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My mom and I lived together in a modest house, in the
Hillcrest area of San Diego. It’s a trendy neighborhood, brimming with shops
and cafes, not far from the city’s world famous zoo and Balboa Park. And it’s
where she has owned and operated her dog grooming salon, “
R Us” for almost two decades.


As far as mother/daughter relationships go, momma and I are
very close.
She raised me all by
herself after my father ran off and she definitely did an outstanding job. But
it didn’t mean I told her everything, all the time. I had
told her about my night with Devlin. She would have hunted
him down with a vengeance and castrated him with her dog clippers. She hated
injustice, and for that, she would always be my hero. That was my mom: Amari


She wasn’t just
hero either…


Civil rights, housing for the homeless, numerous environmental
issues, animal rights... She was involved in countless protests, rallies,
strikes, boycotts, sit-ins and campaigns. She had boundless energy when it came
to anything she was passionate about. I had always admired that.


After my PT session with Devlin, I was exhausted; physically,
mentally, and emotionally. But, like the good daughter that I was, I phoned my
mom to see if I should stop and get something for dinner on my way home. And
like the GREAT mother she was, she had already picked up a veggie pizza and a
bottle of Pinot Noir.
You rock momma!


We had the
most lovely
, relaxing
dinner out on the back patio. The food and wine tasted extra delicious and the summer
night sky was starting to come alive with stars. The moon was in its new crescent
phase and Venus sparkled brightly over its lunar shoulder.


Our lush garden looked almost enchanted in the soft
moonlight. Bougainvillea practically grew wild around our house and had created
a trellis of pink and purple flowers on our backyard fence that bloomed almost all
year-round. Our three rescue dogs, Dewy, Huey and Louie gnawed on our discarded
pizza crust under the picnic table with great gusto. We were stuffed and happy,
and everything was perfect. The conditions were just right for telling her
about Devlin Danes.


“We got a new client today, momma. It turns out, he’s someone
I knew from back in college. Isn’t that a coincidence?”


“Really? Please tell me it isn’t Deshawn. Is it Deshawn? He
always seemed so uncomfortable and nervous around me.”


Mom smiled devilishly as she took a big swig of wine from her
hand-painted glass and let out a loud, bawdy “HA!”


“No, it isn’t Deshawn. We haven’t even kept in contact. It’s a
guy I only went out with once, way back when, before he shipped out for the
Middle East… But… I’m thinking I might be interested in him again.”


“I don’t recall you ever mentioning any
guy back then. What’s his name?”


Mom was not fond of military
That included military songs, planes, boats, clothes, and
haircuts. As far as she was concerned, the military was just a bunch of little
boys playing with big expensive, destructive toys that killed people. End of
story. Devlin would not exactly be her cup of tea.


That turned out to be the understatement of the year. I
barely got the name out of my mouth before my mom started coughing and spewing
wine out of her nose. I didn’t have a clue as to why she was already so visibly


“You went out with Devlin Danes in college?! The son of that
asshole GOP congressman, Richard Danes?! And you’re thinking about dating him
again?! This is too much! I can’t believe what I’m hearing, Cali!”


“Well, just because the dad is an asshole doesn’t mean his
son is automatically an asshole. You’ve always taught me not to prejudge people,
mom. And I think that’s a pretty good code to live by.”


My mom hopped up from her seat and started immediately
busying herself with cleaning up the table and carrying our plates into the


“I know. I know, honey. You’re right, of course. It’s just
that his dad isn’t just ANY asshole politician, he’s Congressman Danes! UGH! I
get nauseated just thinking about that bastard!”


“But what’s so
horrible about him, anyway? You still haven’t even said why you hate him so
much? I’ve never even heard you mention his name.”


“Never heard me mention his name? Are you serious? That man
has worked against me on almost every issue I’ve ever fought for!”


“Well this is news to me mom. I’ve only heard you complain
about Congressman Bane.”


“Oh my God, Cali! Congressman Bane
Congressman Danes! That’s my nickname for him because he is the
BANE of my existence! You thought that was actually his name? Don’t you even know
the names of your California representatives?”


I was too embarrassed to admit to my mother that I did not.


We finished tidying up the kitchen together in only a handful
of minutes. That was the great thing about take-out; no real mess. Our arguing
was getting us nowhere. We were at an impasse, so we agreed to call it a truce,
for now. I hugged my mom and planted a kiss on her forehead. She warmly embraced
me back.


“I love
momma. Thanks for
dinner. I’ve got some work I
do before I go to
bed. Good-night. See you in the morning.”


“You too, peanut. Sleep tight. Don’t work too hard.”


Once I was alone in my bedroom, I plugged in my laptop and
started researching Navy SEALS.


The U.S. Navy’s Sea Air Land team is
a special operations force?
train to operate in all environments and climates such as deserts, jungles and the


Combatant swimming? Parachute
jumping? Underwater demolition?


Unique breed of warrior………


My mind was churning with the daunting descriptions of all
the duties and physical requirements of the SEALs.
Devlin Danes did all this stuff


That’s when I decided to look him up by name. The search page
filled with stories and images. Medal of Honor recipient… Descriptions of his
heroism that night in the Mediterranean. A man who was willing to sacrifice
himself for his team. A man who had survived despite overwhelming odds.


I craved him in the worst possible way…


I was so annoyingly horny lately. I chalked it up to two
things: One was the fact that I hadn’t been with a man in so long, I could
barely remember what it was like. And two, an incredibly handsome sexual predator
was infiltrating my brain. I couldn’t help but be sexually frustrated.


Unfortunately, tonight, I would have to settle for my less
satisfying but dependable, man substitute. I locked my bedroom door, and dug
around for the large magenta-colored helper that I kept in my sock drawer.


Just the vibrating hum of my “pleasure wand” was enough to
already get my juices flowing. I turned on the TV as a sound buffer, before
relaxing back onto my bed with my faithful, ever-ready lover.


My mind was filled with images of Devlin: His dark soulful
eyes, chiseled jaw-line, and his killer body. I pictured him releasing his cock
from his jeans and stroking it seductively in his hand. I was dying to feel it sliding
between my thighs, pushing way up inside of me, and filling me completely. He
had no idea how many times I’d lay here thinking about him over the years…


Maybe he’d hurt me when he left… But I couldn’t forget the
way he made me feel that night. So beautiful… So desired…


I parted my legs and ran my dildo back and forth over my slit
and in circles around on my clit, pretending it was Devlin’s tongue. The
fingers of my left hand fondled my nipples and grabbed at my tits the way I
hoped his strong, man hands would do, hopefully one day soon.


I softly moaned
his name and rocked my hips back and forth as I let the dildo penetrate my hot
opening. I imagined Devlin’s cock entering my slick pussy lips, forcing me to
spread my legs further.


With a click of a
button, I upped the setting from tease to high and imagined my muscular SEAL man
releasing his cum in me. My orgasms were the strongest I’d ever had, with or
without an actual


person. I lost track of how many times I came, until I
finally had to drop my joy stick into the sheets, still humming. Eventually, I
shut it off, and rolled over, drifting into a sweet “



Good-night, Devlin Danes.






I had slept like a dead man and woke in the morning
completely energized.
I downed a
protein/banana smoothie and hopped on my road bike for a five mile ride along
the scenic rugged coastline. I didn’t want to overwork my leg, so I kept the
intensity of the workout down. Running was still off-limits, but swimming
wasn’t. So afterward, I took a refreshing plunge into our saltwater pool and
lost count of the number of laps I did. I felt strong and reborn.


Dad even looked a bit proud of me today, as he left for his
downtown office. And Carl saluted me before climbing behind the wheel of the


I headed over to Bayside Fitness an hour before my scheduled
appointment time, so I could use the gym equipment for an upper-body workout.


While I was using the standing, pull-down
machine, I heard a familiar voice call out my name from behind me:


didn’t know you were a member at this club?! Long time, no see…”


Before I knew it, a pair of hands was grabbing both cheeks of
my ass.
Shit! Sandy! Just the person I
didn’t want to see!


And just my luck, Cali walked past us with a rehab client in
tow. Our eyes met, and hers widened as she shot a glaring look of contempt at


afternoon, Mr. Danes.”


I sure as shit didn’t need that to
happen! FUCK AGAIN!


“Sandy, we both know this isn’t going to happen. We broke
this off and you’re back with Greg,” I said, pulling away from her and trying
not to attract attention. She wasn’t taking the hint.


“Maybe I made a mistake. What Greg doesn’t know won’t hurt
him,” she whispered.


“Not going to happen,” I replied sternly. I left her there,
moving over to the bench press. Of course, Sandy had to call attention to the
situation by yelling across the gym:


“Devlin Danes,
cocksucker! You
think I don’t know a brush-off when I hear one?! You have some fuckin’ nerve!
You think you can just run away over to there? Where
think you’re
hide? Behind a fuckin’ exercise


My embarrassment continued, as she followed me over to the
bench, shrieking obscenities the whole way in her annoying Brooklyn accent. She
let me off the hook
easily. I glanced back across the gym to see if Cali was
watching this disgraceful episode, and she sure as shit was. She had a look of
complete revulsion on her face as she tried to maintain some old guy’s therapy
session. Unfortunately, Sandy caught me looking over at Cali and that really
set her off.


“Oh I get it now! You got your eye on little miss chocolate
tits over there and you don’t want HER to know you been fuckin’ me on the


Sandy looked back and stared in Cali’s direction.


“It’s been weeks Sandy, and you’re the one who broke it off,”
I replied, trying to mitigate the damage.


“You know what? Go ahead. Have fun asshole. I hope your
pierced dick rusts and falls off!!”


Sandy snatched up her towel and water bottle, and stormed off
to the nearest exit.


All eyes were on me now, so I just shrugged my shoulders, and
mugged my best “I have no idea what the fuck that was about” look. Most of the
people around me seemed pretty amused. Except Cali.


She wasn’t smiling at all. She looked exactly like a woman
with her nose out of joint. And who could blame her? She had been humiliated at
work in front of clients and colleagues. It appeared I had fucked up again; big
time. I had no idea what I could possibly say or do to make things right with
her. I headed to the locker room to splash some cold water in my face and give
it some serious thought.






Somehow, I had successfully managed to maintain my composure
while I finished up the exercises with my very elderly client. Mr. Clemons was
84 years-old and had probably seen just about everything during his long life
on Earth. He had been completely unfazed by the ridiculous TV reality-show
antics that had just unfolded in front of us at the gym.


Not me though... I found crazy shit like that to be extremely
unsettling. Thankfully, the last time I saw that kind of high drama displayed was
when my college roommate Sheryl and I came upon her boyfriend, Tim, getting
blown by some slut in the school parking garage.


Sheryl went completely ape-shit, cussing and ranting like a
lunatic. Then, she reached into the car window and ripped out a handful of hair
from Tim’s head and ran off through the quad…


I escorted Mr. Clemons out to the lobby and headed back down
the hall to my office. I happened to cross paths with
as she was taking a woman over to the stretching mats. Her facial expression
told me that she had already caught wind of all the tawdry details from the
buzz that was making its way around the facility. I felt like I wanted to crawl
under the nearest rock and hide for a few weeks until it all blew over.


I was definitely going to hear about this later… That wasn’t
the worst part though… As I walked, a few words kept rolling through my head…


“I hope your pierced dick rusts and
falls off…”


Did he really have one?
I honestly didn’t even want to
about something like that… But it
was too late. The mental picture had been planted in my brain.
Great! Just what I needed!


No sooner had I parked my butt in my leather swivel chair and
removed the dick pic from my head, when the king dick himself appeared at the
door to my office still wearing his stupid “who me?” smirk.


I thought back to the nasty, slutty woman making a scene just
minutes ago. I guess he hadn’t changed. This is the kind of trashy woman Devlin
attracts? Worse yet – this is the kind of trashy woman he’s attracted


It was all too revolting. My first instinct had been correct.
Devlin Danes really was a
. And to think I
almost got involved with him.


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