Sea Witch: Children of the Waves

BOOK: Sea Witch: Children of the Waves
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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters,
places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are
used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons,
living or dead, or other status is entirely coincidental.

Copyright 2015 by LaVerne Thompson


All rights reserved, including the right to
reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever known, not known
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permission of the author. LaVerne Thompson. [email protected]

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Editor- Wicked Muse Productions

Line editor- Lara Parker


Cover Art Fiona Jayde


Photographer- Golden Czermak


Cover Model- Adam Fletcher





This one’s for all the girls and boys who
are in a rush to grow up. Don’t be.




you my purple, green or orange pen wielder, Leanore Elliott, otherwise known as
my chief editor for helping me with this one, and Lara Parker for polishing it
off. Fiona Jayde, what can I say? Artist extraordinaire. You use those brush
strokes to create works of cover art worthy of hanging in art galleries, and to
which I will be forever grateful. Thank you Golden Czermak for taking such an
awesome shot. And Adam Fletcher for being—well, so perfect for this
cover. Last but not least, my beta reader Katara for taking the time to read
the first two books and being a beta reader for this third one. *hugs* And thank
you to all of my fans who love a good cliff hanger. This one is no different.
So, hold on. Hehehehehe. And yes there is a book 4. There’s a snippet at the
end of this story.




“What do you mean I can’t claim you?”

They sat side by side upon the rocks,
with their knees drawn up toward their chests, bodies tense, but not touching.
Anyone on the beach observing them would only see what appeared to be two
thirteen or fifteen year olds, a boy and a girl who seemed a little shy around
each other. Nothing could be further from the truth.

For one thing, while they were male and
female, regardless of how old they seemed, the male was some two hundred years
old, and the girl, a bit more. A hundred more in fact. She’d known when her
mate had been born, she was a viewer, someone who viewed events not yet come to
pass. A witch amongst their people, the Children of the Waves. It’s also why
she stayed out of the path of this particular male from the day of his birth.

The time, however, was nearing when her
people would need her more, and she had to warn him, try to make him understand
so he wouldn’t hate her. The simple truth, she couldn’t stay away from him. The
lure became too great, even for one as powerful as she. The sea witch could not
evade the mating bonds. Just this one time.

So, when she’d woken up that morning and
swam to this shore, she knew he would come to her. As a precaution and to
ensure her resolve, she drew him from the depths and went to a beach where she
knew humans would be present, not that there were many out and about this early
in the morning. The sun just barely kissed the water’s lips.

The sea witch needed a place where he
couldn’t get very angry or try to take her by force, or where they could be
observed by their own kind. She didn’t want to hurt him if he tried to do that.
Safe neutral ground, only a few landwalkers were running and walking their dogs
along the shore. Farther up the beach, the resort staff were setting up their
umbrellas. He would do nothing to her in front of so many witnesses.

She’d chosen a spot on the outcrops of
rock, not easy to reach, and sat upon the sunny surface. Just as she imagined,
the mermaids in human lore were said to have done, but unlike those legends, she
had no tail. She did, however, have long burnt orange tresses for hair, hanging
in thick locks to her waist. Given she was on land and anyone might see them,
she used her powers to change her hair to a reddish brown. At least she, unlike
others of their kind, didn’t have to change the color of her skin to blend in
with the landwalkers. Like the colors of anything living in the oceans, her
people came in many shades and hues. Her skin reflected the color of a coconut
husk. She could easily pass for a girl from one of the Caribbean islands
wearing body oil that made her skin glimmer slightly in the sun. Even the lilt
in her voice suggested a hint of the islands from the depths that spawned her.

Sienna didn’t have long to wait.

The swimmer approached several yards from
where she sat. He angled, so he headed straight for her. He had to get out of
the water a dozen yards from where she sat and walk over to her.

She knew him on sight, yet she’d never
directly laid eyes on him. Never allowed herself to get this close, too much
temptation. Yet, she could stay away no longer. Openly staring at him, she
couldn’t help but appreciate his built.

Tall and lanky, the definition of the
muscle he would grow into already there. He wore his blond hair, like many of
their males, long enough to brush against his ass. Wet droplets on it gleamed
golden in the sunlight.

Her female heart rejoiced such a male
belonged to her, yet also filled with such sorrow for what she was about to do.
Ask him to do. However, like her, he had a sworn duty to their people as their
future king’s guard and best friend.

“I’ve come for you.”

“Tabatha is with child,” she’d said,
without preamble. She watched as the light of awe and excitement dimmed from
his sea green gaze. Her words were shocking enough she knew to stop him in his

“By Poseidon’s balls, how?”

She grinned even though this was not
funny. Introductions between them were unnecessary. He already knew who she
was, ever since she’d reached out to him. All of their people were telepathic
underwater; it was how they communicated with each other. However, mates had a
special bond. She simply opened up the bond they shared. One, until that
moment, he had not been aware even existed, but she did. Once used, she would
have to close it back off. It could not be helped. Even the import of her words
he couldn’t deny. “The usual way, I expect.”

He shook his head, then sat down beside
her. “That’s not what I meant. But how? I thought her mate was dead.”

“Perhaps. I believe she used her powers
to do this. As far as who the father is, I’m not sure. I suspect, he’s part
human, but one with witch blood. However, what I do know is her daughter will
be a powerful witch. More powerful than her mother. And after the child is
born, Tabatha will kill her to take her powers unto herself in order to claim
Poseidon’s throne and control the Trident.”

“What madness is this? Her own child.”

“But conceived for one purpose.”

He frowned. “She can’t be that powerful.
No one is more powerful than Poseidon himself, except perhaps one of the old
gods, and they are long gone as is Poseidon. And as heir, Xavior commands the
Trident, the embodiment of his remaining powers.”

“Yes, all true, perhaps. But the child’s
powers combined with my sister’s will be sufficient to command the Trident. It
will be enough for her to sit the King’s Chair and force its acceptance.” Even
though they didn’t touch, she felt the tenseness of his body at her words.

“I have to warn Xavior.”

“Xavior isn’t powerful enough to stop her
yet, he has not matured into all of his powers. He has not found his bride and
is not yet king, nor would he harm an innocent life. But there is another way,
and it’s why I cannot allow you to claim me. It is also why you must swear to
me, you will not tell anyone who your bride is, nor can they know you have
found her.”

He frowned. “Then why come to me now? Why
call me to you? Once I begin to age, everyone will know I’ve found my mate,
same for you.”

“I must continue to make it seem as
though I have not found my mate yet. I can and will go into seclusion. Most
people have never seen me anyway. Those in need, always come to me and will
continue to do so. I will only be seen in my home, and I can ensure those who
do, only see me as I appear now. You will be the only one able to see me as I
am. Because if Tabatha knows I have begun to age, she will also know my powers
could develop to be strong enough to counter hers. She can’t afford for such a
thing to happen. And they will grow as I age, but not yet.”

“You forget. I will also begin to age.
Everyone will wonder why I don’t claim my bride.”

She wore a whole shell, less than an inch
wide and long, tied with black woven seaweed around her neck. It looked much
like leather, but Aaron would know it wasn’t. Removing it, she placed it over
his neck. “Wear this until you are sure Xavior begins to age. At that time
remove it, so you will appear to age at a rate he does. It is bespelled and
tied to me, it will prevent you from appearing to age.”

He touched the shell hanging around his
neck, then shook his head. “I still don’t understand.” Hurt laced his words.

The pain in his voice hurt her heart. She
glanced away from him and out to sea, her gaze resting on the porpoises playing
on the surface. Sadly, even their antics couldn’t ease her sorrow or his. “I
will lose my power of viewing, foresight, if I am no longer virgin and I must
help Xavior find his mate, so he can become king and secure the throne. Our
people need their king on a safe throne.”

“Witch, what you ask is very hard.” He
inhaled deeply.

“Sienna, my true name is Sienna.” Very few
living knew her true name, but she needed her mate to know it.

He smiled. “Sienna.”

She took his hand, allowing herself to
touch him. The contact between them so electric, her powers hummed like a
current through her veins. Yes, she was his bride, he her mate. Finally, she
turned to look through tear-filled eyes upon the face of her dreams. “Do this
for me. Your bride asks it of you.”

He seemed to be searching her face, the
anguish clear upon his own. “How long?”

“Once the child comes of age. Do not worry,
mate mine, she will find her mate shortly after being born. There are things I
have seen that will all happen then. I must be able to ‘view’ to help, to
ensure the future unfolds as it must.”

He hung his head. One hand still entwined
in hers, the other hand remained clasped to his knee. Then he squeezed her
fingers and lifted his head to gaze at her. “I will wait for you. As long as it
takes. I so swear to my bride. What do you need me to do?”

She told him.

One of the hardest things she’d ever done
was to leave him alone on the rocks. Other than the brief touch of hands, she
didn’t dare touch him more, nor did he try to kiss her, as she’d wanted him to.
As though both of them knew if it were to happen, they wouldn’t be able to

The sea witch walked out into the water
and did not look back. Tears left tracks upon her youthful features as she dove
into the ocean, uncaring of the rocks. With each stroke away from him, her
tears fell faster to be absorbed by the sea.

There were still more difficult things to
come. Tabatha would have her child, she would be the midwife, and she would
have to convince her sister the babe was stillborn. Even if she needed to kill
it herself. This babe could very well be the destruction of the Children of the
Waves. Sienna would do whatever she must to prevent such a thing from happening
to her people. Something she didn’t tell her mate. As she dove deeper into the
water of life, it calmed her. The call of the waves like a promise from the
sea. They would be together again.


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