Scent of a Vampire (27 page)

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Authors: Jude Stephens

BOOK: Scent of a Vampire
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Mark and Andy were holding a long curtain rod on either side while Cristoforo was doing his best to bend far back to limbo underneath it. Janel and Juan were cheering him on with what looked like pina coladas in their hands. The heavy drapes that had been hanging in the living room were on the floor. We hadn't been noticed yet when they all started shouting, "How low can you go?" I laughed and looked at Roberto but the laughter died on my lips when I saw Roberto's fierce scowl.

"I think they're just blowing off a little steam." I tried to reason.

"They all look drunk. Not one of them would be any good if there was a security breach right now." Roberto said with disgust.

He cleared his throat rather loudly. When that had no effect on the partiers he simply shouted the word, "STOP!" Everyone in the room turned to stare. The only people who looked abashed were Mark and Andy. Cristoforo just cursed when he fell to the floor and Juan laughed while Janel hiccupped.

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"I think we've had enough festivities for the evening. We have a very important mission to prepare for if you've all forgotten." Roberto leveled at them. At those words, even Cristoforo looked slightly ashamed at the thought of having forgotten about Alex's plight. Janel looked like she was going to be sick. I went over to her and pushed the hair out of her eyes.

"Are you okay sweetie?" I asked her.

"Ummm, yeah. Nooooo, I don't feel so good." She replied. I glanced over at Roberto, "While you finish up your business here, I'll take Janel up to her room." I looked at him standing there, still looking really, really good in his crisp white shirt, which he now had the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. I stared at his strong arms and felt the now familiar shiver go through me. He stared back at me with his eyes blazing. I could actually see his nostrils flaring at the scent of my arousal.

"Hurry, and take care of her. I will quickly finish my business here and meet you in our room." I all but drug Janel to her room. I helped her undress and get into her pajamas and tucked her in.

As I prepared to leave I heard Janel murmur, "It's funny you know, we always thought I was the stronger one. Now it's all about you, isn't it?"

I felt hurt by her remarks. Was that how I had been acting? Tomorrow I needed to talk to Janel about this. For now I forced my mind from those depressing thoughts and hurried down the hall to Roberto's room. I had hoped that I beat him back because I wanted to change quickly. I hurriedly got out the black lace lingerie that Roberto had shown great interest in and then decided what the hell? I got out the black leather halter-top, mini skirt, and thigh high boots. I wanted to see if I could rock Roberto's world tonight. I got dressed and almost changed my mind when I saw myself in the mirror. I had wanted to feel like a bad girl, but instead felt like I was playing dress up. I sat down on the bed and tried to get myself into bad girl mode but how did one do that, I wondered? I laid myself fully on the bed and decided to just concentrate on Roberto. I thought about how his muscular thighs looked in those tight black pants tonight. And how soft his lips felt when he had kissed and nibbled me earlier. I easily became aroused. I found myself squirming on the bed and bent one leg up until my booted foot was flat on the bed. I let my leg fall to the side. I let out a small moan as I ran my fingers lightly over my mound.

I was startled out of my lust-induced haze by the sound of a low growl. I bolted upright on the bed to see Roberto standing just inside the doorway with his eyes blazing. "Dio Santo Olivia!

Don't stop!" He didn't move a muscle as I lay back on the bed. I suddenly felt powerful. I had this potent vampire in my thrall. I was having no trouble now playing the bad girl, because I was the bad girl and I intended to take full advantage of the moment. I locked my eyes with his and swept my hand over my half covered breasts making my nipples harden and pucker, and trailed it softly across my stomach, and then down between my spread thighs. I heard Roberto suck in his breath. I kept eye contact as I pulled my skirt up and bared my black lace thong. I went to pull it down when Roberto growled low and with vampire speed jumped onto the bed on his hands and knees before me.

"No, It will be as I promised cara, I will rip them off with my fangs." His head tilted backwards and when he was once again looking at me his fangs were out and he had the look of a
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dangerous predator. The hair on the back of my neck stood up in response, at the same time my excitement rose. I felt reckless and wild, almost primal in my need. Roberto growled and ran his tongue up the inside of my thigh. My body came off the bed as I tried to move closer to him.

I felt his sharp fangs graze my skin slightly as he took hold of the black lace and with a feral growl ripped them from my body. The action caused a frenzy of heat between the two of us. I barely recall Roberto ripping off his clothes. I had half taken mine off and then gave up. Roberto gasped when I grabbed his cock and guided it inside me. I was so wet and slick and ready for him that he effortlessly slid in.

"Dio, Olivia, you are so tight it feels so good. I want to come already," he grunted.

I wrapped my legs around him and he started pumping into me so fast and furious that I heard his balls slapping against me.

"Ohhh my God Roberto! Harder, please, harder!" I begged. Roberto grabbed my legs and flung them over his shoulders and began thrusting even harder against me.

My orgasm began to build deep inside of me and when Roberto reached up and tugged roughly at my nipples, the intense pleasure threw me over the edge and I screamed with my release. I came in wave after wave of erotic pulsations, I felt Roberto's stream of hot seed shooting into me, as he too screamed with his release. It seemed neither of us had the strength to move much as Roberto slid out of me and gathered me in his arms and rolled us onto our sides. I was asleep in seconds. And for the second night in a row, I dreamt of the silver wolf.

Chapter 27

I dreamt I was in the woods. I recognized the area from our family trips to the Adirondacks.

There was a sparkling blue lake I used to like to swim in. Tall pine trees circled the lake on all sides. It was a beautiful spot for camping. I remember it being my Mom's favorite place in the whole world. She used to say, "When we are here I feel like we are walking alongside the Creator."

I felt sadness welling up in my heart. I missed my Mom so much. The silver wolf appeared. I hadn't noticed him. He nuzzled my hand that was hanging by my side. I looked down at him and tentatively patted his head. At my touch, he leaned his body into mine. He was a beautiful animal. His coat was a thick silvery blue. His intelligent eyes were an unusual light gray. All of a sudden, a cool wind blew in and I shuddered. A dark cloud rolled in and blocked out the sun. I felt afraid. The wolf whined loudly and nudged me. He took off at a run and turned and whined at me as if he wanted me to follow. I began to walk toward him at a brisk pace. He trotted back and nudged once me again. He took off like a bullet and I began to run as fast as I could. I knew now that someone or something was stalking me. I tried to keep up, but the wolf was too fast.

I tripped and fell over a rock and felt a presence creeping up behind me, but when I turned to see who it was, I woke up. I woke up out of breath, as if I really had been running. I lay there
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panting, trying to make my heart return to a normal pace. I wasn't afraid of the silver wolf. I knew the wolf was trying to protect me. I trusted him. I was afraid of the benevolent presence that had been chasing me. When I finally had some semblance of control, I rolled over to look at Roberto. He lay there in his peaceful slumber. I was getting used to it more now. It no longer freaked me out to see him like this. I traced a finger along his strong jaw line, liking the feel of the slight stubble there. I laid there for a while finding comfort with being by Roberto's side. I knew I should get up and go check on Janel, who was probably harboring a monster hangover by now. I reluctantly threw the covers to the side and saw that both Roberto and I were naked.

I remember him taking off his clothes but I didn't remember mine coming off. I smiled as I imagined Roberto undressing me as I slept. I rolled over and gave him a quick kiss on his still mouth. I forced myself to get out of bed. I went over to the dresser to get my clothes and found a note. Mia Cara,

I hope you slept well. Thank you for a beautiful night. You are more than I ever dreamed of. I want you to rest today and spend some time with Janel. We will leave at sunset. I love you.

I smiled. Roberto was what my Mom would call a definite keeper. He was always so considerate. Not to mention the hottest man I had ever seen. Well, him and Alex. Plus Roberto, Cristoforo, and Leeds. These evolved ones were all extremely good-looking, I thought to myself.

Since I was an evolved one, I wondered why the good-looking thing didn't extend to me. Oh well, who the hell cared. I got Roberto and that's all I cared about. I went into the bathroom, showered and dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt.

I found Janel in the kitchen again. Only this time she didn't look so chipper.

"Good morning. How are you feeling?"

"Like shit. Why do I do this to myself?" She groaned.

"Because you like to have a good time. There's nothing wrong with that Janel. I do want to talk to you though. We've been friends for a long time now. And I know a lot has changed in a short amount of time.

"I want to apologize to you if I've been thinking only about myself. You too have been through a lot this last week. I wasn't the only who lost their whole life." Janel came over and hugged me.

We stood like that for several minutes and held each other and cried. Janel stepped back and wiping her eyes said, "I am the one who has to apologize. You lost your whole family a few days ago and here I am jealous that your life has taken all of these exciting twists and turns. How sick is that? I'm sorry sweetie. I really am an asshole aren't I?"

I laughed at her. "You're not an asshole Janel. You are who you are and I happen to love who you are. You are the one person who can make me feel better. You have a gift for making people feel better, physically and emotionally. That's what makes you such a good nurse."

Janel looked sad, "Was a good nurse. I guess that part of my life is over now. What am I going to
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do with my life now?"

"I don't know. I'm not even sure what's going to become of me. Right now I'm taking it one day at a time. But for now you can give me your expertise advice on men."

"Ohhhh, men troubles? Has Roberto been a jerk? No offense Olivia, but he seems like he can be a bit bossy. I think he's used to getting his way."

If there was one subject Janel was an expert on, it was men. "No he's not being a jerk. I'm afraid I am the jerk here." I explained to her about Alex biting me and everything Roberto had told me. About how I didn't fess up to him about the bonding words Alex had spoken. When I was finally finished spilling my guts about the whole sordid affair Janel asked, "How do you feel about Alex?"

"I honestly don't know. I love Roberto with all of my heart. I need him to be close to me.

Physically close I mean. When he isn't around I feel jittery"

"Hmmm, you feel safe with Roberto. What about Alex?" she asked.

"Well, I don't think I'm in love with Alex. He's very sexy though and when I was with him I really wanted to sleep with him bad. He makes me feel special, like he would choose me in a room with a thousand beautiful women. I don't know why but I think Alex would accept me no matter what. He would take the good with the bad. And he's an easy-going kind of guy. And has a great sense of humor." Janel frowned at me for a second and then her face cleared, "Well, I definitely think that you shouldn't tell Roberto anything until you've had a chance to talk to Alex about it.

"And your feelings will probably be clearer when you do see Alex again. Your emotions have been in turmoil. It's only natural you're confused."

Janel looked at me and cocked her head to the side,

"There is undeniably something different about you. Did you do something to your hair? Are you styling it different?"

"Ahhhh, yeah. When I was being chased through the swamp by the Guardian fanatics and having a horny devil trying to dress me up like a tart I stopped at the local beauty shop and had a makeover," I joked.

"Ohhhh okay Miss Sarcastic. I was just wondering that's all. Something seems different. Maybe it's just that you are a little more assertive. It fits you well sweetie. I like seeing you be strong. It makes me feel like a proud Momma," she laughed.

I laughed with her. This felt good. Normal. I sobered at the thought that we would be going into danger tonight. Rescuing Alex was not going to be easy. I still hadn't gotten the whole plan from Roberto. I wondered who was all going. To Janel I said, "Tonight is going to be dangerous. I
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don't want you going along."

"I'm not going. The plan is for you and Roberto to go in one car and Juan, Mark and Cristoforo will be in another car. I will stay here with Andy." Janel stated the last fact rather dreamily.

"How do you know all of this?" I was a little perturbed she had more information than I did.

"Andy told me last night. Didn't Roberto tell you any of this?"

"No, we didn't really have time to talk about it." Janel laughed, "I bet not, you two are always going at it pretty hot and heavy."

I blushed, "We are not! Well, okay maybe we are but we are in love. That's what you do when your young and in love. Or so I've been told."

I thought back to my newlywed days with Brian and it wasn't anything like the passion I shared with Roberto. Janel looked at my face and said rather crudely, "You're thinking about that limp dick bastard you were married to aren't you?"

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