Sean (5 page)

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Authors: Desiree Wilder

BOOK: Sean
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I woke before my alarm sounded, so I reached over and shut it off. Brynn was snuggled up to me and it was the best feeling in the world. I kissed her forehead and she opened her eyes.

“Welcome back,” I told her.

“Mmm,” she said and closed her eyes again.

“Do you want to stay here while I’m at work?”

“No, I’ll go home.” She sighed.

“Are you sure? You could stay in this bed as long as you wanted.”

“No, I better not.”

“Think about it while I shower. By the way, you’re just as sexy when you’re sleepi
ng as you are when you’re awake.” I kissed her forehead again before I got up.

“Thank you,” she said right before I entered the bathroom. I t
urned and saw her peeking out from under the comforter. “I’m sorry. I’m not a morning person.”

“It’s okay. Just take your time

While I showered I mulled it all over in my mind. Shy, soft-spoken little Brynn
with her lonely childhood and love/hate relationship with food was lying in my bed, naked, after a day filled with fun, honesty, and erotic experiences. She’d surprised me several times by not only verbally opening up to me, but physically letting go as well. I had a feeling I could really fall for her. I had to be careful, though, I knew she was struggling with some issues, and as much as I wanted to help her, I knew where my place was if I wanted us to have a chance. I wanted to be her boyfriend, not her therapist.

When I walked back into my room, Brynn was sitting up, but still in bed. She looked at me and smiled.

“Sean,” she started, but hesitated.

I sat be
side her. “What is it?”

She looked into my eyes. “Nothing,”
she said and shook her head.

C’mon, tell me.”

“Yesterday was amazing. The best date I’ve ever had.” She seemed sad.

“Have you been on a lot of dates?” I asked. She shook her head no. “If ours was amazing, why the long face?”

“It’s over
.” She looked toward the window.

“Just until later. Why don’t you hang out here while I go to work? I’d love to come home to you here.” The thought of it excited me.

“No, I have an appointment today and some other errands, but I appreciate the offer.”

“Are you taking a cab to your appointment and errands?” She nodded, still looking toward the window. “Why don’t you take my car?”

She whipped her head back to look at me and started laughing hysterically. She fell back on the bed and rolled to her side, laughing.

“What?” I didn’t get it, but her laugh was making me laugh.

“No, but thanks.” She was gaining control.

“Why was that so funny?”

“Sorry,” she said, “I don’t know how to drive, and even if I did, I can’t believe you’d let me use your car.”

“It’s just a car,” I told her. “You’ve never learned to drive?”


“Would you like to?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“Well, I’ll teach you if you do

She hugged me and the blanket she’d had covering her chest fell. Her breasts were against my chest and
I wanted a replay of last night. I went to kiss them, but she caught my chin with her hand.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” she s
aid and kissed me. “Like I said, I’m not a morning person.” Then she hopped out of my bed and walked her sexy ass into the bathroom.

“Will you have dinner with me tonight?” I hollered to her as I dressed.

“Of course.” She headed to collect her clothes from the guest bath. I followed her as I buttoned and zipped.

“Watching you walk around naked is making me want to be late for work,” I told her.

“Stop it.” She turned and smiled, but kept walking. I swear I considered calling in sick.

I caught up to her, pushed her hair off the back of her neck
, and went right for her weak spot. “You’d be worth the punishment,” I whispered on her skin.

playing dirty,” she said.

“Yes, but I thought you liked
—” My cell phone interrupted me. I wasn’t going to answer, but Brynn took the opportunity to escape the seduction.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hey man, it’s Corey.” He was a good friend of mine from school. “I’m having a big bash on the Fourth. Lots of food, booze, women and fireworks.”

“Sounds fun,” I said. “Can I bring someone?”

“Holy shit! You mean, like a girl?” He laughed.

“You’re a dick,” I said.

“Of course, bring as many as you want. See ya then!” He hung up.

Corey was a good guy. He graduated last year and joined his dad’s practice as a plastic surgeon. Sometimes he drank too much and
turned into a loud mouth asshole with a chip on his shoulder, but when he was sober he was a lot of fun. He’d tried to fix me up with a couple of his ex-girlfriend’s friends, but I always had an excuse not to go. I didn’t want the added pressure of someone else watching when I re-entered the dating scene.

“What are you doing for the Fourth of July?” I asked Brynn through the closed bathroom door.

“Uh, I’m not sure yet.” She sounded as though she had some options she was considering.

I’d like to take you to a party at a friend’s house.”

“I’ll have to think about it. Can I let you know later?” She opened the door and breezed right past me to get her phone
, which was still on the dock.

I got a weird feeling. “Seems like you’re in a hurry to get going. Is something wrong?”

“No.” She shook her head. “I just think it’s a little early to be meeting friends and family and stuff. It makes me uncomfortable.” She was quiet, shy again.

” I walked up and took her little hand. “You’re right. I’m being presumptuous and I apologize. If you’re not busy on the Fourth, then I’d like to spend some time with you, just the two of us. Think about it?” She nodded and I hugged her.

She was pretty quiet as I drove her home. I didn’t like the vibe she was giving me and I wanted to talk about it, but I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it.

“Can I pick you up at six for dinner?”

Thanks for everything. I had a really good time.” She kissed me quickly on the lips and I watched her until she entered her building.










Chapter 4



Work was hectic
, as I assumed it would be until after the upcoming holiday weekend. By the time I took a late lunch, I was starving and devoured my burger like nobody’s business. I didn’t even take my entire hour, just enough time to eat. I was relieved to see Carl at five sharp to take over for me.

I checked my messages
as I hurried to my car to get home and shower before my date with Brynn. She’d sent me a text.

I agreed to
cover a shift at work. Sorry about dinner.

“Shit!” I was disappointed to say the least. I couldn’t help but wonder if she was avoiding me. I regretted not talking to her about it that morning. I tried to call her, remembering that her shift started at eight the other night. She didn’t answer.
I left her a message to call me when she had a break or got off work. I told her I could give her a ride if she wanted.

When I got home
, I showered and put in a movie. I got a text from Gia.

What part of “be careful
with her” told you to ask her to spend the nite after one date?!

My pulse raced as I called Gia.

“Oh, sure, I asked you to call me twenty-four hours ago and I got nothin’, but I send you a text about Brynn and you call me in two seconds!” She was laughing.

“Sorry, I meant to call you on my break today, but work was hectic so I didn’t have a chance. What did Brynn say?
When did you talk to her?” I was anxious.

“Oh my!” She teased. “You’ve got it bad for her already! Calm down
, lover boy. I talked to her a few hours ago. She said you’re great.”
That’s it?

“Come on
, Gia, you know I need more than that. What did she say about spending the night? Did she seem like she regretted it?”

“She said she spent the night, but she was still a virgin.” I could see Gia smiling on the other end. “I didn’t doubt it, since I’ve spent the night with you three times and you’ve had, what did you call it? Oh, yeah, ‘mad self-control
skills’ and never touched me.” She giggled. Brynn must not have told her what we’d done in place of ‘intercourse.’ I smiled.

“Yeah, yeah, just get on with it,” I told her.

“She said you were sexy and sweet and that you were taking her to dinner tonight. Why aren’t you at dinner, and why would she regret it?”

“She texted me while I was at work saying she
was covering a shift at the club and sorry about dinner. When I took her home this morning, she was a little quiet compared to last night, so I’ve been paranoid all day that maybe she was having second thoughts about seeing me.” I sounded pathetic.

go slow
with her. I’m proud of you for being interested in her even after finding out she’s a virgin stripper, but don’t smother her. She’s been through a lot and she needs a slow, steady hand, not an overbearing boyfriend right off the bat. What’s gotten into you? You know better.” She was right.

I can’t believe you’re telling me this,” I chuckled. “She’s just so…hot and sweet at the same time. It’s very intoxicating. But yes, I’ve got to slow down, a little.”

“Good boy,” she teased. “Now, I have news
, too!” She was excited.

Must’ve been what she’d called about last night. “Let’s have it,” I told her.

“I’m engaged! Ethan and I are getting married!” I gasped and felt the wind get knocked out of me.

“Wow,” I managed to say. “Congratulations.”

“Thanks, Sean. I know it’s fast, but we’re going to have a long engagement, and like you said, sometimes you just know right away, and I don’t have a doubt,” she gushed.

“Gia, that’s great. Tell Ethan h
e’s the luckiest bastard I know.” I attempted to joke because I didn’t want her to notice my real feelings.

“Sean, you’v
e been a big part of helping Ethan and I while I was in treatment and we’re so grateful for you. I’d hate to think where we’d be if it weren’t for meeting you in the elevator.”

“You two were meant to be together
.” I truly believed that. “And you two did all the work, so now you get to reap the rewards and live the life you’ve always deserved.”

“I love you
, Sean. You’re my best friend.” She was emotional.

” I was emotional, too.

I had to get out of the house. I jumped in the car and soon found myself
in the hotel gym. I worked out like a madman. I was trying to come to terms with how I felt about Gia and Ethan’s engagement. I knew they were meant for each other. I knew he’d give her everything she deserved. I knew how that felt, because I’d had it, once, with Gretchen.
Why did I have to lose her before I could give her everything she deserved?

Was I jealous of Ethan because he had Gia? Was I jealous of both of them for what they shared?
I wasn’t sure.
Was I in love with Gia?
I tried so hard not to fall for her, but it was close to impossible. She and I shared something special, but so did she and Ethan. They had it all. I hadn’t shared a physical relationship with her, but if Ethan hadn’t been in the picture I would’ve tried.
Wouldn’t I?
I’d fallen asleep thinking of Gia every night since I met her.
except for last night, and the night before!
Brynn took my mind off Gia.

Brynn was
a breath of fresh air, and although I didn’t have the immediate attraction to her that I’d had with Gretchen and Gia, I was attracted nonetheless. I tried to think of all the things I liked about her, besides the physical stuff. She was sweet, shy, a virgin, a great dancer, loved to swim and spend time outdoors, and she was focused on her future. She was independent, appreciative, open and honest. Yes, I liked her, and not just because she was sexually uninhibited and open, that was a bonus.

I showered at the gym and t
alked myself out of driving to Sashay. I knew I had to back off and let Brynn return my message in her own time. Just as I’d accepted that, my phone beeped and I got a rush when I saw it was a text from her.

I’m off at 11,
would love a ride. :)

“Yes!” I glanced at the clock, it was 9:21.
I texted back.

I’ll be there :)

I swung into the grocery store, picked up a few things, and took them back to my place. I didn’t know if she’d want to come over after work, but I hoped so. I just wanted to be with her, next to her, all night.

I had nervous anticipation as I waited in the parking lot. I wasn’t sure if I should go in and get her or wait outside.
I stood beside the passenger door and just as I was about to text her, I saw her. My jaw dropped.

Her hair was curled and bounced with every step she took in her
black stilettos. Black fishnets ran up her legs and under the black pea coat, which I assumed hid some skimpy outfit that undoubtedly looked sexy as hell on her beautiful body. Her lips were deliciously red and her cheeks were glowing pink. Her eyes sparkled with dark smoky lids and defined black lines traced the bottoms and up to the corners. She was beyond gorgeous. She was every man’s fantasy.

some dude yelled. She looked behind her and waved. “Where are you going, baby? I haven’t had my lap dance yet.”

, honey.” She blew him a kiss. “Maybe tomorrow night.” She turned back around and after a few steps, she saw me. Her face lit up. Warmness shot through me as I smiled back. I opened her door and she gave me a sweet kiss on the lips before she hopped in.

“How was work?” I asked as I put my seatbelt on.

“Tips were good,” she said as she struggled with hers. “Otherwise, same ol’ same ol’.” I undid mine and happily reached across to help her. “Thank you for offering to pick me up,” she said quietly.

I looked into her eyes.
“Thank you for accepting my offer.” I couldn’t help myself; I had to kiss her, long and passionately. She didn’t seem to mind as she put her hand on the back of my head and bit my lip when I pulled away.

“I’m trying to
have some self-control around you, Brynn, but it’s hard for me when you’re dressed normally, so you can imagine what I’m struggling with when you’re dressed like this—it’s impossible.”

She giggled, which turned me on even more. She put both hands o
n my face. “I know how you feel.” She kissed me again.

I finally found my wits and got both of us buckled in. “Do you want to stay at my place again? I promise I won’t push anything. I just really want to be next to you
, Brynn.”

“That’s sweet.
Can we swing by my place first so I can grab a couple of things?”

“Of course.” I was thrilled she was coming over again, but I tried to act somewhat normal. “Are you going to change at your place?” I asked as I drove.

“Yeah, why?” She smiled. “Actually, no, I’m just gonna grab my stuff and I’ll change at your place. How about that?”

“I was being truthful about not pushing anything and just wanting to be next to you
, but I have to at least
what you’re wearing under your coat. It’s driving me crazy not knowing.” I was breathing heavy just thinking about it.

“It’s okay. I’m flattered that y
ou want to see me. It’s a nice feeling to have someone like you looking at me for a change.”

“Someone like me?” I asked.

“Yeah, someone who’s not shoving money into my panties just to get a cheap thrill or whispering obscenities into my ear with their sour whiskey breath.” The thought of that made me sick. I definitely didn’t like her job.

“There are a lot of things I’m holding back right now,” I told her. “Just so you know.”

She smiled and squeezed my hand, knowing what I was feeling about her job and the sleezeballs that went along with it. “Thanks. By the way, I don’t mind when you whisper obscenities in my ear, just to be clear.” I laughed as I parked in front of her building. I got out and ran around to open her door.

“Take your shoes off,”
I told her, noticing how slow she was walking up the sidewalk.

“Let my bare feet touch the filth in this place? I don’t think so,” she said.

I swooped her up from behind and carried her all the way up, loving the sound of her giggles as we went. There was a different smell when she opened the door that time. I took a big whiff.

“Have you been baking?”

“Yes, for you,” she said with an accomplished look. “This morning, after you dropped me off, I felt bad about being cold to you. After I thought about all that had happened between us, I knew I was being unfair, so I wanted to make it up to you.”

I sat down and pulled her on my lap. “What was bothering you?” I loved how she always ended up calmly coming to terms with stuff and talking about it.

“I felt like all you wanted this morning was something physical from me. Then, when you invited me to your buddy’s party, before we’ve even gotten a chance to really know each other, it made me feel like you wanted to show me off or something. I was uneasy thinking I’d let my guard down with you because I thought you were something that you weren’t.” I felt bad as she talked, realizing some of my actions were definitely to blame for her unease.

“But then, I thought about both dates we’d been on and all the things you’d said and the way you responded to my job and my virginity, and I realized you
someone I could let my guard down with, and that I’d let my own insecurities make me doubt that.” She was such a sweetheart.

“You’re really something, you know that? I love the fact that you rationalize and reconsider until you
reach an educated conclusion. You really are meant to be a teacher, I’ve no doubt.” I put my hands on her smiling face. “Thank you for changing your mind about me being the bad guy. I’m sorry for this morning, I’m not proud of my behavior and I hope I never make you feel that way again.” I hugged her.

walking around naked,” she said. “Sorry.”

“I’m never going to complain about
, or ask you to stop, walking around naked.” I chuckled. “It’s just never gonna happen.” She hugged me.

“I’m gonna grab some things
so we can go. Your goodies are on the counter, all packed up to take along.” I spun my head around to see.

She laughed as she disappeared down her little hallway to her room. I popped open the lid on the container and felt like a kid on Christmas morning when I saw what was inside. Chocolate
chip cookies, brownies and Rice Krispy bars! I grabbed one of each and snapped the lid back down. As I devoured them, I noticed how spotless her kitchen was. There was a cookie sheet and a spatula in the drain rack, but other than that, it was just as clean as it was the other day. She had to be exhausted after baking all morning, cleaning, and going to work.

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