Scent of a Vampire (25 page)

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Authors: Jude Stephens

BOOK: Scent of a Vampire
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"Roberto is everything okay? We were just training." I stammered.

Roberto didn't say anything. When we got into the woods he turned and with a low growl, pulled me up against him and slanted his mouth across mine.

He backed us up against a tree and while still kissing me, ran his hand up the inside of my thigh.

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I moaned at the sensations of fire that leapt through my veins at his touch.

"I need to be inside you now cara. Watching you battle made me so hot for you." He panted. He quickly undid my jeans and yanked them and my panties down. He slid a finger into my slickness and I went wild, thrashing my head back and forth, moaning with my pleasure. When he inserted two fingers, I began to ride his hand thrusting myself up and down until the friction was going to drive me mad.

"ROBERTO! Please!" I shouted and as he began to circle my engorged clit with his thumb, I came with a scream that he captured with his mouth. He roughly lowered me to the ground and fumbled with his zipper and freed his erection and found my slick opening and thrust inside me, hard. He pumped into me again and again so hard that we were moving across the damp earth. As he was thrusting into me, he was shouting things in Italian I could not understand. I felt my climax begin to build and I wrapped my legs around him and began to buck against him to increase the pressure on my core.

The climax ripped through my entire being until I was screaming from the intense pleasure I thought would surely kill me.

As my muscles pulled and clenched around Roberto's rock hard cock, I could feel his own climax was seconds away, so I reached down and cupped his sac and gave it a little squeeze and Roberto shouted, "God help me, Olivia I love you!" And he spurted his hot seed into me as he continued to thrust against me all the while kissing me and murmuring, "I love you, can't help myself. I'm sorry, I love you." When at last his body stilled, he rolled over until I was lying on top of him. He kissed me and kissed me again. He was still inside me and began to rock his hips slightly. I sucked in a deep breath as sensations of pleasure caused goose bumps to break out on my arms. Still kissing me he said, "I will never have enough of you Olivia. My need for you is greater than anything I've encountered in all my long life." He rolled us over so he was on top again. He slid his cock almost all of the way out and when just the throbbing head was inside me, he circled his hips to apply the right amount of pressure to make me begin to shake with need. My legs felt weak but I tried to squirm to take more of him inside me. He smiled a sly little sexy smile before he pulled all of the way out and sat back on his hunches and lifted my legs onto his shoulders. The way we were positioned I was able to watch the fire in his eyes as he bent his head to start licking at my slick folds. The pleasure was so intense I began to thrash and dug my hands into the damp earth.

"Look at me." Roberto commanded. I watched as he used his talented tongue to lick me. When his mouth closed over my clitoris and began to suck on it, I came in a hot rush. I began to cry from the sheer joy the potent pleasure brought me. Roberto gathered me in his arms and let me cry for a while. We rolled onto our sides and laid there with goofy smiles on our faces.

"I'm sorry piccolina." Roberto said.

"For what?"

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"For taking you out here in the woods. I hope you're not sore or that I hurt you. I was out of control." He smiled at me; that sexy little smile that always made me want him.

"I like you out of control. You said you loved me." I marveled.

"I do love you. I can't but help love you. You are so beautiful and courageous and you have a goodness inside you I haven't seen in anyone else."

I needed to tell Roberto about my worries. "I need to tell you something. I've been seeing things and last night I had a strange dream and woke up with mud on my feet. I'm really scared I may have some neurological disorder. Maybe I have a brain tumor or something."

Roberto grabbed me by the shoulders a bit roughly, "What have you been seeing?"

I was startled by his roughness, "I've seen a silver wolf. Out here in the woods and in my dreams." Roberto let go of me as if I were on fire. And straightened his clothes "What is it Roberto? Do you know something about all of this?" I pleaded with him. If he knew something I wanted to hear it, even if it was a bad thing. Maybe Sensay's were really some sort of neurological defect because of a disease and they didn't live long because of it. I think I even watched a movie one time about something similar. If this was the case I wanted to know. I had a right to know. Roberto pulled himself together, "I don't know a lot Olivia, just legend and stories that have passed down between the evolved. But I think you walk with the great wolf spirit."

I almost laughed except for the serious look on his face,

"Okay. I walk with the great wolf spirit. So what does that mean?"

"The silver wolf is an agent of the Great Spirit. And its appearance confirms the prophecy that you will be the most powerful evolved one to ever walk the earth."

Chapter 25

I started laughing. Not a chuckle, but one of those out of control laughs that eventually made your stomach hurt. When I finally got some control over myself, I looked at Roberto who was standing there with his arms crossed over his chest waiting for me to stop.

"Are you quite finished?" he asked.

"Hahahah, yeah, hahah." I gasped. "Prophecy? I am no one's prophecy. I'm pretty sure about that. I am your average almost thirty insecure woman. You could meet a dozen women like me at your local bar."

"Okay, Ms. Average woman. How do you explain your sense of smell? Or that you see and dream of wolves? Or how about the fact that you can stand your own against a professionally
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trained guard after one lesson?" I hadn't even considered that one. I did do pretty well against Andy. And he had to be close to six feet tall and probably two hundred pounds.

Roberto stepped close to me and bent to whisper in my ear, "How do you explain the electricity that runs through your body every time I touch you?"

"You're a love machine?" I answered, even while I was shivering with pleasure as his lips brushed my ear lobe. Roberto laughed, "Well that is true, but cara, you have to admit to me and yourself there is something different about you."

I thought about the fact that for all of my life I have always felt a step out of sync with the rest of the world.

"Maybe I will at least try to be open to the idea. I know the things that have been happening to me are not exactly normal. But you'll also have to understand if I find it a little bit difficult to listen to things about prophets and great Sensay powers. Or people waiting for me to be born."

"What do you mean by that? Who has been waiting for you to be born?" Roberto asked sharply.

"The Guardian guy I shot. Evan. He told me when he and the troll kidnapped me they had been waiting a long time for me to be born and that they found me through birth records with my real name."

Roberto snapped his head up, "Real name? Your name isn't Olivia?"

"Well not technically, my birth name is Orenda, which I hate and that's why I go by Olivia. I have since I was a teenager. Evan told me my last name was Seneca and not Sherman which is bull."

"Why didn't you tell me this?"

"I honestly forgot. There has been too much happening lately."

"Did he tell you anything else?"

"Ummm, he told me something about my great grandmother. She was a tribal elder and her name meant magic power or something like that."

"Merda." Roberto swore. "I guess it would be safe to say they know about the prophecy too."

"So what?" I asked. "What does it matter if they know all about me? It doesn't change anything.

You can still train me and tomorrow we can go get Alex and see what happens after that."

Roberto shook his head, "I don't know how much I can train you. You will eventually need to train with your clansmen."

"What??? I thought you would train me." Roberto put his arm around me, "Let's get back to the
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house and feed. Then we can make some solid plans." We started walking back to the house.

We were halfway across the meadow when I knew I had to ask, "Roberto, will you ever take blood from me?" I wanted him so badly to bite me.

"Piccolina, nothing would pleasure me more than to take that step with you. But I think it's important that things get cleared up before we do."

I stopped walking, "But you will drink from me won't you?"

"I guess you must have really enjoyed it when Alexander bit you. Being a Sensay, it must have been really hard for you to not have sex with him." He said a little nastily. I got angry. "As a matter of fact, it was. But I did control myself. I don't want you to bite me because I want to get off. I just thought that it would make us have a bond like I have with Alex. That's all."

I turned and walked away. Roberto caught up, "I'm sorry Olivia. I don't like that you and Alexander have a bond. And I want to bite you more than you can know. Every time we make love I picture it in my mind. Do you know how I picture it piccolina?"

I looked at him and couldn't resist asking, "How?" Roberto took my head between his hands,

"In our bedroom, with candles lighting the room, soft music playing in the background. With the scent of your excitement surrounding me, I will taste every inch of your body until you are quivering with a need only I can fulfill. Then I will poise myself above you and say the ritual words that will bond us for all time. I will take what you offer and offer you all that I have. And I will plunge into you with my cock and my fangs." Roberto was clearly excited at the erotic image as he captured my mouth with his and kissed me deeply. His hands went to my ass and he pulled me closer and started grinding his erection against me. He was moaning loudly. As my Sensay body reacted to his passion, my mind was literally spinning out of control with panic.

Alex had said those words to me when he took my blood. I told Roberto that he didn't say anything. Why oh why did I do that? Shit. I wasn't sure what to do. Should I confess now or wait to talk to Alex?

I am so not used to being in such dilemmas with men. My life is becoming more and more like Janel's. Janel! That's it. I can talk to her. She would know the best course of action in this type of situation. My mind slipped back to Roberto who had at some point slipped his hands under my shirt and bra and was circling my breasts in a sweet, sweet motion with the palms of his hands. I heard my own moans mingle with his and then I heard, "Oh come on amigos! The two of you are not going to do it again are you? At this rate we will never get to feed tonight, if it's even possible. Olivia's screams probably scared off all of the animals anyway."

I pulled back from Roberto with no small amount of embarrassment, "Don't tell me they heard us making love before?"

Roberto looked at me with amusement, "Well, I am sure that Juan and Cristoforo did. Your friend Janel probably did not if it's any comfort to you."

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"Oh God, I am so mortified. How will I look them in the eye?"

Roberto took my hand and we started walking, "You have nothing to be embarrassed about.

Sex is a natural act. And I apologize for getting carried away before. The thought of our bonding made me lose control cara." I wanted to ask him what this bonding thing meant but I didn't want to arouse his suspicions if I asked too many questions about it. I decided to proceed but with caution.

"What exactly is this bonding?" I tried to sound casual but I'm pretty sure I ended up sounding panicked. Roberto smiled, "Do not sound so worried piccolina, it is not like you are being chained together for all eternity. It is like a marriage ceremony but not quite like that either. It is unique. When two people create a bond it is for eternity though. How you choose to honor the bond is up to the individuals. Vampires will sometimes bond for different reasons. Most of the time it is to join two who love each other but I have seen vampires bond for political purposes or for truces in times of war. Regardless of the reasons it is sacred.

And this is why when we do this; I want it to be special, with nothing standing in our way."

He stopped walking and looked at me with a serious expression, "I have fallen in love with you Olivia. I never expected to have strong feelings for you, but here I am, almost five hundred years old and thinking I never knew what love was until you."

The tears slipped from my eyes. I loved Roberto so much.

"Roberto I love you, you are my universe. I never thought I would be able to trust a man again after Brian. But you have given me trust, love and understanding. I want to be bound to you for all eternity and even beyond." Roberto's eyes were full of emotion as he bent to kiss me.

"You are making us sick now amigos. All of that love talk makes me want to stab myself in the brain." I couldn't help but laugh at that. Roberto cocked his head to the side and gave me quizzical look. "Did you just hear what Juan said?"

"Yeah, I'm not deaf."

Roberto raised an eyebrow at me. "No, I don't imagine you are because Juan did not shout. He spoke at a normal volume and he is at least a hundred yards away."

"What? He must have shouted."

"No he didn't. I suspect you are starting to experience your next ability. Maybe we should do some training tonight. It may become uncomfortable for you if you don't learn how to filter sounds."

I was a little dumbfounded. How was I going to learn how to deal with a new sense when I hadn't mastered the other one yet?

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We began walking again when Roberto said, "Let's not tell anyone about this new ability for awhile. The less people know about you the greater advantage you can have over an enemy."

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