SEAN: A Mafia Romance (The Callahans Book 3) (105 page)

BOOK: SEAN: A Mafia Romance (The Callahans Book 3)
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“What did I tell you would happen if you didn’t keep your hands to yourself?” He cracked his palm again.

Laura flinched at the sound. “That you would punish me.”

Mason dragged the tip up and over her seam. It got him off to see her shudder with pleasure.

The first blow caught Laura by surprise. She cried out as the crop came down on the sensitive flesh of her bottom the second time.

“I’m thinking three more times ought to do it.” He teased the leather tongue against her clitoris; she bucked and strained for more pressure in response.

The third lash snapped against the aching bundle of nerves, sending a shockwave through her. Laura didn’t understand how, but she was turned on almost to the point of pain. She thought if she didn’t come soon, she would drop dead for sure.

The fourth strike landed across the back of her thighs. She wriggled her ass in the air and moaned. Only one more to go.

Mason paused. He wanted the waiting to be her punishment. She clearly enjoyed the actual striking part, so he would get her with the anticipation. He watched as she rubbed her thighs together in frustration. When she slipped her hands between her legs was when he had a problem. “Stop right there, or you get five more. You do not touch yourself unless I say so, nor do you come until I tell you to.”

Laura froze and whimpered. “Please, Mason. This is killing me!” Every nerve in her body was firing. She was begging to be touched and put out of her misery.

With a smile he cracked one last lash against her clitoris.

The sting nearly pushed her over the edge. She could feel the orgasm; she just needed one last nudge to make it happen. “Please, Mason. I need you.”

Enough was enough for the punishment. He didn’t need her to beg or feel humiliated, and he’d toed that line pretty close. He sat on the edge of the couch, the cool leather sticking to the back of his legs, and pulled Laura in close to him on the floor. Without saying a word he pulled her up to kneeling and spread her legs. “Just a reminder that you do as I say.” He stroked a fingertip over her clitoris, culling mewls and moans from Laura’s mouth. “You’ve been a good girl. Now you get what you want.” He leaned back and allowed Laura to climb up onto his lap and straddle him.

She lowered herself onto his cock and rocked her hips, grinding against his pelvis to finally get some relief. She was going to take what she wanted.

Mason dug his fingers into her hips as she rocked and bucked, picking up the pace as she neared her peak. Laura closed her eyes and completely let go, letting the rhythm of her body take over.

Mason watched on as Laura became primal, totally animal. The way her breasts bounced, the way her ass slapped against his thighs, and the look of complete abandon on her face were the most erotic sights he had ever experienced. He moaned and matched her thrust for thrust as she rode him.

Laura gripped Mason’s shoulders as she came completely unglued. “Fuck, Mason!” she cried, moaning his name over and over as waves of pleasure washed over her.

              “Christ, you feel so good.” Laura’s muscles pulsed around his cock as she came and collapsed on top of him. Mason lifted his hips and held on to her limp body as he pounded into her. He cried out as he emptied himself inside of her.

Neither of them moved for several minutes. Mason stayed buried inside of her as she nuzzled her face into his neck.

“Mmm. You smell so good.” Laura nipped his earlobe.

“Ah! That tickles, stop.” Mason wiped his ear against his shoulder. He traced lines gently up and down Laura’s spine, making her quiver around him. His cock twitched in response.

“Laura, do you really want to leave tomorrow?”

Laura scooted off of his lap and sat down on her ancient afghan. It could be washed later. “Yeah. I do. I think the time away will be good for us, and I’m cracking under the stress. We don’t have anything to do until Monday, so let’s just get out of dodge if we can.”

Mason studied her for signs of something else. “Why don’t you go and get yourself cleaned up while I call the pilot? Okay?”

“Definitely. I’ll go jump in the shower.” Laura kissed Mason on the cheek and headed into the bathroom.

Mason fished his phone out of his pants pocket and strolled into the kitchen for a drink. He listened to the ringing while he pulled ice out of the freezer and opened a cabinet for a glass.

“Newport Jets. This is Marissa, how may I help you?”

“Hello, Marissa. This is Mason Decker, and I have a flight scheduled for Monday at nine. Could you let the pilot know I will need to change that for tomorrow?”

“I can check, but I’m not sure if that’s enough time to file a flight plan. What time did you need to leave?”

Mason smacked the ice cube tray against the granite countertop, snagging the drawer pull with his little finger. Something inside caught his eye and he pulled it all the way open.

“Mr. Decker? What time were you looking to take off?”

Mason reached in and pulled out a handful of what looked like crushed flower petals. “As soon as possible, please.”

“I’m going to put you on hold for a moment. I think the pilot for your flight is still in the building.”

“Sure. I’ll hold.” A saxophone version of Lady in Red came on over the phone line. Mason winced at the cheesiness of the Muzak.

After rummaging around another minute he pulled out a stack of paper. He turned the pile over and was stunned to find out they were all photos of Laura in various degrees of undress and the poems she had received.

Mason’s heart sank. Roses, nude photos, what else was she hiding? He snuck into the bedroom and pressed his ear to the bathroom door. Good, the water was still running. He searched under cushions and in the coat closet. He rummaged through every nook and cranny of the apartment to find nothing. Finally, he performed a mad dash around the kitchen, opening and closing cabinets until he came to the pair under the sink.

That’s where he found the pink box with the ermine stole. The shower knobs squeaked and the sound of running water stopped. Mason shoved everything back where he found it.

“Thank you for holding, Mr. Decker. I just spoke to the pilot. He said he’d file his flight plan tonight so you should be able to leave by four or so tomorrow afternoon.”

“Perfect. Thank you so much.” Mason hung up and slid is phone across the counter in a huff. What was he going to do? What did all this stuff mean? Did she have somebody else? Was that admirer back? This had to be why she was acting so strange.

“Did you get the flight changed?” Laura came out of the bathroom squeezing the water from her hair with a white bath towel. She hadn’t bothered to wrap her body in anything.

“Yeah. Um, we take off tomorrow at four. Go ahead and start getting packed.” Mason couldn’t keep the hurt out of his voice.

“Hey what happened? Are you all right?” Laura padded into the kitchen.

Mason stared at the floor. He couldn’t bring himself to look at her.

“Mase, what happened?” Laura felt him stiffen as she cupped his cheek.

“What are you hiding from me?” Mason blurted out.

“I’m sorry. What?” Laura felt her pulse pick up. Her palms were suddenly sweaty.

“What are you hiding from me? There has to be something. I can feel it.”
Please just tell me the truth!

“I’m not hiding anything from you.”
Liar! You’re a lying liar McLiarpants! Just tell him.

“Why are you lying to me?” A tear slipped down his cheek. He couldn’t lose her again. His heart just couldn’t take it.

“I’m not lying. I’m just not sure I want to talk about it.” Laura brushed her thumb over his cheek. “I promise, when I figure it out, I’ll tell you everything.”

“Is there another man?” Mason’s temper ignited. He wouldn’t let her go without a fight.

“No. Well, no. I don’t know. Something weird is going on and I have no idea what it is.” Laura turned on her heel and disappeared into the bedroom.

She didn’t want to acknowledge out loud that she was being watched. It felt like if she just kept hiding the photos and paraphernalia then these things weren’t really happening to her. She didn’t want to drag Mason into her mess. Especially since she didn’t know exactly what her mess was.

Mason appeared in the doorway and leaned against the frame. “I think someone is stalking you. We need to go to the police.”

“Rationally, I will agree with you, but I’m kind of hoping that our little European jaunt will put the kibosh on this thing once and for all. I’ll be gone for a month, and he or she will have that time without me to follow around.” Her logic was flawed, but followed the principle of “if you ignore it, it will go away.”

“I’m hoping the month will be enough time for this person to forget I exist and will find someone else to fixate on.”

Mason blinked at her, an incredulous expression stamped on his face. “No offense, but that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.” Mason picked up a dropped towel and wrapped it around his waist. He was not about to do battle naked.

“Well, that’s what I want to do. This person disappeared for a few months. Maybe if I disappear first then the separation will stick.” Even as she said the words out loud she knew they sounded stupid, but she didn’t want to involve the police. Then the situation would turn into some long, drawn out process. All she wanted was for it to end.

“Why are you insisting on keeping yourself in harm’s way? And furthermore, why did you hide it from me? Did you think I was too stupid to find out?” Mason’s eyes blazed with anger.

“This is none of your business!” Laura got off the bed and drew herself up to her full height. It was her turn to command authority. “Where do you get off telling me what to do, anyway?”

“This isn’t my business? This isn’t my business! The woman I love is being stalked by some psycho who sends her boneless weasels and naked pictures of herself, and it’s none of my business.” He crossed his arms over his chest and balled up his fists in determination to keep his temper in check.

“Last I checked, you don’t own me, you aren’t my daddy, and there is no ring on my finger, so no, this isn’t any of your business.” Laura balled up her wet towel and hurled it at him.

Laura’s words cut deep, but Mason wasn’t about to let this go. “None of that matters, you stupid cow! It isn’t just you anymore! This is you and me, and you kept a real doozy of a secret from me for…how long now?”

Laura shrank back a little. “It started again a month ago.”

“A fucking month? You kept a critical detail like this from me for an entire month? I can’t – I just–” Mason opened and closed his mouth a few more times, but he couldn’t find the right words.

It didn’t matter what words were said. Laura plopped down on the mattress and bawled. “I am so sorry, Mason,” she cried, covering her face with her hands. “I’ve been so freaked out about this whole thing I didn’t know what to do. I wanted all of this to go away, and it wouldn’t. It’s been getting worse.”

Softening, Mason sat down next to Laura and pulled her onto his lap. “I should be the one apologizing. Hey, look at me.” Laura turned her gaze towards him. “I shouldn’t have made this about me, and for that, I’m sorry. Let’s just go and get out of town. With any luck this thing will have petered out by the time we get back.” Mason stroked her damp hair as she cried. Laura needed to get all of the stress and worry out and Mason was willing to just sit quietly and be there for her.

Laura’s body language had made it clear that she didn’t want his advice or meddling. He wanted to just jump in and take control of her situation, to just end it, but he wouldn’t be okay with himself if he disrespected her wishes.

Laura’s sobs had slowed to sniffles and hiccups. She had exhausted all of the emotion and pent up anxiety in her body, and despite the fatigue, could think a little more clearly. “I don’t care what happens from here on out. As long as I have you, I feel safe. You’re home for me, Mason.”

“Aw, hell, woman. You’re going to make me cry.” Mason kissed her with all the emotion he had felt. He wanted to carry some of her burden. She didn’t have to fight the invisible man on her own; it was just up to her to let him.

Mason lay Laura down on the bed underneath him. Laura kissed Mason back with an urgency bordering on desperation. She needed him. She wasn’t sure yet as to what that meant, but for now she needed that physical and emotional anchor to something real.

Mason positioned himself between her legs as Laura rose up to meet him.

Chapter Twenty Three


“Is there anything at all you need to pick up before we leave? We have to be at the airport in an hour if we even stand a chance of making it through the airport on time.” Mason had been a little stressed all morning. International travel was always a nightmare for him. He loved the destination, just not the getting there part.

“Nope. I have everything. Packed and ready to go.” Laura had to sit on her suitcase to secure the buckles. “I’m pretty impressed with myself. I managed to stuff a month’s worth of clothing and toiletries into two suitcases.” It was no easy feat. The process required Laura to play an elaborate game of Tetris with all of her winter clothes, including shoes.

“Me too. Remember that trip we took to Mexico for spring break, junior year? Three suitcases and a carry on for the smallest pieces of clothing I’d ever seen.” Mason shook his head at the memory. He had to play pack mule for a week.

“I needed room for souvenirs then. Now I’m not a broke ass college student and can afford to just ship things to myself if I want to.” Being steadily employed beat couponing for ramen noodles and textbooks any day.

“I’m just going to text my assistant to make sure my mail is being held. I put the paperwork in almost two weeks ago, but the guy behind the counter wasn’t terribly competent.” Mason pulled his phone out of his pocket and paced around the kitchen.

Laura gingerly sat on the edge of her bed. The welts on her bum were still tender from the night before, but the scratch of fabric against them made the muscles in her belly knot up with pleasure. She couldn’t wait to break in the plane.

“Done. Smith will be here in a few minutes. Let’s get your things down to the sidewalk.” Mason squatted down and lifted the first bag. “Hell, Laura. What did you pack?” He pulled a clean and jerk maneuver to hoist the bag onto his back. “And why don’t you have luggage on wheels like a normal person?’ Mason teased.

“Because then I wouldn’t get to hear you whine all afternoon.” Laura stuck her tongue out at Mason’s back as he left. She liked her old bags. The scuffed old suitcases were another vintage store find. The inside had a pretty pink satin lining, and the outside was a hard case wrapped in brown leather. They had been dropped, tossed, and chucked down a flight of stairs during her last move, without so much as a tear. As long as they survived, she was happy.

She slung her carry on across her chest and took one last inventory of the place. “All windows are locked. The balcony doors are locked. The thermostat is set. Talked to all the neighbors.” One by one she ticked off her leaving checklist, until the last thing was to lock the front door behind her.

That morning Mason ran down to the hardware store and picked her up a new knob and deadbolt set. He told her he didn’t want to chance her stalker having a key or a way in. He didn’t even want to give the maintenance guy or the landlord a copy until they returned home. He told her, “If the only copies of the key are thousands of miles away with us, I think we’ll sleep better, don’t you?”

Laura grudgingly agreed with him; she just didn’t want to hear her landlord’s mouth about changing the lock without telling him.

She gave the knob a few good shakes and shuffled down to the elevator. By the time the doors slid shut behind her, she was huffing and puffing and sweating like a pig. Maybe she did over pack.



“That trip through security was tons of fun!” Laura exclaimed as she flopped into a seat.

“Yeah. I love a good pat-down. The only thing missing was the cavity search. I’m a little disappointed I didn’t get fingered.”

              Laura laughed as an image of the crusty TSA agent wearing a rubber glove crossed her mind. “You were awfully close, I think. The bald guy was definitely eyeballing you.”

Mason waved at her. “Oh, stop it,” he chuckled. “You know I only have eyes for you, baby.” He gave her a smooch that was quick, but by no means chaste. “Buckle in. I’m sure we’ll get the pre-flight drill soon.”

The flight attendant’s name was Stuart, and he was a hilarious twenty-something with stunning red hair and chiseled biceps. He ran through the preflight drill fairly quickly, since the plane wasn’t a giant 777 with a half dozen potential escape routes.

“Once we’re in the air and I get the okay from the pilot, I’ll be around to serve you guys drinks, okay?”

“Thanks,” Mason and Laura answered in unison.

“Ugh! You two are adorable.” Stuart closed the curtain to the front of the plane to take his seat.

Laura entwined her hand in Mason’s. She had flown a bunch as a kid, but never internationally. It was only ever to Orlando to go to Disney World or to the Grand Canyon on summer vacation. The flights were short and never over open water, so she was a little nervous.

Mason gave her hand a squeeze as the plane rolled down the runway. “This trip is going to be great. I’m so happy you decided to come.”

Laura forced a smile as the plane picked up speed. Takeoff was the worst, but Mason’s sentiment was most definitely appreciated.

“Me too. At least I will be when takeoff is done.” Laura squeezed her eyes shut.

The nose of the plane began to rise, and shortly after the rear wheels lost contact with the ground as the plane quickly ascended to 30,000 feet.

“You can open your eyes now, love. We’re in the air.”

Laura cautiously cracked one eye. She couldn’t feel the plane moving any more, but she did feel her hand aching from white-knuckling the armrest. One by one she peeled her fingers away from the strangled white leather.

“Thanks,” Laura said as she shook feeling back into her hand. “How long are we going to be in the air?”

“About eight hours. We should be landing between five and six in the morning, Swiss time. Don’t worry. We’ll figure out something to do to kill time.” Mason winked. Well, he tried to. He couldn’t seem to get the single eye motion down. He sort of looked like a drunken owl blinking first one eye and then the other.

Laura snorted. “I’m sure. When you make sexy eyes like that at me, how can I resist?”

Mason glared at her while pressing his lips to her knuckles. “You are so lucky you’re cute.”

Laura beamed a cheesy smile at him. The playful banter helped ease the tension she felt, but she couldn’t fully relax until… “Who wants to get liquored up?”

Stuart appeared through the curtain, pushing a small, cloth-covered cart. A bucket of ice and a couple of plastic glasses decorated the top.

“Oh, Stuart, you are my new favorite person.” Laura slouched back in her seat. “Can I have a chardonnay, please?”

“Scotch and water please?” Mason asked.

“Absolutely. I also have food and some other, ahem, necessities for you should you need them. I’ll be back in a minute with your drinks.” Stuart hurried back to the galley.

“He’s obviously been working on private planes for some time, huh?” Laura commented.

“Yeah. I’m sure he’s participated in some of the shenanigans as well. There is some crazy stuff going down on these things.” Mason laughed as he recalled a memory. “I was on one flight with my partner in Japan that was quite, shall we say, lively, and more than a little eccentric.”

“Oh? Do tell!” Laura set her elbows on the armrest and cupped her chin in her hands, giving Mason her full attention.

Stuart came back out and interrupted. “Here you go, guys.” He rested the bottles on the tray so he could pour their drinks. “If you need anything else at all just poke your head through that doorway and let me know; otherwise I’ll stay out of your hair.” Stuart winked at them and walked away, leaving the tray behind.

“Now, see, that’s how you’re supposed to wink. Why can’t you do that?”

Mason made a face at her and took a sip of his drink. “So anyway, we get on the plane, and there were these three little women, all in their early twenties, that were going to be our flight attendants. Well, there were five of us on this flight, including my partner and me.”

He took another sip and rolled the scotch over his tongue as he recalled the rest. “About half an hour in, all three of the girls come out. They were super hot in their little uniforms. Turns out they were very interested in our comfort and in being our entertainment for the entire ride.”

Laura’s eyes widened. “Did you participate in the entertainment, then?”

“No. Nonono. I sat towards the back of the plane, horrified, as my Japanese traveling companions got busy with all three of those girls. Eventually, I ended up in the cockpit with the pilot for the rest of the trip.” Mason shuddered at the memory. “I’m into kink, but there is no way I’m passing partners around.”

Laura took a long draw from her glass. The wine was cool and crisp, erasing her dry mouth from earlier. “Now that was pretty funny.” She drew her fingertip over Mason’s forearm, causing him to shiver. “What do you say we erase that flight memory and replace it with one of our own?”

Mason smirked, his blue eyes lighting up at the notion. “I think that is a fantastic idea,” he agreed as he covered her mouth with his.

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