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My father and I were like the proverbial two ships that
passed in the night. He was either leaving while I was coming, or coming when I
was going. Tonight, we intersected in the hallway just outside my bathroom
after my final slap of Armani aftershave.


“Dressing it up tonight? Going out with that physical
therapist you told me about?”


I just gave him a little smile and a nod.


“Are Carl and the limo available tonight? I’m taking Cali to
the Pacific Vista Terrace for dinner and I want to take her in style.”


“The limo? That will probably impress the pants right off of


“Please don’t talk about Cali that way. I told you, she’s not
like that. I think this one is different, and I won’t stand for any
disrespectful bullshit about her, dad.”


“I never heard you talk about
girl like that before, Devlin. I apologize, son. Have you met
her family yet? What are they like?”


“Actually, I just met her mom today, but Cali’s dad split
before she was born. I have something to tell you about her mother, though. I
hope you’re not going to get mad or anything.”


“Get mad? About her mother? Why on earth would I get mad
about her mother? Her mom’s not Dianne Feinstein is she?” My dad let out an
exaggerated guffaw.


“You had it right from the start. She’s Amari Jamison.”


“The whole state of California at your disposal and you pick
the spawn of that horrible woman?”


“She’s got her convictions. Maybe it’s time you joined the
twenty first century and embraced a little change, dad.”


I didn’t give him a chance to respond. It really didn’t
matter how he felt about things. I didn’t need him, his money, his house, or
his approval.


I found Carl in the garage. He was still in his uniform as he
restocked the limo bar.


“Carl, are you busy? I need you to take my date and me over
to the Pacific Vista Tower Hotel.”


“No, sir. Pleasure, sir. Special evening, Mr. Danes?”


“Please, Carl, won’t you
just call me Devlin?”


“Not so long as your father keeps signing the checks, Mr.
Danes. If I may say so, Pacific Vista is an excellent choice, sir. Shall I
return with the car once I get your call or do you prefer that I wait in the


“Neither one Carl. You can go home and stay home until I call
you tomorrow. I’ve reserved a tower suite for the night………but don’t mention it,
it’s a surprise.”


“As you wish sir.”


Carl opened the
car door for me and I climbed into the back.


“Thanks Carl, you’re the best.”


Carl looked up and smiled at me in the rearview mirror as the
privacy shield went up.






My mom peered out through the sheer living room curtain when
she saw the car headlights appear in our driveway, at exactly 7 o’clock. She
yelled to me that my date had arrived and immediately started in with the
liberal commentary…


“A limo? He’s got a chauffeur and a limo? Must be his father’s.
All that insider trading money. The palms of some politicians are greased quite
generously by their corporate crony constituents. Screwing the little people
doesn’t come cheap, you know…”


I rushed out of the bathroom and gathered my clutch purse and
silk wrap up from off the couch.


“Mom. For the love of God, give it a


She turned away from the window to look at me and I could see
that a lump had got caught in her throat as she eyed me up and down. My mom was
a typical, emotional Aries. It didn’t take much for her to get choked up.


“I’m sorry. I’ll stop. You look absolutely stunning, Cali. That
red dress is a knockout! Have a great time sweetie pie.”


The doorbell rang and when my mom opened it, we were both
pleasantly surprised to see Devlin standing on the porch. Judging by my mom’s
face, she was just as shocked as I was to see him rather than the chauffeur. He
bowed slightly, and handed my mom a box of Godiva chocolates.


“Good evening, Ms. Jamison. I hope you like dark chocolate,
raspberry truffles.”


“My absolute favorite! Devlin, how did you know that? Did
tell him Cali? Please come in.”


The sight of Devlin Danes standing in our foyer, dressed to
kill in what was probably some ultra expensive Italian designer suit that
barely fit over his muscular frame activated every horny hormone I had in my
body. He was one fine-looking man. I couldn’t believe he was


“I’m so glad you like them, Ms. Jamison. Those just happen to
be my favorite too. I guess we both have good taste. You have a nice evening,


I kissed my mother on the cheek and she shot me a look that
said, “Please be careful honey, this man will not take no for an answer.” I
tried hard to return an innocent little girl look back to her, hoping my
expression would not betray my slutty little girl thoughts; the ones that said,
“I have no intentions of saying no to this man, mother!”


Devlin reached
out to take my hand in his, and we headed out into the night. I felt like I was
going to the senior prom again. Only this time, it was WAY BETTER! My date had
money and a clear complexion……


“Cali, you take my breath away. You’re so incredibly
beautiful. And that dress
Wow. Red is your color.”


“Well, I
say, you clean up
pretty nicely yourself, Mr. Danes. Very nice suit. You look extremely dashing.”


My handsome escort and I walked arm and arm down the
flagstone path that cut through the yard. Mom had flicked on the twinkling
garden lights for an added romantic effect. I turned to see her smiling face
through the curtain, and the snouts of three ragamuffin hounds lining the
window sill. Crickets were chirping and the moonlight outlined the blooming
magnolia trees. It was completely magical. All I needed now was a pumpkin


Devlin graciously introduced me to Carl, the chauffeur, and
helped me into the back of the black stretch limousine. Then, he poured us both
a bubbly glass of Dom and we relaxed back, sinking deeply into the leather seat
for the ride over to the Pacific Vista Tower Hotel.


He stretched his strong arm around me and I nuzzled my head
into his rock-hard chest. He tilted my chin up with the tips of his fingers and
gave me a sweet but lingering kiss on the lips. No tongues. He was acting like
a perfect gentleman.
And he was driving
me fucking crazy!
I had a sneaking suspicion he was completely aware of it
too. Here I was, no panties and ready to throw myself at him, and he was taking
it slow…


I found myself completely mentally preoccupied with thoughts
of his pierced dick.


My eyes kept getting diverted over to his crotch. I could
sort of see the outline of it under there; under those tailored dress slacks
that fit his muscled ass so perfectly. It was lying in wait, probably only a
couple inches from my fingertips. Devlin was making some sort of small talk
with me
, but I was focused on the close proximity
and distracted to the point of keeping me from fully engaging in the


The car suddenly stopped at the hotel entrance of the
magnificent Pacific Vista Tower which stretched high above us. The place was
ultra-chic. It was the newest and
most posh
San Diego, waterfront hotel. I felt like royalty as we crossed the expansive,
lavish lobby. The other patrons actually stopped to look at us!


We rode the glass elevator all the way up to the top floor of
the 50 story tower. Devlin seized the opportunity to bestow an incredibly
passionate and romantic kiss upon me that warmed me all the way to my toes.


When we reached the restaurant on the 50
elevator doors parted, revealing a spectacular 360 degree view of the city,
bay, Coronado Bridge, and all the surrounding marinas. Although Devlin had
experienced the view during previous visits, he indulged me as I took it all in
for a few extra minutes. He was incredibly sweet about it:


“I’m enjoying it through the beauty of your eyes, Cali.”


As we entered the low-lit restaurant, the maître d’ greeted
us and led us over to a romantic corner with a private booth, by a window
overlooking the city lights.
I noticed
Devlin palmed him a wad of cash.


. Merci,


“Merci beaucoup, Monsieur Danes.”


We slid into our plush booth and sank back into the high, soft
cushions. The place was dripping with ambiance. Devlin and I snuggled together
and studied the French cuisine menu by the flickering candlelight. We got lost
in each other’s gaze several times and eventually I told him to just order
everything for us. I figured he was a fairly worldly man and it would be
reasonably safe to trust him with the task. What an understatement that turned
out to be!


His choices were sublime. Each dish was a mouth-watering taste
sensation that paired perfectly with the wine that he picked. Everything was absolutely
out of this world and the entire dinner was completely unparalleled to any
dining experience I had ever had. I didn’t even recognize half the stuff that I
was eating. I had the most fun time when Devlin blindfolded me with his napkin
and fed me escargots. Wonderfully delicious, buttery, garlicky, snails!


Devlin had even ordered in French.
Fucking French!
He impressed me at every turn.
I clearly did
know this man. But I sure as hell wanted to. I had wondered, on
more than one occasion, whether or not he had more substance than meets the
eye. Little did I know
substance he actually had; he was not just a pretty face, after all. Where had
this classy guy been hiding? He was doing
right and I couldn’t wait to get him between the sheets. Devlin Dane’s
pierced cock would definitely be mine tonight………






I was feeling like the luckiest guy in the world. I was in a
world-class restaurant with the woman of my dreams having the time of my life. Everything
was going exactly as planned. It was easy to see that Cali had been impressed
with the limo, the restaurant and especially with me. She was like a purring
kitten lapping milk right out of my cupped hand. There was no room for any wrong
moves this time. I needed the evening to go smoothly and perfectly. And it was.


There was no doubt about it now: Cali Jamison was flaming hot
for me.


The dress she was wearing was practically screaming out for
me to fuck her. The slinky red number was slit almost all the way up to her oh
so fine ass, and cut equally low down the front. Something told me she’d
complied with my little demand. The idea of this innocent little thing going to
dinner without panties was almost as fucking sexy as this dress...


She’d taken things even further, though…


Her amazing tits were completely unleashed beneath the sheer
red cloth.


It was all I could do to keep from sucking her perky nipples
right off of them. I hadn’t actually seen them in the flesh yet, but the clingy
fabric hugged every tight curve, and left little to the imagination.


Her matching red lipstick was driving me crazy with desire……I
was literally aching to get inside of her. But, I knew I still needed to play
it cool yet. I decided to tease her a little longer and keep her on the edge of
suspense. I also needed to reel her in slowly, so she couldn’t wiggle off the Devlin


Our waiter brought us another bottle of Bordeaux
, and poured some in each of our glasses. I
proposed a toast “to the most beautiful woman in the restaurant” and we drank
to that…
times. We laughed and sang, “When
the world starts to shine like you’ve had too much wine
that’s amore.” It felt like we were the only two people in the whole


Cali kissed me forcefully on the lips, and pressed her bare
thigh against my leg under the table. The lacy hem of her dress had gotten
inadvertently (or purposefully) hiked up high, almost to her hip, while we were
busy licking Lyonnais sauce off of each other’s mouths. I gave her smooth, hot
thigh a playful squeeze before teasingly slipping my fingers under the silky red
fabric; slowly inching them closer and closer to what I knew she was hoping I
would touch. She ran her tongue along her lower lip in obvious anticipation.


But I didn’t touch it. Not because she stopped me; she was definitely
welcoming. But, because I wanted to drive her wild with desire for me. So, I tortured
her (and myself) by halting my fingers just shy of it; just shy of her
beautiful, bare, quivering little pussy.
fuck me, how I wanted to taste that!


Instead, I pulled her close and opted for a deep, long,
passionate, romantic kiss. It was working. I was driving her wild; I could feel
her nipples hardening and teasing me right through my shirt as she pressed
deeper into the kiss. She would be all mine to ravage soon enough. We had only
one more dinner course remaining, prompting me to imitate our French waiter:


“Which dessert do you prefer, Mademoiselle? Les
soufflés de citron? Mocha pots de crème?
Strawberry savarin? Or, perhaps one of each,


“Why don’t you surprise me, Devlin?
I’ve got to use the little girls’ room
but I’ll be right back. I still have quite an appetite left.”


As she said the word “appetite”, she ran her hand across my
, down my abs, and onto my now stiff cock, before
planting another hard kiss on my salivating lips. She scooted her way out of
the booth, and gave me a sexy little wink as she stood up.


Once she was out of sight, I summoned the waiter and ordered
the crème puffs in dark chocolate sauce “to go”. I had future plans for those,
up in our suite; plans that Cali was still unaware of.


I had tipped the maître d’ handsomely, not only for the
perfect table but also for concealing our room key under my dinner plate. Cali already
knew that I had presumptuously and arrogantly made dinner reservations before
asking her. So, I was trying to hide the fact that I had also taken the same
liberty with our overnight accommodations. Somehow, I imagined she would prefer
thinking she had had some say over the outcome of this evening.


When Cali returned, she sat on my lap and stroked my dick
through my pants as she purred into my ear.


“So lover boy, which dessert did you get
for us?”


“I ordered something hot and creamy, my little lovely… It’ll
be coming soon……….”


And this time, I wasn’t messing around: While staring
intently into her gorgeous eyes, I discretely walked my fingers up her hot
thighs, thankful for the privacy of our booth. I deftly slipped my first two
digits higher and sunk them into her waiting wet slit. I drew her slickness out
and circled my fingers around on her clit as she spread her legs open further
for me. Then I played her like a musical instrument, working her sweet spot
over and over until she moaned my name and came right there on my lap. When she
was finished, I pulled my fingers out of her honey hole and licked her
delectable juices off of each one, while wearing the biggest, most satisfied
smile on my face.

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