Scars From Within (The Franklin Blues #1) (9 page)

BOOK: Scars From Within (The Franklin Blues #1)
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Chapter Twenty-Two




aving Shawn give me—the most intense orgasm of my life—shocked the hell out of me with the emotions it brought to the surface. I didn’t realize until now that having sex with Shawn would feel like the first time all over again—or that it would be even better than that. I also realized that I never really loved Brandon. What I had with him was just infatuation or puppy love. I know now that I loved Shawn with every fiber of my being. I’ve never been with someone I truly loved. “No, please let me explain. I wanted to know what it felt like to have someone make love to me. To have someone want to pleasure me as much as themselves. It just hit me like a ton of bricks that I’ve never had that before. Please, Shawn make love to me.”

He just stared at me for a minute then he finally gave me that awesome smile that makes my panties wet. “That was the most amazing thing I have ever heard. You are the light of my life, and I don’t want to live in a world without you in it.” With the last part, he leaned down, and kissed me.

I felt the love pass between us in that kiss…it’s almost as if we’re becoming the same person. I reached over and pulled his shirt over his head, then I threw it onto the floor beside the bed. I took a minute and admired this man’s body. I swear his abs have abs. I smoothed my fingers down along his body

Shawn visibly shivered at my touch. “Sweetheart, if you keep looking at me like that, and touching me like that I’m going to explode in my pants like a teenager and embarrass myself. Let me worship your body…every inch of it. “

He gives me the puppy dog eyes, and I am a goner. All I can do is nod my head at him while he begins his sweet torture on my body. He pulled my panties down my legs and rolled them off me. He began with kissing the tops of my feet, then made his way up along my leg, moving his lips to the other leg. Once he’s done with licking my inner thighs, he settled himself between my legs. I guess somewhere between kisses, he removed his jeans and underwear. “Are you still sure? There’s still time to back out ya know?”

I squirmed as I felt his dick rubbing against my clit where I needed it the most. “Do I need to spell it out for you? I want your cock in my pussy. There…did I make it clear enough for you?”

He chuckled; the bastard actually chuckled. I guess what I said to him hit a nerve because his smile disappeared and he entered me slowly.

He’s a lot bigger than I originally thought, and I’m not going to lie, it hurt.

“Mmm…” He groaned. “You’re so tight and wet. I could bury myself inside you, and never come out. I want to stay connected like this forever.”

I’d never heard more beautiful words and the last little bit of the walls I constructed around my heart crumbled. “Shawn, it feels so good. Please go faster I’m so close.”

He didn’t go faster though; if anything he slowed down.

I think the man is trying to torture me, or kill me. Then, I felt the build up again, and this time, he moved in and out of me rapidly.

He reached between us to rub my clit which was now throbbing with my impending release.

I couldn’t help the sounds that came out of my mouth; not that I wanted to. Every little noise I made seemed to make him grind into me deeper and harder. “Oh, whatever you do, please keep doing that.” I closed my eyes and my body started to convulse—I’m not going to lie; I even felt a little light headed. I felt Shawn empty himself inside of me. Even as I panted breathlessly from the hot sex we just had, I realized we didn’t use a condom. “Um, Shawn…I’m not sure if you are clean, but I am. We don’t have to worry about getting pregnant. So as long as you are clean, we’re good.”

“I’m sorry, sweetness. I forgot to be careful. I’m clean too. I haven’t been with anyone in a very long time. I wondered why it felt so damn good. I never want to have anything between us if that’s okay with you? I don’t think I could go to using them now, knowing how good we feel together bare.”

He looked at me with such question in his eyes I couldn’t help but giggle. “I think I could handle that, but now I’m tired and want a nap. You okay with that, baby?”

“Yeah, I’m pretty beat myself, but I’m telling you that was one hell of a breakfast in bed.” He winked at me as we got under the covers together.

A little while later, I was almost asleep and I heard him talking.

“I love you.”

I opened my mouth to say the same to him.

“Scar, you’ll always be my everything—my world.”

I laid there staring at the ceiling as his words turned my blood cold. I waited a few minutes as tears rolled down my cheeks. Then, I carefully got out of bed, went into my bedroom, and packed up my things. I knew this was too good to be true—he wasn’t over his wife’s passing. I got out some paper and wrote him a note, so he wouldn’t worry about what happened to me.

I walked back to his bedroom, and just watched him for a long pain filled minute. I quietly placed the letter on my pillow, so he would see it when he woke up.

I then patted Jax goodbye, and left the only real place that felt like home to me since my dad passed away.



Chapter Twenty-Three




amn, I slept like a baby. I didn’t realize how tired I was until I laid down. I had a weird dream where I was talking to Scar back on the day that we got married. I told her I would love her forever, and that she was my world. Which at the time was true, but I can’t help but feel guilty for being able to move on and to love again. Scar would never get that option, so how could I just jump into something, and fall for someone else when I promised to love her forever? That was the question on my mind when I woke up.

I turned over in bed, and felt around for Hailee. She’s not in bed and her spot is really cold to the touch. I gazed over at the clock…it was two in the afternoon. I must have been really tired to sleep this late. I assumed Hailee was up already and playing with Jax; which is her favorite thing to do around here. I sat up and saw a piece of paper that was laying on the pillow. I picked it up.



How can I express how much you mean to me? You have brought me back to life. I honestly thought we could be happy together, but I was wrong. I will live the rest of my life thankful for you showing me what it was like to really love someone with your whole heart. I will love you forever, and hope you know how much you mean to me.

I heard you talking in your sleep. I now realize that you are not quite over your wife being killed. I can’t sit by to watch and wait for you to love me as much as you loved her.

You may not know it, but today you showed me just how much you’re not ready to move on, and honestly I don’t blame you. She was part of your life for so long, but I’m done with the waiting game. I could’ve dealt with the fact that she would always be in your heart, but I thought there was enough room for me. I was wrong, but I love you enough to let you go.

With all my love,



I’m floored at the words right in front of me. I can’t believe she actually thinks that I wasn’t over Scar’s death. I mean yeah, I have always felt guilt, because I should’ve been at that park the day she died. If I’d been there, then maybe I would’ve been able to stop what happened to her.

I sighed and felt mixed up inside. I should go after her. Maybe I should give her a little time and then go find her. She is still in danger though and I can’t take a chance or she
get hurt. I called her friend Amy.

Amy said she talked to her and was on her way over right now.

I told her to call me when she got there. I needed to head to the store. Jax needed dog food, and if she really left me, I’m going to need a lot of alcohol to face this day. I’d fallen for my Shortcake, and fallen hard. I know I’m in love with her, but at the same time, I guess I really wasn’t ready to fully let go of Scar either. Maybe she’s right, maybe I’m not really over her death yet. I decided to go check her room to see if she truly left, but I know in my gut that she was gone.

After I confirmed my theory, I headed to the store. I decided to walk there, to clear my head, and think about how to get her to come home. I then found myself thinking about Scarlet, again. It physically pained me. It’d been exactly one year, two months, three weeks, five days, and sixteen hours. Has it been that long? I remembered every detail.

Shit, snap out of it. Damn it
. I wanted Shortcake, but am I going to let a ghost of someone I loved continue to dictate my life? I realized that I’m just standing in an aisle at the grocery store staring at the dog food.

“Excuse me, sir?”

I turned to stare at a woman.

Sensing my confusion, she laughed softly. “I know you don’t know me, but I know your wife.”


“Only, I didn’t know her before she crossed.”

“What?” I’m more than confused by the statement.

“My name is Maggie Moon. I can talk to people who have crossed.” She hurriedly continued, “I don’t mean to pry into your personal life, but this woman won’t stop.”

“What?” I repeated dumbly.

“Your wife. She won’t leave me alone.” She lowered her voice and gazed down at her feet like she was afraid someone would here.

“Are you a crazy woman? What are you talking about?” I checked the aisle again to see no one else is around.

“I can sense that you don’t believe. I don’t need you to believe; I just need you to listen. I know that your wife died last year. That you only ever called her Scarlett when you were angry. Or, when…” she trailed off and cleared her throat. “You called her Scar. She doesn’t want to be
scar anymore.”

“What? How do you—?”

“She tells me you’ve messed up recently. You have a new woman in your life, and you did something that hurt this other woman. I can guarantee that if you give her time, she will come around. I have a feeling Scarlett wouldn’t have it any other way. She wants you to move on and be happy again. She doesn’t like the man you were before this woman came into your life. She saw the old you again, and she wants to keep seeing it. She told me to tell you that her death wasn’t your fault, and you should never blame yourself. It was a freak accident that she was in the park at the time of that drug deal gone wrong. She wants you to remember that everything happens for a reason, and that you were meant to have another love in your life. You need to take this new love in your arms and beg for forgiveness.”

By the time she was done with her speech, I was crying like a damn baby in the middle of the store. The thing is that I didn’t even care. All I know is I have to get my Shortcake back. I looked up to thank that woman who just brought me back to life, but she was gone, like she was never really there. I might be going crazy and losing my mind, but I don’t care about that either. I have to go get Hailee.

I left my basket in the aisle and ran home. When I got to my truck, I grabbed my phone and called her. Damn, straight to voicemail. I tried calling again, and got the same results. “Shortcake, please answer your phone. We need to talk, and you need to hear me out. I am over Scar. I swear it on everything I am. In fact, that is what you heard…I was saying goodbye to her. I want to be with you and only you for the rest of my life. I know we haven’t been together very long, but you need to know that this thing with us is forever. You are my forever, baby. You need to pick up the phone.”

I got into my truck and sped toward her apartment like my life depended on it. Maybe I could catch her before she gets to Amy’s house. I may have be off duty, but I sure as hell turned my lights and siren on. I have a woman to sweep off her feet. While I’m racing through town, I got this sinking feeling in my stomach. What if she won’t forgive me? What if she left town altogether?

Damn it, quit being a pussy! Just man up and go get your woman. Once she hears your speech, there’s no way she won’t run into your arms and never leave for the rest of her life. Why do I get the feeling that something is wrong though? I had this same felling the day that Scar—

I floored my accelerator. I knew in my gut that something was wrong…my gut has never steered me wrong. I just hope by the time I get to her that it won’t be too late.


Chapter Twenty-Four




alking away from Shawn broke my heart. I called Amy to see if I could come stay with her. Of course, she was okay with it. She offered to come get me, but I wanted to walk. I needed to try and figure out what I’m going to do with my life. I think the fresh air will do me some good. I grabbed my small suitcase and headed out.

When I came out of my apartment, I turned the corner and I heard a car pull onto the street, but didn’t pay it any mind. I just thought someone had turned onto one of the adjoining streets.

Next thing I know, I’m being hit over the head with something, and as I fall, I see the sidewalk coming up to my face and everything got fuzzy.

When everything came back into focus, I realized I’m laying on a bed. I tried to move my arms to feel the place on my head that is radiating with pain. Only, my arms aren’t moving. I try moving them again, and move my legs but I’m completely immobile. I gazed up at my arms and then down at my legs—I’m duct taped and lying on a bed. Not just any bed though, a worn out mattress. The mattress has definitely seen better days, and it smelled like something died on it. I tugged my arms hard trying to release myself, and I felt the tape dig into my wrists shooting pain down both arms.

I felt liquid running down my arms. It dawned on me then that I somehow cut my wrists open. I’m not sure how bad the damage is yet, but I’m willing to bet that it’s bad by the amount of blood I see. I looked around at the room, and I could tell I’m in an old warehouse. There are so many around the outer parts of Franklin, so I’m not sure which one I’m at.

“Well, well, look who decided to join me in the land of the living. You slept long enough, pumpkin.”

I flinched at that voice, and at that name. I then realized how much trouble I’m really in—Josh has me. “What did you do to me. Josh? You know I’m with a cop right?” I tried to scare him away from whatever he planned. I could only hope that Shawn loves me enough to come find me.

“Oh, but you see pumpkin…he’s not coming for you. You left him remember? He’s still in love with his dead wife, and has no more room in his heart for lil’ ole you. Don’t worry though, I love you Hailee. I have always have loved you. I hated it that I had to share you with Brandon. Don’t you see? I did this for us. We belong together.”

I wanted to vomit just listening to him, but I know I have to play it safe, so I could get out of here alive. “Maybe you’re right, we do belong together. Why didn’t I seen it before? Just look what you did so that we could be together?” I sure hoped this worked. I just have to play it smart until I could get free. In the last month, Shawn taught me some self defense, thank God.

Josh smiled as he sat on the bed next to me, and leaned in close.

I could only assume he intended to kiss me. As soon as he came close enough, I pulled my head back and head-butted him as hard as I could. I hit with so much force—I got dizzy and light headed.

“You fucking bitch! Well, since you want to play rough, we will play rough.” He reached down and raised a pair of scissors.

I sucked my breath in. This psycho intended to kill me. My heart pounded in my ears as the room spun around me.

He swiftly cut through my shirt and then snipped the straps of my bra. Next, came the jeans I’m wearing. I struggled as much as I could, and a couple of times, I felt the scissor blades cutting into my skin. I’m being cut up, and I don’t know if it is on purpose or by accident since I kept moving around. More blood flowed down my arms, and I’m lightheaded—I know I have to stay awake or it will be all over for me.

The last thing I remembered is my underwear coming off as the cold air rolled over my bare body. His weight is on top of me—I allowed the darkness to overtake me.

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