, here we are. I’ll open the back door and you can slide her into the back seat.” I did that, and walked around to the driver’s side. I attempted to reach the ‘oh shit handle’, but of course, just because I could reach it, doesn’t mean I could pull myself into the damn thing.

“Here, let me help you Hailee. It’s quite funny to watch you attempt to get in the truck, but if I don’t help you, it’ll take you all night. I’m sure Shawn wants you back home.”

Next thing I know, I’m being picked up and put in the truck. He lifted me like I weighed nothing at all.

“Oh, by the way Hailee, congrats on carrying my niece or nephew. I’m going to be the best uncle and spoil this kid rotten. Then of course, send him home to you all hyper. It’s going to be a blast.”

I just shook my head at him as I shut the door. I pulled out of the parking lot, and headed towards Amy’s house. I am bound and determined to figure out what’s going on with her, but first, I wanted to go home and spend a relaxing night with my man.

The whole drive home I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face, and I couldn’t wait to see what life threw at me next.



Chapter Thirty-Eight




d only been home a few minutes when I heard Hailee pull up the house. I went out front to meet her, and was met with a sad smile. “What’s up, Hailee, why the long face?” I hate seeing her upset, and wanted to make her smile.

“Oh, Amy’s in the back seat of your truck. I wanted to take her home, but then realized I wouldn’t be able to do it alone. She’s passed out, and won’t even know that you helped me get her into the house. Please, baby, can you help me?” She puckered her bottom lip out.

It just made me want to take it in my mouth and nibble on it. I felt uncomfortable in my pants for the second time today. “Okay, honey let’s go. The sooner I get her home and in her own bed for the night, the sooner I could get you back here to have a relaxing night with my babies.” I lightly tapped her butt, and walked in front of her to the truck, so she couldn’t see while I adjusted myself.

“Oh my goodness, thank you so much babe; you know I want to spend a relaxing night in with you too. I just want to snuggle on the couch and watch TV; all while just being in your arms. It’s my favorite place to be.”

“Well, what kind of man would I be if I denied you something so simple? Let’s hurry and get little miss drunk home, so we can cuddle all night.” I helped her into the truck, looked in the back seat to make sure that Amy hadn’t thrown up, and went as fast as I could to Amy’s, so I could get my woman home.

After we arrived, getting Amy in the house was a task all in of itself. She decided to wake up, and I barely had time to pull over before she was throwing up. She was definitely not happy that Hailee brought me along to help her home. We got her inside and put to bed. Then I left Hailee alone with her.

When we finally got home, I’m exhausted, and I threw myself onto the couch.

Hailee came in and laid next to me.

“How was she when you finally got her to bed? I know she was giving you a hard time.”

She just sighed and sat there for a minute before she answered me, “Well, she was very upset with me for bringing you. She thinks I’ll never be able to see her again, now that I’m having a baby. I tried explaining to her that you wouldn’t let me lose her, and that our baby would need an aunt to spoil her or him, like any good aunt would do. She doesn’t think she’s good enough to be in our child’s life. Oh, and she really wants me to hook her up with Lance, but I’m not so sure that’s a good idea.”

I just laid there for a minute. I understood why she didn’t want our best friends to hook up, but I think Amy wouldn’t put up with Lance’s shit, and Lance could probably mellow Amy out some. “I think they would be really good together. They could even each other out, but enough on the sadness. We are having a cuddle night or did you forget already?”

She wiggled closer to me, and I just held her tight. I didn’t want to ever move from this spot. She felt so damn good in my arms. After a while, I felt her breathing even out. I knew she was already asleep. I gently got up from the couch, and carried my angel to our bed.

As I laid there that night, I thought of how lucky I am to have her in my life. I’m so excited to share in this new chapter of our lives together. I only needed to do a few more things, and I’ll be ready to make her mine. She’s going to be so surprised that I’m not sure if she will smack me or kiss me. I’m definitely hoping for kissing, but I can’t count on what her reactions will be. She’s just one surprise after another.

As I drifted off to sleep, I envisioned her in all white, walking down the aisle to me, her belly swollen with our child, and my heart soared. She’s going to be my forever, and I couldn’t be more excited to get started on my forever.


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