Scars From Within (The Franklin Blues #1) (6 page)

BOOK: Scars From Within (The Franklin Blues #1)
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Chapter Thirteen




held my breath while I waited for her response. It seemed to take her forever as she gazed steadily into my eyes. I’m not sure what she was looking for, but I made sure to gaze steadily back at her, so she would know that I was being completely honest.

“I believe you, but that doesn’t mean I can stay. I won’t put people in jeopardy of being hurt, just so I can stay safe. I have a little bit of money still, so I will just stay in a hotel for a few days until I can find a job, and get my own place. I’ll be okay; I’ve been okay on my own for a while now.”

She must be crazy if she thought I was letting her go anywhere. I wasn’t letting her out of this house without a fight. I looked over at Lance. “Lance, buddy, a little help here? You know as well as I do that she can’t leave here. Between you and me, we’re the best way to keep her safe, and you know that. Please help a brother out here.”

“Hailee, Shawn is right. He’s a cop, and I’m a detective, so I’m pretty sure you can’t get much safer. We’ll keep you safe, but you need to stay here with Shawn until I can do my job and catch this guy.”

“I can’t. You guys don’t understand. I’m not going to endanger my friend’s lives. Eddie and Steven risked everything to help me, and I won’t put their lives in danger just to save mine.”

I’ll be damned if I let her go. I won’t let her leave this house because there is an immediate danger to her, and I can’t see someone else I care about die—I refuse to see that again. “Shortcake, baby, I hate to tell you but you’re not leaving here. If I have to handcuff you to a bed, I will. What don’t you get here; is that
life is in danger. So, no, you’re not leaving. I heard everything you said to Lance, and that doesn’t make me care about you less. In fact, it makes me only want to protect you more, and make you be able to trust men again.”

Hailee stared at me for a full minute, then she answered, “Okay, I’ll stay, but just long enough until you can catch this guy and I can get a job, so I can get another place to live. That’s my final offer, do you accept?” She stretched out her hand for me to shake.

I took her small hand into mine and smirked while winking at her. There’s no way she’s going to want to leave by the time I’m done with her. “Deal, sweetheart, now let’s go get ready for that dinner I promised you. Come on Shortcake, you can get ready in my bathroom. Don’t worry, we’ll get your mirror fixed tomorrow, but for right now, let me walk Lance out, okay?”

She stood still looking shocked at first, but she then smiled, shook her head at me. Quietly, she walked out of my bedroom and into the guest room.

I turned to Lance.

He shook his head while laughing.

I’m not sure what he thought was so funny.

“Dude, I’m happy for you. I can see that she really cares about you. I know you haven’t known each other long, but you can definitely tell there is a pull between the two of you. I hope you guys can make each other happy. Did you really hear everything she said though, because she didn’t want you to know, and if you did hear everything, then I think it’s only fair that you tell her about Scar. She deserves to know why you have those nightmares, and don’t try and say you don’t, because we both know that would be bullshit.”

“You’re right. There’s something about her that I can’t just walk away from. And yes, I heard every word she said. I wanted to kill someone when I came back into the room. I also wanted to hold her and not let her go. Don’t worry, she does deserve to know why I’m so shut off to people, but I swear dude, the first time I saw her on that road it was like something kick started my heart again.” I paused and shook my head because I couldn’t believe those words just came out of my mouth. I haven’t felt like this for anyone this soon; not even Scar and that should scare me, but it doesn’t. Not even a little bit.

“Look dude, I’m out of here. I’ll let you know what I find out. You just worry about showing that girl a good time tonight, and make sure and tell her if she ever needs help with your stubborn ass to call me, and I’ll straighten you out real quick.” He winked at me then walked out the door.

Hailee came back into the room with all her stuff.

I instantly felt the need to go over and give her a kiss. I moved closer to her and started to lean down, so she’ll know my intentions.

She tilted her head up, and gave me a slight nod of her head.

That’s all the permission I needed. I leaned down the rest of the way and placed a tender kiss onto her soft lips, then I quickly pulled away. “Babe, if we get any deeper with that kiss, I’m going to take you to bed, and we won’t go on this date. So tell me, what’s your favorite food, and that will be where I’m taking you tonight. I want you to have control over this first date.”

Hailee smiled up at me with the slightest bit of a blush to her cheeks, and told me she loved Chinese food.

Well, that solved it, if she wanted Chinese, then that is what she’ll get.



Chapter Fourteen




hawn went into the other room to…I assumed, clean up my mess, and get dressed for this date.

I’m on cloud nine, and there’s nothing that will bring me down now; absolutely nothing. I find that I’m humming to myself. Since we’re going to a Chinese place, I decided to do the casual thing with my whole ensemble. I have my hair half up and pinned with bobby pins after I straightened it. My makeup is very neutral with just a little bit of eyeliner and mascara. My clothes are my favorite though. I’m wearing my favorite pair of holey jeans with my emerald green off the shoulder billowy shirt. It’s loose on top. But it hugged my tiny waist, plus it makes my eyes pop.

I’m putting on the finishing touches when I heard a whistle behind me. I turned around, and there stood Shawn and damn—I’m in trouble tonight.

He’s wearing a pair of really dark wash jeans with a gray and dark blue pin stripe button down with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His tattoos are peeking out.

I actually felt my mouth start to water. I know if I don’t close it soon, I’m going to start drooling and that would be embarrassing.

“Damn, baby, you look so hot. I’m going to have to make sure every guy in this joint knows you belong to me,” he joked.

My heart dropped into my stomach. I will never be someone’s property again. I just can’t live through all that again. I opened my mouth to tell him just that.

“Now, Hailee, I didn’t mean it like that. You are definitely
my property. I just meant that I want to make sure that no other man hits on you. What I should’ve said was, ‘I’m going to make sure every guy in this joint knows you are with me.’ I’m sorry bad choice of words.”

“It’s okay Shawn. I’m still a little gun shy around new men. I want to trust you, and my heart is telling me to. My head is the problem. It’s telling me that all men are the same, and that Brandon was a good guy at first too. Please just be patient with me. My head will catch up to my heart, but it’s going to take some time for that to happen.” I then held my breath because this could be the end of things. I know a lot of men wanted sex right away. There’s no way that I could have sex with anyone this soon, but I know I wanted my first real time to be with Shawn. I can still remember getting wet by that kiss alone. I may be more ready than I thought I was.

“Hailee, I am more than willing to wait as long as you need to do anything physical; which is what I assume you were getting at with that little speech. Do I want you in that way? Yes, eventually, but can I wait? Yes, I will wait for you. There’s something here that I can’t explain. I know you feel it too. Tell me you don’t, then I’ll leave you alone and still help you. But if you can tell me you feel it…be prepared for me to win your heart.”

I didn’t even know I had tears running down my face until he reached up to wipe them away. I just stood there and studied him as I took in his features.

His eyes are almost golden in color. A slight mixture between honey and caramel. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but it is the most gorgeous color I’d ever seen. With a strong jaw line, and his 5 o’clock shadow that’s the perfect length. Not too long, but not clean-shaven either. It makes him look so damn sexy.

I wanted to make sure how tonight went first, before I let this move ahead any further. “Can I have ‘til the end of our date to give you an answer?”

Shawn smiled the most gorgeous smile.

Right then, I’m pretty sure I turned into a puddle.

“Shortcake, you can have ‘til the end of the date, but just to let you know; I’m turning the charm up tonight to make sure you’ll say yes to taking a chance on me.”

When we made our way toward the door, he grabbed my hand. He interlocked our fingers together, and I couldn’t help but notice how I got butterflies in my stomach. I still felt stunned by just how right it felt having our hands connected in such an intimate way. I smiled to myself as we walked out to his truck, then I gasped as he once again, picked me up and put into the damn thing.

When he got behind the wheel, he grinned. “So, let’s play a game. It’s called two truths and a lie. You tell two truths and a lie and I have to guess which one is the lie. I’ll start. I’ve been married, both of my parents passed away, and I’m allergic to peanut butter.”

I think for a minute, because I’m not sure which one he could be lying about. I didn’t see any pictures of another woman in his house, so maybe he had never been married. “Well, since I don’t know you very well I’m going to guess that you have never been married. However, I have a feeling by the look on your face I was wrong in my assumption?” I felt bad because maybe I was wrong, but I never would’ve guessed I would hear the words that came next—so hauntingly beautiful and sad.



Chapter Fifteen




aybe I shouldn’t have put that in my first round of truths and lies, but it was already out there now—no taking it back. “Yes, Hailee, you were wrong. I was married for four years. Her name was Scarlett, but I had to annoy her by always calling her Scar. At first, she hated that name, but over time when she figured out that I wasn’t going to stop, she just learned to accept it.” I took a deep breath and continued on with my story, “Scar was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. I knew she was too good for the likes of me, but for some reason she chose me.”

Hailee reached out and took my hand.

I squeezed her hand while silently thanking her for the strength she was giving me. “It was a whirlwind romance you could say. We got engaged six months after dating, and the rest is history. Most people didn’t think we’d last, but we sure proved them wrong. She was there for me all throughout the academy, and when I got Jax. She loved that dog. We got him right after he was done with K-9 police training. We spent four wonderful and passionate years together. Then roughly, a year ago, I was at work, and a call came in that there was a drug bust gone wrong. They said there was a causality, but I didn’t think anything of it until I heard that it was in the park. The same park Scar always took her afternoon jog in. I immediately pulled out my phone to call her but it kept going straight to voicemail. I started to get worried, so I drove the squad car over to the park. What I saw that day will haunt me for the rest of my life…” My voice faltered as I took another deep breath.

Hailee seemed to hold her breath as she gripped my hand tightly.

“…I saw Scarlett on the ground while they were laying that stupid white sheet over her. There was a puddle of blood around her, and I ran to her lifeless body. I almost lost my job that day when I found out who had fired the gun. I beat him within an inch of his life, and it took Lance and a few other buddies of mine pull me off him. I would’ve killed him that day, and like I said I almost did. I wanted him to die for killing the love of my life. He needed to pay for what he’d done. Luckily…for him, he’s now in jail for life. There you have it though; after she died and a part of me died with her. I shut the world out. I went to work and went through the motions everyday, but I definitely wasn’t living. I was merely surviving.” I looked over at Hailee

She was crying, and I don’t mean just a few tears from my story, I mean full on sobs.

I’m not sure what brought on the crying like that. As soon as I put the truck in park, she was out of it and walking in the opposite direction of the restaurant. I ran after her. “Hailee, where are you going? The restaurant is the other way and it’s starting to pour down rain. You’re going to get sick. Come on lets go eat dinner, and we can talk about whatever I said that made you want to run away. Just please don’t run away from me and from us.”

She whipped around so fast, I thought she might get whiplash. She got right up in my face. “Us? Oh, no, there is no us.”

I could tell I fucked up before I even started to break down her walls and win her heart.

“You’re obviously not ready to move on from losing your wife. She was the love of your life, and there’s no way I can or will compete with a ghost. So because of all this, I’m going back to your house, packing my shit and calling Amy to come get me.”

What she said broke my heart, and I could tell she’d interpreted the end of my story-oh so wrong, but I let her get her words out.

“God, how could I be so stupid? No, you don’t get to answer that. I’ll always have to worry about you wishing it were her with you instead of me. I can’t and won’t allow myself to get hurt. In fact, I can’t get hurt ever again. I don’t think I would survive it.”

She’s so wrong, but I know there’s nothing I could say right now that would change her mind. There’s only one thing that will shut her up, and prove to her that I’m ready to move on with my life. I grasped her gently by the back of the neck and covered her lips with mine.

She tried to resist at first, but I wouldn’t let her go. I poured every feeling that I had for her into this kiss—real, passionate, and intimate all at the same time. I licked her lips begging for permission for her to let me in. I’m quite shocked when she opened up, and allowed me entrance into her mouth. She tasted like heaven, and if this is how great it felt to just be inside her mouth; I can’t imagine what it’s going to be like to be inside of her for the first time.

Hailee let out a slight moan as I disconnected our mouths before they became fused together. Her expression is full of confusion and her lips looked swollen from my kiss.

I wanted to make sure her lips always looked like that because frankly, it makes her look even hotter. “Are you going to let me talk now, instead of just assuming things?”

She nodded her head.

I took a few steps back and then launched into probably the most important statement I will ever make in my life, “I am so ready to move on with my life. Yes, Scar being killed gutted me, but she’s not coming back. I know she would want me to be happy, and it’s time I make myself happy again. She was a big part of my life for a very long time, but that chapter of my life is closed now, and I want you to become the next chapter in my life. I’m going to help Lance find the asshole who is harassing you, and we are going to see where this goes. Frankly, Shortcake, I want you in every aspect of my life. I want you in my bed, your clothes in my closet, but most of all I want you to own me body and soul. I want you to change my life for the better. I know that this is fast and I’m probably scaring the shit out of you right now, but I mean every word that I’m saying to you. Will I always love Scar? Of course, but I also know I can have another love in my life.”

Suddenly, she’s crying again.

I can’t tell if it’s good or bad. God, I hope it’s good because I can’t lose her already.

She rushed up to me and threw her arms around my shoulders, just as the rain stops. “Shawn that was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard before! I can’t believe I’m saying this but I want all those things too.”

I gave her a huge grin. I could hear that I left my truck running. The radio is blaring and I can faintly hear Blake Shelton singing, God Gave Me You. “Shortcake, will you dance with me?”

“Shawn…we’re in a parking lot. We can’t dance right now.”

“Who cares? Please?” I did the puppy dog eyes thing again, and I knew she wouldn’t be able to resist.

She giggled but nodded anyway.

Holding her in my arms, all of this just felt so right. She fit into my arms perfectly. I didn’t even notice I was singing into her ear until she started crying. I stopped and started to pull away, so I could ask her what was wrong.

“Please don’t pull away from me Shawn. I’ve haven’t had anyone sing to me since I was a kid and my dad used to sing my lullabies. You have a beautiful voice, and that song was a great choice to have our first dance to.”

I hugged her to me as she continued to cry.

Once the tears were gone, she started to shiver.

“What do you say I go place an order to go? We can go home, get into some dry clothes, and eat dinner. How does that sound?”

“That sounds like a wonderful idea! I would rather cuddle on the couch than go out anyways. I’ll just wait out here for you since I’m soaked, and I’m sure I look like a hot mess anyways.”

“A girl after my own heart! You still look beautiful, but if that’s what you want, then hop in the truck, and I’ll go get dinner. Make sure you lock the doors, okay? Anything you special you want me to get, like your favorite dish?” I winked at her playfully.

“I like just about anything, but I can’t have anything too spicy. I will be up all night with heartburn if I do, but whatever you do, get extra fortune cookies.”

“Fortune cookies huh? I’ll see what I can do.” I watched her get safely into in the truck, then made my way into the restaurant.


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