Scent of a Vampire (28 page)

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Authors: Jude Stephens

BOOK: Scent of a Vampire
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I laughed, "I wouldn't even call that thing a dick, it was more like a Jane."

We both burst out laughing and Janel said, "You go girl, that's the first time I ever heard you say anything so crude. That was awesome!"

Janel and I sat and talked for another hour. I thought about telling her about my silver wolf who I was starting to call Bullet in my mind. How strange is that? I have an imaginary pet wolf and named him Bullet. Am I going on three or thirty? I wasn't sure how to broach the subject.

Do I just say, "Hey, I have an imaginary friend now? I think he is my protector. By the way he is a silver wolf that I named Bullet." Janel has always been an open and enlightened person but I think this one was a little too much to swallow even for her. So I kept quiet. We spent the rest of the afternoon being normal for a change. We watched some television. Janel always liked to watch MTV and I spit out my diet coke when a video came on featuring a certain sub-species rock star. Janel asked me what was going on but I felt this secret wasn't mine to tell. I lied to her and told I had a sexy dream about him. She accepted that and even stated she has sexy dreams about him all the time.

We ate a late lunch and then I told her I was going to take a nap since I probably wasn't going to sleep again tonight. Since meeting Roberto I have been averaging about five hours of sleep a night and it was catching up to me. We arranged to meet before we left and I went up to Roberto's room.

I undressed and crawled into bed beside him. I didn't curl up next to him because he was cold. I wrapped the blankets around me and drifted off.

I woke up because I was hot. Roberto was kissing my neck and rubbing his body up against
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"Mmmmm cara, you are my fantasy come to life. It's very erotic for a vampire to wake up next to a naked woman." He started rubbing my nipples in a circular motion with his palms and I couldn't think. I ran my hands through his thick hair and down his back to cup his buttocks. I kneaded him for a little while then moved my hands to the front and cupped his rock hard erection in my hands. He groaned, "Cara, we don't have time. The others will be waiting for us."

He pressed his lips to mine and I slipped my tongue into his mouth. With my hands still around his pulsating cock, I began to stroke him.

"Merde Olivia, no time for this" "Ahhhhhh, Dio, yesss!" he ground out as I cupped his sac in one hand and kept pumping with the other.

I was eager and wet for him so I maneuvered myself so I could guide him into me and when he slid into my wetness he cried out, "God yes Olivia...." As he repeatedly plunged into me, I was overcome with erotic sensations pulsating from deep inside. He reached down and rubbed my swollen nub with his thumb. I felt the first wave of my climax and my muscles clench around Roberto's cock and a few seconds later I heard Roberto cry out with his own release.

"Mmmmm piccolina, you are so wicked to make love to me like that when we have no time."

He teased me as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me and ran his tongue around my ear.

"I didn't start it. You did. I was sleeping like a perfect angel when you began kissing on me."

"You were sleeping like an angel. I couldn't believe you were here when I woke up. I wish I could wake up every night with you by my side Olivia."

I wished it too. I thought as I watched Roberto get up and walk naked to grab his clothes. Holy Moly what a view! This was the first time I'd seen him strut around naked. His backside looked like it was sculpted from marble. I am one lucky girl.

"You better hurry and get ready," he said as he pulled on a pair of jeans.

Watching him dress was like having my very own porno movie come to life. I couldn't stop staring as he stood there with nothing but jeans on that he hadn't buttoned yet.

"Did you hear me?" he asked.

"Ummm yeah, ready, yes." I repeated. Roberto laughed at me, "Have you never seen a man naked before?"

I snapped out of it. "Of course I have. I was married and I did work in healthcare. And of course there was Leeds, no one could ever forget seeing Leeds naked." I taunted him. Roberto growled and took a step toward me and I ran into the bathroom laughing.

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Roberto yelled from the other side of the door, "We're going to feed. I left a backpack on the bed for you to pack a few things for the trip I want to leave right after, so make sure you're ready, okay piccolina?"

"I'll be ready." I called back. I heard the bedroom door close and I hurried and jumped in the shower. I got dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, packed a few things in the backpack Roberto left for me. I left the room to find Janel to say goodbye.

Janel was in the kitchen with Andy making sandwiches. Janel turned when I walked in and said,

"We made you some sandwiches for the road. We know you guys want to leave right away."

I smiled at Janel. She looked happy. She and Andy seemed to be getting along well. I was glad.

Janel really was a good person.

"Thanks. Roberto did say we were going to get going right after they feed."

"Ewwww, that still creeps me out." Janel said. I laughed at her. "You're a nurse. Blood shouldn't creep you out."

Roberto, Juan and Cristoforo came back from their hunt.

"Are you ready to leave?" asked Roberto.

"Yes, my backpack is by the door."

"Okay. I'll meet you out by the car." He said, knowing I wanted a few minutes to say my goodbyes. Janel came over with the bag of sandwiches, "You be careful. You may be a powerful Sensay but if you get hurt I will kick your ass myself."

I hugged her. "I will be careful. Besides I have three powerful vampires to protect me."

I pushed the hair back behind my ears and Janel said,

"Holy crap, I thought there was something different with you hair. I can't believe I didn't notice it before."

"What?" I asked confused.

"Come with me a minute," she said as she took my hand and pulled me down the hall. She made me stand in front of the mirror that hung in the foyer.

"What is it?" I asked again.

"Your hair. You have a thin streak of silver in your hair."

I looked closer and there it was a long thin strip of silver that started at my right temple.

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Chapter 28

I walked out to the car wondering three things. Why hadn't I noticed the silver streak in my hair? Why did I have a silver streak in my hair? Did I look like the bride of freaking Frankenstein?

There were two black SUV's parked out front. Mark, Cristoforo and Juan were already seated in the second car. Roberto was leaning against the first one waiting for me. As I walked towards him, he opened the door for me. I paused by the open door. "Did you notice my hair turned silver?"

"Yes," he answered easily.

"Why didn't you say something to me?" He shrugged, "I thought you knew and didn't want to talk about it."

"Why wouldn't I want to talk about my hair turning silver overnight?"

"I don't know. Women are touchy about such things."

"Touchy? This is not like I'm turning gray. This is not a normal occurrence." I snapped as I got in the car. Roberto went around and got in the driver's side and turned to me, "I like it. It's very sexy."

"What if all of my hair turns silver? Will you still find me sexy?"

He leaned over and kissed me. "I would find you sexy if you had no hair. You have no idea how beautiful you are. Do you?"

With that, he shook his head and started the car. It was almost nine o'clock. I knew we were heading south, back to Philadelphia, the last place I was with Alex. I knew once I was there I would be able to feel Alex more strongly; feel the pull of our bond. I also knew he was still alive.

If anything had happened to him I would have felt it. I was sure of that. As we drove to Philadelphia, Roberto and I talked of our childhoods and laughed at the differences from growing up almost five centuries apart. We only stopped once on the fivehour trip to fuel up and a quick bathroom break. Now that we were on our way, we were all anxious to get Alex.

When we arrived in Philadelphia, I directed Roberto to the motel where we had stayed. As we pulled into the parking lot, memories and feelings began to overwhelm me. There were the memories of Alex holding me while I cried and of him stroking my back when I was upset. I remembered how he made me feel cherished and how he made me laugh.

Roberto turned towards me with a frown, "Are you feeling the bond any stronger here?"

"Yes, do you think we can go into the room we shared?" I asked.

Roberto's frown deepened, "Do you think that's necessary?"

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"Yeah, my instincts say I need to go in there."

"Okay, but I am not staying in that room overnight. This motel looks dangerous even for a vampire."

"Thanks Roberto. I know this isn't easy for you. I want to get Alex back so I can apologize to him for leaving him alone. I just hope he can forgive me."

Roberto put a hand behind my neck and turned my face towards his, "He will forgive you piccolina. He is in love with you."

I began to protest but Roberto cut me off. "He is in love with you. I think he was half in love with you the night we met you. I've known Alexander for a long time and I think this is the first time I ever saw him really in love with someone. It won't be easy for him to accept we are a couple. But you must not give him any hope. Do you understand that Olivia?"

I thought how Alex had said to me he would never give up hope and I prayed he was exaggerating when he had said that.

"I understand. I don't want to hurt him though Roberto. I, I care for him." I stammered.

Roberto asked sharply, "Are you in love with him too?"

"NO!" I answered quickly. "He's a good guy and I want him to be my friend. I'll admit I had a sexual attraction to him but I never acted on it and he never pushed me. He wanted to give me some space to sort things out." Roberto sighed, "We will straighten everything out when we get Alexander back. Until then let's concentrate on getting him free. What room did you stay in? I will go and get the key."

I told him the room number and watched him walk to the office. I had gotten myself in such a mess by not telling Roberto about the bonding thing. Not to mention I have some mixed up feelings. Oh, I knew I was in love with Roberto. There was no doubt about it. But there was definitely something between Alex and I that we needed to work out. Roberto came back with a key in his hand and opened the car door for me. I got out and we went over to the door. Juan and Cristoforo were right behind us. Mark stayed in the car. Roberto unlocked the door and stepped inside. When he flipped on the light switch I heard Cristoforo say in his usual sarcastic voice. "Jesus, Alex needs some lessons in how to treat the ladies." He turned toward me. "This is where he brought you so he could bang you?"

"Cristoforo!" Roberto admonished. I wasn't going to let Cristoforo get to me, "No, this is where I brought him to take a bullet out of his chest. Too bad it wasn't you I would have let it in there." Cristoforo laughed at me, "Little Sensay does have some backbone after all."

Juan finally cut in, "Can we get on with this already? I think something just crawled up my pant leg and normally I would try and enjoy that but this place is just nasty amigos."

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"Yes, why don't we step outside and let Olivia do her thing in peace." Roberto said as he ushered everyone out. I looked at him with grateful eyes. When they were outside I went over to the bed and sat down. I wasn't sure what I thought would happen but nothing did. I tried to relax and clear my mind but could not. Visions of Alex filled my head; Alex smiling and laughing, Alex looking at me with such longing. I started to shake my head to clear it once again when it hit me. I needed to concentrate on Alex. That was the key. I lay myself on the bed and let my mind remember Alex lying beside me. I pictured him on top of me, licking my neck and then sinking his teeth into me. Felt the suction as he drank from me. I remembered the sound he made as he thrust against me and came. It felt as if he was still beside me. I began to grow aroused. Though this time after he came, he looked into my eyes as he undid my jeans. His long fingers disappeared in the opening. I sucked in a breath as his fingers found my slick folds. He slid his long fingers through my moistened folds and I felt the passion begin to build. He moved his head close to mine and whispered, "Tell me you don't want me baby and I'll stop." His fingers were moving back and forth and the friction felt so wonderful but I needed more. "Tell me what you want Olivia, I will give you anything you desire." The heat building inside me was unbearable. I needed him desperately. I let my hand follow the same path that his took and at the same time pulled his mouth down to mine and moaned into his mouth, "Please, put your fingers inside me." He kissed me with a ardor that took my breath away, at the same time he slipped two fingers inside me, he slid his fingers in and out and his tongue followed the same rhythm. His thumb found my throbbing clit and he began an erotic assault. My hand over his guided him to move faster and faster until I cried out with my release.

"What the hell?" I heard Roberto say from the doorway.

I jerked upright to see him pushing Juan and Cristoforo back. I looked down at my open jeans that still had my hand down the front. I stared in horror at Roberto.

"What the hell were you doing Olivia?" Roberto repeated as he slammed the door shut.

"I..I don't kknoww..." I stammered. I felt disoriented and more than a little afraid. "I lay here and thought about Alex so I could feel the connection and then it felt like he was here and he bit me again and we became excited and Roberto I'm scared. What is happening to me?" I started shaking.

"Piccolina, it's okay, calm down." Roberto took me in his arms. "I don't know what's happening to you. I would guess to say it's your blood exchange with Alexander. It lets you have visions of him that seem very real."

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