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Last night was like a fairytale romance! A beautiful,
raunchy, lovely, hedonistic, enchanting, orgasmic, sweet, nasty fairytale! It
felt like a scene from Cinderella meets Caligula. And the weekend wasn’t over…


After our room-service breakfast, of crepes and Spanish
omelets, Devlin took me down to the hotel shops so we could both buy everything
we needed for a fun-in-the sun day. Neither of us wanted to return home to
retrieve clothes or anything else. It was during our little shopping spree, that
I was forced into making what I thought was a small confession.


“Cali, isn’t your mom probably worried about you? Don’t you
let her know when you’re not coming home? She doesn’t even know where you are,
does she?”


“Uh, yeah…...she knows where I am. We always try to keep each
other informed, so we don’t worry. We are pretty considerate roommates.”


“But neither one of us used our phones at all last night. I
silenced mine as soon as I sent Carl on his way. I figured you did the same.”


“I did too. I didn’t want to be disturbed either. I just
wanted to concentrate on you.”


“Well, then, what did you do? Send her smoke signals or use
mental telepathy?”


It was then that I knew the jig was up. I had to fess up to
the truth:


“I called my mother while I was in the ladies’ room of the
restaurant, and told her not to expect me home until later today.”


I could immediately see Devlin’s wheels start turning as he
processed what I just said:


“So, you
I had
already arranged a room for us, and you were already
to spend the night with me before I even asked you? And
you didn’t say anything?”


“Well, I assumed that was a room keycard sticking out from
under your plate. And, of course, I didn’t let on that I knew, because I think
men prefer to believe they have some sort of control as to the outcome of an


Devlin looked completely dumbfounded. I guess I must’ve given
him quite a bit to mentally chew on


as we shopped for our day’s attire. He became strangely
silent, like he was trying to figure out something complicated in his head. And
he kept shooting perplexed glances my way while we picked through the racks of
clothes, shaking his head like he had had no previous notion or clue as to the
complex inner-workings of a woman’s mind. He couldn’t seem to let it go:


“So………. what exactly did your mother say to you when you
called her and said you weren’t coming home last night?”


“She said, ‘Well, I didn’t
so dear, but thanks for calling to let me know, anyway.’ Then,
she told me to have a great time, and said good-night.”






It was becoming apparent that I had been outplayed by that
clever little minx. Here I thought I was luring her into
web, when in reality, I was already
in hers.


I didn’t mind… We had had one hell of a fucking night!


I decided there was no good reason to dwell on it when we
still had that magnificent room available to us for a couple more hours before
check-out time.


I pulled Cali over to me, while we were exiting the final
store and kissed her apologetically.


“We should go back up to the room, now. We’ve still got a little
bit of time to enjoy it before they kick us out on the street.”


We burst into the room and hurriedly threw down our shopping
bags in the first corner we saw. Then, we hung out the “Do Not Disturb” sign,
and took full advantage of all the great “fucking places” the enormous suite
had to offer.


Cali was standing near the window, wearing a flouncy little
floral sundress she got from one of the boutiques in the hotel. She had wanted
to change out of last night’s dinner dress and heels as quickly as possible,
this morning. She turned to me and gestured for me to join her on the cushioned
window seat.


As soon as I sat down, she gave me a teasing, punishing kiss
and dropped to her knees. She undid the button and fly of my jeans and gently released
my pent-up cock. I always went commando, ensuring easy access; most girls
seemed to really dig that. I had a raging hard-on at just the
of Cali sucking my dick again.


She took my rod in hand and massaged the length of my
hardness as she pulled back all the way to the head. The metal ring didn’t
appear to be a challenge to her at all. She had a bad little girl expression on
her face as she swallowed me deeper with each suck. She was driving me fucking


I untied the halter top of her sundress and let it fall
forward, revealing her glorious ample tits that swayed with the same rhythm as
Cali’s bobbing head. I held onto them and teased her nipples while she practically
inhaled my manhood. I was about to cum in her mouth, but I decided to tug on
her hair and stop her. I really wanted to cum in her ultra-tight little pussy


I pulled her up into my lap and buried my face in her tits,
kissing and nibbling her nipples. I gently tugged on them with my lips as she
dangled them over my face. I slipped my hands up her dress and found she was
also bare-assed commando. I guess she’d decided my little command was an
ongoing request.


What a fuckin’ turn on that was, to discover my woman had
left herself completely open to me once again. She wrapped her amazing legs
around my waist and her arms around my neck as I lifted her up off the window
seat and carried her over to the richly upholstered, overstuffed chair.


I finger-fucked her completely soaked slit, then she lifted
the hem of her sweet little dress like she was about to curtsy to the queen and
slid right down on my cock like it was custom made for her. She rode me like a
wild bull, pulling on my dick with her pussy each time she rose and arched her
back. I tried hard to delay my wad but she was milking me so hard, I just had
to let it go. I came inside of her like there was no tomorrow. Cali was
actually wearing me out.


I looked at my Rolex and saw that we had only one more hour
left in the room, before check-out. I always stayed an extra half hour over (and
no hotel had ever charged me), so I figured that really gave us 90 more
minutes. I really didn’t want to spend a second night, since we really couldn’t
stay over again and enjoy it fully. Cali had to be to work bright and early
tomorrow morning. And I had another PT appointment with my brilliant therapist…
I wondered what creative ways she’d come up with to help me work out my


I knew I could easily go one more round with my sexed up
little doll face and I was reasonably sure she’d have no trouble keeping up
with me. Her remarkable sexual prowess was quite the pleasant surprise. I never
would have guessed she had only been with 3 guys. She was definitely not the
uptight, shy little flower she appeared to be. For some reason, this was still
bothering me. As a self-proclaimed player, I didn’t like to be played, no matter
how hot the chick was. Cali was hot, alright. Fucking hot. She could have her
way with any man. And I was starting to think she probably had. Hell, the first
time we’d almost been together, she’d given me a fake name and was trying to
fuck me on the first night…


I decided to stop tormenting myself and just enjoy the time
we had left.


Still resting in the big comfy chair, I was getting a rise out
of watching her stroll around the suite naked as a baby (a beautiful,
voluptuous, sexy baby!), searching for last night’s clothes that were scattered
around the suite in the weirdest places. One of my socks had somehow made its way
across the room and lodged itself onto the handle of one of the balcony doors.
Cali removed it, and undid the double French doors that opened onto our private
balcony. She stood glimmering in the sunlit doorway, like a hot vision from


She continued looking
for our clothes, gathering up what she found and piling everything onto the
dining table. She shrieked and giggled like a child when she found one of her
red high heels hooked on a bar stool and the other hanging from a light
fixture. Instead of putting them with the rest of our things, she slipped the
shoes on her sweet little feet and strutted seductively over to me like a
sultry, porn vixen.
Holy fuck!
sight of her wearing nothing but fire red, fuck-me pumps was one hot fucking
sight to behold. I was pretty sure I was drooling…….






Devlin’s eyes widened like a kid in a candy store, as I stood
in front of him with one foot raised up onto the arm of his chair. I knew the
slutty, red heels would surely do him in. I tossed my hair back, threw out my
proud chest, and put my hands on my hips like I was Superwoman.
Devlin’s staff jumped to attention, like
any obedient boy would.


He cradled my ankle in his hands and started kissing it and
teasing it with his tongue. He looked up at me, from the chair, and made his


“Cali, I want you to touch yourself. Please? I
watch you…
cum. Will you?”


He continued pleasuring my ankle as I mulled over his
question. I never did
in front
before. But Devlin didn’t
feel like just anybody. He really felt like
man now. I wanted to please him more than anybody I’d ever met, so I let
the last of my inhibitions slip away.


I was already spread open pretty far, with my foot in his
hand and my leg raised to his eye-level. I locked eyes with his and bit my
lower lip as I slid my fingers into myself. My own wetness aroused me, driving
me to play with my tits with the other hand. I closed my eyes and allowed my head
and hair to fall back, swaying my hips back and forth as I fucked myself.


When I glanced downward through my eyelashes at Devlin, he
was stroking his own cock while he watched me. That made me even hotter.
Massaging my own creaminess onto my clit, my entire pussy began heating up from
the friction of my own unrelenting fingers. I grabbed Devlin’s wrist to steady
myself as my gyrations became more and more frenzied.
I dug my nails into his skin and called
out to him:


“Devlin, I’m
coming! Oh fuck me I’m coming! Fuck me again please!”


My knees began to buckle and I fell forward, right into his
lap. He immediately snatched me up in his powerful, tattooed arms and carried
me over to the balcony. I leaned over the railing, slightly shivering in the
exhilarating coastal breeze that blew over every inch of my naked skin. I drank
in the panoramic view of the bay one more time. My senses were heightened as I
eagerly spread my legs and tilted my ass skyward, in preparation for Devlin’s magnificent


The metal barbell grazed my pussy lips, and I braced myself
for what, literally, was to come. Devlin slid the rest of his dick into me
slowly and carefully positioned himself at just the right angle to ensure my
comfort. Once I gave him the green light, he began drilling my well with all
the expertise and precision of a Texas oil man.
Devlin Danes was one talented fucker, indeed!


With each and every slap of his sizeable balls against my
ass, he drove me further and further over the edge of ecstasy and
right over the edge of the
balcony, as well. He worked his nimble hands up and down my tummy and tits as
he rammed me from behind, adjusting his speed, rhythm and intensity according
to my degree of moaning.
He was truly a fucking maestro!


Soon, I could feel his climax building with each stab of his
masterful cock. My multiple orgasms were pushing me to the brink of insanity. I
screamed Devlin’s name and begged for his release.


“Devlin, cum in me baby! PLEASE
fucking cum!”


His formal military training was evident once again, as he
followed my order and came on command. And boy, did he cum. What a trooper! He cried
out, “Oh Cali, fuck oh Cali!”, and released such a powerful blast, he almost
shook me out of my shoes. We both gasped for air as we tried to catch our
breath. I heard the sound of my heart pounding in my ears. Devlin made a few
more halting stabs into my throbbing slit and finally pulled out.


My soldier boy lightly kissed my shoulders as he clung to my
back. I hugged the balcony railing and smiled, feeling the warmth of his juice trickle
down my legs.

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