Scent of a Vampire (21 page)

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Authors: Jude Stephens

BOOK: Scent of a Vampire
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"Ahhh, but I am, all you need to do is let me take you in my arms."

I let him wrap his arms around me and hold me close. His chest felt so good pressed up against me; so hard and warm. Comforting in the raging storm of my emotions. He began to sway to the music. We swayed back and forth and somehow my mood changed. I no longer felt the seed of despair inside me. Instead I felt the silk of Roberto's shirt beneath my cheek. His unique smell filled my nostrils; his sweet smell that I loved and hated and the smell of an ocean breeze.

I became aware of his hips swaying with mine. I heard his breathing begin to speed up. I felt the long length of him pressing against me. I think I moaned softly. I clenched my thighs together as a slickness drenched me.

"Cara, you are going to unman me right here in the middle of a public dance floor." He whispered into my ear, which sent little shivers of delight up and down my spine. Feeling the electrical currents running through me, I said in an alarmed voice, "Roberto, the need. Can't help it. Please help me." I groaned, trying hard not to rub my wet aching core up against him.

He looked around, "Hold on one minute cara." He danced us to the edge of the patio where there were steps leading down to the back of the building.

As soon as we were at the bottom of the steps and out of view, I jumped on him. Literally jumped on him. He grabbed me around the waist. "Hold on cara. We can go to the car. It's pretty dark in the parking lot and we should be okay there." He panted between my kisses. I was rubbing myself against him. The friction of my clitoris rubbing against my leather pants and his hard on through his pants was more than I could take. He opened the car door of the SUV

and threw me in the backseat, just as I climaxed. He jumped in after me and covered my mouth with his own to quiet my screams.

"Ohhhh! Mmmmyyyy! Goddddd! Roberto!" I gasped as he undid my pants and reached in and found my swollen little nub. "Yessss!" I screamed as I came. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over me.

Roberto was breathing hard and gasped as I rubbed his hard on through his pants.

I undid his pants, with every intention of taking him into my mouth, but when his cock sprung free I grabbed it with both my hands and he started thrusting his hips. He came in hot bursts and he cried out. "Mio Dio! You make me loose all control. Olivia, you are the hottest, sexiest, woman in the entire world." He leaned over and kissed me hard and whispered, "We are not done this night yet, I am going to take you over and over again until you beg me to stop." I kissed him back "We will see who begs for mercy." I replied saucily. He got serious for a minute

"Olivia, I'm not sure why you love me, I just thank God that you do." No words needed to be spoken. I hugged him and fixed my clothes. We needed to get back to Juan before he came looking for us. There was an unspoken understanding between us that this would be continued later. But at least for now, we had gotten the edge of our mutual need.

When we got back to the table Juan was there and the bottle of wine he had ordered was half
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gone. "I was getting ready to come looking for the two of you but I really didn't want to risk getting a look at your backside Roberto." Roberto glared at him and I blushed. Juan just laughed,

"When this assignment is over I'm heading to Mexico where I know a sweet, sweet chica who is always willing to let me spend a week in her bed."

Roberto and I had another glass of wine and then made our way back to the car. Juan opened the door and exclaimed, "Christ, Roberto. Couldn't you find a bush or something? Why my car man?" I was embarrassed again. You think I'd get used to it, but no, I felt my face flush with color. It was just before midnight when we pulled up in front of the house and I was looking forward to a night of loving from Roberto when the front door opened and Janel came running out.

Chapter 21

I jumped out of the car and ran over to Janel and flung myself in her arms. "I can't believe you're here. Did you hear about Mom and Dad?" I asked, as I burst into tears.

"Awww, c'mon sweetie. Let's go inside. While I was waiting for you I made some coffee. We can talk in there." Janel said as she turned toward Roberto and glared at him. "You, I will deal with later." She turned her attention to Juan who was still standing beside the car. She gave him one of her dazzling smiles before turning and walking arm in arm with me to the house. "Olivia, tell me who that gorgeous Antonio Banderas look alike is? Does he have a girlfriend? Will you introduce us?"

I stopped and hugged Janel tight. It was so good to have her back. It almost felt normal again.

Roberto caught up with us before we went into the house,

"Miss Atwood, it's nice to see you again." Since I'd gotten to know Roberto a bit better, I could see that he was not at all glad to see her. I wondered what he had against Janel. Oh, I know she could be a little over the top sometimes. But all in all she had a good heart. Roberto continued,

"Can I ask why and how you got back here?"

Janel glared at him, "Oh geez, when I heard that my best friend's parents were murdered, I thought that maybe she might need someone to comfort her."

She gave Roberto a disdainful look. "I'm sure you did your best. And with the extreme stress she's been under, that you in no way would take advantage of the whole situation." I gasped at Janel's words and wanted to tell Roberto to ignore her, that she was must have jet lag or something but Janel drug me into the house, leaving Roberto standing there with Juan laughing in the background. Janel led me to the kitchen chatting at me the whole time.

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"Whoa, Janel slow down. Tell me about Italy." I asked her. I knew more than anything that Janel loved to talk about herself.

"Well, I will tell you, only because I know that this is a diversion tactic you use when you want to deflect the attention away from yourself. Okay, hmmm where should I start?"

Afraid that she would start with her birth I asked, "How about the night you went to Italy?"

"Ok, that's a good place to start. Well, when you disappeared, Alex and Roberto had an argument over who would go after you. I guess you know Roberto won? Well, Alex was in a bad mood after that and I tried really hard to get him in a better mood. Oh yeah, I'm sorry about that. I know you kissed him earlier but you also kissed Roberto, so I really was thinking you weren't sure who you liked so it wouldn't matter in the least to you if I took one of them off your hands.

"Did I mention how worried I was? I was so worried about you!" She came up for air and I found myself getting a little dizzy from her chatter. She continued, "Alex wasn't interested in me though, pity, he really is sexy. But anyway, he took me to the airport and dumped me on a plane and said he was going to go help you. He told me when I got to Italy there would be a car waiting to take me to Roberto's family estate in Crecchio, which there was, he also told me Roberto's brother would be there to meet me, which he wasn't. Do you want to know when Mr. High and Mighty showed up?" Knowing Janel so well, I didn't answer, just waited for her to continue.

"I will tell you when he showed up. Yesterday! And he knew the whole time I was waiting for him. And right after he arrived, he got a call from Roberto saying that your parents were murdered and Alex was captured. That jerk didn't want to let me come home to you, so I threw such a fit, that in the end he helped me pack my bags and brought me here." She finished just in time to take another big breath. I asked her, "Roberto's brother is here?" I don't know why but the thought of meeting his family made me nervous. Janel got up and got another cup of coffee but God knows that she was so wired already she would probably be awake for twenty-four hours straight before she crashed.

"Yeah, he's around here somewhere. He dumped me off and mumbled something about going out to hunt." Janel complained.

I stood up, "I need to talk to Roberto. I got to find him." It was hard to explain to Janel but I needed to be with him. I felt anxious and jittery being separated from him. Janel pouted, "But I came all this way to comfort you."

"I'm sorry, this won't take long. I just need to make sure Roberto has enough room to accommodate everyone." I lied. I could care less where people slept.

Janel seemed placated with that but said, "When you get back here I am going to comfort you dammit."

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"I promise." I vowed to her and with a little smile, ran out the front door. I didn't see Roberto but Juan was there still unloading all of his purchases from earlier.

"Hi Juan. Have you seen Roberto?"

"Yeah, he went to look for Cristoforo. He headed down by the dock."

I thanked him but before I could run off he asked, "Your friend Janel? Does she have a boyfriend or anything?" It was a question I had been asked a thousand times before. "Nope and she said you looked like Antonio Banderas so I'm sure that you have a shot."

Juan smiled, "Antonio Banderas should look as good as me."

I ran down the sloping yard to the dock. I didn't see him anywhere. I was just trying to decide if I should look in the woods or go back to the house to wait for him when someone said, "Well, well, what have we got here?" I turned to see a very tall, handsome man standing behind me.

Long black hair, a goatee and blue eyes, he was dressed in jeans and a black leather jacket. I sighed with relief when I realized that this had to be Roberto's brother Cristoforo. They resembled each other. Though for some reason the hair on the back of my neck stood up as if I was in danger. There was a hardness to him that Roberto didn't possess.

I nervously stepped forward and held out my hand, "Hello, I'm Olivia it's nice to meet you."

He didn't step forward to shake my hand. Just stood there looking at me. And the way he was looking made me nervous. He started at my toes and I watched his eyes travel upwards. He took a step closer, "They say you're a Sensay, that explains a lot."

I moved a step back, "Explains what?" I asked. He took another step closer, "It explains why my brother is interested in you. You're not his usual type." I didn't want to but I had to ask, "What is his usual type?"

"Tall and blond with legs that go on forever. Bored, sophisticated woman who don't mind getting their freak on." I immediately felt depressed. I could picture the exact type of woman Cristoforo was talking about. What was worse was I could picture Roberto with that woman.

I started to walk past Cristoforo, wanting to be by myself. As I passed by him he grabbed my arm. "Is it true that a Sensay feels a mans touch more intensely?" Before I could even answer, he pulled me up against him and ran his tongue up the side of my neck. His scent was similar to Roberto's but at the same time different. The sweet smell was there but not the ocean scent.

Cristoforo was more of the earth, like a fine wine, blackberries and truffles. It was a rather heady scent that mesmerized me. He kept running his tongue from the base of my neck all the way up to my ear. I wasn't sexually excited, but it was a pleasant, relaxed feeling that came over me. Even when warning bells started going off in my mind, I could not seem to move.

"Enough! Cristoforo get your hands and anything else you have on her off right now!" I heard Roberto shout. I slowly came to my senses and jerked myself away from Cristoforo and hurried
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over to Roberto.

"I see you met my brother." Roberto said in a clipped tone.

"Yeah and I wish I could say it was a pleasure but it wasn't." I said angrily.

Cristoforo laughed, "I can see why you would want her bro, even though she's not your usual type." Roberto gave Cristoforo a warning look but he went on anyway, "I was just telling her you usually prefer long legged blondes."

Roberto growled, "As usual 'bro' you know nothing about what I prefer. What are you doing here anyway? You were supposed to watch over Janel. In Italy."

"Well about that big brother. That girl can work your last nerve. And I know I owed you a favor but c'mon, there isn't a debt big enough that the payback would be her."

"Hey! That is my friend! And you don't look like much of a prize either." I yelled back at him getting really angry. I could feel the orange ball of fire in my belly. Roberto turned to his brother, "Cristoforo it would probably be best if you left us. I need to calm Olivia down."

Cristoforo smirked, "Sure bro, go 'calm' your little Sensay. I hope I'm there the day your little tricks don't work anymore."

Cristoforo walked away and Roberto led me over to the boat and helped me inside so we could sit.

"I am sorry about that piccolina. My brother, as you can see, has some 'issues'. I was hoping you wouldn't have to meet him for awhile." Roberto sighed. I was still angry at the way he had treated me and Janel.

"Well, he is an ass. Janel may be a bit difficult but she has a kind heart and doesn't deserve to be talked about that way." The orange ball began to grow once more. Roberto reached over and pulled me into his lap. "Of course she doesn't cara. My brother is an ass, no doubt about it." He started to nibble on my ear lobe and delicious little currents began to slither their way along my bloodstream.

"Mmmm, let me shift a little bit here." He moved me a slightly on his lap and I could feel his erection pressing into my bottom. His hands moved down to cup my rear and his lips moved from my ear down the side of my neck. He began to move his hips a little bit and I moaned. I got a mental picture of me on top of Roberto riding him and I shivered. Too bad the water was so calm. It would be quite a wild ride if.... I stilled.

"You bastard!" I spat at him. He looked startled and stopped kissing my neck. "What?" he asked confused.

"You bastard!" I repeated. "I understand what your brother was saying. Oh my God! How could I have been so stupid?!" Roberto looked angry now. "Olivia calm down. I don't know what
Scent of a Vampire – Jude Stephens

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